911 aka ECTP bigger tech crime than CityTime only 60.5 Million Tax $s returned #NYPD lavish gifts 911 tech crimes
During the Koch administration it was CitySource
What shocking is Rudy Giuliani brought in SAIC and CityTime floored crappy payroll system that is destined for the dumpster and his deputy mayors turn lobby is pushing SAIC including CityTime and the MYA deal which thankfully was prevented because SAIC was notoriously over billing.
You're Michael Bloomberg with this get so out of control that the payroll system CityTime Overbudget over $600 million but that pales in comparison to 911.
Giuliani had 11 years to move the command center after the first terrorist attack downtown and he didn't but he did turn the myth of him as a hero into a $30 million per personal profit including pushing SAIC like a drug kingpin pushes drugs.
Mayor Bloomberg pushed a fleet of taxpayer titanic's so many tech contracts that were tech Titanic's like Board Of Elections you all have voted you see what that high tech and I mean that as a joke contract brought us a fill in the dots scan voting system which is pathetic and crappy biggest of all with 911 a response to Sept 11 so they created 2 command I have excellent sources that were backed up by the New York city comptroller John Lui's it's released the contractors were delivering late and I was told from multiple sources delivering late in delivering crap.
There's been a major cover up on the second command center PSAC2 where's late and a mega fortune to boot so the way the city and NYPD are covering it up is saying it's top secret...
For some of the stories google
NYDN 911
NYDN nypd chief Dowd
The New York Daily News articles on the NYPD chief will tell you how he took lavish gifts but what you don't fully understand is he took them as contractors grossly over built delivered late and endangered all our lives.
Hurricane Sandy the system collapsed and it will collapse again under another large scale stress like a hurricane or a series of terrorist attacks the system is destined to fail because it is bloated way too much of a big mess because from the beginning contractors overbuilt delivered late as lobbyists and consultants laughed all the way to the bank --- one contractor that he would overbilled until he lost the contract - he did and was able to waltz right back in DOITT and DOI do it as did anyone in New York City government who took an interest in the technology corruption of 911 and this crook got yet another contract with the city on 911 although only a million. He was with you let Packard who had a payback $10.5 million which was way too small amount.
This is the biggest corruption New York city government history not a single arrest zero accountability except for 60.5 million zero arrests and FYI you cannot even text 911!