Horrifying news about the New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman so he must resign!
Update Eric Schneiderman out and Andrew Cuomo And allow the corrupt dirty DA Cy Vance to investigate. Eric gave Cy Vance a free pass all these years and I know because I felt how many complaints with the New York State Attorney General against Cy Vance including my case!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYGovCuomo High-Level Employee in Manhattan DA Office Accused of Sex Assault by Intern
dnainfo.com/new-york/20150… nydailynews.com/new-york/sex-a… I allege $ to no jail and MD not listed as sex offender Cy Vance Resign along w/ how many complicit fixers!!!!! How many cases including mine! |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@SenGillibrand Cy Vance Dirty corrupt pay2play DA pay to implode Wall Street, pay to rape, MD’s patients say pay Cy to sexually assault, Jeffrey Epstein paid to have Cy send female ADA to try lower his sexpred? Cy mad Cuomo says no #2Cy investigateEric Schneiderman case! suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/05/nys-ag…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NewYorker Top NYPD IA Cy Vance obstructed justice protected misogynist crimes rapes to sexual assaults, violence! NYPD threatened me forced me to drop charges. Resign! Bratton/O’Neill refused to fire John Miller for lying about Prospect Park Rape Victim 0 accountability! Fire John Miller!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@tommy_robb @fanellijames NY Post editors NY politicos sex abuse but ignore the fact NYPD arrested for horrific of rapes, sexual assaults even on children NYPD Lt Sex crimes and in Internal Affairs 80 counts used NYPD car NYPD IA DA NYC didn’t catch him!
lawandcrime.com/police/nypd-se… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@michaelluo @JaneMayerNYer @RonanFarrow In the mayor de Blasio donor case donor bribed cops I am hoping the new subpoenas out top NYPD 1800-NYPD fix it my case and countless others! Google Dr Fagelman assault watch the YouTube no one arrested or fired NYPD joined in breaking laws at their desks!
suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/05/overjo… |
And NYPD can strip search you violate you for no good reason although hopefully they will get sued. Read Eric Garner his hand written lawsuit how NYPD sexually publically violated him and he wrote planted drugs on him as a form of retaliation!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYDN Jona Rechnitz testified that he received favorable treatment from City Hall, is trying to quash a subpoena that he hand over any electronic devices showing his contacts w/ NYPD officials as part of an upcoming police corruption trial! I bet NYPD top cops involved in my case
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@RonanFarrow @JaneMayerNYer @NewYorker Cy Vance, PC O’Neill, John Miller, Zachary Carter, Chief Boyce, Chief Reznick also need to resign obstructed justice protected horrific misogynist crimes! Resign too! So did Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi, Chief Boyce. Ed Winski ete acted on cunt threat to turn the tables NYPD IA MO
The reason that mayor de Blasio was not indicted was because many of the donors that greased his palm grease all the other politicians in New York City and corrupt cops ??????

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
NYPD PC O’Neill 2be questioned under oath ask him, Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi, Chief Banks, Lt Gannon, Pulaski, Chief Boyce, Zachary Carter, Det Andrew Dwyer, Det John Vergona, Lt Burgos, Lt Agnese, PO Gene Schatz, Moran, Sgt Mary O’Donnell about my case suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/05/nys-ag…
Cy Vance and the NYPD are for sale bigger than what’s reported...

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT On lying! Rudy Giuliani: "Uh...gee, I don't know." Rudy how much $ u made CityTime flawed tech run by crooks SAIC NYPD like Lt Lamboy use to steal overtime pad pensions. Rudy, deputy mayors lobbyists SAIC profited as SAIC stole 600M! Rudy explain SAIC: Trailblazer, Triliogy etc

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYPDONeill @NYPD47Pct @NYPD32Pct @NYPDDetectives NYPD don’t understand the word Public Safety if the NYPD don’t like you you’re politics your race your religion your sexuality gender they’re willing to break laws like they did in the prospect park rape case in my case etc My you all be questioned under oath held accountable

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@tommy_robb @fanellijames Rudy Giuliani 11 yrs to move emergency command Ctr out of the WTC he didn’t but he profited hugely tossing AutoTime for CityTime open season for NYPD to steal time Rudy’s guys lobbyists SAIC irony “SAIC Trailblazer Sept 11” do the math + NYPD top cops lavish gifts 911 Corruption

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Four women have come forward and accused Attorney General Eric Schneiderman of sexual harassment and abuse, claiming he would get drunk and attack them during sex — striking and choking them without their permission. Is that why Cy Vance and NYPD Teflon? nypost.com/2018/05/07/fou…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
This is shocking but it would explain why the misogynist Manhattan DA Cy Vance and NYPD, Internal Affairs got away w/ breaking laws, fixing favors retaliation misogyny etc twitter.com/suzannahbtroy/…
The scandal began with a routine traffic stop and soon ensnared police officers, a union official, a hedge fund mogul, machers of Orthodox Brooklyn — even City Hall.
By Alan Feuer
April 27, 2018
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT On lying! Rudy Giuliani: "Uh...gee, I don't know." Rudy how much $ u made CityTime flawed tech run by crooks SAIC NYPD like Lt Lamboy use to steal overtime pad pensions. Rudy, deputy mayors lobbyists SAIC profited as SAIC stole 600M! Rudy explain SAIC: Trailblazer, Triliogy etc
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPD47Pct @NYPD32Pct @NYPDDetectives NYPD don’t understand the word Public Safety if the NYPD don’t like you you’re politics your race your religion your sexuality gender they’re willing to break laws like they did in the prospect park rape case in my case etc My you all be questioned under oath held accountable
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@tommy_robb @fanellijames Rudy Giuliani 11 yrs to move emergency command Ctr out of the WTC he didn’t but he profited hugely tossing AutoTime for CityTime open season for NYPD to steal time Rudy’s guys lobbyists SAIC irony “SAIC Trailblazer Sept 11” do the math + NYPD top cops lavish gifts 911 Corruption
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) Four women have come forward and accused Attorney General Eric Schneiderman of sexual harassment and abuse, claiming he would get drunk and attack them during sex — striking and choking them without their permission. Is that why Cy Vance and NYPD Teflon? nypost.com/2018/05/07/fou…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) This is shocking but it would explain why the misogynist Manhattan DA Cy Vance and NYPD, Internal Affairs got away w/ breaking laws, fixing favors retaliation misogyny etc twitter.com/suzannahbtroy/…The scandal began with a routine traffic stop and soon ensnared police officers, a union official, a hedge fund mogul, machers of Orthodox Brooklyn — even City Hall.By Alan FeuerApril 27, 2018
Update Saturday: New York Post reporter axed for secret affair with hooker at center of NYPD corruption scandal he can work at 1 police plaza
http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/n-y-post-scribe-axed-affair-hooker-nypd-scandal-article-1.3972393* NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill was subpoenaed to testify on behalf of former Deputy Inspector James Grant, who faces trial over allegations that he performed official favors for two former Mayor Bill de Blasio donors in exchange for payoffs, the New York Post writes. Too bad Ray Kelly and Bratton , Banks and Esposito and Lt Gannon haven’t been subpoenaed they should all be in my case along w/ Ed Winski and Internal Affairs Charles Campisi, Reznick, Chief of detectives Pulaski and The biggest most corrupt misogynist Detective Chief Boyce who promoted Detective Andrew Dwyer protected corrupt detectives at the 1st Precinct openly breaking laws at their desk!
a superb documentary called Opera House - the subject of my YouTube documentary NYPD cop Joe Sanchez set-up by corrupt cops - he has one of the most powerful scenes representing entire communities displaced to build Lincoln Center. Joe and I went to the screening at Lincoln Center and billionaire who is donated mega millions to Lincoln Center opera house shook Joe’s hand and apologized to him for being displaced! The filmmakers had also seen my work on Joe as well as comments he made. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/gperf/great-performances-opera-house-documentary/8440/
* A former employee of Harvey Weinstein accused him in a lawsuit of sexually and physically assaulting her for years and threatening to ruin her career if she denied his sexual advances or told anyone about them, possibly opening the door to criminal charges, the Times reports.
Rudy Giuliani is a fraud! Sept 11 horrific tragedy and he weaved the myth of a 9-11 hero in to mega bucks meanwhile he had 11 years to move emergency command center out of the World Trade Center and he never did it! Donald Trump thinks that Giuliani is going to help him...?
POLITICO. “Rudy Giuliani, meanwhile, did another round of interviews – but may have caused even more trouble.” Read the full story Meanwhile NYPD are stealing overtime padding pensions with Rudy Giuliani’s CityTime that Mike Bloomberg threw 700 million tax payer dollars still FLAWED! NYC’s finest STEALING “Time” CityTime while committing in your face crimes protected by Cy Vance!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@tommy_robb @fanellijames Teflon NYPD $tole! IA, O’Neill, Ray Kelly, Bratton etc protected 1ex. Lt Lamboy sex crimes stole overtime padded pension Rudy Giuliani tech titanic CityTime Bloomberg, Gill Hearn, Christine Quinn etc protected crimes, running punch to my head MD’s! Hutchins dumped Gartner stocks?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@tommy_robb @fanellijames Hey “boys”. Liu than comptroller asked Cy Vance prosecute CityTime, ECTP aka 911tech corruption 1B overbudget Cy refused! NYPD 911tech took lavish gifts. Todate can’t text 911 NYPD 2nd Command Ctr “Top secret “ + NYPD Steal use CityTime Rudy’s junk! Preet 0nycgov arrests CityTime
Manhattan DA Cy Vance is so corrupt misogynist and for sale Cy Vance and even his women ADAs often made it impossible for women to get Justice. Google NYDN Cy Vance Jeffrey Epstein. Cy Vance sends in a woman ADA Gaffney asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status stunning shocking and offending the judge she said no! Believe the article points out that the woman judge in all her years presiding over sex offenders had never been asked to lower a sex offender status by a DA!
Cy Vance protected NYPD broke laws in my case, Lt Lamboy Sex Crimes etc Cy Vance chronically protected NYPD Internal Affairs crimes read on Update May 3 Thursday:
* A looming NYPD corruption trial is spotlighting evidence of damning doings by a former top cop, and a trail of entitlement of a kind still too steady for a force that now asks New Yorkers to weave cops ever deeper into their communities’ fabric, the Daily News writes.
Than NYPD PO Schatz and his very pretty Hispanic woman partner start showing up and he illegally use that car here legally use the siren to use the car as a weapon is a form of threatening me on behalf of the Mercer hotel. Michael Rawson was the manager and he used the NYPD as a way of trying to intimidate me and I’m alleging he sent mine out to steal my protest signs from Veteran Vendors.
I question whether Michael Rawson is mentally ill And whether he broke any laws with the 1st Precinct’s protection but I do know that he removed and activists YouTube that was filmed on the street and that’s censorship and he harassed me online using at least two accounts that I know of maybe more he’s not the only one thanks to NYPD violating protocols even breaking laws thanks to NYPD breaking laws it was open season to harass me threaten me!
Two years later I would be savagely assaulted down the street and shots Facebook friends Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer with their partners whose names I don’t have and their supervisors Sgt Chen, Lt Burgos and DI Ed Winski were willing to break laws to teach me a lesson
and top brass including Chief Boyce, 3 PCs, Chief Boyce etc protected all crimes just like they did in the lieutenant Lt Lamboy sex crimes case when Lamboy broke laws. besides chronic abuse of power and small little ways top brass protect crimes in the biggest ways it’s time for permanent new commission into police corruption.
When I learned Schatz got promoted — I left a voicemail at the 1st Precinct community affairs for his new partner - Det Tommy Moran about Schatz Being a bad cop and the next morning I got an email response I’m wondering if it was Michael Rawson who penned it
gay bashing me and telling me I am a bad artist. So misogyny and detective Tommy Moran violated protocol sharing that message with whomever was weather was Michael Rawson whomever that wrote me and harass me. I reported this and everything to internal affairs who treated me like a rape victim who got what I deserved just like Prospect Park Rape victim IA protected John Miller!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@placardabuse @NYPDONeill NYDN editorial NYPD corruption nod PA! NYPD PO Schatz used car as a weapon to clarify The Mercer Hotel can illegally use loading/unloading zone as private parking than his FB pals retaliated broke laws for MD see my photos pre your Twitter NYDN ignores me youtube.com/watch?v=dh9Ted… pic.twitter.com/BOkOA1pQvm
Ask NYS AG about Cy Vance DA intern sexually assaulted as well as River of Rapes sexual assaults etc Cy made disappear like protected all top front Street bugs responsible for the implosion of Wall Street and mortgage meltdown
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYGovCuomo NYSAG Harvey Weinstein wake-up call? 1st I filed complaints against Cy Dirty DA St Vincent’s Hospital, CityTime FYI thanks to Cy Vance Preet Bharara NYPD still stealing overtime, ECTP aka 911 etc pay to rape, pay to implode Wall St, retaliation for free? cyvanceonetermda.blogspot.com/2018/05/nys-ag…
why hasn’t the Manhattan DA been forced to resign along with Zachary Carter and so many corrupt individuals in New York City government including One Police Plaza corruption misogyny abstraction of justice perjury violation a campaign rules you name it it’s amazing to me people are invited to be part of panels - consulting whatever etc that broke campaign laws or other laws that lied under oath they continue to make money when they should be in jail ?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@PageSix Robert De Niro Was a Client of Prostitution Ring w/ Underage Girls, There’s More?
architectureworld.me/politics/rober… He is like NYPD fixers on his payroll like corrupt #NYPD Teflon, threats and media blacks out wrong doing? NYC media no guts w/ corruption City Hall DA NYPD oligarchs of NYC? |
Robert De Niro his language is shockingly violent whenever he talks about Trump. I don’t like Donald Trump but violence is not OK and if the average citizen did that they be arrested it’s just people who are Teflon they can do whatever they want with her to verbal violence or physical and get away with it or were Steven murder ?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@tommy_robb @fanellijames I want NYPD IA broke laws Zachary Carter even media that hasn’t reported my story questioned under oath I want the misogyny anti-Semitism directed towards me outted! Joan Rivers only acceptable Jewish outspoken woman she’s dead.
NYPD deputy inspector Grant’s defense is he paid to have sex with a sex worker; not a bribe?
Maybe Grant could ask Bill Clinton for some help with semantics?
Who set up appointment? How did Grant get her telephone no.?
How much did he pay and for what services?
Did the men bribing him pay for the other services including a free plane ride to Las Vegas so he be part of the mile high club?
Rechnitz did pay for his plane ride for corrupt cops cheap thrills?