Below is the new article by the New York Daily News and the reason I bring this up as I was the victim of violence under Michael Bloomberg and NYPD Ray Kelly, IA Chief Charles Campisi, CO Ed Winski, Lt Burgos, Sgt Det John Vergona, Det Andrew Dwyer and favors retaliation for me being an activist!
Eric Garner was also the victim of NYPD retaliation under Michael Bloomberg and Ray Kelly and then we voted for de Blasio and Eric Garner was killed — Eric Garner was targeted again (that is why he said it stops today - you have to read what he wrote) and Bratton and NYPD PC James O’Neill have been protecting crimes in my case, other cases along with Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill all these years and it’s ironic all three police commissionershave been caught illegally taking rides/airplanes as gifts - O’Neill and top chief “entitled” when they’re not allowed to take free rides — the newest is a federal offense....
Are the government agencies some federal looking the other way because they to take free rides because money is being funneled to them or scratch my back scratched your back relationship, what is going on here?
How NYCHA forged tenant signatures, closed repair requests when tenants weren't home to game numbers on backlog - NY Daily News
“January 2013, then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg stood in the community room of a Harlem NYCHA development and made a daunting promise to eliminate by year’s end a staggering backlog of 420,000 repair requests from public housing tenants.”
Mayor Bloomberg to de Blasio from NYCHA Cover-up to NYPD Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill Fixing Favors, Cover-Up NYPD Crimes, Free Rides Prohibited on Jets
Bratton was fired for his rides on jets by Giuliani but not for protecting John Miller in the Prospect Park rape case — O’Neill protecting Miller to date!
John Miller terrorism broke laws obstruction of Justice lied about the victim ends up Teflon promoted head of terrorism
Det Andrew Dwyer broke laws that his desk in my case promoted by chief Boyce counterterrorism a division w/ nonworking number for faux division?
The police commissioner and cops especially Chief Boyce obstructed justice in my case deal of federal funded airplane for their private use that airplane is part of the terrorism division to fight terrorism do you see a pattern here ...?
NYPD chief Dowd and others took lavish gifts ECTP aka 911 And he has had of technology look the other way as they overbilled the contractors over built it delivered late deliver crap and the city in the NYPD under Ray Kelly, Campisi, Burgos, Vergona all this corruption including the second command 911 yrs delayed over budget — when the top cops are guilty they say it’s top secret 911 or when cops break the law they trying to say other on a top-secret mission or they just have them retire!
Ray Kelly taught me NYPD fix crime (and stats) like a Las Vegas Casino and Kelly, Bratton, and O’Neill etc taught me turn Broken Windows back on the NYPD!
Ray Kelly was not fired although it’s a fireable offense to you taking free rides — Ray Kelly took them for him and his wife from Mayor Michael Bloomberg retired as King mayor then put the largest amount of NYPD intelligence detectives and supervisors on his payroll including possibly the officer from intelligence division a supervisor who called me hours before I was savagely assaulted Google Dr Fagelman assault (pile up of crimes from MD’s to 01 Precinct IA 1PP) and the NYPD joined in committing crimes that woukd be protected by top brass something just took free rides on a federal airplane that’s a federal offense now under de Blasio.
Eric Garner's mother confronts Mayor de Blasio about NYPD accountability for her son's death - NY Daily News
Bloomberg bought NYPD silence putting how many NYPD on his payroll they were tired so they collect a pension plus his large salary and he had them sign nondisclosure agreements! Gee I wonder why. Mayor de Blaiso as guilty but he doesn’t have a personal fortune he uses tax payer $s —-he too used a federally funded jet that is supposed to be for fighting terrorism not a taxi!
O’Neill and top cops must pay back the plane rides to taxpayer’s The plan is to fight terrorism not to be there private taxi shuttle and they’re at least eight hours that are not explained and must be accounted for!
Many of the cops that were on the airplane the federally funded Cessna were involved in covering up crimes in my case and sex crimes Lt Lamboy just two examples
- they need to be forced to repay those airplane rides like the previous please commissioners did Ray Kelly and Bill Bratton I need to be fired
The Eric Garner chokehold we have photographs of two top chiefs cheap Esposito who got promoted by mayor de Blasio And the famous pepper spray Chief Bologna who is also The commander of the 1st Precinct before Ed Winski came to power and broke laws in my case and how many other cases?
how is the police department going to punish the cops and Eric garner‘s case when they didn’t punish top chiefs misogynist cops who targeted petite women to put chokehold on As documented by the New York Daily News and other outlets this was during occupy Wall Street in the Manhattan DA protected all of this which I am alleging led a free-for-all like the kind that led to Eric Garner’s death ruled a homicide.
James O’Neill has spent a fortune tax $ dollars spinning lies with advertising on community relations- a lie, NYPD compassion ad campaign - a lie etc now he’s trying to deflect more wrong doing with the Eric garner case while he’s covering up top chiefs using illegal chike holds, joining him stealing free rides on federally funded taxpayer jets and covering up crimes protecting crimes and how many of our cases?
The police commissioner has to explain why he hired Larry Byrne - obstructing justice and how many of our cases along with corporate counsel Zachary Carter protected crimes in my case his lawyer said will just feed her we can beat her in court so will protect all the crimes because everyone has proof I was coerced they have my attacker signed letter in response to Ron Kuby openly threatening me again a crime that Top brass or protecting the way be protect Lt Lamboy and Chief Esposito and Bologna’s use of banned chokeholds
Mayor de Blasio hired chokehold Chief Esposito.... Cy Vance protected these misogynist chokehold Chiefs Esposito and Bologna
DA has openly protective crimes and then they say they want disciplinary records when they’ve helped to make sure there is no record this is under Bloomberg and de Blasio!
Arbitrator slaps NYPD Larry Byrne for "blackmailing" high ranking cops into retiring - NY Daily News
It seems like they’re all experts at spinning lies!
(Bloomberg, de Blasio and Melissa Mark Viverito tried to stop anyone asking them tough questions w/ MMV attempting to ban the press!) NYPD control press passes and they should not if you want a free press.
Jor Tacopina and Chad Siegel Have never denied they broke laws in my case threatening me during an open investigation online using sock puppet accounts October 7, 2012. I forwarded these to the NYPD detective squad at the 1st Precinct who acted on the threat that cunt threaten to turn the tables on me. This occurred under mayor Bloomberg and Ray Kelly but was continue through new administration and two more police commissioners.
I felt ethical complaints after the rape trial be NYPD rape trial against Joe‘s partner and they both threaten me I listed who I would call on my counter suit and they drop their thread but when I filed a new complaint that they broke laws it was no response. They did not deny they broke the law and the NYPD acted on their hate crime and that Joe Tacopina drafted the letter my attacker signed in response to Kuby’s letter!
Kuby’s letter is shorthand for my client is being coerced uses the word attack her twice in one sentence versus my tackers response I alleged draft if I Joe Tacopina was a serious crime the NYPD protected and are still protecting.
The crimes in my case including by the NYPD have no statute of limitation —
it’s also discrimination it is a violation of civil rights to target us because you don’t like our politics color of our skin religion, sexuality etc.
we really need class action lawsuits because the city continues to protect negligence including their legal division headed by Zachary Carter as well as the NYPD legal division?
Arbitrator slaps NYPD Larry Byrne for "blackmailing" high ranking cops into retiring - NY Daily News
Google NYDN Larry Byrne Perjury Judge Jack Weinstein
Google Larry Byrne Eureka Moment 50-a (my creative obstructing justice ??)
 | Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) |
@nytimes Mayor Bloomberg, de Blasio from NYCHA Cover-up to NYPD Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill Fixing Favors, Cover-Up NYPD Crimes, Free Rides Prohibited on Jets. Eric Garner hand written lawsuit, my pro Se lawsuits we were/are retaliated against.Eric what “it” means…
NYPD Top Brass Hijack Federally Funded Jet for Personal Use Can the Plane be used to Pre-emp Infrastructures Explosions and Collapse?
Before was savage they assaulted six years ago almost 6 years ago October 1, 2012 the NYPD intelligence division had contacted me about one of mayor Bloomberg‘s bodyguards detective lynch violating protocols and by the way CCRB ruled in my favor agreeing that he had !
I was blogging about CityTime mayor Bloomberg king in New York and how the US attorney had not made one arrest of a city government employee. Fast forward to today NYPD are using the same payroll system CityTime to steal overtime pad their pensions as exposing the New York daily news article on Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy And how the Manhattan DA top brass One Police Plaza and internal affairs protected him interbal affairs steerimg committee. Like my case every agency that should’ve taken action including the DA protected all crimes like they protected banned chokehold on OWS women by top Chiefs!
Cy Vance refused to prosecute any crooks CityTime and now cops are using that payroll system to steal he refused to prosecute Lt Lamboy Who lied about working on rape cases at his office and One Police Plaza he protected cops that broke was in my case is well this started under Michael Bloomberg and nothing has changed or a change for the worse with Eric Garner’s death and The arrogance of the police commissioner who says he’s a busy man that’s why he can use a Cessna jet that’s supposed to fight terrorism and search for radio active leaks where is the accountability ?
911 aka ECTP Cy Vance also refused to prosecute contractors that were stealing over billing and only $60.5 million was returned of tax payer dollars. Again the New York Daily News expose top NYPD brass were taking lavish gifts from contractors who had a green light to overbill deliver late deliver crap like cheap Chuck Dowd mr Teflon — i’m not aware of him being disciplined punished what they do is they forced the skies to retire rather than arrest them question them under oath like my case I want these cops called in and questioned under oath they broke laws !
Cy Vance Protected Top Brass Breaking Laws police commissioner O’Neill and Boyce protected horrific crimes in my case as they flew on a private spy plane because they felt they were entitled to abuse their power and Federal taxpayer money emboldened by crooked corrupt DA, #Rapes, ECTP aka 911, chokeholds by top Chiefs on petite women, my case Fixing for rich MD and staff