Sunday, February 28, 2010
Another step towards healing from trauma
Today I participated in another workshop and it was another step towards healing.
One biggie was the boundary exercise working with a partner on respecting boundaries... it was very powerful establishing boundaries and working with the body mind connection to establish boundaries and have them honored and respected.
Great work.
There are over 8 million people and NYC is Misogynistic NYC so it ain't easy but the workshop was superb.
Corruption NY Politics NYPost and NY Daily News just today Sunday
First and foremost I want to repeat I want to make a citizen's arrest -- I want to arrest Mike Bloomberg for hiring his campaign staff to the tune of over $2 million in tax payer money which I see as THEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congressman Gregory Meeks and State Assemblyman Smith --if stealing money from Huricane Katrina Victims was not bad enough it gets worse because they continue to be exposed by The New York Post for stealing from the community in Queens but the money did go to friends, "office expenses", "independent contractors", etc.
Let us see....hmmm, Ravitch actually can address this mega billion dollar crisis and he is kept out of the loop....He actually works hard unlike the joker Paterson.
The New York Daily News
Hey Mike if the State Police appear to be acting like the mob -- um -- who are they answering to....? Answer the accidental gov who is implicated up to his eye balls.
2) from yesterday -- the corrupt Rangel who is the poster boy for being above the law and asking the people to hold him to a lower standard -- accept his corrupt dealings and Charlie do you still have the 4 luxury rent stabilized apartments? That is criminal too.
3) two guys I view as not ethical butt heads
4) How obscene is this? Very -- apparently these guys want to support the intimidation, silencing and possible buying the victim of spousal abuse with a $40,00 Lexus that has the accidental gov. Paterson implicated up to his eye balls. He needs to resign and get a lawyer to help him avoid jail time. Ditto for the two men his appointed including his top guy running the State Troopers like the Mob....
I guess these guys are saying that Paterson is above the law and to hold him to a lower standard....
Beating up women is okay and it is okay to threaten and intimidate them, even buy them off.....These is sick stuff.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Giuseppi Logan The Down Town Music Gallery once on the Bowery now in a basement in Chinatown
There are 5 very positive reviews and one is on Barnes and Nobles. I am too exhausted -- really really exhausted so here is the link to one....
Our Lady of Vilnius the anniversary of being locked out was yesterday
Wait for an update on how it is the latest from the blog with all the updates...I am sure a newer posting is coming soon.
Suzannah B. Troy's YouTube documentary series on Giuseppie "Guiseppi Logan" part 17 in series
I visited GL yesterday and I thought I had solved the mystery of why his phone did not work but a new problem emerged and that is the cel phone would not ring and I went to the settings and could not resolve the problem. Again I got a T-Mobile Angel because he is 75 and he really needs this phone to work. I will escort GL to the party to celebrate his new CD "The Giuseppi Logan Quintet".
5pm at the downtown music gallery
Here is a review:
The review leaves out my YouTube and here it is....
John cut GL's beard and hair -- Don Juan 303 East 4th Street in Alphabet City the lower East Side. This is the record label and it is named for the Park where I filmed Giuseppie Logan, ran home and posted his haunting performance and than I discovered a YouTube of he and his son in the very same park from the early 1960's.
13 Monroe St
New York, NY 10002
(212) 473-0043
This YouTube is the 17th in my Giuseppie Logan YouTube documentary series.
Matt Lavelle acknowledge me on facebook which means a lot
Another touching comment regard my coverage of Giuseppie Logan
Giuseppe Logan is no longer homeless, playing bass clarinet in need of repair, Tompkins Sq. Park:
John of Don Juan Barber Shop very cool place Giuseppie brings me here to get his hair cut!
Very tired Suzannah B. Troy cozying up to a Palm Tree East Village

Rangel is like an alcoholic that can't admit he is one and blames everyone else
Friday, February 26, 2010
Suzannah commandeers police car from the 9th Precinct to make a citizen's arrest-our mayor for forcing tax payers to pay for campaign staff.just jokin

Fighting Bloomberg and Quinn flushing democracy down the toilet brought me close with animal activists - this one protesting Nivea and I agree
1. On Valentine’s Day, Nivea initiated a heartless campaign using NYC’s carriage horses to promote their product. The horses were covered with Nivea signs. It was ugly.
If you have not yet written to Nivea to complain about this; to say you will boycott their product unless they put an apology on their web site - you can still do so. See this link for more information.
2. And to all you "Anti-Equestrian Eco-Terrorists" check out this Carriage driver's blog: "Confessions of a Slave Driver" -- a driver from Utah is very upset about our campaign and is starting his own. At least he has the name of what he does right.
Coalition to Ban Horse-Drawn Carriages
Horses Without Carriages International
Suzannah Troy visits Giuseppie Logan this am during snow storm to get his phone up and working and check in
Blood on the tracks
Do you think the rash of suicides have anything to do with the continuing crumbling of NYC's economy and the fact it is going to get worse before it gets better?
The NY Daily News editorial calls for Paterson to leave office now
The latest scandal is just too awful and he must go. Spousal abuse, intimidation to drop charges and the article...
If you don't have time read this one sentence from the article....
"It was Paterson who gave David Johnson, a man with a limited professional resume and a history of abuse complaints, an undeserved place at the center of the gubernatorial inner circle."
NYPD officer loses mind to "Celebrity dust"? Jerry Seinfeld and a separate story on an NYPD officer speaking up
Jerry Seinfeld has so much money and can easily afford to pay for parking but he has to exploit his celebrity -- I call it celebrity dust and clearly it got in some NYPD's officers eyes and he/she handed over a parking placard....
Speaking of the NYPD and I happen to be supportive of the NYPD unless they are breaking the law or abusing power...Bravo for this guy who has guts and understands the difference between right and wrong. Any NYPD officer harassing him for speaking up doesn't belong in policing.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Mike Bloomberg prepares Council for cuts
Uh, huh and king Mike needs to be drug tested because he hires his campaign staff to work on his legacy and fantasies of a presidental run on the tax payers back to the tune of an estimated 2 million dollars plus and he wants to talk to us about cuts.
Impeach Mike Bloomberg. See my newest YouTube: Mayor Mike Bloomberg dark comedy from Suzannah, don't worry he has u covered!
By the way is City Council going to "unvote" themselves a raise anytime soon?
Hear another Bloomberg complaint -- why is he not hiring New Yawkers?
Gov. Paterson's aid to resign buy bye.....bye bye, Paterson urged to not run
poll on NY Daily News say accidental gov. should resign now
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Activist send me email -- interesting...
Dear friends,
Sea World Killer Whale kills trainer -- they show the way sealed off in a small space
We go to see Fela!

My friend took me to see Fela! and it was intense telling the story of Fela who created Afro Beat music and he music was part of his activism.
The New York Post "Stuy Town tenants gear up"
Suzannah B. Troy
02/24/2010 1:16 PM
Why do I keep thinking of Abraham Lincoln's words "...for the people, by the people..." from the Gettsburg Address? Affordable housing has become an oxymoron most especially under king Mike Bloomberg and his good pals. Worst nightmare would be Donald Trump or anything with words "Douglas Elliman" gaining control of housing that was suppose to be affordable housing!!!!!
Read more:
The New York Post "Stuy Town tenants gear up"
Suzannah B. Troy
02/24/2010 1:16 PM
Why do I keep thinking of Abraham Lincoln's words "...for the people, by the people..." from the Gettsburg Address? Affordable housing has become an oxymoron most especially under king Mike Bloomberg and his good pals. Worst nightmare would be Donald Trump or anything with words "Douglas Elliman" gaining control of housing that was suppose to be affordable housing!!!!!
Read more:
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Save Coney Island reports some good news....
Suzannah touched by kindness
Giuseppi Logan Giuseppie Logan party Downtown Music Gallery for his new CD
New York, NY 10002
(212) 473-0043
Michael Lytle our retired gardener from Tompkins
Activist forwards me Rob Hollander's email Bloomberg sees the light --- and MTA discontinues M8
Good news and bad. The good: Bloomberg has seen the light that new affordable housing wedded to market-rate development leads only to net upscaling and displacement, whereas preserving affordable housing stabilizes communities as they are.
The bad news: MTA plans to discontinue the M8 bus on weekends. A hearing will be held on cuts in Manhattan at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology), Haft Auditorium, 7th Avenue, Thursday, March 4, at 6pm. Further details:
Mean Streets of Queens, assassination, 2nd man critically inured. Deputy Inspector makes collar
Monday, February 22, 2010
Corruption, Corruption, Corruption NY Politicos so corrupt, NY, NY if you are going to rip off people be a politico here! Lyrics to my new song!
No matter what Seabrook and Arroyo plead innocent and the people vote for these corrupt politicos so let us hope this time around they are successfully prosecuted for as many misdeeds as possible and more city council members join them.
I can't even address Paterson, the accidental gov who they are renaming da Nile for -- living in denial and blaming everyone but himself but my fun.
Bloomberg has yet to account for $400,000 of 750,000 he gave the Independent party 3 days before the election to a shell group that did not get legit paperwork to a month after the election.
Crosby Street Bar & Hotel pull an NYU tearing down a stunning historic building from the 1800's! Way to go

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Friday, February 26th is the 3rd anniversary of the padlocking of Our Lady of Vilnius, candlelight vigil 7:00 PM
Mike Bloomberg "busted" and Cy will be looking in to the Mike Bloomberg Shuffle
Errol Louis The New York Daily News "best line" Albany is a regular UN of bad behavior.
Read more:
Share the dam road dot com -- cycle related links
Congress screws the tax payers and they have so many reasons to do so
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Con Ed man hole 2nd Avenue near 3rd Street
Notorious the film and Alicia Key's "Empire State of Mind part 2", Giuseppie Logan & me New York
Friday, February 19, 2010
Phil shows me his Whiskers decorated prosthetic decorated like a custom motorcycle or as if he was tattooed

Ottendorfer Library cuts hours, at least they have not gone the heartbreaking way of Donnell

Mayor Mike Bloomberg spends over a 100,000 million dollars with sub-zero trickle down to win, buy or steal an election -- your word choice but we are having harsh closings, cuts and lay-offs...many New Yorkers are being asked to take pay cuts if they haven't been layed-off...
Mayor Mike Bloomberg busted by NY1
Tigers around the world have asked Tiger to cease and desist using his name
Elin wearing head to toe Nike gear making her a walking advertisement for what this is really all about was a warm up for a very disturbing news conference that could have been part of Martin Scorsese's new film
Also making a cameo appearance was Tiger's mom as if she wanted to embody every enabler and the machine that helps celebrity-train wrecks to spiral out of control...thanks mom.
New Yorkers against Monserrate send me their views and news on Monserrate
So, where does that leave this group?
In the Special Election, Monserrate may run. We trust that by now that his conduct and stances are abundantly clear to the people of his district. We see no reason to beat a dead horse.
When the group was founded, it was largely as a satire of Hiram Monserrate (and his supporters') vote against marriage equality in light of his domestic abuse. Monserrate's acknowledged loss of reputation, as well as his fall from office, should serve as a clear warning that such hypocrisy won't be taken lightly.
However humorously and personally we put it at first, we do think the principle of equality for all before the law should be above petty personal politics of New York State's largely dysfunctional Senate.
Therefore this group will be largely kept inactive, until such time that marriage equality is put back on the agenda. If and when that time comes, folks may get invites to events, other groups, etc. We'll try to be sparing with it.
In the meantime, those who wish to discuss or endorse candidates for the Special Election are welcome to do so within this group – but that's your own prerogative.
We look forward to fighting for equality for all, and fighting against bigotry and hypocrisy where we find it.
and my fear that New Yorkers either don't read the news or have way too high a threshold for corruption and toxic waste behavior. Just look at how many people made it back to City Hall and Albany that shouldn't have.
Doctors Without Borders sent me this-- I donated money for Haiti to them
Dear friend,
On Monday, December 14, 2009, Elizabeth Vargas of ABC News 20/20 and Emmy-award winning investigative journalist, hosted a one-night LIVE event in 440 movie theaters across the country featuring the critically acclaimed documentary "Living in Emergency: Stories of Doctors Without Borders." "Living in Emergency" gives a rare inside look into the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Doctors Without Borders through the eyes of four doctors who are forced to confront the limits of their idealism in the face of overwhelming medical needs in war-torn Congo and post-conflict Liberia.
Following the documentary, Vargas moderated a town hall discussion with Sebastian Junger, best-selling author of The Perfect Storm and Vanity Fair contributing editor, Dr. Tom Krueger and Dr. Chris Brasher who are featured in the documentary, Sophie Delaunay, executive director of Doctors Without Borders, and Dr. Walter T. Gwenigale, Minister of Health & Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia. The discussion took audience members behind the scenes of one of the leading international medical emergency organizations.
Please take a few minutes to answer some questions about your interest in this special event. Your feedback is an invaluable resource to Doctors Without Borders in our efforts to evaluate our engagements with the public and our supporters.
CLICK HERE to take a brief survey about
"Living in Emergency"
Thank you for your support.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
My Pucci Jacket is like wearing Brad Pitt
I put in the links including to Richard Cohen's powerful photo of me and I have to smile because the NYPD Community Affairs jackets are very beautiful and their rich color makes my jacket and my protest poster lampooning Mike "pop".
Another shockingly stupid NYU student harasses me on YouTube ho hum but they have Pink as their favorite
p.s. The NYU student wrote me back and said I was harsh and she is a fan. I give her credit because mostly I get cowardly anonymous commentors but still her comment which I deleted reminded me of those awful Cooper Union students that are not anti-establishment giving me a hard time. It is really sad. The neighborhood is sinking like the Titanic and all that will be left are dorms, hotels and bars.... Anyway she has guts writing me back. I want NYU students to tell John Sexton to stop destroying what is left of our neighborhoods every where NYU occupies and pushes out our communities. I want community out reach resource centers and I demanded them at a rally for Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen were I happen to be the only one to honor Filomena Silvestri's memory and her memory-- the fact she died at 94 knowing we won a mini-miracle -- her and her son Peter's bakery would not be thrown out on the street was never acknowledge in any coverage because I spoke up and I happen to also demand these community outreach resource centers.
NYU, Cooper Union, NY Law, SVA, The New School all followed NYU's cunning move to use the term community facility to bust through zoning and yet exclude the community and it has meant the death of our communties from Columbia U. to NYU to Cooper Union to NY Law dorm on 3rd Street so if NYU students or Cooper Union students want to go to their presidents and speak up for the community please do. At least Cooper Union's president stated to a news anchor "Cooper Union is a real estate magnate."
Yes, I am harsh because I have been treated so and you would be amazed who is involved in aiding and abetting NYU. Very disturbing. People attending Hilly Kristal's memorial said when NYU came up they thought of me. Apparently we felt the same.
5:38:27 AM
Feb 27, 2010
Hey king Mike, You want to save tax payers money than cut all the campaign staff you just hired with 6 figure salaries to preserve your legacy and pay them out of your own pocket! Cut borough presidents and if you can't do that make all politicians take the subway, cut their stipends, have city council unvote themselves a raise. Cut Scott Stringers perks like a speech writer and fire city council members w/lousy attendance records. The fairs were a pain so I won't miss them but you hiring your campaign staff in the midst of a budget crisis you knew was coming for quite a while is criminal. What is happening with the pensions? Last year we gave millions to financial advisors to advise the city which was criminal. Cut spending that is criminal Mike. Thanks, Suzannah B. Troy