Bloomberg: "This is the SAFEST city in the WORLD! but this unfortunate thing occured because we didn't ban the legal use of rape.
Estaahs ez la kiudad más segurah del mundo! pero unna cosa lamentable ocurrió porkue no prohibeer el uso legal dela violashión."

From me Suzannah: 
Christine Quinn Scott Stringer did not walk to 12th St to demand The Rape Crisis Center in St. Vincent's be opened -- too busy getting kick backs from Rudin. Sell-outs.
Rapes are up and under reported.

Mayor Bloomberg insensitive and all politicians except Charles Barron pushed thru Rudin lux condos instead of a hospital so no rape crisis center where St Vincent's Hospital was that had rape crisis center.

Is an MD's office in Soho suppose to be a safe place?

also watch me get assaulted but first I get a verbal abuse that escalates in to an aggressive finger and than she talks off her shoes and I believe throws one at me...she says she will slap the crap out of me and than runs at me with a closed fist and punches me in the eye.