Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Lower East Side Children's Magical Garden Lower East Side
Thanks so much to everyone who came out to the Community Board 3’s vote on the Parks Committee resolution to make the community garden permanent.
Over 40 of us were counted. It was a powerful and dramatic night.
The community board voted to transfer the two HPD claimed lots (outside of the fence the developer put in) to be transferred immediately into Parks GreenThumb, AND for the city to find a creative solution to make the entire garden, including the part currently claimed by a private developer that is behind the fence, whole and preserved.
Great job everyone!
Next Action: We need to keep up the momentum to make sure the transfer happens, and to get the politicians to make the WHOLE garden permanent, including the lot still claimed by the developer and behind the fence.
Here's what you can do: Write an email thanking CB3 on their big YES Vote & Councilmember Margaret Chin now leading a team of representatives (cc'd) in her ongoing support and now actions in making the whole of Children's Magical Garden become permanent.
Lets express our thanks to our representatives when they are acting on the grassroots best interest and give encouragement to their immediate actions to make Children's Magical Garden become permanent.
Please email CB3 and Councilmember Chin (her staff) and representatives(Cc): (Copy and paste the following emails)
To: mchin@council.nyc.gov, mviggiano@council.nyc.gov, ykitasei@council.nyc.gov, Gigi Li" <cb3chair@gmail.com, sstetzer@cb3manhattan.org, info@cb3manhattan.org,
Cc: delatorb@hpd.nyc.gov, visnausr@hpd.nyc.gov, Veronica.White@parks.nyc.gov, liam.kavanagh@parks.nyc.gov, edie.stone@parks.nyc.gov, katetemplewest@gmail.com, mvivrito@council.nyc.gov, jtorres@council.nyc.gov, cquinn@council.nyc.gov,AWeiss@council.nyc.gov, bp@manhattanbp.org, dczyzyk@manhattanbp.org, nferree@manhattanbp.org, BCook@manhattanbp.org,mauricio@danielsquadron.org, squadron@nysenate.gov, bommerz@assembly.state.ny.us
Here is a sample letter please feel free to add and personalize the letter as you see fit:
Dear CB3 and Councilmember Margaret Chin,
I would like to thank CB3, Council Member Margaret Chin and all the representatives you are working with for your overwhelming support of the transfer of the Children's Magical Garden's two HPD lots into Parks/greenThumb. I am also confident that with our full community support the team of city officials can come up with a creative solution to make sure that the whole community garden is preserved.

“One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes” (XXI, p. 63), from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Children's Magical Garden de Carmen Rubio
Stanton and Norfolk Street, L.E.S., NYC
Envision it made permanent!