Saturday, April 30, 2011
Yetta Kurland Unity Interview Suzannah B. Troy Dr. Kaufman, Alan Bounville and other speakers on We NEED a hospital West Village Now Rudin Family
Yetta Kurland Unity Interview by Suzannah B. Troy
Yetta Kurland’s Powerful Speech today
Dr. Kaufman -- He lays it all out and contrasts the upper East Side to the W. Village with no hospital.
Dr. Kaufman Part 2
Can Chad Seigel Be Disbarred for his Venus Fly Trap Comment which was in my opinion an in your face Hate CRIME against the rape victim and all women.
I would like to see Chad Seigel disbarred but first under oath facing perjury charges he would be forced to answer if Joe Tacopina scripted the venus fly trap comment and or had knowledge of it and approved the in your face hate crime.
I would like to see Chad Seigel disbarred but first under oath facing perjury charges he would be forced to answer if Joe Tacopina scripted the venus fly trap comment and or had knowledge of it and approved the in your face hate crime.
Call 311 and ask NYC Gov to Save Jerry Delakas’s New Stand Cooper Square
Jerry Survived Sept. 11 and was open the very next day but like so many small business under Bloomberg Quinn he is faced with eviction.
Where Does King Bloomberg Get His Health Care? The Rally for a New Hospital
The Rudin Family, Christine Quinn and gang along with Mike Bloomberg have done us in.
Check my YouTube channel for speeches from today.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Suzannah B. Troy NYC's Beautiful Men
I often have to tell you about NY's worst who will get prime real estate in Hell.
Today had amazing positive experiences with wonderful NY men --- one is a younger handsome activist with firemen in the family and both made me feel like billions of dollars but better.
Today had amazing positive experiences with wonderful NY men --- one is a younger handsome activist with firemen in the family and both made me feel like billions of dollars but better.
Chad Seigel Venus Fly Trap Hatred of Women Tactic for NYPD Rape Cop’s assistant lawyer to Joe the Shark Tacopina
3. | Venus Fly Trap | 14 up, 9 down |
The vagina belonging to an anti-male woman. |
Anyone who know the Venus Fly Trap dirty scummy comment by Seigel and plenty think Tacopina scripted it think they are monsters filled with hatred for women. Making an analogy to a flesh eating plant to a bruised rape victim’s vagina is as sick and low as you can go...bordering on a hate crime.
True News For Change Reminds Readers Lobbyist Hank Sheinkopf AEG Adeqaduct Sheinkopf pleaded the 5th
Click on the link down below and scroll down NY1 A News Organization That Leads the Way to Enable Corruption
Last night on NY1's Inside City Hall lobbyist political consultant Hank Sheinkopf debate Roger Stone over Donald Trump and the chances of passing the gay rights bill this year in Albany. What the host Errol Lewis did not ask Sheinkopf was why he took the Fifth Amendment and declined to talk about a why AEG the lowest bidder in the first round won the contract to bring slot machines to Adeqaduct. The AEG contract was canceled when details about how it came about and was the subject of a state IG report and now a federal investigation. The IG report
Helping a Senior Next Week Will Sit with Her and Call Beth Israel Straighten Out Bills
You have seen my YouTubes and Amy Zimmer’s article.
A senior citizen and activist fractured her hip. She was walking down Fourth Avenue and it wasn’t well light at night and she fell and fractured her hip.
A good Samaritan got her home and an Angel neighbor helped but she was forced to call 911 because she was in so much pain. St. Vincent’s was not open so she had to go to Beth Israel.
I will camp out next week and make calls until we get these Beth Israel’s bill cleared up. It just gets too much for seniors to hang on the phone and fight wrong billing but I want to do this for this amazing woman who helped me when I needed help!
A senior citizen and activist fractured her hip. She was walking down Fourth Avenue and it wasn’t well light at night and she fell and fractured her hip.
A good Samaritan got her home and an Angel neighbor helped but she was forced to call 911 because she was in so much pain. St. Vincent’s was not open so she had to go to Beth Israel.
I will camp out next week and make calls until we get these Beth Israel’s bill cleared up. It just gets too much for seniors to hang on the phone and fight wrong billing but I want to do this for this amazing woman who helped me when I needed help!
Metropolitan Council on Housing Stronger Rent Laws
Suzannah B. Troy Asks You to Join her for Protest in front of Pat Lynch and Joe Tacopina’s Offices after Rape Trial if Pat Lynch doesn’t condemn PBA paid rape cop lawyers Venus Fly Trap remark
Dear Allies: If Pat Lynch the head of the PBA doesn’t condemn Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel NYPD Rape Cop lawyers behavior after the trial join me to protest in front of Pat Lynch’s and Joe Tacopina’s offices. We will have large photos and Venus Fly Trap Seigel’s words for bruised rape victim’s vagina.
NYC has a rape epidemic. Rapes are up 24 percent and under reported.
Is the PBA inviting an open season on women being raped by corrupt cops and protected by high priced ($750 an hour rate) lawyer who beats up the rape victim and puts her on trial?
NYC has a rape epidemic. Rapes are up 24 percent and under reported.
Is the PBA inviting an open season on women being raped by corrupt cops and protected by high priced ($750 an hour rate) lawyer who beats up the rape victim and puts her on trial?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
YouTube Search Engine Type Mike Bloomberg Find Suzannah B. Troy’s YouTube Mike Bloomberg Covers for SAIC as a Featured YouTube up top!
Click on the above image to take a better look.
Let’s us see....I am discriminated against a lot here in NYC and have few resources while Mike Bloomberg and SAIC have Billions BUT little old me has a YouTube exposing Mike Bloomberg Covering for SAIC and it is featured up top -- even highlighted as a featured YouTube!
Wow, a miracle in YouTubeland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It doesn’t get better.
Mike and SAIC spend how much money to “sell their message” and I am an artist that did this YouTube for .00000000000000000000000000009 percent of what they spend
Beats using a can of spray paint not that I ever have on the streets of NYC to get a message out!
Sarah Silverman Bedwetter, Read it one poop at time advises Sarah in her forward (she wrote the forward as well)
I can’t share much else because Sarah is #//&**& and has a ^%$&& mouth.
Powerful Tornadoes Down South Death Toll close to 300
The destruction is incredible very powerful tornado and large death toll
The destruction is incredible very powerful tornado and large death toll
CityTime Mazer Crook Gerald Shargel Mafia Lawyer, SAIC, NYPD Ticket Fix Give us the Names of the Politicians + Why Hush Hush on NYC Budget Cuts Mike bloomberg is Freddie Krueger when it comes it comes to Cuts-- Cut his Campaign Staff and his pals
1) I miss writing about Gerald Shargel. He “almost” feels like a breath of fresh air compared to Tacopina.
If I ever got in to trouble would I want Shargel or Tacopina? Well I couldn’t afford either! How did Mazer get the money, did he steal it? I want to do stand-up comedy especially my schitck about Mike Bloomberg screwing the tax payers and than hand out the NYC condoms probably made in a sweat shop in Malaysia.
WHY DO WE HEAR NOTHING ABOUT SAIC BEING SERVED SUBPOENAS -- what the hell is going on? Am I allowed to share a gut feeling? Thank you. I think many consultants including some from SAIC were stealing. In this CNN iReport a specific SAIC guy is fingered! Why have we heard nothing?
Have you watched me SAIC Mike the Pimp YouTubes?
Ooops another consultant caught stealing Board of Ed. See link above.
Have you watched me SAIC Mike the Pimp YouTubes?
Ooops another consultant caught stealing Board of Ed. See link above.
2) Why is the media agreeing not to ask Mike Bloomberg who at City Hall got their tickets fixed by the NYPD? Why no names?
3) Why is there no info on the cuts to come -- is Mike Bloomberg (billionaire Freddy Krueger of Budget cuts) afraid of a revolution? People are furious.
Step down Bloomberg and take corrupt Christine Quinn a complete sell out with out but first pay a fine of 6 billion dollars for your dirty 3rd term deals. You stole a third term.
4) Haggerty Trial by the way Bloomberg broke campaign laws...
Wayne Barrett came right out and wrote it so it that why he got fired from The Village Voice.
4) Haggerty Trial by the way Bloomberg broke campaign laws...
Wayne Barrett came right out and wrote it so it that why he got fired from The Village Voice.
Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel Beat-Up NYPD Rape Victim Does that Make Them Hell Bound ? Yu Yau, the 23-year-old raped, beaten to death aspired to be a lawyer to help people is in Heaven
Yu Yau, a 23-year-old was brutally raped and than murdered here in NYC . Yu Yau is in a special place in Heaven where no one can hurt her anymore. No one should die the way she did. She was walking and a creature posing as a human grabbed her by her hair, pulled her in to an alley and raped her. He than grabbed a pipe and beat her to death.
If she had lived she might have had to testify in court and face a man or woman like Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel who probably had a good laugh about comparing a bruised rape victim’s vagina to a Venus Fly trap as they pound away at the rape victim day after day painting her as not credible for sundry reasons as if this must be some great joy or hobby of hers wanting to put her self through another form of rape courtesy of the NYPD PBA’s fund that got Joe Tacopina to take the case. Tacopina brags on his website about charging $750 and hour.
Tacopina came from humble beginnings so showing off a very expensive watch or car is very, very important to him as is winning even if it means doing something that feels highly criminal and illegal and that is putting an innocent victim on trial instead of the NYPD rape cops.
These rape cops from the 9th Precinct did not call an ambulance. I have seen the NYPD from the 9th Precinct do this countless times for homeless men and women but they made up their mind they had a living breathing Barbie doll to toy with. Is NYPD officer Moreno a sex addict? He admits he is an alcoholic and he thinks kissing a young woman’s shoulder is a form of alcoholic counseling but he denies raping her although based on her bruised cervix the forensic nurse says the bruising supports her story she was raped from behind. This young woman is almost to be rape cop’s daughter but he preyed on her and toyed with her as she vomited and vomited and the 2 cops on their final visit of several through out the night, even making a false 911 call to get sent over by her place and video footage from the bar next doors cameras make it pretty obvious these cops were rotten to the core.
Note: I ask if NYPD P.O. is a sex addict because an addict will destroy their lives, their families, a job in to get their fix and in this case his fix was some kind of sexual encounter with a beautiful young woman so drunk she repeatedly vomited over and over which was not deterrent for Moreno. Reminder he admits kissing her shoulder.
Tacopina got the heroin in the rape cop’s locker thrown out. How I don’t know. He has friends and persuasive skills?
Yu Yau wanted to be a lawyer but not the kind that Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel are which has them getting prime real estate in a very hot place and they will have lots of company but all very lonely despite the crowds.
Yu Yau came here to help her family. To send money back to her family... Now her mother is here dying from grief and a broken heart that will not mend.
Yu Yau won’t be degraded again here in NYC in a NY Court. Where are the Judges, the DA and the politicians as well as the well monied groups. They are all silent.
Welcome to Misogynist NYC.
If Pat Lynch does not give Tacopina and Seigel Hell for their Venus Fly Trap comment and their hateful behavior putting a rape victim on trial than the PBA is sending a message --- attention all corrupt cops -- rape more innocent women because we got Tacopina and Seigel as a deterrent for rape victims to come forward.
Rest in Peace Yu Yau and I am sorry for all the suffering and pain your family is enduring here on Earth. Yu Yau if you can work miracles from Heaven please stop the monsters here on earth and the lawyers like Joe Tacopina and Chad Seigel that beat up the victims and rape them again, in a sense murder of a different kind.
Rest in Peace Yu Yau. Rest In PEACE.
Board of Ed Resembling CityTime Again! Ex-Consultant Accused of Stealing Millions From Schools
From The New York Times an excerpt -- click above to keep reading!
From The New York Times an excerpt -- click above to keep reading!
A former consultant for the Department of Education surrendered to federal authorities on Thursday to face charges that he stole $3.6 million in the six years he worked managing projects that were meant to provide Internet access to city schools.
Verizon and I.B.M., the largest of the vendors involved in the projects, played a role in the scheme and profited from it, according to the city’s special commissioner of investigation, Richard J. Condon.
The allegations emerged just as the department is gearing up to increase its technology spending by roughly $550 million in the next year alone, even as it contends with sharp drops in state aid that could force teacher layoffs.
Suzannah B. Troy filled out Village Hospital Survey You Do It as Well
Dear Neighbor,
This is a gentle reminder that if you haven’t filed out our survey please do so by tomorrow by clicking here . And of course, I hope to see you all this Saturday at 2pm for our Rally To Demand A Hospital. Attached is a flyer to post, pass around and promote!
See you then, and bring a friend!
This is a gentle reminder that if you haven’t filed out our survey please do so by tomorrow by clicking here . And of course, I hope to see you all this Saturday at 2pm for our Rally To Demand A Hospital. Attached is a flyer to post, pass around and promote!
See you then, and bring a friend!
Blew a kiss and Wave to conductor driving train across platform!!!!
Just greatest joy to run down the stairs and catch the train you need waiting there like Prince Charming. Could not hide my joy. People threw me smiles. They got it including the conductor driving the express. I blew him a kiss and waved. He smiled and waved back.
Folks I love NYC!

Folks I love NYC!
Mike Bloomberg Served a Claim for 100 million $ in Damages from Parent’s Union + Suzannah B. Troy wants Mike Sued for 6 Billion $ for stolen 3rd term
By the way, Christine Quinn sold the great lie we needed Mike for a third term to help us with the economy....Did Mike Bloomberg help you with the economy?
No Quinn for mayor -- Quinn Bloomberg belong in jail.
What Cathie Black appointed as school chancellor because she brokered a real estate deal for Mort Zuckerman and Mike Bloomberg sold the air rights?
Mayor Bloomberg King Of New York T-Shirts, Posters and Dart Board
If you haven’t made it to the Morgan Library click on this link and see the poster that inspired that Latin I put up over Bloomberg’s shoulders.
I am getting a lot of requests for posters, T-shirts and I would love to market a dart board.
I don’t even have the original art computer file I used to create this poster so don’t hold your breath.
I am loving the calls I am getting from supporters though on marketing my work.
I love my dart board idea!
Oct. 2, 2008 I learned how to make my first YouTube. My first YouTube was called Mayor Bloomberg King of New York. I also set up a blog with the same name as well to begin the fight against Bloomberg’s third term and his destructive actions toward the People of New York and our great City!
If you haven’t made it to the Morgan Library click on this link and see the poster that inspired that Latin I put up over Bloomberg’s shoulders.
I am getting a lot of requests for posters, T-shirts and I would love to market a dart board.
I don’t even have the original art computer file I used to create this poster so don’t hold your breath.
I am loving the calls I am getting from supporters though on marketing my work.
I love my dart board idea!
Oct. 2, 2008 I learned how to make my first YouTube. My first YouTube was called Mayor Bloomberg King of New York. I also set up a blog with the same name as well to begin the fight against Bloomberg’s third term and his destructive actions toward the People of New York and our great City!
Mayor Bloomberg "King of New York" | |
![]() | 57 sec - O |
Connecting Rainbows Bluntly Reminds Senator Huntley About Dr. King's Dream
Iana Di Bona
Connecting Rainbows Bluntly Reminds Senator Huntley About Dr. King's Dream
YouTube Link:
April 28, 2011 -- New York, NY – Yesterday at noon, LGBTQ activists demonstrated in front and visited the office of Queens Senator Shirley Huntley in Jamaica Queens calling upon her to be a champion for full civil rights, including marriage equality for LGBTQ Americans. Protesters unfurled a 20' banner that says "Sen. Shirley Huntley Marched in Selma and Didn't Learn a Thing" while blaring Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, giving her a much needed wake-up call.
In 2009, Senator Huntley voted "No" on the marriage equality bill which would grant same-sex couples the same 1,324 legal protections that opposite-sex couples already have. When asked the reason for her vote, she explained that she was speaking on behalf of her constituency in district 10.
It is astounding to think that a person who claims to have marched in Selma, Alabama with Dr. Martin Luther King, as Senator Huntley stated at a community forum on June 18, 2010, would not have learned to recognize the injustice of discrimination based one's gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation and embrace the values of fairness and equality for all. In doing so, she is spitting on Bayard Rustin's grave and all other LGBTQ freedom fighters in history.
As Dr. King's wife, Coretta Scott King acknowledged, "Gays and lesbians stood up for civil rights in Montgomery, Selma, in Albany, Georgia, and St. Augustine, Florida, and many other campaigns of the Civil Rights Movement. Many of these courageous men and women were fighting for my freedom at a time when they could find few voices for their own, and I salute their contributions."
The new civil rights movement is underway. We are calling on all LGBTQ people and allies to demand their full civil rights now. And no matter what party affiliation, anyone that stands in the way of equality will be a target for direct action.
About LGBT Civil Rights:
Marriage is a vehicle that society uses to distribute rights, benefits, and equality. One way for LGBT Americans to access equal rights would be to be allowed to legally marry. Another way, which would work concurrently, would be to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity by amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
About Connecting Rainbows:
Connecting Rainbows is a group of activists that are organizing civil rights walks in America. The group’s mission is to create a mass movement, demanding full civil rights for LGBT Americans. Connecting Rainbows uses the power of a social media platform, where activists may create online profiles, meet other activists, plan events, join groups, blog, and participate in online forums. Visit :
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Joe Tacopina too busy to defend rapist of young monster raped and beat to death Queens
You want to seem the most extreme pain and grief. Click on link. See Mom who flew in to from China to confront the rapist murderer who after raping young woman beat her to death with a pipe. Even the most ignorant prejudice jurors can't let this monster walk.
You want to seem the most extreme pain and grief. Click on link. See Mom who flew in to from China to confront the rapist murderer who after raping young woman beat her to death with a pipe. Even the most ignorant prejudice jurors can't let this monster walk.
Rally Demand a Hospital Saturday!!!
Dear Neighbor,
I hope you will pass this flyer around far and wide, and don’t forget to fill out the survey below. And of course, I hope to see you on Saturday April 30th at 2pm to rally to demand a hospital.
"Why I Will Be There" flyer for April 30th Rally (PDF)
Please click here if you would like to change your e-mail preferences or opt out of receiving e-mail from Yetta Kurland
Yetta Kurland | 304 Park Ave South | New York | NY | 10010
I hope you will pass this flyer around far and wide, and don’t forget to fill out the survey below. And of course, I hope to see you on Saturday April 30th at 2pm to rally to demand a hospital.
"Why I Will Be There" flyer for April 30th Rally (PDF)
Please click here if you would like to change your e-mail preferences or opt out of receiving e-mail from Yetta Kurland
Yetta Kurland | 304 Park Ave South | New York | NY | 10010
Coalition for the Homeless Mayor Bloomberg Homelessness record high
Dear S.,
The City’s own data confirm it: Homelessness in New York City is at record levels.
The cause? As our analysis in this year’s State of the Homeless report shows, Mayor Bloomberg’s failed homeless policies top the list.
New evidence shows that the Mayor's short-term, bureaucratic programs have become little more than a revolving door back to homelessness. The result is record shelter populations and thousands of families denied the chance to rebuild their lives.
Enough is enough. Please send a letter to Mayor Bloomberg right now, asking him to use what we know works – permanent, affordable housing – to fight the homelessness crisis he helped create.
Go to:
Help us collect 500 letters by Friday, and we’ll deliver them directly to City Hall.
No matter how you cut it, the state of the homeless is the worst in New York City’s history: More than 113,000 homeless people slept in municipal shelters in Fiscal Year 2010, including a record 43,000 children, a 9% increase from 2009, and a 37% increase from when Mayor Bloomberg first took office.
But high unemployment and the housing crisis aren’t the only reasons. Mayor Bloomberg replaced proven Federal assistance with failed programs, like the time-limited Advantage subsidy, that have become a revolving door back to the shelter system for thousands of homeless families. In fact, according to the City’s data, nearly half of the record numbers of people entering shelters last year have been homeless before – almost double the ratebefore the Mayor put his failed programs in place.
We’re urging the Mayor to return to the time-tested practice of giving homeless families priority access to permanent, affordable housing options, like public housing and Federal housing vouchers.
Send your letter here:
Mary Brosnahan
Executive Director
Coalition for the Homeless
PS – Read more about our “One in Three” Plan to Reduce Homelessness in our State of the Homeless report:
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