Saturday, October 31, 2015
Ed Klein Hillary Clinton Can Win because People Not Happy w/ Obama Biden but Clintons, Manhattan DA and sexually exploitive Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell beyond creepy
Epstein can't share in the Epstein Clinton free flights to adult sexual Disneylands feel any where anytime because despite Cyrus Vance's efforts to lower Epstein's sex predator status thereby allowing him to fly anywhere and not register his presence -- lowering his status would get him off the free app for sec whoops SEX offenders predators where Ghislaine Maxwell belongs as well a pimp and special services girl Friday.
Pimp Maxwell at Chelsea's wedding...
Jeffrey Epstein perhaps with Bill Clinton's help got the Manhattan DA Cy Vance to make history the first time ever asked the judge to lower a sex predators status -- she refuse express her shock but those who know Morgy and corrupt Cy Vance know not to be shocked.
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Bill Clinton his inner demented sexual twisted misogynist Peter Pan embodied by his pal Jeffrey Epsteindeep drew wn does not want Hillary to succeed -- he wants the money streaming in to their foundation not evacuations dead bodies old scandals and for Hillary a pile up of fresh ones.
I don't understand how Hillary could be outraged that Bill Clinton was flying around with Jeffrey Epstein and than invite Epstein's pimp special girl Friday Ghislaine Maxwell and of course the Clinton's continued to accept money from Jeffrey Epstein via their foundation.
Bill Clinton Xposure Jeffrey Epstein and Special Services Girl Friday in Book Unlikeable by Edward Klein
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Suzannah Troy by The White House Ban Ivory stop murdering animals in to extinction Elephants Rhinos next
NYPD and Pals Know Protecting Police Wrong Doing Creates Anti-Police Feeling not Tarantino Speaking up for Families Who's Loved Ones have been murdered by Cops
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
I discovered 3 years and aprox 2 days after 0ct 22, 2015 John Vergona verbally violently threatened me over the phone committed the crime of coercion a crime lied in police reports a crime threatened me a crime with Andy Dwyer whose identity was hidden from me that they are Facebook friends along with PO Eugene Schatz who was verbally violent aggressive with me on behalf of the Mercer Hotel pre Vergona find for Dr Fagelman a few blocks away in Soho see video below so therefore it appears corrupt dirty NYPD Vergona was also retaliating against me for his Facebook friend Eugene Schatz, and Schatz's partner Tommy Moran privy to all.
Maybe they all went out for a drink at the bar the first precinct hangs out at rather than go home to their family and had a good laugh maybe with Ed Winski about committing a series of crimed including coercion, threatening me lying to police reports witness tampering threatening a victim of a violent crime for wealthy Dr like the Mercer Hotel calls 1800 fix it? Dr Andrew Fagelman didn't fire his violent liar employee she's just like the dirty corrupt cops violent liars too.
I believe John Vergona, Andy Dwyer, Eugene Schatz, Sgt Chen, Lt Burgos and Sgt Mary O'Donnell EVIL based on their actions in my case
Filing Lawsuit Against NYPD seeing the faces of Corrupt EVIL Detectives John Vergona and Andy Dwyer for the first time in shock learning who their facebook friends are sickening but underscores motive that I addressed yes Eugene Schatz is in the Federal Lawsuit And he is Vergona's facebook friend both evil people amoral both threatening Schatz for The Mercer Hotel Vergona for MD's office
I believe John Vergona, Andy Dwyer, Eugene Schatz, Sgt Chen, Lt Burgos and Sgt Mary O'Donnell EVIL based on their actions in my case and they were not alone and the way I cope is what goes around comes around and that G-D SEES ALL
I'm so tired I have to scan the lawsuit and then put it search it to see if the Mercer hotel is in this new lawsuit but in the original Mercer Hotel and corrupt dirty cop Eugene Schatz are in the Federal lawsuit.
The NYPD and Internal Affairs Drugs off the where that the Mercer hotel did and now probably still does run a private parking with valet service scam in the loading and unloading zone. Schatz was protecting that illegal scam even using his NYPD squad car almost really like a weapon the way he pulled up so aggressively and yelled at me they can park there when in fact they cannot!!!!
NY State Supreme Court 3Million $ lawsuit against NYPD Det John Vergona, Det Andy Dwyer, Sgt Mary O'Donnell, Charles Campisi, Ray Kelly, Lt Agnes, Sgt Chen, Ed Winski, Lt Burgos v last year Federal on 50grand but City of NY wouldn't settle -- Friday -- yesterday -- I asked for a Judge aka RJI
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NY State Supreme Court 3Million $ lawsuit against NYPD Det John Vergona, Det Andy Dwyer, Sgt Mary O'Donnell, Charles Campisi, Ray Kelly, Lt Agnes, Sgt Chen, Ed Winski, Lt Burgos v last year Federal on 50grand but City of NY wouldn't settle -- Friday -- yesterday -- I asked for a Judge aka RJI
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
I discovered 3 years and aprox 2 days after 0ct 22, 2015 John Vergona verbally violently threatened me over the phone committed the crime of coercion a crime lied in police reports a crime threatened me a crime with Andy Dwyer whose identity was hidden from me that they are Facebook friends along with PO Eugene Schatz who was verbally violent aggressive with me on behalf of the Mercer Hotel pre Vergona find for Dr Fagelman a few blocks away in Soho see video below so therefore it appears corrupt dirty NYPD Vergona was also retaliating against me for his Facebook friend Eugene Schatz, and Schatz's partner Tommy Moran privy to all.
Maybe they all went out for a drink at the bar the first precinct hangs out at rather than go home to their family and had a good laugh maybe with Ed Winski about committing a series of crimed including coercion, threatening me lying to police reports witness tampering threatening a victim of a violent crime for wealthy Dr like the Mercer Hotel calls 1800 fix it? Dr Andrew Fagelman didn't fire his violent liar employee she's just like the dirty corrupt cops violent liars too.
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Friday, October 30, 2015
US Special Forces to Be Sent Into Syria Video - ABC News
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
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Bill Clinton Xposure Jeffrey Epstein and Special Services Girl Friday in Book Unlikeable by Edward Klein
Chapter 27 header a quote by Virgina Robertd
Chapter 15 a quote by Alan Dershowitz who Roberts also has accused of ....????
Seems like anyone pursuing Justice would need to subpoena Bill Clinton?
Page 125 The al Qaeda linked Nigerian Islamist group Boki Haram -- Hillary's stance disturbed Human Rights groups -- this group was kidnapping raping Nigerian school kids.
Plenty disturbing in this book but Hillary can in theory win despite every page with the words unlikeable.
Note no protests re Human Rights here in NYC of al Qaeda groups ISIS raping prisoners for some reason it is okay to only attack Israel a democracy.
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Midtown Manhattan building 1 Dead!
Rest in peace it's tragic it makes me think of Mayor Mike Bloomberg people are saying that our president mayor is a big realistic or I have no idea but we always worry about department of buildings not doing their job
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#NYPD Arrest Guy he says he will walk group tackle him to ground as NYPD on Horse Watches Times Sq NYPD substation
![]() | Progress Queens (@ProgressQueens) |
VIDEO : NYPD gang up and arrest man in Times Square |
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Justice for Elephants Poisoned with Cyanide | Animal Petitions
I was just sexually proposition for money and I'm going to see my mother who is dying and I'm going to court to sue the NYPD welcome to New York City
An older sad to say religious Jewish man and I were chatting and he was curious why wasn't dress more warmly and I said I thought it was warmer and I was rushing but he asked me if I needed money and I said I don't need money.
Of course for me it's very sad and upsetting.
I'm completely traumatized by NYPD violence and lies criminal behavior including coercion lying and police reports again I ask everyone google Dr Fagelman assault see Delite in action.
X i've gained a lot of weight I'm exhausted traumatize I've aged 100 years but apparently I can take a pretty photo occasionally but I'm really too heavy and I don't like the feeling.....
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
This AM Visit Mom Dying of Parkinson's Plus and than NY State Supreme Court for a Judge to sue NYPD John Vergona Det Andy Dwyer Sgt Chen who hides like a crook no first name or badge number ditto Integrity Bureau Lt Agnes, suing NYPD Sgt Mary O'Donnell, Charles Campisi, Ray Kelly and Ed Winski all corrupt and down right evil based on my experience even their own lawyer in the Appeals process Federal admitted it is understandable I feel aggrieved
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
I discovered 3 years and aprox 2 days after 0ct 22, 2015 John Vergona verbally violently threatened me over the phone committed the crime of coercion a crime lied in police reports a crime threatened me a crime with Andy Dwyer whose identity was hidden from me that they are Facebook friends along with PO Eugene Schatz who was verbally violent aggressive with me on behalf of the Mercer Hotel pre Vergona find for Dr Fagelman a few blocks away in Soho see video below so therefore it appears corrupt dirty NYPD Vergona was also retaliating against me for his Facebook friend Eugene Schatz, and Schatz's partner Tommy Moran privy to all.
Maybe they all went out for a drink at the bar the first precinct hangs out at rather than go home to their family and had a good laugh maybe with Ed Winski about committing a series of crimed including coercion, threatening me lying to police reports witness tampering threatening a victim of a violent crime for wealthy Dr like the Mercer Hotel calls 1800 fix it? Dr Andrew Fagelman didn't fire his violent long employee she's just like the dirty corrupt cops violent liars too.
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Activists picket de Blasio’s 2017 re-election fund-raiser ironic mayor does Fund Raiser for himself After NYPD Officer Murdered
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
I discovered 3 years and aprox 2 days after 0ct 22, 2015 John Vergona verbally violently threatened me over the phone committed the crime of coercion a crime lied in police reports a crime threatened me a crime with Andy Dwyer whose identity was hidden from me that they are Facebook friends along with PO Eugene Schatz who was verbally violent aggressive with me on behalf of the Mercer Hotel pre Vergona find for Dr Fagelman a few blocks away in Soho see video below so therefore it appears corrupt dirty NYPD Vergona was also retaliating against me for his Facebook friend Eugene Schatz, and Schatz's partner Tommy Moran privy to all.
Maybe they all went out for a drink at the bar the first precinct hangs out at rather than go home to their family and had a good laugh maybe with Ed Winski about committing a series of crimed including coercion, threatening me lying to police reports witness tampering threatening a victim of a violent crime for wealthy Dr like the Mercer Hotel calls 1800 fix it? Dr Andrew Fagelman didn't fire his violent long employee she's just like the dirty corrupt cops violent liars too.
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EXCLUSIVE: Manhattan man beaten harder after insulting #NYPD - NY Daily News
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
I discovered 3 years and aprox 2 days after 0ct 22, 2015 John Vergona verbally violently threatened me over the phone committed the crime of coercion a crime lied in police reports a crime threatened me a crime with Andy Dwyer whose identity was hidden from me that they are Facebook friends along with PO Eugene Schatz who was verbally violent aggressive with me on behalf of the Mercer Hotel pre Vergona find for Dr Fagelman a few blocks away in Soho see video below so therefore it appears corrupt dirty NYPD Vergona was also retaliating against me for his Facebook friend Eugene Schatz, and Schatz's partner Tommy Moran privy to all.
Maybe they all went out for a drink at the bar the first precinct hangs out at rather than go home to their family and had a good laugh maybe with Ed Winski about committing a series of crimed including coercion, threatening me lying to police reports witness tampering threatening a victim of a violent crime for wealthy Dr like the Mercer Hotel calls 1800 fix it? Dr Andrew Fagelman didn't fire his violent long employee she's just like the dirty corrupt cops violent liars too.
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Thursday, October 29, 2015
Judge: Occupy Wall Street protesters' class action lawsuit over Zuccotti Park eviction can move forward!
"...adequately alleges the elements of a First Amendment retaliation claim."
#NYPD Dirty DA Cy Vance backing crushed OWS but they broke law violated Constitution their oath XPOSED in lawsuit?
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Download the Twitter app
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Bill de Blasio Being Loudly Protested by Different Groups the NYPD Lock the ENTRANCE to the HOTEL
Sheraton Hotel 7th ave and 53
Saudi blogger who was flogged is awarded EU's top human rights prize
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
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Half of city voters would throw de Blasio out: poll me included
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
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Thabo Sefolosha Opens Up About The Night The NYPD Broke His Leg
Thabo Sefolosha Opens Up About The Night The NYPD Broke His Leg
How many VICTIMS no apologies from the mayor and NYPD!!!
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Community Board 2 Member Fined for Accepting Free Soho House Membership - Meatpacking District - New York Community board members kick backs back room deals?
SAIC CityTime Infamy as LEIDOS Steals 52 Million Dollars via creative Accounting aka a Tax Credit?
Internal Affairs Protected PO Eugene Schatz and The Mercer Hotel Parking Scam opening the door for First Precinct Detectives John Vergona Andy Dwyer coercion lying in police reports rushing to seal their crimes w/ Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying attack receptionist
My federal lawsuit actually talked about Eugene Schatz and The Mercer Hotel but it wasn't until I saw John Vergona's facebook and Eugene Schatz is his Facebook friend but I knew 100% the retaliation had many levels and one of them was this. Another level 911 tech corruption began as ECTP NYPD top brass which usually responsible for oversight and yet they want to billion dollars over budget on 911 it doesn't work properly and stealing was going on from the very beginning and at least one or more top cops were getting graft -- I continue to call for criminal prosecution of the crooks and 911 consultants lobbyists contractors of course and how about city officials involved?
Charles Hynes may be the first DA to face a grand jury but it looks like eventually we're heading for a new commission like Knapp and Mollen and more guilty DAs dirty dealings may be placed in front of the grand jury.
Rudy Giuliani in Mayor Dinkins gave us a commission -- Bill de Blasio says he's a progressive but he doesn't have the courage to give us a new commission that would really have to include Internal Affairs and the DAs.
Internal Affairs Protected PO Eugene Schatz and The Mercer Hotel Parking Scam opening the door for First Precinct Detectives John Vergona Andy Dwyer coercion lying in police reports rushing to seal their crimes w/ Dr Andrew Fagelman's violent lying attack receptionist and this was all done with the commander at the time with a series of supervisors including CO Ed Winski's knowledge.
Two police commissioners two heads of internal affairs to Chiefs of detectives are all aware of this and are involved in the corruption and I want to question on everyone involved under oath in front of the new commission into NYPD and Internal Affaors and they're really also puts internal affairs on trial --
Corrupt Dirty PO Eugene Schatz he was aggressive with me threatening over the Mercer hotel illegally using their loading unloading as private parking with valet service is Facebook friends with Det John Vergona fixed it so the doctor did not have to fire his violent mine receptionist who made a hole in my retina and the hotel in the doctors office are just blocks away and SoHo clearly the goal was to retaliate against me and send a message but I don't think they quite achieve the goal they wanted
NYPD dirty cop his squad car in aggressive threatening manner to Yellit me that the hotel could use their loading and unloading his private parking with valet service - use a squad car yet again illegally using the lights emergency lights to get to the hotel before our 15 minute protest ended to become threatening and harassing us as we held a peaceful protest --
Because Internal Affairs protected wrong doing in front of the Mercer Hotel the illegal parking scam it turns out that open the door for the first precinct to further abuse me their power and commit even bigger crimes serious crimes where he could get away with threatening me using a squad car illegally next came coercion lying and police reports by his Facebook friends John Vergona and Andy Dwyer --
Vergona lives in a large house that he could not afford on the police salary that was bought for him in cash and was put in a trust which is convenient in a lot of ways is in it?
A corrupt NYPD Det John Vergona committed coercion lied and police reports would not meet me so I never knew what you look like and ditto for my attackers corrupt cop NYPD Det Andy Dwyer had no idea what his name was and on FacebookThe a few days ago I finally saw their faces and learn they have a special relationship with dirty cop NYPD Eugene Schatz reported to internal affairs because of the unusual parking scam run in front of the Mercer hotel and he aggressively use a squad car to tell me that the Mercer hotel couldn't fact use their loading and loading as private valet parking and the corrupt dirty John Vergona so Facebook friend with Schatz's Community affairs detective partner Tommy Moran who I thought was a good guy.
Plenty of you have told me there are no good cops I'm trying to believe that there are but I don't in my case there are so many involved in the violence in the lies that started at the doctors office a few blocks away from Mercer hotel in Soho we can call up the police and get fixing in favors I made up the term one 800 NYPD fix it which of course is citywide if you're politically connected rich and athlete or family member or friend of the NYPD IA DA PBA. Charles Hynes and Cy Vance as well as other DAs may face grand jury's one day the sooner the better.
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
CityTime Appeal Make Cause Embarrassment to Preet Bharara but CityTime still a hunk of Junk and 911 Tech Corruption bigger crime than CityTime both could be destined for the dumpster
CityTime and 911 Tech both could be destined for the dumpster 911 even bigger crime than CityTime
A corrupt NYPD Det John Vergona committed coercion lied and police reports would not meet me so I never knew what you look like and ditto for my attackers corrupt cop NYPD Det Andy Dwyer had no idea what his name was and on Facebook a few days ago I finally saw their faces and learn they have a special relationship with dirty cop NYPD Eugene Schatz reported to internal affairs because of the unusual parking scam run in front of the Mercer hotel and he aggressively use a squad car to tell me that the Mercer hotel couldn't fact use their loading and loading as private valet parking and the corrupt dirty John Vergona so Facebook friend with Schatz's Community affairs detective partner Tommy Moran who I thought was a good guy.
Plenty of you have told me there are no good cops I'm trying to believe that there are but I don't in my case there are so many involved in the violence in the lies that started at the doctors office a few blocks away from Mercer hotel in Soho we can call up the police and get fixing in favors I made up the term one 800 NYPD fix it which of course is citywide if you're politically connected rich and athlete or family member or friend of the NYPD IA DA PBA. Charles Hynes and Cy Vance as well as other DAs may face grand jury's one day the sooner the better.
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Watch Delita Hooks remove her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
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