https://youtu.be/RGRZkQujVI0 audio NYPD Det SEX CRIMES SVU lying to me I was not sexually assaulted. ADA Savur confirmed I was and said he would get back to me after speaking to Joan Illuzzi Siobhan Berry but again the DA gave my case involving Dr F's office the Jeffrey Epstein teflon treatment...below is a tweet pinned to my twitter acct Suzannahbtroy audio NYPD 01 precinct PO Magori lies to me I cannot report Delita Hooks false cross complaint turns me away! Look up NYPost NYPD Lt Yael Magori look up NYDN NYPD Eugene Schatz facebook pals w/ nypd det andrew Deter Nypd john vergona (Schatz 1st cop I reported to Internal Affairs years later fired https://www.50-a.org/officer/Q2FK look up NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos and all cops I sued) Eric Adams like de Blasio Mike Bloomberg administration devoted to covering up crimes in my case, preventing Victims from reporting sexual assault as audio evidence from my case, CityTime corruption on going 1 ex NYPD Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy stole O/T #Rape cases, etc Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) 3/4/18, 12:47 PM ⁦‪@NYPDONeill‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDChiefofDept‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDFIRSTDEP‬⁩ ⁦‪@TheIACP‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDnews‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDDetectives‬⁩ ⁦‪@MjrCitiesChiefs‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDChiefPatrol‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCPBA‬⁩⁦‪@MarcSantia4NY‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDCT‬⁩youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies! 2020 update: http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2015/03/racism-misogyny-dumbcuntlives-matter.html?m=1 After all these years I finally found something I didn't know I had a photograph of the tweet that may be from NYPD or someone connected to the NYPD a racist misogynist telling me my life doesn't matter and I got what I deserved because I defend Black People!


7/4/22 NO JUSTICE YET update: Like Eric Garner I began pro se Mike Bloomberg Ray Kelly, Campisi era,prayers for KALIEF BROWDER, the ABUSE OF POWER even in the 50-H see Netflix series on Kalief, my 2nd 50-H under de Blasio asked am I mentally ill but under Bloomberg the lawyer admitted I may have money coming to me, the corruption, discrimination on going...all (note an email sent to me alleges DrF assaulted a mentally ill woman brushed off by NYPD whom she reported to the DOJ! Irony, NYPD (even the NYPD that are actually arrested for rape, etc) passed their psych evals,Dr F Hippocratic Oath all involved I including lawyers like I allege Joe TACOPINA have taken oaths they violated + broke laws or a party to crimes my civil rights VIOLATED? TO ALL DENIED JUSTICE, EVERY ONE US IGNORED as they commit MORE crimes even chronically lying in court my case legal fraud Hooks' threatening letter withheld(how did she get my name?)...see Joel Berger "Reform NYPD" NE law journal calling for RICO! NYPD 1PP IA DA etc goal CONCEAL MORE CRIMES plain sight; if you ignore me you are doing their work for them, our civil rights violated even human rights violated in our cases? I agreed to be false arrested if I did not drop charges with a hole in my retina! I feared a possible 2nd sexual assault at the precinct as described by Eric Garner in his hand written lawsuit. I had emergency surgery Friday for my retina so Saturday 4pm 10/20/12 I did drop charges fearing more crimes more harm...and there has been...https://jamesoneillpcnyc.blogspot.com/2022/07/july-4-2022-moving-some-of-my-statement.html COPY PASTE READ MY STATEMENT! FY: I HAVE AUDIOS SEX Crimes, 01,DA, IA, FALSIFIED POLICE REPORTS, EMAIL G-D SEES ALL 10/16/12 PROOF NYPD VERGONA LIED FEDERAL appellate he DIDN'T KNOW I am a JEW!FALSE ARREST ME ON SABBATH *SCROLL WAY DOWN for blogs posts...index on right..., to read:"about me" scroll down,:you will see I was published in many NY newspapers until I became a critic, I donated my white blood cells, NY Blood center told me: to a child fighting non-Hodgkin's cancer and a Hispanic male fighting lymphoma I didn't ask race religion their politics or even wonder do I like them or not but I was targeted at an MD office Google Dr Fagelman assault YouTube - I didn't start filming till I was given the finger, after being yelled at that I have no rights! I had to get surgery on my retina from the attack, no one was fired or arrested but even MORE crimes were committed... NYPD detectives w/ lt Angelo Burgos falsified police reports + corrupt NYPD bosses MORE THAN CROSSED an ETHICAL LINE, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill, Shea etc with Internal Affairs, Corporation Counsel party cheat lie win legal FRAUD WITHHELD DELITA HOOKS LTR THREAT TO ME while citing KUBY ltr case closed even though series violent threats, emergency surgery Retina from attack, keep case closed on going etc discrimination against me (and others chronically) + I allege policy of discrimination dubbed NYPD 's "Round Robin" + Chief Banks Lt Gannon: NYPD POLICY CAN'T upgrade crimes (they erased) when suing! Read Joel Berger Reform NYPD (enablers) article NE Law Journal) and I ALLEGE James Toomey Travelers his "team" decided like City of NY, like Howard Rubenstein was hired by Jeffrey Epstein to trash victims, OUR LIVES don't have value and the rich powerful and or "connected" must be protected.
"NYC is My Community" CPR on NYC's Heart Soul! The People reclaim NYC Our Rights! Peace to the Streets! Permanent New Commission NYPD IAB DA Corruption! I sued
Pro Se like Eric Garner I have new evidence! NYPD IA DA Cy Vance top brass guilty like they protected Lt Lamboy Sex Crimes Unit including CUNT threat to turn tables on me NYPD IA acted on ! After 4yrs pro se 4/22/2018 I need lawyer to sue + class actions victims unite! Suebe1art@aol.com NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday false arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely VIOLENT LYING receptionist Delita Hooks running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest 10/16/12 immediate than CORRUPT LIAR Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Sat 10/20, 2012 4PM IAB let him +his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dh9TedhfthE !http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/Mike Might Not Win - look at date!When the Community Board Does NOTHING,You Can Do Something see photo of Alfredo & I on Speed Bump I got for Anna Silver School https://m.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartist follow my channel! Recogntion: The NYTimes !!! I ask for 1 billion $ x 3 RICO from SAIC look at date CityTimeURGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mayor Bloomberg shouted down Aug. 20, 2012 911 Tech Corruption 911 aka ECTP & CityTime! Look bottom of blog!

About Suzannah Troy, suebe1art@aol.com

My photo
Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The Chief, The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AMNY, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned New York Mag Intelligencer neighborhood watch. Got speed bumps for Anna Silver School & doors for women's bathroom Tompkins. Donated my white blood cells twice to help a little girl fight Non-Hodgkins & man w/Lymphoma. Two hour process & you can only do it 12 x in your life. Too worn out to donate now. Way back Liz Smith mentioned me & my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately! I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. NYTimes My YouTube work 1) Giuseppi Logan’s Second Chance 2)Mysterious Mr. Rechnitz

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Stranger Things is a TV Tribute to Stephen King, 1980s, TV kitsche sci fi horror

Stranger Things | Trailer 1 [HD] | Netflix - YouTube

 No that's not Donald Trump lurking about...

There's one  cop The chief he's got guts integrity who is willing to get to the truth so obviously it's all fabrication fable because we know on my story I have three police commissioners that are treating me like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany  are covering up NYPD crimes in stranger things has government agencies  Breaking the law and I'm putting that mildly.

 You'll laugh when you see The Thing poster --  note the poster of The Thing faceless... it's  really attribute to horror flicks, Stephen King you'll see his face on the back of the book of the characters is reading.. there's a lot of kitsche... if you don't take this too seriously...

Warning the TV show starts out very slow and you must think it's a kids TV show and then slowly it catches you even the theme music for the TV show sounds like it's about to brake into the  X-Files theme.

Millie Bobby Brown young actress playing the 11-year-old Eleven or El is an absolute superstar she is going to become so famous if she chooses to be she's incredible and interviews she is articulate beyond her years...  she's British and beyond charming.

This is definitely a tribute to Stephen King's work  but two other science fiction and horror flicks it's can't be it's stressful oh actually he is surprisingly excellent especially from the young cast  through a really excellent so it makes sense that they won the screen actors Guild best acting ensemble.

Chuck Schumer Crying Inside Liberals Protesting Him!

Thousands of protesters gather outside Chuck Schumer’s apartment | New York Post

911 aka ECTP bigger tech crime than CityTime only 60.5 Million Tax Dollars returned

@FBIWFO @FBI 2nd command center for 911 post Sept 11 new system Boondoogle suppose to be completed 2012 still not done CityTime on steroids

911 aka ECTP bigger tech crime than CityTime only 60.5 Million Tax $s returned #NYPD lavish gifts 911 tech crimes

During the Koch  administration it was CitySource

Remembering Ed Koch's Scandalous Third Term: Gothamist

 What shocking is Rudy Giuliani brought in SAIC and CityTime floored crappy payroll system that is destined for the dumpster and his deputy mayors turn lobby is pushing SAIC including CityTime and the MYA deal  which thankfully was prevented because SAIC was notoriously over billing.

 You're Michael Bloomberg with this get so out of control that the payroll system CityTime  Overbudget over $600 million but that pales in comparison to 911.

 Giuliani had 11 years to move the command center after the first terrorist attack downtown and he didn't but he did turn the myth of him as a hero into a $30 million per personal profit including pushing SAIC  like a drug kingpin pushes drugs.

 Mayor  Bloomberg pushed a fleet of taxpayer titanic's so many tech contracts that were tech Titanic's like Board Of Elections you all have voted you see what that high tech and I mean that as a joke contract brought us a fill in the dots scan voting system which is pathetic and crappy biggest of all with 911 a response to Sept 11  so they created 2 command  I have excellent sources that were backed up by the New York city comptroller John Lui's  it's released the contractors were delivering late and I was told from multiple sources delivering late in delivering crap.

 There's been a major cover up on the second command center PSAC2  where's late and a mega fortune to boot  so the way the city and NYPD are covering it up is saying it's top secret...

 For some of the stories google
NYDN 911

NYDN nypd chief Dowd

 The New York Daily News articles on the NYPD chief will tell you how he took lavish gifts but what you don't fully understand is he took them as contractors grossly over built delivered late and endangered all our lives.

 Hurricane Sandy the system collapsed and it will collapse again under another large scale stress like a hurricane or a series of terrorist attacks the system is destined to fail because it is bloated way too much of a big mess because from the beginning contractors overbuilt delivered late as lobbyists and consultants laughed all the way to the bank  ---  one  contractor  that he would overbilled until he lost the contract -  he did and was able to waltz  right back in DOITT and DOI  do it as did anyone in New York City government who took an interest in the technology corruption of 911  and this crook  got yet another contract with the city on 911 although only a million.   He was with you let Packard who had a payback $10.5 million which was way too small amount.

This is the biggest corruption  New York city government history not a single arrest zero accountability except for 60.5 million zero arrests  and FYI you cannot even text 911!

As we wait for the arrest or resignation of Bill de Blasio the dirtiest DA post Charles Hynes and his relationship w/ Carey Dunne is a mystery?


‪.@NYCMayor @errollouis @RoadToCityHall If Bill de Blasio & team innocent why did Zachary Carter redact documents?  http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2017/01/as-we-wait-for-arrest-or-resignation-of.html?m=1‬

Why would Cy Vance  suddenly decide he has to hire  Carey Dunne  late is the beginning of November very very odd?  Does Carey Dunne  thibk that getting in bed with such a dirty corrupt misogynist racist  DA is going to help his career somehow?

Why would Carey Dunne  make the leap from a prestigious law firm to work with a dirty DA that's already excoriated in a best-selling book "Flash Boys"  by Michael Lewis that is eventually however long it takes 10 years or longer it will be an Oscar award winning film.

Google DNA Cy Vance Intern - if you don't know about the real horror is behind the Manhattan DA and rapes and sexual assault  you need to dig and you're not gonna have to dig but the cases are horrific of how many women he is let down when it comes to NYPD rapist even had a friend/campaign donor  on the jury and make sure there was not 1st° rape charge.

 If you interview Sandy Rubinstein's alleged rape victim I'm sure she has a lot to say about the dirty DA or you could ask a record number of protesters that Cy Vance  falsely prosecuted or threatened with prosecution and less they stop protesting and they were employees of the Manhattan DA that told me he set up special offices made space to go after occupy Wall Street to shut them down from protesting even his own staff was disgusted and at least the staff that believe in democracy.

 If that doesn't bother you how about the false prosecution of the NBA star Thabo Sefoloasha?

 Cy Vance offered the NBA star the same thing he offered Joe Jazz Hayden slavery for a day yes it's slavery he didn't commit a crime so he gets to work for the city for free doing community service that's called slavery.   Ask Thabo or Joe Jazz Hayden  what they think of the Manhattan DA that I believe is a racist and misogynist creep who is expanded his public relations department to try and say he's so good when he is such an evil creep who should be arrested if they can't think of anything I would suggest investigating his first run for Manhattan DA and campaign laws that I believe he broke   And by the way that reminds me that the Manhattan DA Cy Vance  not recuse himself from investigating Mark Guma so I just wonder if Carey Dunne  is helping out the dirty DA trying to smooth over cover up his wrongdoings but why oh why oh why would Carey Dunne  leave a prestigious job with big bucks to be Cy Vance's  General counsel?

 Did Carey Dunne  want to help arrest De Blasio or  help force de Blasio to resign --  so why did the Manhattan DA hire him as late as November?  Interesting because guess what else is happening? Cy Vance  did not work use himself from investigating his friend who did favors for Mark Guma  and possibly April campaign laws and I don't think Marc is the only friend he's investigating involving wrong doing so is Griffin Dunne helping Cy out with his "conflicts"?

De Blasio confident before meeting with U.S. Attorney - NY Daily News

If de Blasio and Team de Blasio  did everything right then why did Zachary Carter have to break the law obstructing justice redacting documents interfering with Dept Of investigation's investigation?

NYPD sergeant guilty of rape, sexual abuse of 13-year-old girl

‪@ACLU @NOW_NYC @NationalNOW NYPD sergeant guilty of rape, sexual abuse of 13-year-old girl - NY Daily News‬

‪@ACLU @NOW_NYC @NationalNOW @NYDailyNews NOW protests Capt Pete Rose not Cy Vance, nypd rapists of children. Nypd new psychevals liedetector‬

‪@ACLU @NOW_NYC @NationalNOW @NYDailyNews google DNA cy Vance Intern, cy Vance rape cases sexual assault a disgrace & rape kits pr cover-up‬

‪@ACLU @NOW_NYC @NationalNOW @NYDailyNews https://www.google.com/amp/pix11.com/2016/05/04/retired-nypd-officer-arrested-for-alleged-possession-of-child-pornography/amp/?client=safari NYPD arrested only after leaving protection of NYPD child porn blue wall ‬

‪.@ACLU @NOW_NYC @NationalNOW @NYDailyNews @PIX11News NYPD 01 Det Squad acted on Cunt threat to bury me destroy me see tables turned on me ‬

‪.@ACLU @NOW_NYC @NationalNOW @NYDailyNews @PIX11News Tacopina cunt threat because I reported him & CS  NYPD rape Vic vagina to VenusFlyTrap?‬. CS is Chad Seigel

FYI reported them to the New York State Supreme Court ethics committee

‪.@ACLU @NOW_NYC @NationalNOW @NYDailyNews @PIX11News NYPD acted on misogynist hate crime violated my constitutional rights they lied in DD5s‬

‪.@ACLU @NOW_NYC @NationalNOW @NYDailyNews @PIX11News violated MD office savagely assaulted my attacker receptionist touch my vag w/ her foot‬

‪.@ACLU @NOW_NYC @NationalNOW @NYDailyNews @PIX11News https://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2016/12/nypd-det-john-vergona-01-det-squad-lied.html?m=1 proof nypd Det John Vergona lied innDD5s protected by InternalA‬

Trump fires acting AG the 1st of many firings until he is fired

Trump fires acting AG for defying immigration ban | New York Post

Brooklyn doctor, CUNY student left stranded after travel ban

Shooter in deadly Quebec mosque attack charged with 6 counts of murder

Shooter in deadly Quebec mosque attack charged with 6 counts of murder | New York Post

Monday, January 30, 2017

Preet Bharara Quandry Arrest de Blasio and others but not Zachary Carter?

Suzannah B. Troy artist: Cy Vance hired Carey Dunne to go after de Blasio as well as advise Cy on covering up his own wrong doing?

Zachary Carter obstructed justice and he lied under oath it's not with in his scope  to redact documents especially when Dept Of investigation is asking.

Reminder Preet Bharara's former  boss is Chuck Schumer and  Chuck Schumer and Bill Clinton  so pointed Zachary Carter US attorney

 What we've learned is DAs that break laws are buffalo off like Charles Hynes and possible Cy Vance  dirtiest you in the shortest amount of time he's just horrific and google DNA Cy Vance it is hard to believe Carey Dunne would get in bed with dirty DA cy  even interns are open season to be sexually preyed upon  does fixing in favors he does dirty dirty dealings has Manhattan DA so why would Carey Dunne  decide to join him in the beginning of November 2016 sicking.  

In theory could Mark peters could be arrested? He was de Blasio's campaign 
finance guy.

Who was Cy Vance's?  Remember I made a YouTube after I called his office to ask about campaigning improprieties but I don't remember his name I just did a youtube after and the youtube is up.
Sent from my iPhone

Cy Vance hired Carey Dunne to go after de Blasio as well as advise Cy on covering up his own wrong doing?

The odds are Mayor de Blasio will be forced out of office  and/or possibly arrested walking in without immunity is just crazy crazy and the US attorney will review the DAs 90 minutes of questions but one of the deep dark secrets is that Cy Vance ran into debt when he ran for Manhattan DA the first time and Mark Guma attitude well I'll just forgive X amount of money you owe me but when doing so they may have broken campaign laws plus money he owed  paid back in x amount of time or he would be again breaking campaign laws --- but there is more Google DNA Cy Vance Intern so my question is did Cy Vance put Carey Dunne on the payroll the very beginning of November  then only because he wanted Help to go after the mayor of New York City but maybe some help trying to cover up his own wrongdoing? Ask Cy Vance  why he did not prosecute 911 tech crooks (911  tech us over billion dollars over budget bigger than citytime crime) Cy Vance did not prosecute St. Vincent's Hospital crooks list goes on and on and then ask him under oath about  high profile rape cases from his friend  campaign donor Lloyd Constantine being a juror on the NYPD rape  cop case  I am alleging he played a major role in preventing 1st° rape charges.  This was the case where the NYPD cop raped little schoolteacher front and back raped her with a gun to her head.   The cop did eventually admit it was 1st° rape much later as a ploy  get out of jail earlier.

Cy Vance's pal I stood outside and protested return Lloyd constantine's campaign donation Cy!
Jury focuses on 'odd points,' refuse to convict cop on rape charge - NY Daily News

‪Why would Cy Vance "suddenly" hire Carey Dunne? http://m.newyorklawjournal.com/?slreturn=20170128101309/#/article/1202771377549/Longtime-Davis-Polk-Partner-to-Become-GC-for-Manhattan-DA?_almReferrer=‬

Longtime Davis Polk Partner to Become GC for Manhattan DA | New York Law Journal
New York Law Journal
Nov 2, 2016 - Carey Dunne, a longtime litigator at Davis Polk & Wardwell who was president of the New York City Bar Association, will become general counsel of the Manhattan District Attorney's Office in January. ... Dunne, 58, first worked for the Manhattan DA as a law student intern in 1981 and ..."

Why the very beginning of November does the Manhattan DA have to hire special counsel -- this late in the game you might wonder is it really just about de Blasio...?  
Sent from my iPhone

Research Cy Vance nypd rape cop Mena case  The fact he sat there and cord and saw his friend and campaign donor sitting there and kept his mouth shut as did Lloyd Constantine! 

 There are way more harsh stories about Cy Vance and rape.  Cy Vance, ADA Tiana Walton and ADA Joan Illuzzi protected a gang of NYPD that broke the laws in my case acted on a misogynist cunt threat to turn the tables.

Also google DNA Cy Vance Intern  and I know why that intern did not come forward because his office is so corrupt misogynist and they do retaliate against anyone courageous enough to come forward and speak up.

Cy Vance like way too many New York City government agencies expanded his  public relations team ( they want to control the narrative and cover up wrongdoing including NYPD.  
 NYPD did a compassionate at campaign it was almost impossible to read they Ranett and subway and I was like cruel joke - The Manhattan DA and the NYPD get special treatment from the Press who acted like secretaries  investigative journalists.  Nypd  controll press passes which is obscene...

and Cy Vance got The New York Times to do a puff piece on him he used taxpayer money to supposedly help share rape kits but as a young woman you're not even safe inside his office so top sex predators know if  want to pray on a young woman do it inside the Manhattan DAs office that's the place you can get away with it  if you're rich and powerful rape a one woman in Manhattan and you have a better chance of getting away with it because Cy Vance  is a dirty corrupt political piece of crap like Charles Hynes  also ran into debt needed money he just stole drug dealers monies in this dirty corrupt Dease can do anything, including fixing in favors for the rich and they know they r Teflon.

 There's a link to learn more about his lawyer but do you have to go to the first posting I did so just keep following the links  look at my Sunday blog posts.

Suzannah B. Troy artist: Cy Vance the dirtiest DA in the shortest amount of time hires a powerful lawyer Carey Dunne to help him prosecute mayor de Blasio or to help Cy cover-up his own crimes?

‪Carey Dunne Davis Polk ok sexually assaulting women using fear of retaliation? Google DNA Cy Vance Intern http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2017/01/cy-vance-hired-carey-dunne-to-go-after.html?m=1‬

Carey Dunne google Dr Fagelman assault my case as well as Google DNA Cy Vance Intern.

Gee,  why does Cy have to suddenly officially hire Carey very  beginning of November 2016?

mayor de Blasio Cy Vance Mark Guma the real reason Cy hired Carey Dunne?

Carey  left his powerful job to help take down the mayor of New York and/or to do a few little favors and when I say little I'm joking for the most corrupt DA in the shortest amount of time who will be excoriated in the film  Flash Boys  even if it takes 10 years to make he's Cy Vance already been excoriated in the best-selling book...?

Oh Carey you are so fine so why Carey why?

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, January 29, 2017

US during WW2 Turned Away Jewish refugees including Children now US Trump Giuliani refugee Airport Horrors

US during WW2 Turned Away Jewish refugees including Children now US Trump Giuliani refugee Airport Horrors

What the U.S. learned from turning away refugees who fled the Nazis

America Turned Away Jewish Refugees Because Some Were Feared To Be Nazi Agents

Voyage of the St. Louis


Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone

Cy Vance the dirtiest DA in the shortest amount of time hires a powerful lawyer Carey Dunne to help him prosecute mayor de Blasio or to help Cy cover-up his own crimes?

 Go to this link to find more on lawyer at the Manhattan DA hired and then ask why with this high-powered lawyer go work for the DA...?


Cy Vance like Charles Hynes this last corrupted was stealing drug money for his campaign appear to be Teflon it seems in New York City government if your dirty DA you can get away with anything and not face a grand jury just like NYPD brass in the Adrian Schoolcraft case and my case as just 2 examples and a third  would be top brass inside the NYPD that took lavish gifts as 911 tech crooks that later pay only $60.5 million back to graft.

911 aka ECTP  went over budget over $1 billion and then 2012 the Manhattan DA could've stop the bleeding stop the corruption and made arrests and Cy Vance  if used to prosecute the crooks which would've also exposed NYPD top brass graft as well  as a slew of consultants and lobbyists that grotesquely profited as crooks over built and delivered late.

Cy Vance like Charles Hynes ran out of money when he ran his first campaign to become and manhattan DA and this blog was tipped off that Cy Vance  guilty of campaign improprieties so I called up the DAs office and they had me talk to his campaign finance guy who of course defended him.

Did Cy Vance discuss with Carey Dunne his wrongdoings and decide the safest thing was to put Cari on his payroll the beginning of November?

 I'd like to ask Carey what  does he get out of this job he's agreed to do?

 I wish I could ask him under oath questions about the Manhattan DA starting with Cy Vance.

I do believe Preet Bharara and his  staff are going over the 90 minutes of questions that mayor Bill de Blasio  were asked and that Bill de Blasio walking in without immunity means his career is over. If you remember the Haggerty trial  his lawyers wanted to call Michael Bloomberg and Cy Vance  try to prevent that from happening.

When Cy Vance realized he could not stop Haggerty from calling Bloomberg a sitting mayor  Cy Vance  if Michael Bloomberg and his staff community but perjury is not covered by am unity and Mike Bloomberg according to Tom Robbins I New York one Tom Robbins said Mike Bloomberg testilied.

 If you want to learn more about Cy Vance and the Judge  they teamed up yet again and you'll learn more about that when the film flash boys is made and wins an Oscar.    On this blog I warned the judge if you continue on you will be excoriated in this film so last minute I believe he read my blog and changed his mind -- he  wasn't going to go along with Cy Vance this time  be excoriated in a Hollywood film that will be made eventually and win Oscars is my hope.

Cy Vance is excoriated in the  best-selling book flash boys and he will be even more excoriated and exposed in the film Flash Boys when it finally gets made.

Google DNA Cy Vance Intern read the article.  If you want to sexually assault or rape a woman and get away w/ it work at the Manhattan DAs office

Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Corrupt Det John Vergona Det Andy Dwyer NYPD Supervisors Their Crimes Exposed Youtube w/ 400,000 Views

Dr Andrew Fagelman got fixing and favors from corrupt misogynist dirty detectives  and the corrupt supervisors protected by top brass 1PP & internal affairs and  do you tip is been seen by worldwide audience in this over 400,000 views   May every person involved in the violence and lies get their karma.   They are cursed but by their own actions not by me.

First Precinct DI Ed Winski, Lt Angelo Burgos, Sgt Chen protected their role fixing crime youtube 400,000 views of a crime they made disappear.   May it come back to them McCormick at them and everyone involved including top brass and 1 Police Plaza and internal affairs.



Delita Hooks false cross complaint filed 2 days after me also a crime I post a link to it at the bottom of this blog post here http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2015/08/i-didnt-get-delita-hooks-false-cross.html?m=1
I learned  from corporate counsel Lawyer federal  dirty detectives head rush to see all their crimes with my attackers crimes.   I have not learned how to get past judges to juries  and somehow the judges refuse to look it up.  NYPD is run like the Catholic Church covering up crimes but in the film spotlight we learned that the judges are as guilty as the cops and the church dirty covering up horrific crimes.  

 Doctors office is supposed to be a safe place but I wasn't safe and then I went to the police and they acted as monstrously and they committed crimes a pile up of  from the doctors to the police department.

 In some ways this is worse than what goes on in Williamsburg because I was supposed to be safe at a doctors office.

 If the doctor was aware that his staff are lying to the police or at the point that he became aware and did nothing he became party to crimes if he was aware that the police were going to threaten me and he wanted that to happen so he didn't have to fire his violent line receptionist and he participated in crimes if he was aware of that NYPD detectives were going to lie in  police reports for him then he participated in crime.

If Dr Andrew Fagelman  ask the police to fix this like a Las Vegas casino then he participated in crimes.   He knew the NYPD were going to threaten me course me and make me drop charges against my will he participated in crimeD.

I did not fire his violent lying employee  take action against other employees that should've stopped it and also participated in lying and blaming another doctors patient and they were where my patient rights for violated as well as my body  and did not offer assistance.  I tried to get help from my doctor and she did come out in the hallway and offer me assistance.  Also she immediately demanded Delita Hooks be fired.

Dr Andrew Fagelman was asked by  private Investigator did you talk to the NYPD instead of simply saying yes or no he said no comment.

 He did not fire his violent lying psycho attack receptionist/office manager Delita Hooks and I guess he doesn't understand that lying to the police during an open investigation is a crime as well as threatening the victim which her signed letter to her NYPD fix or did she openly threatens me my guess is Joe Tacopina wrote that only he could be that stupid and aggressive and committed climb and be confident he could get away with it  and the tone is the same tone as the lawyer again I think it's Joe Tacopina I openly threatens me using a sock puppet Acct calling me a cunt threatening to bury me and destroy me if I took any legal action and see the tables turned on me and I forwarded it to the NYPD detective in charge Det John Vergona  and asked if it was witness tampering.

The NYPD Internal Affairs including top brass I'm using Ron Kuby's letter to cover up crimes Ron Kuby kept me out of danger, I've never met him or paid him but he did keep me out of danger however the letter he submitted is not what I agreed to but no matter what his letter  doesn't allow police department to cover up crimes  and the doctors office in the NYPD committed a pileup of crimes  I should've been allowed to go back and file second-degree assault and her first cross complaint and the nypd prevented me from reporting crimes and Internal affairs as well.

 It was the second lawyer and my guess is that is Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel  Who goes by the name Charles Ward and both cowards deleted their fake accounts because they did break the law but they were confident they would get away with it and so far they have.

 Joe Tacopina talks about decapitating in court and I thought it's so sad and wrong that courageous journalist have been decapitated --  how many innocent victims have been decapitated and this sick twisted guy a coward talks about decapitating people in court and again he's probably talking about innocent victim said he got away with bullying.

I filed ethical complaints against Chad Siegel and included Joe Tacopina with the New York State Supreme Court for comparing the NYPD rape cop's victims vagina  to a Venus  fly trap

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Brooklyn Judge Temporarily Halts Donald Trump's Muslim Ban

America wow is Trump going to replace Statue of Liberty with the statue of himself?

Day one of Trump refugee ban sparks chaos at U.S. airports - NY Daily News

Federal judge grants emergency stay to thwart Trump's refugee ban - NY Daily News

NYPD drunken off-duty shooting has cost city $8.2M proof by the way psych Evals a failure

NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for a New Commission John Vergona FBFriends Gene Schatz, Moran, Andy Dwyer: NYPD drunken off-duty shooting has cost city $8.2M proof by the way psych Evals a failure

Sent from my iPhone

mayor de Blasio Cy Vance Mark Guma the real reason Cy hired Carey Dunne?

http://www.gothamgazette.com/city/6310-vance-has-ties-to-several-in-de-blasio-probe mark Guma etc real reason Cyrus Vance hired Carey Dunne of Davis Polk????? ‬
mayor de Blasio Cy Vance Mark Guma the real reason Cy hired Carey Dunne

The real reason or one of the reasons that the Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance if the need to get Carey Dunne on  payroll also known as NYC Goff taxpayer money and why oh why oh why would Carey Dunne want to leave his powerful position at Polk and Davis?????

Yeah I'm sure they had a lot of talks about questioning mayor de Blasio for 90 minutes but how about why Cy suddenly put Carey Dunne on the payroll the beginning of Nov 2016...

"Meanwhile, state Board of Elections records show Vance’s connection to two firms included in the BOE referral to law enforcement. Filings show Vance’s campaign paid Mark Guma Communications $1,327,351 from 2009 to 2013 for television and radio advertising, political mailers, and consulting."

Cy Vance's Campaign Finance Irregularities in collusion with Mike Bloomberg's campaign


Mike Bloomberg Team Bloomberg suffered amnesia during Haggerty trial and Mike broke campaign laws and Tom Robbins stated on NY1 Mike Bloomberg testilied during the Haggerty trial a sitting mayor.

We know Charles Hynes  so drug money for his campaign he was not arrested for prosecuted and he said how many innocent people to jail and Cy is  The dirtiest DA in the shortest amount of time the list is so long  prosecution of the crooks that stole money 911 aka ECTP  even though only and I mean only pennies on the dollar is 60.5 million tax dollars will returned... he's protect the dirty cops, the cooks that stole from St. Vincent's Hospital, falsely prosecutor how many African-American man and protected and NYPD cops that committed crimes. 

Google DNA Cy Vance Intern.   The article and I know why she didn't come forward I live that he is the dirtiest corrupt DA with dirty dirty ADAs.  

Mayor de Blasio could get arrested after Preet Bharara questions him no immunity

assume Preet Bharara a and staff have read the Manhattan DA 90 min questioning of mayor de Blasio.

11 million dollars for legal bills could pay for homeless support.

Mayor Bloomberg and Team had immunity Haggerty and mayor Bloomberg commited perjury which is not covered by immunity and Cy Vance and his pal judge both let Bloomberg commit perjury.  Bloomberg broke campaign laws wiring money to Haggerty from his personal account.

Bloomberg also responsible for allowing 911 tech corruption ho over budget 1 billion CityTime 600 million Board of election tech and 911 tech major rip-offs over billing got junk as we know and so many other tech titanics under Bloomberg destined for the dumpster no arrests.   Everyone reporting on crime lost their jobs or my case victim of crimes including nypd crimes.

Preet Bharara has not arrested Zachary Carter for obstruction of justice because Bill Clinton and Preet's boss Chuck Schumer appointed Carter but Carter broke the law and lied under oath stating he acted with in his scope.

Amazing Cy Vance (Mark Guma the latest new old scandal) and Zachary Carter as well Bill de Blasio...


Let's play Albany and City Halls favorite game Guess Who's Teflon.  

Cy Vance should have recused himself and I hoped his special hire was to protect him....

Who was Cy Vance campaign manager/ finance guy?

‪.@PreetBharara @FBI Can Preet Bharara ? Carey Dunne paid w/ tax$ & Cy Vance on Mark Guma & Cy, & Cy & de Blasio. What is Dunne really there4?‬
‪@PreetBharara @FBI Who was Cy Vance campaign manager/ finance guy? I called and spoke to finance guy & did a youtube that day about it. ‬

‪.@PreetBharara @FBI Was Cyrus Vance speaking to Carey Dunne pre Nov. & to protect himself from incrimination put him on the payroll? ‬

"Meanwhile, state Board of Elections records show Vance’s connection to two firms included in the BOE referral to law enforcement. Filings show Vance’s campaign paid Mark Guma Communications $1,327,351 from 2009 to 2013 for television and radio advertising, political mailers, and consulting."

My old post:

‪.@LionelMedia http://m.newyorklawjournal.com/?slreturn=20170128101309/#/article/1202771377549/Longtime-Davis-Polk-Partner-to-Become-GC-for-Manhattan-DA?_almReferrer= I hoped Cy hired him to fight off his arrest Cy & Guma campaign irregularities but to get deBlasio?‬

‪.@PreetBharara @FBI Cy Vance hiring Carey Dunne is that analogous to De Blasio hiring Mark Peters and Zachary #redacto Carter? #markguma etc‬

 I guess mainstream media has a copy of this article yet?
Contracts Outline $11M in Fees to Firms in de Blasio Investigations
11 million $s of taxpayer money part  to defend corporate counsel? CC lied in my case covering up nypd detectives lying in police reports my case threatening me acting on a misogynist cunt hate crime  bury me destroyed me and my guess it was Joe Tacopina and I sent a copy to Detective John  Vergona to any acted on it to turn the tables on 
‪.@PreetBharara @FBI Why does Corp counsel need taxpayer money if Zachary Carter didn't break the law redacting &my case he andstaff lied too ‬

‪.@PreetBharara @FBI Google DNA Cy Vance Intern she knew truth. Cy fixed no prosecution 911 aka ECTP crooks, St Vincent's Hospital, shortlist‬



Cy Vance Dirty DA Hires Special Counsel
Why has Cy Vance hired Special Counsel?

Carey Dunne of Davis Polk

‪.@PreetBharara @FBI Was Cy Vance forced to buy Carey Dunne on his payroll to actually in part to get help to protect himself? #DirtyDA ‬

N.Y. campaign consultants made $115M to get pols elected - NY Daily News

De Blasio gamed donation limits, hid names: Board of Elections - NY Daily News

Sent from my iPhone

Is it because of Mark Guma  his corrupt partner in campaign improprieties, Cy Vance the intern scandal,  asking to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status and who asked him to do it,  false prosecution of how many people are fixing in favors for the rich and powerful or....

he is going after de Blasio...????

What's your guess  and how much is this costing the taxpayers?

NYPD Crimes Favors Evidence Video close to 400,000 views Dr. Andrew Fagelman Assault Receptionist Delita Hooks Punches Patient False Cr...

Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi, Chief Banks and Lt Gannon, Bratton and John Miller and Chief Reznick and now James O'Neill and Chief Reznick and Chief Boyce are all part of corruption fixing in favors and the US attorney thinks it only goes on in Brooklyn with orthodox Jews but I have proof the fixing and favors  goes on all over it's part of the culture it's definitely part of SoHo and 1 Police Plaza. DI Edward Winski fix the stats lowered crime covered up crime along with top internal affairs brass three police commissioners and they thought this was going to go away and it's never going to go away it's going to be part of a historical data base of crimes fixing favors corruption and hopefully I'll get to testify or my case will be presented in front of a new commission into police corruption internal affairs dirty DAs like Charles Hynes, Cyrus Vance, Richard Brown who fixed the Adrian Schoolcraft case of the NYPD top brass did not go in front of the grand jury and Dan Donovan who fix the Eric Garner case.

 It should be noted I also call Chief Esposito before he retired and I voted for Bill de Blasio  thinking he would bring change but he's just like Bloomberg.   I also contacted John Miller before he left the network to become whatever it is he really is because of my pain he's a big phony and remember his assistant was just shocked at the violence and what did he do become party to it because that's what they're all about catering to rich people and getting fixing and favors are giving fixing and favors.



 The doctors office lied to the police during an open investigation and Delita Hooks filed a false cross-complaint two days later and then she signed a letter to the NYPD that Joe Tacopina my guess Joe says wrote for her openly threatening me which is also a crime warning me to not come back in attempts to file assault charges again that's a crime as well. The victim I was repeatedly threatened including by the NYPD, my guess Joe Tacopina a coward using a fake sock puppet account somebody identifying them themselves as a lawyer threaten me rent to bury me destroy me and called me a cunt and warn me if I took any action the tables would be turned on me and the NYPD acted on that misogynist climb internal fares never try to find out who is the lawyer who threaten me and protected the NYPD that committed to pile up of crimes as well as the doctor The victim my was repeatedly threatened including by the NYPD, my guess Joe Tacopina a coward using a fake sock puppet account somebody identifying them themselves as a lawyer threaten me Trent to bury me destroy me called me a cunt and warn me if I took any action the tables would be turned on me and the NYPD acted on that misogynist climb internal fares never try to find out who is the lawyer who threaten me and protected the NYPD that committed to pile up of crimes as well as the doctors office

 If internal affairs commits crimes and/or is party to crimes like in my case internal Affairs Is  supposed to investigate internal fairest but it's pure corruption and they're not capable of investigating internal affairs!

 Google NYPD Internal Affairs captain Aaron Wright and explain to me why no media  has updated us where is he is in jail he beat his girlfriend up like my attacker tried to beat me up and she said NYPD officer a Sgt that works in domestic abuse and lied for him!   Where is he now?

 Let's question them all under oath about my case and how many other cases  ask them if they've ever gotten fixing in favors or given them to wealthy people, family members, and friends.

1-800 NYPD IA fix it systemic my case 1 ex. Future database time capsule prove/expose systemic corruption‬.   My concept it is the NYPD app tracker  which will be a series of databases and expose corruption and every government agency that fails victims and their love ones.

 I'm alleging Joe Tacopina used to sock puppet account along with a second account which may be Chad Venus Fly Trap Seigel ( I reported them to the New York State Supreme Court ethics committee  for comparing NYPD rape cop Moreno's victim's vagina  to a Venus fly trap).

Six days after I was savagely attacked Joe Tacopina out I believe it's my gas use a sock puppet account Sunday night and threaten me calling me confrontive cunt threatening to bury me destroy me see the tables turned on me if I didn't  The charges and the NYPD detective squad acted on that hate crime threat and witness tampering  aggravated harassment joining in the thread and actually turning the tables on me and they've been protected every step of the way.

 I'm also letting Joe Tacopina wrote my attackers signed letter to the NYPD openly threatening me again warning me to not come back and file assault charges again but FYI the NYPD prevented me from upgrading to second-degree assault and reporting it they blocked me  again  The corporate counsel lawyer Rosemari Nam in federal court  told me there was no assault and I spoke to Lieutenant Gannon about  attempting to go to the 1st Precinct and report second-degree assault and he said it's against the NYPD policy when you're suing to allow a victim to upgrade.

‪.@PreetBharara @FBI Zachary Carter obstructed Justice redacting & he lied under oath. He and Papandrew lied my case to protect nypd crimes. ‬

In my case the NYPD Detective squad lied in police reports  removing the fact that Delita  hooks repeatedly violated my patient rights that she verbally threatened to slap the crap out of my ass bodily harm right there and they removed it a doctor there police reports they acted on a misogynist hate crime calling me a con threatening to bury me that I believe was Joe Tacopina  using a sock puppet account identifying himself as a lawyer and I forwarded it to detective JohnVergona  asked if it was witness tampering and NYPD top brass and Corp Counsel are using Ron Kuby's letter to cover up NYPD crimes and lie and act like the NYPD acted within their scope when they broke the law and we're talking top brass protecting NYPD crimes  out of doctors office the doctors office is supposed to be sacred  and FYI I told the detective she touched my badge and al area with her barefoot and he also did not put that in the police reports or the fact she threw her shoes or the fact that the keys marked up my forearm and she hit me with her iPhone before she threw her shoes  all of that was removed by the detective the evidence which you can see in the video.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Preet Bharara Focusing on de Blasio not Zachary Redacto Carter or Cy Vance and Mark Guma

Preet Bharara to question Mayor de Blasio over City Hall corruption | New York Post

De Blasio’s legal fees on the rise, will cost city over $11M | New York Post

From 911 aka ECTP bill de Blasio and his ex  campaign finance guy Peters now the head of Dept Of investigation are protecting corruption from the Bloomberg administration including 911 also known as ECTP  The largest technology corruption in New York City government history bigger than CityTime and my case as just 2 examples.  I thought if I voted for Bill that he would stop the corruption at least with 911 and mycase The most vocal critic calling for a criminal prosecution of the 911 tech crooks!!!

‪@PreetBharara @FBI FBI take forensic auditors investigate Cy Vance Mark Guma ditto NYC DOITT NYPD 911 aka ECTP http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2017/01/de-blasio-and-zachary-carter-nursing.html?m=1‬

‪.@PreetBharara @FBI Zachary Carter obstructed Justice redacting & he lied under oath. He and Papandrew lied my case to protect nypd crimes. ‬

Mom admits to fatally beating 4-year-old boy in Brooklyn home - NY Daily News

Let me guess like  The crazy violent liar Delita Hooks Dr Andrew Fagelman's  violent lying attack receptionist no one happen to notice this mother had history of anger management attitude problems and violence?

 I'm going with my mother's friend to visit my mother who is in hospice  today I'm exhausted beyond I've never been so tired and I'm still functioning and I just do pray everyone involved in the violence and lies in my case gets their karma however long it takes but right now I'd like justice and a settlement.

De Blasio continues brush off evidence of ACS incompetence | New York Post

The FBI should take a look at Cyrus Vance and Mark Guma  in fact agent should bring Forensic orders and go over there campaign wheelings and dealings and then Cy Vance should  resign.

 The Manhattan DA did not prosecute the 911 tech crooks 911 is also known as ECTP and top NYPD brass were taking lavish gifts --  how many people depend on working 911 system?

This tech system was a response to 9-11 sept 11  under Rudy Giuliani a complete fraud that should not be the head of technology the system collapsed it was his fault for never moving the command center when he had the opportunity for 11 years.

 The FBI should take Forensic auditors and go through the files at NYC gov DOITT.

 Zachary Carter lied under oath in front of City Council he did not act within his scope redacting documents that Dept Of investigation asked for  just like he sentinel lawyer to line my case that the police acted within their scope when they let lied in police report  and acted on a misogynist Hate Crimes threatening me to bury me destroy me if I took any legal action that I'm guessing it was Joe Tacopina with his friend Chad Seigel  letting me know if I took any legal action they would see the tables turned on me.

I believe  every person involved and evil in my case will get their karma however long it takes  i'd like Justice now and my settlement and if the mayor is forced out then maybe the public advocate who will be the interim mayor for a month and a half will stop covering up at the NYPD crimes protected by Internal Affairs and corporate counsel's lies  like the Zachary Carter the NYPD acted with them in their scope.

 For me personally the sooner this corrupt mayor is out the better...

Traumatized by Dr Andrew Fagelman new symptom red eyes

 I have had chronic insomnia for four years over four years since he attack extreme extreme exhaustion and now my eyes are red and they hurt.  I'm going to assume the hurt is from dryness and the red I are from exhaustion from chronic insomnia from the evil little doctor to the corrupt evil nypd is  all their evil all their lies.

I've never felt this exhausted I've visited MD the other day  and I talk to the nurse about this salt and I had no memory of that I told him about the assauit  or even meeting him


Holocaust Memorial Day: What can we learn?

Holocaust Memorial Day: What can we learn? 

Beware hate speech, says Auschwitz Holocaust survivor

De Blasio and Zachary Carter Nursing Home My Case Forced to Resign the Sooner the Better

De Blasio’s legal fees on the rise, will cost city over $11M | New York Post

From 911 aka ECTP bill de Blasio and his ex  campaign finance guy Peters now the head of Dept Of investigation are protecting corruption from the Bloomberg administration including 911 also known as ECTP  The largest technology corruption in New York City government history bigger than CityTime and my case as just 2 examples.  I thought if I voted for Bill that he would stop the corruption at least with 911 and mycase The most vocal critic calling for a criminal prosecution of the 911 tech crooks!!!

‪@PreetBharara @FBI FBI take forensic auditors investigate Cy Vance Mark Guma ditto NYC DOITT NYPD 911 aka ECTP http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2017/01/de-blasio-and-zachary-carter-nursing.html?m=1‬
Mom admits to fatally beating 4-year-old boy in Brooklyn home - NY Daily News

Let me guess like  The crazy violent liar Delita Hooks Dr Andrew Fagelman's  violent lying attack receptionist no one happen to notice this mother had history of anger management attitude problems and violence?

 I'm going with my mother's friend to visit my mother who is in hospice  today I'm exhausted beyond I've never been so tired and I'm still functioning and I just do pray everyone involved in the violence and lies in my case gets their karma however long it takes but right now I'd like justice and a settlement.

De Blasio continues brush off evidence of ACS incompetence | New York Post

The FBI should take a look at Cyrus Vance and Mark Guma  in fact agent should bring Forensic orders and go over there campaign wheelings and dealings and then Cy Vance should  resign.

 The Manhattan DA did not prosecute the 911 tech crooks 911 is also known as ECTP and top NYPD brass were taking lavish gifts --  how many people depend on working 911 system?

This tech system was a response to 9-11 sept 11  under Rudy Giuliani a complete fraud that should not be the head of technology the system collapsed it was his fault for never moving the command center when he had the opportunity for 11 years.

 The FBI should take Forensic auditors and go through the files at NYC gov DOITT.

 Zachary Carter lied under oath in front of City Council he did not act within his scope redacting documents that Dept Of investigation asked for  just like he sentinel lawyer to line my case that the police acted within their scope when they let lied in police report  and acted on a misogynist Hate Crimes threatening me to bury me destroy me if I took any legal action that I'm guessing it was Joe Tacopina with his friend Chad Seigel  letting me know if I took any legal action they would see the tables turned on me.

I believe  every person involved and evil in my case will get their karma however long it takes  i'd like Justice now and my settlement and if the mayor is forced out then maybe the public advocate who will be the interim mayor for a month and a half will stop covering up at the NYPD crimes protected by Internal Affairs and corporate counsel's lies  like the Zachary Carter the NYPD acted with them in their scope.

 For me personally the sooner this corrupt mayor is out the better...

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thousands protest Trump's anti-immigration orders at Washington Square Park

Sent from my iPhone

Donald Trump President Has Stressed Out New Yorkers turning to therapists to cope

Word is New Yorkers are freaked out and turning to therapists in record numbers to cope 

Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill misogynist crime cunt threat NYPD Det Squad acted on 12 yrs after letter FT women's rights including safety Basic

‪@NYPDONeill @BilldeBlasio @UN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em sexually violated + NYPD acted on cunt threat to turn tables‬

Ray Kelly, Bratton, James O'Neill nypd app tracker time capsule of nypd crimes exposing Rapes, Crimes misogyny and the police commissioners that protected crimes

 Corporate counsel must be exposed which will come out in the future NYPD app tracker when it's built but I urge victims to file ethical complaints against the lawyers at corporate counsel somehow we have to expose the fact that they go into court and lie and lie like Zachary Carter redacting documents involving the nursing home is just one example and then lying saying that he acted within his scope. Sent from my iPhone

Journalists Face Felony Charges After Arrests During Trump Inauguration Protests

Journalists Face Felony Charges After Arrests During Trump Inauguration Protests : snopes.com

Melissa Mark Viverito is corrupt and the tragedy of immigrants doesn't erase her wrong doing

Melissa Mark Viverito is corrupt, a phony and evil and I know because she is no champion of women's rights of fighting corruption she is only about herself and her ambition sensual use anyone and anything,  she is such a crook she even stole affordable housing, affordable townhouse meant for a real resident of Harlem  not someone that move there an opportunist for political gain and obviously real estate gain and financial gain because she makes $100,000 she also broke campaign laws but somehow avoided arrests and any serious accountability just a small fine explain that to me she also never declared the money she earned on that townhouse approximate hundred thousand dollars at the time to the city and got away with no punishment but allowing herself to give herself a large raise along with City Council when the city really can't  afford it she could take away their races and give that money to immigrants to help them to fight to stay here New York but she won't.

It's amazing rich people like Donald Trump would want to get rid of immigrants when so many of them are such hard-working people that help to keep the city running and in fact Donald Trump is married to an immigrant.

Rikers to 01 Precinct Winski Gang, Det John Vergona, Sgt Chen, Det Andy Dwyer acted on misogyny Cunt threat Crimes

Lost evidence shows signs of tampering in Rikers sex assault case - NY Daily News

 This story in Rikers is a horror story it's horrific as are so many that we don't hear about.

 The other day I was told about a woman that miscarried at Rikers and find a fellow inmates in the horror of it all and I believe the story

NYPD Chief Boyce protecting them especially Sergeant Chen  who's the coward I caught him on audio it's on YouTube you can find it there he refuses to come down and face me as he has me turned away violating my constitutional rights preventing me from reporting a crime my attacker Delita Hooks  false cross complaint.   He was supposed to come down and face because I asked for a supervisor and I would've gotten his badge number which date I don't have and Chief Boyce  had him rotated out before I could serve him he's disappeared that's what they do with corrupt misogynist cops. Sgt Chen  after over the phone and said you were the one assaulted at the doctors office.  Sgt Chen begrudgingly admit it I had a  right to report a false cross complaint but when I got there in person he had me turned away  and he had his lawyer Rosemarie Nam of Corp Counsel lie and say there was no assault.   Since she said that I walked over the precincts report second-degree assault during the federal trial and I was turned away this time Chief Banks Asst Lt Gannon is confirmed that if you're suing you can upgrade the assault but they've made at the assault charge was there and it was open.

 In my case my attacker pressed her barefoot against my vaginal area when she couldn't kick me she decide to tag my vagina like she owned me in the corrupt evil NYPD detective got off on it omitted it he fixed and fabricated and he was protected by Dep inspector at Winski three police commissioners to Chief seven ternal affairs and it was a gangbang of retaliation because I'm an outspoken woman some of the cops or even Facebook friends it's all a big joke to them because they know they're protected that misogyny starts at the very top!!!!

Ray Kelly, Bratton, James O'Neill nypd app tracker time capsule of nypd crimes exposing Rapes, Crimes misogyny and the police commissioners that protected crimes

 Corporate counsel must be exposed which will come out in the future NYPD app tracker when it's built but I urge victims to file ethical complaints against the lawyers at corporate counsel somehow we have to expose the fact that they go into court and lie and lie like Zachary Carter redacting documents involving the nursing home is just one example and then lying saying that he acted within his scope. Sent from my iPhone

Feds US Attorney Preet Bharara NYPD Crimes in Soho Call a Cop like Williamsburg

Feds find ‘questionable’ audio recordings made by convicted Shomrim leader | New York Post

NYPD DI Ed Winski  make sure a pile up of climbs from doctor Andrew Fagelman's office were erased.  Now top NYPD brass including in Internal Affairs and  three police commissioners, two chiefs of detectives are protecting a misogynist take climb as well as a racing violent threats to harm me repeated savages salt as I backed away the fact that my attacker pressed her barefoot against my vaginal area the NYPD detective squad with the protection of their commanding officer Winski acted on a misogynist hate crime that my guess was Joe Tacopina  again my guess in concert with his partner Chad Seigel I had reported to the New York State Supreme Court ethics committee  they both threatened me and I said go ahead and see me I will call the feds that interview Joe Tacopina know that he did the proffer agreements with, Bernie Kerrik, the client that Joe slept with his wife as well as the clients  ex-wife yeah he divorced her when he caught her sleeping with Joe Tacopina what his name is in the divorce papers so I never heard from them except perhaps with a sock puppet account after I was savagely assaulted  I was told if I took any legal action that  he might guess Joe Tacopina would see that I would be destroyed buried and that the tables would be turned on me .

Ray Kelly, Bratton, James O'Neill nypd app tracker time capsule of nypd crimes exposing Rapes, Crimes misogyny and the police commissioners that protected crimes

 The NYPD detective squad led by Detective John for Kona who verbally finally threatened me told me he didn't care by two black guys lied and police reports had corporate counsel Lai on his behalf including that he didn't know I was Jewish name and email proving it I talk about false arresting the Jew on the Sabbath...

Top NYPD brass have been protecting the cop said acted on any misogynist hate crime and turning the tables  treating me like a rape victim I got what I deserved and I have to just take it the abuse the violence the lies and the threats  all during an open investigation and the doctors office lied during an open investigation a crime as did the police and police reports also a crime as was threatening me coursing me and they belong in jail.
The Manhattan DA it took me almost 2 years to get the cinnamon need me made it it was   And they did not want to touch the NYPD they said if they arrested my attacker it would be Siobhan Berry special investigator but again even they were corrupt -- google DNA Cy Vance Intern.   I understand completely why she did not trust the Manhattan DA or special prosecutor but I still want to special prosecutor and I would like the feds to make an arrest. 

Internal affairs is guilty 100% under Charles Campisi and Reznick. 

 Their staff have lied and lied and been party to fix in crime refusing evidence and covering up criminal actions by the NYPD making light of it sending it to the integrity division to be fixed to die corruption complete corrupt.

Morning I woke up angry and I thought about Dep the inspector Ed Winski  and that he's truly an evil man and he has young pretty daughter and maybe what was done to me will be done to her and I wonder how he would feel about that?  He also is a Polish discent and I always wonder how anti-Semitc c people like him are truly as I believe Detective John Vergona NYPD IA Sgt  Mary O'Donnell is pure evil and extremely bad person and I believe most everyone involved in the NYPD in my case are Anti-Semitic  someone like Chief Resnick and other Jewish NYPD officers I'm not saying all but some would put blue corruption before anti-Semitic  ask along with misogyny like Mary O'Donnell being part of the misogynist boy club that protected NYPD crimes.

The NYPD detective squad hid badge numbers hit their faces
 And the identities of my attackers detectives that were part of the corruption it was only through Facebook three years later that I found Detective John Vergona's face and Det Andy Dwyer's and they  are Facebook friends with the first cop I have a reported to internal affairs for fixing and favors  for the Mercer hotel and Michael Rawson was and until recently continued to harassing me until Andre Balzac and the Mercer hotel  the street from where I was assaulted.

I had to use the second phone with the hidden number to get through to Internal Affairs and a cop that supposedly investigates corrupt cops inside Internal Affairs and I said I don't expect you to arrest Detective John Vergona.   What I didn't tell him is I expect the feds to do it.    I wish they would arrest his Facebook friends that were party to coercion long with the supervisors and commander and I only wish they had wire tapped them along with Dr Andrew Fagelman's office 4 years ago. 

Please Google Dr Andrew Fagelman watch the assault.   He did not fire her and you got fixing in favors because it's one big favor when you don't fire of violent lying psycho and by the way lying to the police during an open investigation is a crime even if the NYPD are committing crimes and I'd like to know about his conversations with the NYPD but when he was asked by Private Investigator did you speak to the NYPD Dr. Andrew Fagelman said no comment. 

Soho is like Williamsburg  and the Rich of SoHo get fixing in favors just like the orthodox Jews and Williamsburg  NYPD fix crimes they make them go away and they prevent victims like me from reporting crimes they did a full court press and they were willing to break laws doing it for four years 3 police commissioners 1st Precinct has been protected everybody involved in the crimes from the doctors office to the police department to internal affairs have been protected

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

mayor bloomberg king of New York 23,000 views this month

mayor bloomberg king of New York

 I have done almost no blogging on this blog and for some reason I'm getting traffic.... 



Call 911.  The biggest tech corruptions ever happened under bloomberg 911, CityTime, Board of elections, etc etc etc although there's plenty of Rudy Giuliani roots and Rudy's deputy mayor's turn lobbyist pushing corruption dirty dealings starting with SAIC CituTime SAIC  anything even trying to push through a dirty SAIC MTA Deal.

911  tech corruption is massive and ongoing  and NYC got his biggest cover up crime it's amazing story that's never been told including the second backup unit the one in the Bronx call PSAC2 huge story years late...  PSAC1 Hewkwett Packard tied to the New York pensions the pensions that Michael Bloomberg's money manager Steve Rattner rated thru mysterious machinations  became lead contractor and guess who only bragged he would  bill until they lost HP lost the contract!   They delivered late and deliver crap and got away with it and NYPD got graft is well from at least 1 contractor!!!

FYI Gerard Denault lead crook busted from SAIC CityTime  it's the Supreme Court to hear his case but they passed.  

The SAIC CityTime shareholder meeting on going