Thursday, September 16, 2010
Ad Sense more Google hell by Suzannah B. Troy
If you have been following my blogs for a while than you may have noticed a change in the ads -- maybe you did not notice but I went from earning good money to almost nothing than to zero....I never got my pin number although Ad Sense has a notice on my account that said it was mailed July 2. I filled out form after form and never got a response. They even have my telephone number and no call.
I did finally got everything or some things resolved last night because you see more colorful ads today and that means the potential to make more money. I was being penalized and this has happen to me before starting years ago when I used the other division when you can give Google a small fee and post your ads. It is a long story and as some of you know I have a book I am working on, so some things I want in the book rather than the blog and with stalkers guilty of aggravated harassment some issues may end up in criminal court and or with me suing. Patience is a virtue but the sad thing in Google's case is over and over I get punished when something is not my fault but in the long run Google has done the right thing and that includes Blogger and YouTube and now in theory Ad Sense but do I think some damage has been done? Yes, I do but am I going to sue Google? No, I am not Paul Allen and I don't have his money and resources. Do I wish some days I was Paul Allen? Well...almost, just for a few minutes.
Do I want to sue Google? No. They are not on my top ten list at all but I do want issues resolved and possibly last night I finally got yet another in a list that is not yet done. Why did it have to take so long and there was unnecessary fall-out.
How upsetting has it been dealing with Google? Very upsetting.
I look forward to this issue being resolved although in the pit of my stomach I don't feel confident and I won't feel good until I get a paycheck that has been owed me for months.
There are issues with YouTube that I am waiting to have resolved. I won't go in to them except for money earnings regarding my Crazy Heart review which so far mysteriously, as mysteriously as Ad Sense Google mailing me mail that I never got or YouTube Google removing my entire channel of YouTubes, aprox. 343 YouTubes...
Jackie Mason doesn't seem to be having all these problems with YouTube Google and Ad Sense Google. Lucky Jackie. Interesting someone that uses the word Faggot in a YouTube title has no problems...maybe it is a guy is easier for the guys on YouTube Google AdSense Google, Google Google?