Mark Peters DOI Press Tweet CityTime Lessons Learned My Response 911 DOI Protects Biggest Crooks
@DOINews: DOI Comm. Mark G. Peters briefs the City Council on the CityTime investigation into corruption and mismanagement:
My tweeted responses below:
@DOINews laughable Lesson don't let Rudy's deputy mayors become lobbyists. Don't let Rudy throwaway payroll system that works.
AutoTime worked could have been expanded but Rudy threw away for political networking + future lobbying gig for his boys
@DOINews lesson not learned CityTime hunk of junk from get go destined for dumpster. AutoTime owned run City Workers should have expanded
Lesson not learned CityTime destined4dumpster Bloomberg no tech wiz should've thrownaway replaced asap v pushed expansion. 911 bigger crime
Lessons crooks learned ditto watching Haggerty trial Bloomberg testilied - CityTime biggest crooks Teflon, sub-contractors, Gartner Teflon
@DOINews lesson learned Peters is Rose jr. She got 2 kickback appointments fixing for 911 & CityTime teflon crooks
@DOINews lessons learned no forensic audits 911, 311, nycaps, Fdny wireless board of Ed etc like CityTime no looking back fix is in
@DOINews lessons learned Gartner group Teflon what is needed audit every penny given2Gartner since Bloomberg came to office GH dumped stocks
@suzannahbtroy: @DOINews lessons learned from CityTime is like Wall St Implosion top players involved responsible Teflon. No lessons learned. Biz as usual
@DOINews lessons learned 911 biggest Teflon crime bigger than CityTime no 1 city hall has decency to command a criminal investigation ASAP
@DOINews lesson learned DOI IAB DA retaliate fix punish whistle blowers see no evil
@DOINews lesson learned DOI turned away with the blowers CityTime and 911 fix still in.
@DOINews lesson learned if you steal have contracts w/ Homeland security, billionaires, or politicos no morals u can steal, give #NYPD gifts
@DOINews Ray Kelly wanted 2be head Homeland security badly wasn't gonna blow whistle 911 CityTime contractors w/ HS + #NYPD chief Dowd gifts
NYPD chief chuck Dowd had no 911 tech experience yet Kelly made him head of technology for over a decade. Dowd court fixing crime like the crime fixing I am a victim of now involving Cy Vance DA as well as Internal Affairs and NYPD Dowd promoted upward because Kelly is responsible for systematic corruption and fixing make a Las Vegas casino crimes and fixing in favors in retaliation.
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thanku = DOI = 0
@DOINews Gino and Aggie lobbyist CityTime technoDyne lobbyists 911, Rudy's guys lobbyist CityTime = DOI learned 0 Sal, Bondy, V, B etc happy
@DOINews learned CityTime 911 contractors can pay X-Amount of money like Steve Rattner raiding ny pensions 2be above law. 911 HP NY Pensions
(DOI protecting Hewlett-Packard including the connection to the New York pension board as well as stealing and opening the floodgates so inflating prices so much so that the system went over $1 billion and doesn't work properly and Second command center not up and running and New York City gov allowed that real estate price to be overbuilt massively.
please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you.
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.
June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.
The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.
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