The NY Post editors have not apologized for their front page disrespect actual lie calling a man JOSHUA Lopez sleaze when in fact he is not but he eternally grieving the murder of his Good Samaritan Uncle
Or the New York Post and other media outlets and people critical of the critics of the police stating we're not allowed to grieve people that were murdered were not allowed to grieve and be angry about the treatment harm the police have caused us on a day or days following a cop being killed? That a national March planned almost a year before must be stopped because some criminal killed a cop?
It's a very sad and tragic and this cop was a good person I'm like the dirty corrupt cops in my case who are sick twisted individual's that lie like rugs including Internal Affairs and I wonder if they lie as easily under oath probably...
It's tragic and sad when a cop is murdered it's wrong you don't kill people but the NYPD I murdering people illegally and falsely arresting them inflicting as much time on them because they don't like the color of the skin their politics there outspoken because they feel like it because they have a quota to meet and then they wonder why people don't like them and the NYPD and dirty DAs have push some people so far they don't really want to cop was killed. Why?
It's very very dangerous the way the police the DA and the media are treating victims of the NYPD they are actually causing more anger and an even bigger rift it's just sick a terrible cycle that the police are committing crimes harming people and causing more anti-police feeling which endangers their job even more .
Until corrupt cops cops to kill cops that commit crimes like in my case coercion lying in police reports are held accountable the anti-police sentiment is just going to go higher and higher and higher
The New York Post has yet to apologize and they're causing harm really wrong to pick on a relative of someone who's uncle was murdered and the cop got away with it and they have to apologize for calling him sleaze he is not Sleaze he's every reason to be outraged and how ironic the cop he gave the finger to is up to his eyeballs and scandals one of the best articles on it was written by the New York Post
Google NYPD Adamo.
He was caught up in the Bronx ticket fixing scandals which has one cop in jail for conspiring to murder The witness in his case and we know that ticket fixing and all kinds of fixing in favors goes on involving the NYPD PBA internal affairs even dirty DAs fixing favors crimes corruption throughout the city and the media is not going to do anything about it
I wanted Bill de Blasio to take away control of NYPD press passes and to give us a new commission into NYPD internal affairs and DA corruption!!!!! He is not a progressive...
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
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