There should be a photo of the room filled to the brim people laying on the floor doing breath work in the Metro section of the New York Times perhaps this weekend .
There were 2 New York times news reporters there and the room was filled so gives me great comfort that didn't come here to be my witnesses but now they are my witnesses...
The title of this post includes Dr Andrew Fagelman assault and you read down below you're going to learn how I'm going to expose his role but I don't tell you it's going to be shocking my goal is to make a video I'm waiting I want to really expose the guy for his role his own assault of me although versus employee Delita Hooks who first started the beginning of repeated violations of my patient rights and then my body the videos below of the attack and you'll see three women yelling for her not to hit me in the four of them lied as a group that's another form of the assault violence and then Dr. his role I told the group about New York City corporate counsel lawyer essentially saying I was picking on the poor NYPD which was another wound considering my efforts to help the police department and I told them even if the subway rescue were the first thing I did was tell the conductor the man on the tracks wasn't guilty was safe under the subway train and I help the police and FDNY sure the firefighters they weren't going to see a horror show out underneath the train.
I spoke of being a Jew intense sadness so I can haired sadness of knowing about the Holocaust very painful and to be treated like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany here in New York City incredible at a doctors office by the New York City Police Department the violence the lies... My stories to me really shocking inns of the stadiu my stories to me really shocking told them why was I treated this way by the city because my blog exposes corruption including I told them the Manhattan DA about Cy Vance possibly broke campaign was he didn't prosecute St. Vincent's Hospital crooks 911 text system over billion dollars over budget so they retaliated against me.
I told the group about Eric Garner he sued the city himself without a lawyer like me it's called pro se and how angry I am at the New York Times the New York Post in the New York Daily News for not putting it in hand written front page and every newspaper and sharing it and that my goal was to make sure everybody reads it I put it up and it's painful because here we are doing a workshop on breathing and he died stating he couldn't breathe so that was really intense.
I really did feel like David helped me but so also did Lisa who is just the most loving person devoted to healing and she's about to have a baby I'm so excited for her. David Elliot has a the healing center in New Mexico and the goal is to take care of mother Earth is asking for donations of any kind it's a sweet short video to look at you can even go there in person and just work there is a form of volunteering
I love mother earth and I'm so excited to begin working on my own beautiful garden which requires intensive watering twice a day in this heat. I stepped out to water my plants yesterday and there was a Long-feather from a bird under the door couldn't believe was great to see bees strawberries blueberries raspberries peppers and jalapeños growing in my new and first real garden of my own.
Vid 4 second highlights Vine
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