Friday, January 8, 2010
Remember the gift I got my Mom the USPS either stole or lost? Fed Ex charged me for 3 day shipping got gift to Mom over night + goes around
Yo!!!! Earlier posting I talked about the corrupt mega billion dollar losing operation the USPS (aprox. lost 14 BILLION over the last 3 years) and how the USPS makes the Mafia look warm and friendly while their uniforms happen to say United States on them. The USPS use their federal status to be abusive and disrespectful to customers and harm our communities from blocking fire hydrants chronically while laughingly stating, --Let the NYPD ticket and tow my van! --- to selling air space over St. Ann's, 120 East 12th Street without notifying the State of New York as legally required so the State would examine is this in the best interest of the community, etc.
The USPS customer service is abysmal .... Do not complain to the USPS and avoid any and all contact with the USPS unless you enjoy retaliation, intimidation and worse. Let the USPS kid themselves they lose money, actually multi-billions each year because of the internet.
Federal Express and UPS for some odd reason are not effected by the internet and some how...hhmmmmm, turn an actual profit while not abusing a Federal Status they should not have since it involves abusing their status and losing mega billions when the USA in in mega trillions of dollars of debt.
Remember I told you the Postal Police are not what they once were as in complete slackers so there is no point in contacting the Postal Police to report the theft or loss of the holiday gifts I bought my Mom.
I just re-purchased one of the gifts and when to Fed-Ex. I paid for 3 day shipping. The woman at the counter informed me that it might get there tomorrow. My Mom's joyfully voice confirmed the fact I paid for 3 day but got over night shipping.
FED-EX is the best!!!!!!! Yes it costs more money but they take full responsibility. They treat people like customers and give excellent customer service. If anything happens they talk full responsibility.
What goes around comes around. I am reading books on post-traumatic stress and healing and I am still have anger and find myself praying certain very specific people get prime real estate in Hell and I know this is not good and to let it go. It is a fact bad evil people are what they are and just being "them" is punishment.
On a nice note -- what goes around comes around. Remember yesterday's posting about the two men that would not let me lose my empty eye glass case? Well today on St. Mark's I tapped a guy on the shoulder. I gathered he did not speak much english so I signaled to him "mask" and walked him back around the corner where he had dropped his mask.
What goes around comes around and I need to focus on the "glass half full" of that universal belief held by most people on the globe.