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Thursday, June 30, 2016
Mankiewicz Biographer Kenneth Geist Passed Away Today
Mankiewicz Biographer Kenneth Geist passed away in his sleep at Village Care. I'm with his husband right now helping him cope and mske arrangements.
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Maya Willey Mayor de Blasio's Wife's adviser BF Leaving Adviser Job to head Corrupt CCRB?
De Blasio will have to fight scandals without head lawyer
Now I'm going to have to contact her and ask her to look into my case which I'm alleging was sent to Di to the chief of department that CCRB takes NYPD wrongdoing and just forwards it pass the corruption back to the chief of department division of the NYPD words left to die they've never even once called me because the fix corruption book to the chief of department division of the NYPD words left to die they've never even once called me because the fix is in.
Now I'm going to have to contact her and ask her to look into my case which I'm alleging was sent to Di to the chief of department that CCRB takes NYPD wrongdoing and just forwards it pass the corruption back to the chief of department division of the NYPD words left to die they've never even once called me because the fix corruption book to the chief of department division of the NYPD words left to die they've never even once called me because the fix is in.
Ray Kelly Guilty Man Bratton Too My Case Fixing Favors Retsliation
911 pat lynch NYPD No Raises until after New Commission Police Corruption
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Mom Dying Terrible Parkinson's now early stages Dementia as my Brain Body tired Foggy
I'm suffering extreme exhaustion -- I love my mother I'm going to miss her when she passes it's been two years since my dad passed away all during the lawsuit against NYPD and internal affairs Ray Kelly my brain so tired I've never function on such little sleep it's all because of the running punched him I had a Dr Andrew Fagelman's violence and lies at 155 Sprimg St then the NYPD joined and threatening me it was shocking I'm so shocked.
I try to plan something exciting for my mom and it was kind of worrisome and it ended up being shot down by her she just gets so angry.
My mom has so much to be angry about she's lost her autonomy, her Independence her freedom her ability to do everything that you could do that most of us can do we take for granted
Olympic day at court extreme exhaustion and I was lucky to be taken second so grateful --
Today at Whole Foods I was trying to say this young man a manager type guy although he said he was not a manager tried to help me and give me a taste of an almond milk and I meant to say that's cool and how nice he is and it came out wrong my word was cruel --- scared me is my brain in such bad shape....I told the very kind young man had Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent liar attack receptionist assaulted me repeatedly and about the NYPD and gave him my Justice Card. I told him how traumatized and tired I am and he was even kinder.
It is just such extreme exhaustion and I try to pour water today when I was eating out and it was embarrassing I miss the class and got her love for the table so I made a joke it's like Larry David -- see my mom suffering so much I can't help but wonder am I going to develop problems that she has an all these years of violence in my set of doctors I believe it's harm my brain most important thing I can do now is try and rest sleep as much as possible I've gained so much weight adrenal cortisol insomnia over eating stress belly.
I keep watching the video with Alex Spiro and Thabo Sefolosha. Thabo took huge risks. Comedy Central part also a must see.
My brain hurts so tired.
So tired.
I try to plan something exciting for my mom and it was kind of worrisome and it ended up being shot down by her she just gets so angry.
My mom has so much to be angry about she's lost her autonomy, her Independence her freedom her ability to do everything that you could do that most of us can do we take for granted
Olympic day at court extreme exhaustion and I was lucky to be taken second so grateful --
Today at Whole Foods I was trying to say this young man a manager type guy although he said he was not a manager tried to help me and give me a taste of an almond milk and I meant to say that's cool and how nice he is and it came out wrong my word was cruel --- scared me is my brain in such bad shape....I told the very kind young man had Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent liar attack receptionist assaulted me repeatedly and about the NYPD and gave him my Justice Card. I told him how traumatized and tired I am and he was even kinder.
It is just such extreme exhaustion and I try to pour water today when I was eating out and it was embarrassing I miss the class and got her love for the table so I made a joke it's like Larry David -- see my mom suffering so much I can't help but wonder am I going to develop problems that she has an all these years of violence in my set of doctors I believe it's harm my brain most important thing I can do now is try and rest sleep as much as possible I've gained so much weight adrenal cortisol insomnia over eating stress belly.
I keep watching the video with Alex Spiro and Thabo Sefolosha. Thabo took huge risks. Comedy Central part also a must see.
My brain hurts so tired.
So tired.
Bella Ramsay 12 yr superstar Game of Thrones
Bella Ramsay is a superstar a phenomenon she's just naturally gifted plus something more she's unbelievable.
I hope she gets the best love protection and psychological support to help her cope with becoming a worldwide success she's the most talented actress I've ever seen even at 12 years old she just has some kind of amazing amazing gift.
I hope she gets the best love protection and psychological support to help her cope with becoming a worldwide success she's the most talented actress I've ever seen even at 12 years old she just has some kind of amazing amazing gift.
Alex Spiro Star Lawyer #NBA Star Thabo Get Same Corrupt Big Nasty as Me from NYC Gov!
(FYI -- if you are a celebrity and you need a top notch lawyer do not hire a loser super liar like Joe Tacopina who sued the NYDN twice and he lost -- he didn't understand something call the First Amendment. Hire Alex Spiro or someone from Benjamin Brafman's firm.)
Please watch the video and listen to Alex Spiro and also learn the HUGE risk Thabo took.
Thank G-d he won!!!
Did you notice Thabo has yet to get an apology from the mayor and his crappy creepy police commissioner Bill (hey turn broken windows back on cops ) Bratton! Thabo is not James Blake....
and the City and corp counsel lying yet again saying the NYPD acted with in their scope.
I PROMISED TO HAVE THE LAWYER AND I WANT ALL LAWYERS PAID BY TAX PAYER MONEY TO FACE A NEW COMMISSION ALONG WITH THE CORRUPT NYPD THEY LIE FOR EXPLAIN IT IN FRONT A OF A NEW COMMISSION IN TO NYPD CORRUPTION. I DON'T KNOW HOW MAY Years it will take to get a new commission I just know I want my case presented -- I want to testify along with legions of victims of the NYPD, Internal Affairs and dirty DAs and every corrupt gov agency that is suppose to police them and doesn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
According to Corp Counsel I was not coerced!!!!!! The NYPD did in fact coerce me -- the NYPD lied in police reports, the NYPD DET JOHN VERGONA WAS VERBALLY VIOLENT AND THREATENED ME WITH ARREST UNLESS I DROPPED THE CHARGES!!!
I went to get a cyst removed and I left with a hole in my retina and cervical damage....
Hey Thabo -- before the violent liar hit me my body hurt -- swollen achilles tendons -- right one still a little swollen, problems getting my toes on the ground, a bit wobbly -- I am praying all mechinical and I am not inheriting Parkinson's but if you and I win in the big big picture I want to shot some baskets with you as long as running isn't part of the knees are shot.

4 Judges Have Not Looked at the YouTube of Delita Hooks Savage Assault and Det John Vergona and Delita Hooks Lies
These photo grabs are going in my motion to not dismiss so a 5 judge can whoops can't pretend the NYPD did not commit a series of crimes along with Delita Hooks and ANYONE THAT LIED to the NYPD during the course of an open investigation -- anyone behind the scenes involved in retaliation.
.@ThaboSefolosha Thabo mayor of NYC NYPD haven't apolgoiezed not corp counsel selling lies? Sounds like my case!
Thabo: I guess you aren't mayor Bill de Blasio's Black Son, either was Eric Garner, and so many others.....
Thabo you and I are lucky to be alive but what blows my mind is the NYPD, Internal Affairs, dirty DAs and lawyers paid by tax payers aka corp counsel are lying and lying ....if only the People got to vote and even better we Got JUSTICE!!!!!!!!
(FYI -- if you are a celebrity and you need a top notch lawyer do not hire a loser super liar like Joe Tacopina who sued the NYDN twice and he lost -- he didn't understand something call the First Amendment. Hire Alex Spiro or someone from Benjamin Brafman's firm.)
Please watch the video and listen to Alex Spiro and also learn the HUGE risk Thabo took.
Thank G-d he won!!!
Did you notice Thabo has yet to get an apology from the mayor and his crappy creepy police commissioner Bill (hey turn broken windows back on cops ) Bratton! Thabo is not James Blake....
and the City and corp counsel lying yet again saying the NYPD acted with in their scope.
I PROMISED TO HAVE THE LAWYER AND I WANT ALL LAWYERS PAID BY TAX PAYER MONEY TO FACE A NEW COMMISSION ALONG WITH THE CORRUPT NYPD THEY LIE FOR EXPLAIN IT IN FRONT A OF A NEW COMMISSION IN TO NYPD CORRUPTION. I DON'T KNOW HOW MAY Years it will take to get a new commission I just know I want my case presented -- I want to testify along with legions of victims of the NYPD, Internal Affairs and dirty DAs and every corrupt gov agency that is suppose to police them and doesn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
According to Corp Counsel I was not coerced!!!!!! The NYPD did in fact coerce me -- the NYPD lied in police reports, the NYPD DET JOHN VERGONA WAS VERBALLY VIOLENT AND THREATENED ME WITH ARREST UNLESS I DROPPED THE CHARGES!!!
I went to get a cyst removed and I left with a hole in my retina and cervical damage....
Hey Thabo -- before the violent liar hit me my body hurt -- swollen achilles tendons -- right one still a little swollen, problems getting my toes on the ground, a bit wobbly -- I am praying all mechinical and I am not inheriting Parkinson's but if you and I win in the big big picture I want to shot some baskets with you as long as running isn't part of the knees are shot.
4 Judges Have Not Looked at the YouTube of Delita Hooks Savage Assault and Det John Vergona and Delita Hooks Lies
These photo grabs are going in my motion to not dismiss so a 5 judge can whoops can't pretend the NYPD did not commit a series of crimes along with Delita Hooks and ANYONE THAT LIED to the NYPD during the course of an open investigation -- anyone behind the scenes involved in retaliation.
.@ThaboSefolosha Thabo mayor of NYC NYPD haven't apolgoiezed not corp counsel selling lies? Sounds like my case!
Thabo: I guess you aren't mayor Bill de Blasio's Black Son, either was Eric Garner, and so many others.....
Thabo you and I are lucky to be alive but what blows my mind is the NYPD, Internal Affairs, dirty DAs and lawyers paid by tax payers aka corp counsel are lying and lying ....if only the People got to vote and even better we Got JUSTICE!!!!!!!!
Yungman Lee v Nydia Velazquez, Mr. Lee's Flyers a Day Late
Mr Yungman Lee sent out hard hitting flyers talking about the "June 28th Democratic Party Primary...."but they arrived a day late....Junes 29.
Local USPS Nydia fans or was his staff late to the post office?
You know all over Brooklyn are large graffiti demonstrations stating Hillary stole the election.
There is no doubt NYC is a corrupt cess pool and the fix is in and that pathetic high priced "tech upgrade" by king Bloomberg at Board of Election is so awful --- no surprises lots of allegedly uncounted votes or was it even more simple than that?
Folks wonder....
Local USPS Nydia fans or was his staff late to the post office?
You know all over Brooklyn are large graffiti demonstrations stating Hillary stole the election.
There is no doubt NYC is a corrupt cess pool and the fix is in and that pathetic high priced "tech upgrade" by king Bloomberg at Board of Election is so awful --- no surprises lots of allegedly uncounted votes or was it even more simple than that?
Folks wonder....
De Blasio's Social Media Director Quits After 2 Months Working With 'Hacks' - Civic Center - DNAinfo New York
De Blasio's Social Media Director Quits After 2 Months Working With 'Hacks' - Civic Center - DNAinfo New York
Sent from my iPhone
CityTime crook Denault Supreme Court NYC Gov advertises job for junky payroll system
911 tech shit is because climb in New York City government not want to rest attorney has to be more than annoyed that the lead crook and city time has join the herd trying to get US attorney overturned
The head of Department of investigation under Michael Bloomberg Rose gill Hearn when I New York one and she did an infomercial plugging CityTime. Which was it is a hunk of junk it is Destin for the dumpster possible like 911 aka ECTP. The crooks a 911 were stealing from the very beginning and openly on the NYPD were taking lavish gifts Google NYDN NYPD chief Dowd
The head of Department of investigation under Michael Bloomberg Rose gill Hearn when I New York one and she did an infomercial plugging CityTime. Which was it is a hunk of junk it is Destin for the dumpster possible like 911 aka ECTP. The crooks a 911 were stealing from the very beginning and openly on the NYPD were taking lavish gifts Google NYDN NYPD chief Dowd
No surprises on this....good luck to anyone trying to support this....
Triple checking NYC gov site is advertising CityTime Manager Job!!! Ha..Ha Ha, hee, hee hee. Note the word CITYTIME Is omitted.
"The Office of Payroll Administration is recruiting a Computer Systems Manager M-1 who will be responsible to perform activities related to technical design, coding and unit testing of enhancements and defect corrections for the City's payroll applications. Tasks will involve application, architecture and interface/integration development and maintenance. Technical skills include Java/JEE, WebSphere, Junit, Object Oriented Design, UML Modeling, JavaScript and HTML."
Double checking other sites...
"Job Description
The Financial Information Services Agency (FISA) has a vacancy for a SQL Developer who will provide support of production and development environments for our city wide automated time keeping system (CITYTIME).
Primary Responsibilities include:
Perform activities related to technical design, coding and unit testing of enhancements and defect corrections for the City's time keeping system CityTime that includes : activity and payroll processing; time sheet, roster, status, and roll-call functionality; employee profile, leave balance, work schedule and self-care service. Work will involve PL/SQL development, tuning and SQL package development and maintenance. Technical skills include: PL/SQL scripting, SQL tuning, data export/import, Excel VB/SQL development, Oracle streams, custom ETL development, Perl scripting."
And more double checking, Ha...Ha..Ha....hee hee hee. side splitting
Ray Kelly Bratton NYPD coercion v CCRB as you sign form to say you were not coerced
.@NYPDChiefofDept CCRB has usign a form were u coerced but NYPD coercion policing tool retaliation lower crime stats you sign form to say you were not coerced you sign form to say you were not coerced
911 pat lynch NYPD No Raises until after New Commission Police Corruption
PBA, NYC hit negotiation standstill as Lynch blasts de Blasio - NY Daily News
How many victims of the NYPD including way too many family members that say NYPD murdered their sons want Justice not a raise?
What is the status of Loretta Lynch's imvestigation into Eric Garner's homicide. I tweeted her Eric Garner's hand written pro se lawsuit. Google Eric Garner hand written lawsuit and you'll find my blog New York City I love you big time read Eric in his own handwriting!
I once had respect for the NYPD even had a letter published in The New York times after September 11 but NYPD PO Eugene schatz The first cop I was able to witness response to one 800 NYPD fix it for the Mercer Hotel Next was his Facebook friend Det John Vergona One 800 fix it for Dr. Andrew fire his receptionist and so he didn't have to fire his violent lying receptionist and every one that lied to the police department during the open investigation and I'm alleging possibility that he conspired with the NYPD to have me threatened and coerced which is a serious crime for Dr. to commit.
I don't want raises for the NYPD into their arrests in my case prosecution an arrest a special prosecutor and I'm sure I'm not alone and wanting a special prosecutor I'm sure fellow victims want special prosecutors far more than they want the NYPD get raises
Google dr Fagelman assault - see Det John Vergona's DD5 one of The series of police reports I got by accident from Ray Kelly's open lawyer who is defending police corruption in my case. I want Ray Kelly arrested for his role in my case retaliating against me because I'm a whistle blower and want him arrested for 911 his appt and protection of Chief Chuck Dowd and both their roles 911 aka ECTP along with promoting top brass for fixing crimes for promoting can cops who did fixing in favors one 800 NYPD fix it!
And overwhelmingly large amount of New Yorkers are furious when the NYPD and tell me that they had been victimized including stories of being hit over the head with the radio falsely arrested and then I judge dismissing the false arrest.
Course we've all seen Eric Garner be murdered there was no reason to jump on like there was no reason to jump on Thabo Sefolosha and corporate counsel in my case and it's way too many cases are defending NYPD climes and open the line with my case in court yesterday I call corporate counsel liars!
The raises for city Council must be removed and the NYPD cannot have raises no one in city government connected tom911 -- DOITT, DOI including this comptrollers office under Scott Stringer she get races until answers your questions and we have a criminal prosecution of 911 tech crooks including NYPD that lavish gifts because the entire city depends on the system and it is completely corrupted built on house of cards because from the beginning when Hewlett-Packard who sits on the NY pension board we're stealing they open the floodgates and consultants and contractors were overbilling 600% they were stealing The starts with Michael Bloomberg as mayor and Ray Kelly NYPD as police commissioner.
Ray Kelly Bloomberg Forefront 911 Tech Tax payer Titanics NYPD Lavish Gifts and I'm Zenger Minus Alexander Hamilton
Rose Gill Hearn is going to have to answer questions under oath along with the police commissioners both of them and why Bratton hosted a board meeting 1 Police Plaza with corrupt NYPD chief of taking gifts NYPD chief Chuck Dowd.
After September 11 I had a letter published in the New York Times asking for sizable raise for the NYPD and the FDNY. I had a letter published in the Wall Street Journal "Betrayal at Ground Zero" demanding or rescue workers including PAPD and EMS and all uniforms rescue workers be honored with the Memorial downtown. The betrayal has grown exponentially including with health concerns for a rescue workers.
However I'm the vixtim of NYPD -800 NYPD fix it savagely attacked at Dr Andrew Fagelman's by the Ray Rice of reception desk punched my had a hole in my retina similar to cases and New York Daily News has reported connected to the Hasidic Community.
(Google dr Fagelman assault watch youtube Dr Fagelman blames me for his receptionist/office manager repeated violation of my patient rights assaulting me repeatedly violating my body including touching my vaginal area with her barefoot throwing her shoes make me a hole in my retina hurting my cervical neck it's my fault-- I was another doctors patient I don't know how he could work at a hospital if he doesn't understand patient rights other doctors patients rights as well.)
Now I'm calling for no raises for the NYPD until after there is the new commission into police corruption and prosecution of 911 tech crooks and top NYPD brass that the NYDN exclusively reported was taking gifts from at least one contractor ever I believe they took gift from consultants and contractors and Chief Chuck Dowd also took lavish gifts or compensation involving FirstNet. I'm the only one to report on my blog that he and Brett and hosted a FirstNet board meeting One Police Plaza just news broke of a federal investigation just when we first see Bratton take action save his crumbling reputation.
Dear Pat Lynch; (I emailed to him this)
Pat did you and the other union leaders have a good laugh at the NYPD threatening me committing crimes fabricating police reports
How many victims of the NYPD including way too many family members that say NYPD murdered their sons want Justice not a raise?
What is the status of Loretta Lynch's imvestigation into Eric Garner's homicide. I tweeted her Eric Garner's hand written pro se lawsuit. Google Eric Garner hand written lawsuit and you'll find my blog New York City I love you big time read Eric in his own handwriting!
I once had respect for the NYPD even had a letter published in The New York times after September 11 but NYPD PO Eugene schatz The first cop I was able to witness response to one 800 NYPD fix it for the Mercer Hotel Next was his Facebook friend Det John Vergona One 800 fix it for Dr. Andrew fire his receptionist and so he didn't have to fire his violent lying receptionist and every one that lied to the police department during the open investigation and I'm alleging possibility that he conspired with the NYPD to have me threatened and coerced which is a serious crime for Dr. to commit.
I don't want raises for the NYPD into their arrests in my case prosecution an arrest a special prosecutor and I'm sure I'm not alone and wanting a special prosecutor I'm sure fellow victims want special prosecutors far more than they want the NYPD get raises
Google dr Fagelman assault - see Det John Vergona's DD5 one of The series of police reports I got by accident from Ray Kelly's open lawyer who is defending police corruption in my case. I want Ray Kelly arrested for his role in my case retaliating against me because I'm a whistle blower and want him arrested for 911 his appt and protection of Chief Chuck Dowd and both their roles 911 aka ECTP along with promoting top brass for fixing crimes for promoting can cops who did fixing in favors one 800 NYPD fix it!
And overwhelmingly large amount of New Yorkers are furious when the NYPD and tell me that they had been victimized including stories of being hit over the head with the radio falsely arrested and then I judge dismissing the false arrest.
Course we've all seen Eric Garner be murdered there was no reason to jump on like there was no reason to jump on Thabo Sefolosha and corporate counsel in my case and it's way too many cases are defending NYPD climes and open the line with my case in court yesterday I call corporate counsel liars!
The raises for city Council must be removed and the NYPD cannot have raises no one in city government connected tom911 -- DOITT, DOI including this comptrollers office under Scott Stringer she get races until answers your questions and we have a criminal prosecution of 911 tech crooks including NYPD that lavish gifts because the entire city depends on the system and it is completely corrupted built on house of cards because from the beginning when Hewlett-Packard who sits on the NY pension board we're stealing they open the floodgates and consultants and contractors were overbilling 600% they were stealing The starts with Michael Bloomberg as mayor and Ray Kelly NYPD as police commissioner.
Ray Kelly Bloomberg Forefront 911 Tech Tax payer Titanics NYPD Lavish Gifts and I'm Zenger Minus Alexander Hamilton
Rose Gill Hearn is going to have to answer questions under oath along with the police commissioners both of them and why Bratton hosted a board meeting 1 Police Plaza with corrupt NYPD chief of taking gifts NYPD chief Chuck Dowd.
After September 11 I had a letter published in the New York Times asking for sizable raise for the NYPD and the FDNY. I had a letter published in the Wall Street Journal "Betrayal at Ground Zero" demanding or rescue workers including PAPD and EMS and all uniforms rescue workers be honored with the Memorial downtown. The betrayal has grown exponentially including with health concerns for a rescue workers.
However I'm the vixtim of NYPD -800 NYPD fix it savagely attacked at Dr Andrew Fagelman's by the Ray Rice of reception desk punched my had a hole in my retina similar to cases and New York Daily News has reported connected to the Hasidic Community.
(Google dr Fagelman assault watch youtube Dr Fagelman blames me for his receptionist/office manager repeated violation of my patient rights assaulting me repeatedly violating my body including touching my vaginal area with her barefoot throwing her shoes make me a hole in my retina hurting my cervical neck it's my fault-- I was another doctors patient I don't know how he could work at a hospital if he doesn't understand patient rights other doctors patients rights as well.)
Now I'm calling for no raises for the NYPD until after there is the new commission into police corruption and prosecution of 911 tech crooks and top NYPD brass that the NYDN exclusively reported was taking gifts from at least one contractor ever I believe they took gift from consultants and contractors and Chief Chuck Dowd also took lavish gifts or compensation involving FirstNet. I'm the only one to report on my blog that he and Brett and hosted a FirstNet board meeting One Police Plaza just news broke of a federal investigation just when we first see Bratton take action save his crumbling reputation.
Dear Pat Lynch; (I emailed to him this)
Pat did you and the other union leaders have a good laugh at the NYPD threatening me committing crimes fabricating police reports
Share this with anybody and everyone especially the other union heads.
I once was a supporter of the NYPD even asking for a sizable raise and The New York Times.
Until the cops are arrested in my case I will do everything in my power to fight for justice. I am sure you would do the same you were the victim of a violent attack victim of a pile up of crimes from the doctors office to the police department to internal affairs to Ray Kelly and Bill Bratton.
Did police officer Eugene Schatz what I witnessed verbally abusing and chastising a dying Vet -- I witnessed verbally abusing a Korean War vet now dead prostate cancer did he and his Facebook friends Det John Vergona and Andy Dwyer and their partners get the result they wanted?
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Donald Trump Marie Brenner
Mother Jones Twitter carried the piece about Donald Trump sick and six throwing liquid of some sort I don't remember was it wine in Marie Brenner's face -/ except misogynist have to put down women so they said unattractive that she was unattractive! My response.
.@MotherJones .@maxjrosenthal Brenner supermodelcompared2Trump It's clear Trump never looks in the mirror like his financial history2painful
.@MotherJones .@maxjrosenthal Brenner supermodelcompared2Trump It's clear Trump never looks in the mirror like his financial history2painful
Ray Kelly Bloomberg Forefront 911 Tech Tax payer Titanics NYPD Lavish Gifts and I'm Zenger Minus Alexander Hamilton
I said Senator Schumer didn't doesn't know why the 911 Techsystemover budget over 1 billion dollars and late but I do I know why because the contractors and consultants were stealing and NYPD were taking lavish gifts and I wrote about it and blogs about it and put it on YouTube I keep calling for criminal prosecution of the crooks was Ray Kelly's baby.
I said Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly wanted to be at the forefront technology in New York City and instead they were at the forefront of a seaif taxpayer Titanic's.
.@SenSchumer NY State Supreme Court told Judge Senator Schumer said he doesn't know not y 911 Overbudget $1 billion in late but I know why!
(I guess this is going to be like hurricane Sandy and then I'm on one system collapse and then everyone told me oh yeah I was right all along about 911. )
I was in court yesterday the city of New York lied just like they did in NBA Star Thabo Sefolosha's case and in both our cases and Eric Garner's case we have the video proof in my case I am police reports where they lied and I said judge outs me Nathan may not of understood the police reports but I'm hoping you are you judge understand them because the lawyer for corporate counsel in federal court short and understand them she didn't know the difference between a deputy inspector and a captain.
John Peter Zenger over 200 years ago and I same thing except I don't have Alexander Hamilton.
No raises4NYPD until new Commission prosecuted NYPD + 911crooks NYPD gifts Kelly Bratton 1800NYPDfixit
I've been up since 2 AM and it's almost 4 o'clock I think I got two hours sleep this is been going on for years I understand now why they're all these horror movies where people get their justice because how do you cope with this for me I pray every day everyone involved in the violence and the lies gets their's
Corp counsel lied and said I wasn't course of course I was coerced they focus on Kuby's letter it wasn't what I agreed to - I agreed to I drop the charges against my attacker if my attacker drops the alleged charge. I told the judge that the city has in the bill particular is the audio of internal affairs refusing what I actually greet to via email they refuse that the city has everything and I'm going after the lawyer in front of a new commission to police corruption she's going to have to explain why she's defending NYPD crimes
I wasn't allowed to respond to the lawyer saying they're not mine when they actually are but I really don't get it the central park five they admitted they were involved in the rape and years later they get a Euge pay out and say they were course I didn't admit to anything I was a victim of a pile up of crimes I'm even convinced Joe Tacopina and an associate openly committed the crime of witness tampering threatened me aggravated harassment during an open investigation calling me a cunt threatening me warning me not to come forward where they would see the tables turned on me using sock puppets if I'm correct he needs to be disbarred and arrested and Cy Vance is Charles Hynes.
Preet Bharara is not Superman and he's overwhelmed even Gerard Denault of CityTime infamy is asking Supreme Court to over turn the US Attotney.
Bratton and Raznick. Who called an NYPD whistle blower a Rat are as guilty.
Everyone knows Internal Affairs is corrupt. Everyone knows the NYPD to fix mean favors it's one 800 NYPD fix it .
.@SenSchumer Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911techcrooks like herefused to prosecute St Vincent hospital crooks, bad4sales Rudin bloodcondos
.@SenSchumer expect a Charles hynes ending for Cyrus Vance.
Ray Kelly chief Chuck Dowd 911 corruption, my case coercion and more plus retaliation.
Ray Kelly Perjury...Ex-NYPD commish Ray Kelly lied under oath about emails: suit - NY Daily News

4 Judges Have Not Looked at the YouTube of Delita Hooks Savage Assault and Det John Vergona and Delita Hooks Lies
These photo grabs are going in my motion to not dismiss so a 5 judge can whoops can't pretend the NYPD did not commit a series of crimes along with Delita Hooks and ANYONE THAT LIED to the NYPD during the course of an open investigation -- anyone behind the scenes involved in retaliation.
The City is asking my case be thrown out on a technicality but I am prepping a motion that will finally not make it easy for judges to not look at the evidence.
Four Judges never looked at the video and listened to the audios proving the NYPD violated my rights and also broke the law including coercion and lying in police reports. Besides coercion Det John Vergona was verbally violent and yelled at me YOU ARE GOING TO DROP THOSE CHARGES (not it was plural charges) OR I AM GOING TO ARREST YOU!.
The defense lawyer in Federal Court handed in some police reports not understanding they incriminated her clients proving my case underscoring the NYPD lied and Internal Affairs as guilty protecting the corrupt NYPD and Delita Hooks who both lied during an open investigation so both Delita Hooks and the NYPD and Internal Affairs lying including in written documents like Delita Hooks SIGNED letter openly threatening me to her corrupt NYPD fixer are serious crimes.
A list of Det John Vergona's lies are here but clearly you can hear Delita Hooks threatened me with bodily harm to slap the crap out of me as she violently gestures and I back away as she repeated hits me -- you can see the KEYS coming at me as she strikes me and than she switches hands and strikes me with the iPhone and than she throws her shoes and later after I told her not to touch my body she presses her barefoot against my groin touching my vagina -- if a man did that that would be sexual assault -- the most shocking disturbing parts of her attack including threatening me with bodily harm all omitted from the DD5 including the fact I sent the video along with the photographs and my MD's notes.
I filed out this form and mailed it to one police plaza asking for her false cross complaint. The NYPD employee wrote what down Delita Hooks lies at the very bottom -- Delita Hooks lied during an open police investigation along with others including the NYPD but she does acknowledge she understood I was a patient.
Praying Chief Banks spills the beans including my case.
Also ask another my guess corrupt chief Esposito and Lt Gannon. Gaminess Banks right hand about my case and Gannon told me that NYPD has a policy that I cannot raise assault charges against Delita Hooks to second-degree because I am suing The NYPD. The NYPD repeatedly turned me away prevented me from reporting assault second-degree assault the false cross-complaint I have audio of them turning me away they say because I'm not a detective or from the Manhattan DA and that was before I was suing.
Sgt Chen audio turned me away Bratton Kelly #NYPD hiding badge # & him
Bratton andChief of Det move daft Chen out two days before I could serve him there still hiding his first name and badge number that's Ray Kelly Campisi Bratton Reznick chief of detectives....?
Before lawsuit audios of Sgt Chen having me turned away -- he refuses to come down and meet me. You hear me call CCRB, internal affairs, DI Ed Winski -- only CCRB contacts me.
Boyce and his predecessor knew about my case pretty much everyone did and they actually move Sergeant Chen out before I could serve him two days before and I can track them down because I don't have his badge number in his first initial to serve him in NY State Supreme Court.
I said Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly wanted to be at the forefront technology in New York City and instead they were at the forefront of a seaif taxpayer Titanic's.
.@SenSchumer NY State Supreme Court told Judge Senator Schumer said he doesn't know not y 911 Overbudget $1 billion in late but I know why!
(I guess this is going to be like hurricane Sandy and then I'm on one system collapse and then everyone told me oh yeah I was right all along about 911. )
I was in court yesterday the city of New York lied just like they did in NBA Star Thabo Sefolosha's case and in both our cases and Eric Garner's case we have the video proof in my case I am police reports where they lied and I said judge outs me Nathan may not of understood the police reports but I'm hoping you are you judge understand them because the lawyer for corporate counsel in federal court short and understand them she didn't know the difference between a deputy inspector and a captain.
John Peter Zenger over 200 years ago and I same thing except I don't have Alexander Hamilton.
No raises4NYPD until new Commission prosecuted NYPD + 911crooks NYPD gifts Kelly Bratton 1800NYPDfixit
I've been up since 2 AM and it's almost 4 o'clock I think I got two hours sleep this is been going on for years I understand now why they're all these horror movies where people get their justice because how do you cope with this for me I pray every day everyone involved in the violence and the lies gets their's
Corp counsel lied and said I wasn't course of course I was coerced they focus on Kuby's letter it wasn't what I agreed to - I agreed to I drop the charges against my attacker if my attacker drops the alleged charge. I told the judge that the city has in the bill particular is the audio of internal affairs refusing what I actually greet to via email they refuse that the city has everything and I'm going after the lawyer in front of a new commission to police corruption she's going to have to explain why she's defending NYPD crimes
I wasn't allowed to respond to the lawyer saying they're not mine when they actually are but I really don't get it the central park five they admitted they were involved in the rape and years later they get a Euge pay out and say they were course I didn't admit to anything I was a victim of a pile up of crimes I'm even convinced Joe Tacopina and an associate openly committed the crime of witness tampering threatened me aggravated harassment during an open investigation calling me a cunt threatening me warning me not to come forward where they would see the tables turned on me using sock puppets if I'm correct he needs to be disbarred and arrested and Cy Vance is Charles Hynes.
Preet Bharara is not Superman and he's overwhelmed even Gerard Denault of CityTime infamy is asking Supreme Court to over turn the US Attotney.
Bratton and Raznick. Who called an NYPD whistle blower a Rat are as guilty.
Everyone knows Internal Affairs is corrupt. Everyone knows the NYPD to fix mean favors it's one 800 NYPD fix it .
.@SenSchumer Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911techcrooks like herefused to prosecute St Vincent hospital crooks, bad4sales Rudin bloodcondos
.@SenSchumer expect a Charles hynes ending for Cyrus Vance.
Ray Kelly chief Chuck Dowd 911 corruption, my case coercion and more plus retaliation.
Ray Kelly Perjury...Ex-NYPD commish Ray Kelly lied under oath about emails: suit - NY Daily News
NYPD Chiefs Like Campisi Ray Kelly's puppet fixing favors my case Preet Bharara FBI protecting highest levels corruption lead straight to Police Commish Ray Kelly and Bratton
4 Judges Have Not Looked at the YouTube of Delita Hooks Savage Assault and Det John Vergona and Delita Hooks Lies
These photo grabs are going in my motion to not dismiss so a 5 judge can whoops can't pretend the NYPD did not commit a series of crimes along with Delita Hooks and ANYONE THAT LIED to the NYPD during the course of an open investigation -- anyone behind the scenes involved in retaliation.
The City is asking my case be thrown out on a technicality but I am prepping a motion that will finally not make it easy for judges to not look at the evidence.
Four Judges never looked at the video and listened to the audios proving the NYPD violated my rights and also broke the law including coercion and lying in police reports. Besides coercion Det John Vergona was verbally violent and yelled at me YOU ARE GOING TO DROP THOSE CHARGES (not it was plural charges) OR I AM GOING TO ARREST YOU!.
The defense lawyer in Federal Court handed in some police reports not understanding they incriminated her clients proving my case underscoring the NYPD lied and Internal Affairs as guilty protecting the corrupt NYPD and Delita Hooks who both lied during an open investigation so both Delita Hooks and the NYPD and Internal Affairs lying including in written documents like Delita Hooks SIGNED letter openly threatening me to her corrupt NYPD fixer are serious crimes.
A list of Det John Vergona's lies are here but clearly you can hear Delita Hooks threatened me with bodily harm to slap the crap out of me as she violently gestures and I back away as she repeated hits me -- you can see the KEYS coming at me as she strikes me and than she switches hands and strikes me with the iPhone and than she throws her shoes and later after I told her not to touch my body she presses her barefoot against my groin touching my vagina -- if a man did that that would be sexual assault -- the most shocking disturbing parts of her attack including threatening me with bodily harm all omitted from the DD5 including the fact I sent the video along with the photographs and my MD's notes.
I filed out this form and mailed it to one police plaza asking for her false cross complaint. The NYPD employee wrote what down Delita Hooks lies at the very bottom -- Delita Hooks lied during an open police investigation along with others including the NYPD but she does acknowledge she understood I was a patient.
Praying Chief Banks spills the beans including my case.
Also ask another my guess corrupt chief Esposito and Lt Gannon. Gaminess Banks right hand about my case and Gannon told me that NYPD has a policy that I cannot raise assault charges against Delita Hooks to second-degree because I am suing The NYPD. The NYPD repeatedly turned me away prevented me from reporting assault second-degree assault the false cross-complaint I have audio of them turning me away they say because I'm not a detective or from the Manhattan DA and that was before I was suing.
Sgt Chen audio turned me away Bratton Kelly #NYPD hiding badge # & him
Bratton andChief of Det move daft Chen out two days before I could serve him there still hiding his first name and badge number that's Ray Kelly Campisi Bratton Reznick chief of detectives....?
Before lawsuit audios of Sgt Chen having me turned away -- he refuses to come down and meet me. You hear me call CCRB, internal affairs, DI Ed Winski -- only CCRB contacts me.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
.@CommissBratton Sgt Chen audio turned me away… Bratton Kelly #NYPD hiding badge # & him
Boyce and his predecessor knew about my case pretty much everyone did and they actually move Sergeant Chen out before I could serve him two days before and I can track them down because I don't have his badge number in his first initial to serve him in NY State Supreme Court.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
.@NYPDDetectives audio IA Sgt Mary O'Donnell refuses evidence… prior lied re returning mynotes Andy Dwyer Andy drier
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
NYPD Crimes Lawyers my case #NBA Star Thabo
Corporate counsel taxpayer-funded lies defending criminal acts by the NYPD including my case it's sickening. I just lived it today in court. O
Abuse... 'Force Was Justified'
The NYPD officers who subdued and arrested NBA star Thabo Sefolosha last year were completely justified in their action, so says the NYPD ... despite Thabo's claim he suffered serious injuries during the incident.
You know the backstory ... the ATL Hawks star got into it with NYPD officers back in April 2015 outside of 1 OAK nightclub ... minutes after a fellow NBA player was stabbed nearby.
Sefolosha was initially arrested for obstructing justice and disorderly conduct -- but he took the case to trial and was eventually exonerated.
Thabo claimed the officers used excessive force -- striking him with a baton, forcing him to the ground and handcuffing him. Thabo claims he suffered a broken leg and ligament damage.
Thabo had sued the 5 officers and the City of NY seeking up to $50 million in damages.
Now, the City of NY has responded -- and officials are backing the cops.
In court docs obtained by TMZ Sports, the City states, "Any force was reasonable and justified."
As for the alleged injuries -- the City blames Thabo ... saying, "Any injury alleged to have been sustained resulted from [Sefolosha's] own culpable or negligent conduct or the culpable or negligent conduct of others."
The City wants the judge to throw out the case. We're guessing that ain't gonna happen.
Catherine Papandrew Corp Counsel Liar or Lawyer?
Catherine Papandrew Corp Counsel Liar or Lawyer?
Your tax dollars defending NYPD crimes internal affairs crimes...
I want Zachary Carter and everyone involved to have to answer questions in front of a new commission to please corruption groundbreaking commission that holds lawyers DAs corporate counsel internal affairs and every agency has failed New Yorkers accountable.
If we can't get it in a public forum then we can take it online with databases and exposes it's got to be stop somehow it's got to be exposed fully for worldwide audience.
In my opinion this is an opinion blog as you all knowCatherine Papandrew is a liar and Carmas going to get her -- you lied in my Pinyan in front of a judge and above judge it says In G-D we Trust.
This liar or Lawyer whatever you want to call Catherine Papandrew said I wasn't cool Worchester there wasn't any proof I was coerced and the judge wouldn't let me respond but I had already mentioned that the civilian complaint review board makes you sign a form yes I'm dropping charges and yes I want to make it clear I was not coerced but not the police department.
I'm suffering from posttraumatic stress but right now as I sit outside the courthouse I pray everybody involved in the violence in life gets some their karma.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Woman fights off sex predator on Brooklyn street
Woman fights off sex predator on Brooklyn street
I get my 1st call ever under Bratton from Internal Affair now FBI around but it is all fake I am sure so I will testify in front of a new commission when ever it happens
I know the FBI are around but I know this will be covered up. Ok I will testify in front of a new Commission in to NYPD Internal Affairs and dirty DAs charles hynes and Cy Vance — there will be a huge out pouring to testify but nice to finally get a call back instead of Chief Reznick who calls whistle blowers alway ignoring me.
Lt Angelo Burgos never contacted me reopened my case numerous times lied about me not being cooperative and 2 years later he after refusing to give me badge numbers for Sgt Chen and Vergona after a subordinate gave me his email he now wants to add me to linkedin.
NYPD steal a Black Diplomats Identity create a fake YouTube account harass me order me to shut up move on on losing end.
The Black diplomate is friends with Bog Gangi of Prop.
You find it all there — start with the first ten pages...
outlines the gay bashing and telling I am a terrible person after I leave PO Eugene Schatz’s pattern 01 community affairs message Schatz is terrible.
Schumer: FCC should lead technology upgrade for 911 centers truth out NYC 911 bigger crime than CityTime
I'm going over this in court. staring corruption plus NYPD Graft (see one in series of NYDN posts on NYPD chief of gifts Chief chuck dowd as crooks stole over billed 911) but Schumer lucky him does not know why clueless why 011 over budget over a billion dollars not up and running. My YouTube response to article from Newsday.
.@Tedephillips Schumer calling for FCC 911 Ihe doesn't know about Cy Vance refusing to prosecute crooks 911, 2012?
.@Tedephillips Schumer calling for FCC 911 Ihe doesn't know about Cy Vance refusing to prosecute crooks 911, 2012?
(518) 431-4070
Albany, NY
.@SenSchumer l left you vm at your office emailed u 911 tech corruption also FirstNet both responses September 11 both ripoffs
I called Schumer left a detailed message and emailed too and said I want to testify front of the U.S. Senate in front of any court anywhere I want to testify about 911 and FirstNet NYPD top brass. Cy Vance prevented criminal prosecution 2012 just like he tried to fix it for Jeffrey Epstein lowering his sexual predator status but a judge with a erhics said no
.@SenSchumer .@CenterLink me City Hall721/13 #LGBT Mark Carson murdered Testified 911 ambulancedelay St V's closed
Schumer: FCC should lead technology upgrade for 911 centers truth out NYC 911 bigger crime than CityTime
Any contractors do fundraising donations to cha any contractors do fundraising donations schumer ????
Contractors marked up 600% as well as consultants they were openly stealing and NYPD top cops taking lavish
I'll be talking about and I'm on corruption in court tomorrow and about the NYPD and Ray Kelly, Campisi etc New York State supreme
Internal Affairs Stop black out now FBI around
There are lots more posts on Chief chuck Dowd wrong doing and don't forget my exclusive that Dowd and Bratton hosted a FirstNet board meeting.
FirstNet like 911 total rip-off and tax payer money response to Sept 11 still not up do the math.
NYPD Breaking the Law Exploiting Sex Workers Part of Blue Wall Corruption
NYPD Breaking the Law Exploiting Sex Workers Part of Blue Wall Corruption
like internal affairs it has alway been part of the very fabric of corruption.
like internal affairs it has alway been part of the very fabric of corruption.
File a complaint Bratton's email and CCRB against Woman det 01 Det Squad violation CPR
CCRB is still corrupt mostly forwarding complaints to the Chief of Dept which is like Internal Affairs, CCPC, NYPD IG, Integrity Bureau = pure corruption -- cases where your complaints and allegations will die until the FBI occasionally make the Internal Affairs do their job.
I just filed a complaint with CCRB against First Precinct Det Squad woman Det working under Lt Roy. She hung up the phone on me.
I am asked the where abouts of Sgt Chen. I wanted to make sure he was not returned to the 01 Det Squad. He was moved with a day of two of service and I wanted to confirm he was not rotated back.
At all times under Ray Kelly and Bill Bratton the identities and badge numbers continued to be hidden like Klu Klux clan members and the NYPD det squad behavior this afternoon at 1:39 is just like under Lt Angelo Burgos and Sgt Chen -- violation of CPR which does not instill public trust. The NYPD still sound like they have a lot to hide.
Before she hung up on me -- I asked is this the Det Squad -- Is Sgt Chen there.
Do you know where he works.
She wants to know who wants to know.
I say someone who is a citizen -- don't I have a right to know or is this like the mafia? She hangs up.
That is a violation of CPR. Not a first for the detective squad.
As corrupt as ever.
It is amazing that Preet Bharara is arresting NYPD officers but it is business as usual.
#NYPD 01 det squad was Lt Roy part of it moving Sgt Chen along with his supervisors on going protection cover up?
I just filed a complaint with CCRB against First Precinct Det Squad woman Det working under Lt Roy. She hung up the phone on me.
I am asked the where abouts of Sgt Chen. I wanted to make sure he was not returned to the 01 Det Squad. He was moved with a day of two of service and I wanted to confirm he was not rotated back.
At all times under Ray Kelly and Bill Bratton the identities and badge numbers continued to be hidden like Klu Klux clan members and the NYPD det squad behavior this afternoon at 1:39 is just like under Lt Angelo Burgos and Sgt Chen -- violation of CPR which does not instill public trust. The NYPD still sound like they have a lot to hide.
Before she hung up on me -- I asked is this the Det Squad -- Is Sgt Chen there.
Do you know where he works.
She wants to know who wants to know.
I say someone who is a citizen -- don't I have a right to know or is this like the mafia? She hangs up.
That is a violation of CPR. Not a first for the detective squad.
As corrupt as ever.
It is amazing that Preet Bharara is arresting NYPD officers but it is business as usual.
#NYPD 01 det squad was Lt Roy part of it moving Sgt Chen along with his supervisors on going protection cover up?
NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton defends decision to promote captain accused of enforcing discriminatory practices
NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton defends decision to promote captain accused of enforcing discriminatory practices
Ray Kelly and Bratton have a history of promoting NYPD who are accused of all kinds of wrong doing.
Why? It is part of the culture of corruption.
Ray Kelly and Bratton have a history of promoting NYPD who are accused of all kinds of wrong doing.
Why? It is part of the culture of corruption.
Manhunt Underway For Attempted Rape Suspect In Brooklyn « CBS New York
Manhunt Underway For Attempted Rape Suspect In Brooklyn « CBS New York
President Obama Loretta Lynch Status Eric Garner Homicide Investigation allegations prior #NYPD planted Drugs on him
.@LorettaLynch .@TheJusticeDept Status of investigation Eric Garner Homicide Eric hand written lawsuit accuses #NYPD planting drugs on him
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Preet Bharara NYPD PBA IA Since the Pyramids
Look at every internal affairs officers on Ramos case. Capt Aaron Wrighr where is he after he pulled a Delita Hooks on his NYPD spousal abuse girlfriend beating the living daylights out of her I think breaking her jaw on the front lawn of her home and then when a neighbor called the police she lied to the police for him.
Then there's the deputy inspector he was named in a couple of scandals.
Det Randy K had his life threatens was accused of too much overtime but they needed to clone him and put in more hours...
NYPD internal affairs lieutenant found guilty in ticket-fixing scandal - NY Daily News. Reminder she tipped off PBA official
Preet Bharara missed the NYPD Ramos protest by the NYPD and PBA stating that fixing in favors goes on since the beginning of the pyramids but the New York FBI and the dirty DAs throughout New York certainly knew and protected everyone involved citywide from cops to celebrities, MDs to billionaires and NYPD family members that call one 1-800 NYPD Fixit. 1800 NYPDIADA fix it.
Judge Allison Nathan lets this corrupt NYPD retired cop bribing an NYPD sgt to used a restricted data base off the hook no jail just like my case and guess what this retired cop DWYER shares the same name as Det Andy Dwyer the fixer corrupt NYPD detective Delita HOOKS corrupt Detective who went over to the Md's office and listened to their lies but never contacted me. The NYPD gave my attacker preferential treatment commit a crime in the First Precinct call the NYPD or walk in the precinct and break more laws lying to the police during an open investigation and get the NYPD to violate the constitonal oath they took and the victims rights and the NYPD willingly break the law and Judge Allison Nathan will protect them. She was appointed by Obama. How did you like Obama and his AG attorney Generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch's handling of the Eric Garner case>
Ask Loretta Lynch the status of the Eric Garner Homicide investigation -- why doesn't Obama have a press conference on Eric Garner?
Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.
Why isn't anyone talking about Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit. No even the guy that owes a fortune in taxes Al Sharpton always one to cash in says zero. Interesting huh$?Preet Bharara is kidding himself and bringing the city another step closer to riots...almost funny he doesn't know how corrupt Internal Affairs is and he thanked Internal Affairs not knowing from the very top Internal Affairs does fixing, favors and retaliation as well as participates in crimes my case included. I also interviewed one of the dirty thirty and one of my MD's mother's was one of the first women to work in Internal Affairs and IA has always been corrupt.
.@LorettaLynch .@TheJusticeDept Status of investigation Eric Garner Homicide Eric hand written lawsuit accuses #NYPD planting drugs on him
Preet Bharara doesn't know Bratton picked Chief Reznick to head Internal Affairs and that Reznick was named in an NYPD whistle blower lawsuit called out for calling and NYPD whistle blower a rat.
Bloomberg and Ray Kelly sold the lie it was a small percentage but in fact it was citywide.
When Hurricane Sandy KOed 911 tech corruption aka ECTP they sold the lie it was nothing to do with contractors and consultants marking up services 600 percent aka stealing and they delivered late and crap just like CityTime.
Over and over sold lies and it is okay.... almost humorous Bharara arrested Silver and says hold gov officials accountable but he hasn't arrested anyone on CityTime and FYI 911 bigger than CityTime.
Preet Bharara is kidding himself about a lot.
Take a good look at this article and these photos...
.@NYPDDetectives .@LorettaLynch .@PreetBharara .@FBI 1800NYPDIADA-Fix-it fixing favors hotline Ramos case PBA NYPD signs since the pyramids— Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) April 23, 2016
Months later Preet Bharara uses the term "call a cop" vs my term 1800 NYPD fix it
but it is actually 1800 NYPD PBA Internal Affairs Dirty DAs fix it
and the Ramos case cracked it wide open for the City to see and now we have the FBI, Internal Affairs shutting down what is a citywide crime by the NYPD plus fixing and favors this time suckering US Attorney Preet Bharara. Preet is you think this was a few cops you are kidding yourself and it is retired cops as well all for sale and the retired cops call it in just like in the NYTimes article above where Judge Allison let's the retired cop off the hook from serving jail time...just like me catching a retired NYPD commander attempting to fix a ticket for Bill Rudin who has him on his payroll along with other NYPD. Do the math -- or you know and are pretending?
Gay Pride Day Media Kills News Story #LGBT Mass Murderer NYPD Travelled to Saudi Arabia
NYPD Saudi Arabia NYU Lavish Gifts trip which included Murderer of LGBT Community Orlando?
NY Media isn't shy about killing new stories like mass murderers kill people - One day what was done to Eric garner which she tells us in his own handwriting will be on display in a museum and why the media kill that along with my case.
I'm in court tomorrow morning representing myself a New York State Supreme Court.
I'm exhausted I want to do when YouTube on Preet Bharara this am.
NY Media isn't shy about killing new stories like mass murderers kill people - One day what was done to Eric garner which she tells us in his own handwriting will be on display in a museum and why the media kill that along with my case.
I'm in court tomorrow morning representing myself a New York State Supreme Court.
I'm exhausted I want to do when YouTube on Preet Bharara this am.
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