I suggest going through the motions so that we can prove in the big picture that CCRB failed us and was complicit and simply pass the corruption back or did nothing at all.
The NYPD Inspector general and CCRB don't follow up once they send the cases they could care less and they could've save lives in my Pinyan if they actually called in this dirty corrupt cops. Turn broken windows back on the NYPD. Read Eric Garner's handwritten lawsuit from 8 years ago if someone in NYC gov and just ignore everything and actually did their job or acted on human decency instead of acting like Nazi Germany pretending minute know what's going on maybe Eric would be alive today
Toothless tiger corrupt at least one NYPD on their board all but said he was Protecting dirty cops to me when I showed him NYPD Eugene Schatz's facebook page profile of a glove shaped in finger as in F U. Schatz was verbally violent rude threatening used his car as a weapon well On behalf of the Mercer hotel and at the time manager Michael Rawson Who wanted the cops to ignore the fact that the Mercer hotel uses the loading in unloading zone is private parking with valet service and Michael Rawson would come out with a measuring and harass the severely handicapped Korean War Vet are in who is dying of prostate cancer and get the NYPD To ignore all the parking violations and ticket an elderly man dying of cancer. CCRB protected Schatz's Facebook friends a group of corrupt detectives that broke laws down the street I was savagely assaulted at the doctors I was told by detective Vergona, Schatz's FB friend Vergona didn't care if I had 2 black eyes it goes on from there it gets worse but CCRB he could've called him in and interrogated him under oath instead as I alerted CCRB be in public testimony Internal Affairs fix it and let him retire I just got a notice of another victim and I I have not had a chance yet to figure out how to find out if this notice is in fact true but if it is CCRB Internal Affairs and NYPD IG, DOI CCPC and nyc gov liable that over and over they were alerted and they did nothing and and CCRB case I repeatedly go back year after year - online or in person and ask CCRB to take my case back and do something
My review NYPD inspector general :
Mr Eure gets props for getting on the phone with me I believe twice but he and his chief investigator at the time Tom Mahoney I let protected very serious crimes and wanted them contacting the AG instead they took my two cases and forwarded them to Internal Affairs. When I alerted them that Internal Affairs to their respond to their case numbers I asked would they directly contact Internal Affairs.
Yesterday I spoke to Investigator Watson in my opinion I really think she's equally awful she said to me case closed.
I contacted the NYPD Inspector general yesterday because were allegations involving one of my cases involving NYPD and she was not interested she could care less.
I would like their salaries and their histories her resume is listed on their website so we could see how much this pathetic useless organization is costing taxpayers I'd like to know every park in luxury of these bureaucratic paper pushers earn.
I hope one day we can do a class action lawsuit against New York City government and every agency that failed us.
Doesn't see something say something apply to the NYPD Inspector general and their investigators rather than passing the corruption back to internal affairs to die?
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
NYPD nycgov Commission to combat police corruption click PDF on website information isn't there fake org $ rip-off see something do nothing
![]() | suzannahtroy (@suzannahtroy) |
@BilldeBlasio Bill de Blasio nyc gov motto See Something do nothing.… Bill makes exceptions for his friends
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