Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Harvey Weinstein fired. What did Harvey get in return for donations? Cy Vance resign. Can you fire a DA?…
Gee I wonder why NY papers media blacked out for years including my case...
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@MarkRuffalo Spotlight Media killed news for Harvey Weinstein for yrs like my case not HR NYPD IA joined in crimes… No Justice
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@unitedNYblogs Cy Vance hired Carey Dunne special counsel 4himself Pay2Play? Cy/Carey decide not to go after de Blasio, Zachary Redacto Carter no brainer y
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Cy Vance Refuses to answer questions Pay to Play Trump, Weinstein. Is his special counsel Carey Dunne advising him?…
![]() | Michael Benjamin (@SquarePegDem) |
Should "Cyrus Vance" resign as Manhattan DA? Yes. He's morally compromised. And has lost the trust of the people.
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Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@adamentous Cy Vance Staff Guy investigated 911 aka ECTP I believe left! Gee I wonder why. Cy protected mayor Bloomberg tarnished legacy/Rose Gill Hearn
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jodikantor @nytimes “Longtime Davis Polk Partner to Become GC for Manhattan DA | New York Law Journal
New York Law Journal Nov 2, 2016 - Carey Dunne ...” |
Watch Spotlight Oscar award winning film City DA NYPD run like Catholic Church protect serious crimes everyone Who does it’s rewarded and anyone he blows the whistle is retaliated against.
Criminal Defense Firm Bankrolled Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance, Kept Clients Out Of Prison
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jodikantor @nytimes NY Times took $ Rudin via Ads won’t report Cy Vance no prosecution St Vincent’s Hospital Crooks it would Bring attention Rudin acquisition!
St. Vincent‘s Hospital had Trauma level one care a rape crisis center and AIDS care and Everyome involved including Scott Stringer who brokered 911 HP only 10.5 Million $ on 911 ECTP 0 Prosecution thanks toCy Vance made sure no Protective zoning for a hospital and help push through the route in luxury condos prosecution could’ve possibly slow down the transition and would’ve been bad Publis city for Bill Rudin a bad Xerox I was going your grandparents you never would’ve pushed through this development! How How much have all these people that got fixing in favors donated to the Manhattan DA all these years and the NYPD. Rudin has powerful retired NYPD on payroll I caught a retired commander trying to fix a ticket in front of me and routings NYPD on the payroll try to get to 6th Precinct to aresty but they refuse because they agree we need a trauma level one hospital and I was not doing anything wrong.
Cy Vance did make protesting a crime And broke a record. Prosecuting occupy Wall Street protesters!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@adamentous Cy Vance hired Carey Dunne to go after de Blasio? Truth advise Cy on covering up his own wrong doing?… |
Mysterious he doesn’t arrest de Blasio. Even Zachary Carter but it is “political incest” so I am told even NY AG looked the other way to when I contact AG re Cy Vance...??…. NYPD IA DA fixing $ or barter, my case pleasure?
Cy Vance NYPD IA fixed Crimes that is what they do!!!!!
It is criminal plenty palms greased?
NYPD want to take over narrative to paint themselves as heroes — they probably welcome a terror attack right now to make the horrible Fact we need a permanent in the commission in for NYPD and Internal Affairs and DA and Corporate counsel that’s the city lawyers in my case, NBA Star Thabo Sefolosha’s case Lying for City/ NYPD wrong doing by Zachary Carter of LES nursing home redacting Infamy. Zachary Carter Resign Too!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@RonanFarrow @NewYorker DNA Cy Vance Intern, Cy Vance Jeff Epstein,… Cy Vance worse than NFL Cy return LC $ NYPD Rape…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill Robert DeNiro Tribeca Grill she witness Harvey Weinstein & who else w/DA NYPD on speed dial?…Hi am |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@RonanFarrow @NewYorker PM told NY AG like Cy Vance depending on same $? Who do you report crimes every step of the way fixed. Pass the Corruption buck! DOA!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill NYPD acted on Misogynist hate crime joined in threats doctored DD5s/Signed letter by attacker to NYPD threatening me
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jimmykimmel High-Level Employee in Manhattan DA Office Accused of Sex Assault by Intern. Silence! Resign! $ want Cy in place!… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@RonanFarrow @NewYorker Resign Cy Vance Pay to Play Racist Misogynist DA! Predator Rich/flunkies funneled $ to DA make crimes vanish? |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@jimmykimmel High-Level Employee in Manhattan DA Office Accused of Sex Assault by Intern. Silence! Resign! $ want Cy in place!… |
We don’t trust you. Zachary Carter Bill de Blasio Cy Vance O’Neill, Boyce Reznick Resign!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill NYPD rape, beat teens? NYPD IA City cover-up CRIMES my case pretend no NYPD IA Crimes but audios DD5 video evidence… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill PC, Chief Boyce, Chief Reznick going to cover-up crimes in my case NYPD IA crimes until Statute Runs out or questioned under oath perjury?
there’s no doubt that Harvey Weinstein and many rich and powerful New Yorkers have NYPD on call 1800 NYPD ia da fix it retired cops on the payroll, Manhattan DA on the payroll and get fixing in favors in my case with Rich Dr and SoHo and NYPD Internal Affairs broke was
People were contacting me Attorney general for years me included ‘
I protested outside Cy’s office several times and he had his Detective violate Handschu Agreement all posted on YouTube!!!
I warned NY Attorney General about Cy Vance (I was not alone ) I told NY AG via complaint forms Cy Vance is fixing in favors 911, St Vincent’s Hospital crooks, my case etc Cy Vance his corruption I can’t help but think I was discriminated over and over everywhere I turned for help people rather than take action! How many other courageous people spoke up? We were harmed threatened I have IA uses Ron Kuby letter to pretend noctimes, audio NYPD wrong doing all pay back fixing in favors from the top brass NYPD to the dirty DA retaliating because I criticize rich powerful people own Cy Vance! Who knows who is exposed next! Now it’s coming or it hasn’t come out yet fixing favors from the Manhattan DA because they funnel money to him? Guma 1st. Guma forgave the debt that Cy owed when Cy went bust running for DA first time in return Guma got Teflon status
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Date: October 7, 2017 at 2:02:26 PM EDT
Subject: Tweet by Suzannah B. Troy on Twitter
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) @ManhattanDA @CityAttorneyLA @ShelbyCountyDA @DanSatterberg @QueensDABrown @LADAOffice @AlamedaCountyDA @HarrisCountyDAO @kimoggforda @BarbaraJParker1 Criminal Defense Firm Pay to Play DA Cy Vance, Kept Clients Out Of Jail… Resign Cy Vance NYPD IA he protected my case
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) @ManhattanDA @CityAttorneyLA @ShelbyCountyDA @DanSatterberg @QueensDABrown @LADAOffice @AlamedaCountyDA @HarrisCountyDAO @kimoggforda @BarbaraJParker1 Cy Vance NYPD James O’Neill Resign!!!!!! 1800 NYPD IA DA fix it by NYPD committing more crimes my case. How about Harvey Weinstein etc. ?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) @NYPDONeill Criminal Defense Firm Pay to Play DA Cy Vance, Kept Clients Out Of Jail… Resign Cy Vance NYPD IA he protected my case