https://youtu.be/RGRZkQujVI0 audio NYPD Det SEX CRIMES SVU lying to me I was not sexually assaulted. ADA Savur confirmed I was and said he would get back to me after speaking to Joan Illuzzi Siobhan Berry but again the DA gave my case involving Dr F's office the Jeffrey Epstein teflon treatment...below is a tweet pinned to my twitter acct Suzannahbtroy audio NYPD 01 precinct PO Magori lies to me I cannot report Delita Hooks false cross complaint turns me away! Look up NYPost NYPD Lt Yael Magori look up NYDN NYPD Eugene Schatz facebook pals w/ nypd det andrew Deter Nypd john vergona (Schatz 1st cop I reported to Internal Affairs years later fired https://www.50-a.org/officer/Q2FK look up NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos and all cops I sued) Eric Adams like de Blasio Mike Bloomberg administration devoted to covering up crimes in my case, preventing Victims from reporting sexual assault as audio evidence from my case, CityTime corruption on going 1 ex NYPD Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy stole O/T #Rape cases, etc Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) 3/4/18, 12:47 PM ⁦‪@NYPDONeill‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDChiefofDept‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDFIRSTDEP‬⁩ ⁦‪@TheIACP‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDnews‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDDetectives‬⁩ ⁦‪@MjrCitiesChiefs‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDChiefPatrol‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCPBA‬⁩⁦‪@MarcSantia4NY‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDCT‬⁩youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies! 2020 update: http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2015/03/racism-misogyny-dumbcuntlives-matter.html?m=1 After all these years I finally found something I didn't know I had a photograph of the tweet that may be from NYPD or someone connected to the NYPD a racist misogynist telling me my life doesn't matter and I got what I deserved because I defend Black People!


7/4/22 NO JUSTICE YET update: Like Eric Garner I began pro se Mike Bloomberg Ray Kelly, Campisi era,prayers for KALIEF BROWDER, the ABUSE OF POWER even in the 50-H see Netflix series on Kalief, my 2nd 50-H under de Blasio asked am I mentally ill but under Bloomberg the lawyer admitted I may have money coming to me, the corruption, discrimination on going...all (note an email sent to me alleges DrF assaulted a mentally ill woman brushed off by NYPD whom she reported to the DOJ! Irony, NYPD (even the NYPD that are actually arrested for rape, etc) passed their psych evals,Dr F Hippocratic Oath all involved I including lawyers like I allege Joe TACOPINA have taken oaths they violated + broke laws or a party to crimes my civil rights VIOLATED? TO ALL DENIED JUSTICE, EVERY ONE US IGNORED as they commit MORE crimes even chronically lying in court my case legal fraud Hooks' threatening letter withheld(how did she get my name?)...see Joel Berger "Reform NYPD" NE law journal calling for RICO! NYPD 1PP IA DA etc goal CONCEAL MORE CRIMES plain sight; if you ignore me you are doing their work for them, our civil rights violated even human rights violated in our cases? I agreed to be false arrested if I did not drop charges with a hole in my retina! I feared a possible 2nd sexual assault at the precinct as described by Eric Garner in his hand written lawsuit. I had emergency surgery Friday for my retina so Saturday 4pm 10/20/12 I did drop charges fearing more crimes more harm...and there has been...https://jamesoneillpcnyc.blogspot.com/2022/07/july-4-2022-moving-some-of-my-statement.html COPY PASTE READ MY STATEMENT! FY: I HAVE AUDIOS SEX Crimes, 01,DA, IA, FALSIFIED POLICE REPORTS, EMAIL G-D SEES ALL 10/16/12 PROOF NYPD VERGONA LIED FEDERAL appellate he DIDN'T KNOW I am a JEW!FALSE ARREST ME ON SABBATH *SCROLL WAY DOWN for blogs posts...index on right..., to read:"about me" scroll down,:you will see I was published in many NY newspapers until I became a critic, I donated my white blood cells, NY Blood center told me: to a child fighting non-Hodgkin's cancer and a Hispanic male fighting lymphoma I didn't ask race religion their politics or even wonder do I like them or not but I was targeted at an MD office Google Dr Fagelman assault YouTube - I didn't start filming till I was given the finger, after being yelled at that I have no rights! I had to get surgery on my retina from the attack, no one was fired or arrested but even MORE crimes were committed... NYPD detectives w/ lt Angelo Burgos falsified police reports + corrupt NYPD bosses MORE THAN CROSSED an ETHICAL LINE, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill, Shea etc with Internal Affairs, Corporation Counsel party cheat lie win legal FRAUD WITHHELD DELITA HOOKS LTR THREAT TO ME while citing KUBY ltr case closed even though series violent threats, emergency surgery Retina from attack, keep case closed on going etc discrimination against me (and others chronically) + I allege policy of discrimination dubbed NYPD 's "Round Robin" + Chief Banks Lt Gannon: NYPD POLICY CAN'T upgrade crimes (they erased) when suing! Read Joel Berger Reform NYPD (enablers) article NE Law Journal) and I ALLEGE James Toomey Travelers his "team" decided like City of NY, like Howard Rubenstein was hired by Jeffrey Epstein to trash victims, OUR LIVES don't have value and the rich powerful and or "connected" must be protected.
"NYC is My Community" CPR on NYC's Heart Soul! The People reclaim NYC Our Rights! Peace to the Streets! Permanent New Commission NYPD IAB DA Corruption! I sued
Pro Se like Eric Garner I have new evidence! NYPD IA DA Cy Vance top brass guilty like they protected Lt Lamboy Sex Crimes Unit including CUNT threat to turn tables on me NYPD IA acted on ! After 4yrs pro se 4/22/2018 I need lawyer to sue + class actions victims unite! Suebe1art@aol.com NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday false arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely VIOLENT LYING receptionist Delita Hooks running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest 10/16/12 immediate than CORRUPT LIAR Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Sat 10/20, 2012 4PM IAB let him +his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dh9TedhfthE !http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/Mike Might Not Win - look at date!When the Community Board Does NOTHING,You Can Do Something see photo of Alfredo & I on Speed Bump I got for Anna Silver School https://m.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartist follow my channel! Recogntion: The NYTimes !!! I ask for 1 billion $ x 3 RICO from SAIC look at date CityTimeURGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mayor Bloomberg shouted down Aug. 20, 2012 911 Tech Corruption 911 aka ECTP & CityTime! Look bottom of blog!

About Suzannah Troy, suebe1art@aol.com

My photo
Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The Chief, The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AMNY, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned New York Mag Intelligencer neighborhood watch. Got speed bumps for Anna Silver School & doors for women's bathroom Tompkins. Donated my white blood cells twice to help a little girl fight Non-Hodgkins & man w/Lymphoma. Two hour process & you can only do it 12 x in your life. Too worn out to donate now. Way back Liz Smith mentioned me & my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately! I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. NYTimes My YouTube work 1) Giuseppi Logan’s Second Chance 2)Mysterious Mr. Rechnitz

Monday, March 31, 2008

Dith Pran's obit is deeply moving, The NY Times on this and a Marine lost at home

When he could have left with his family he chose to stay in Cambodia to work with The NY Times reporter Schanberg at great risk and unimaginable suffering to make sure the world new about the genocide of the Cambodian people. There is no way to read this article with out crying. He said, "I am a one person crusade."
He suffered brutal beatings, harsh work in labor camps with 1 tablespoon of rice a day which is slavery. There was even a rumor he had been fed to alligators which was not true but was how his brother died.

This was in today's The New York Times obit section with a video link www.nytimes.com/obits

On the front page are striking photos and another heartbreaking report "Tracking a Marine Lost at Home"...again the article evokes tears. Also on the news the heart wrenching news for a family their hope their son is live is smashed...he was executed so on the tv I see a Marine lost at war.


I am so haunted by this and I have yet to bring my self to read every sentence but here is the article and I wish they had the photos from the front page because they were a striking collage.

Tracking a Marine Lost at Home - New York Times
Tracking a Marine Lost at Home. Chip Litherland for The New York Times .... Granted, he died doing what he loved. But I was the one that led him to it.” ...
www.nytimes.com/2008/03/31/us/31war.html?ex=1364616000& en=c73d31a4371d2dc4&ei=5090&partner=rs... - Similar pages

Whiskers Pet Store find Hef and his girlfriend a home!


Go to the link above to see a photo of Hef named after Hugh Hefner and you can see he is beautiful. The good news is that he and one of his girlfriends found a home. (No, didn't get to make the move with all his girlfriends but he says Barbara is the cat's meow!) So happy to report good news.
235 9th Ave
New York, NY 10001

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dith Pran who inspired the film "The Killing Fields" passed away


I hate when people refer to films or movies as a reference to history but if you haven't see the film "The Killing Fields", see it, google on this topic, 
and please  make sure you know about the mass murder of Cambodian people by their own government, Khmer Rouge and their leader Pol Pot.


Stop Columbia U./This was sent to me by a fellow activist and city wide we do our best to stay connected and support each other

To CPC Members and Others Interested: 3/30/08
COME TO DEMONSTRATION TOMORROW AT THE COLUMBIA GATES (116th Street and Broadway), MONDAY, 3/31, 4:30PM – 6:15PM. Columbia told the 26th Precinct to deny us a permit to use a sound device so come on out and help us shout out our opposition. In the past, Columbia has not opposed a sound permit at that time of day, but as community opposition mounts to the rezoning plans across 125 th Street that will have far reaching impact right into Washington Heights, Columbia, and the elected officials who are doing such a great job defending displacement policies, want to silence critics. So come on out for an hour or two and criticize, agitate and organize. It’s called democracy – what the real pulse of Harlem is all about.

(1) Come to the Coalition to Preserve Community demonstration at the gates of Columbia on Monday, March 31, 4:30PM and join the picket line. This fight has just begun. See flyer below and contact numbers are on the flyer below and call 212 666-6426 if you can help distribute flyers today or tonight.

(2) Below are two articles about last Thursday’s press conference announcing the lawsuit challenging environmental aspects of Columbia’s bathtub foundation. You can download a copy of the petition at www.tuckitaway.com
(3) Here is a note that the Coalition to Save Harlem sent out about the hearing next Tuesday, April 1 at City Hall. We urge everyone to come out and testify:


The Coalition to Save Harlem urges the public to attend the New York City Council public hearing on the City’s plan to rezone 125th Street in Harlem. This plan ushers in massive, luxury development on 125th Street, putting long-time residents and businesses at risk of displacement! This hearing will be held Tuesday, April the 1st, at City Hall beginning at 9:30 AM. Please arrive early. This is your last opportunity to be heard as we call for fair and just development on 125th Street. We, the Coalition to Save Harlem, are calling upon the NYC Council to vote against this proposal!

Your voice WILL make a difference! - Coalition To Save Harlem.

United for an Open and Strong Community
POST OFFICE BOX 50 - Manhattanville Station
365 West 125th Street
NEW York City, New York 10027
Coalition to Preserve Community
MARCH 31,2008 4:30PM – 6:15 PM.

We will not be moved! Harlem residents will defeat Columbia's eviction plan!

A lawsuit was filed on Wednesday to fight the biohazard labs and environmental dangers posed by the Columbia eviction/expansion plan. One of the property owners (Tuck-it-away) who is facing eviction by eminent domain worked with the Coalition to Preserve Community and others and filed a suit to protect Harlem & the upper Westside from biohazard dangers and other negative environmental impacts. Join us Monday & demand Columbia give us answers.


Columbia's proposal will demolish 17 acres of our community, eliminate 800 quality jobs, force over 400 long-time residents to relocate, and evict longtime property owners and businesses by abusing eminent domain. Columbia predicts that 5,000 people in the surrounding community could be pushed out of their homes just in the period while the project is being built. GET UP, STAND UP, AND PICKET.

CONTACT US: Call (212) 666-6426, 646-812-5188, or (212) 234-3002 (se habla espanol) or go towww.stopcolumbia.org and sign up to be on our contact list. ESPANOL – OTRO

Sprayregen Brings Up Environmental Issues in Lawsuit Against Columbia

After formally bringing a lawsuit against Columbia and the city on Thursday, Tuck-It-Away owner Nick Sprayregen and his lawyers held a press conference at his storage facility to officially announce the legal action. Though he previously focused on rallying against the potential use of eminent domain in Manhattanville, Sprayregen is now also setting his sights on the environmental implications of the University’s planned underground development.
“Tuck-It-Away vs. the City of New York” calls on the New York State Supreme Court to take a “hard look” at Columbia’s two-million-square-foot Manhattanville development that would extend seven stories below the street. As it stands now, the University’s design poses significant environmental risks that the city has not properly considered, according to lawyer and public advocate candidate Norman Siegel.
“Without proper review, a disaster may someday occur,” Sprayregen said. “We are not challenging the overall rezoning.”
The underground plan, known as the “bathtub,” would stretch from 125th Street to 133rd Street, Broadway to 12th Avenue, and would house campus laboratories, a swimming and diving center, business school programs, a Metropolitan Transportation Authority bus depot, and storage facilities.
Sprayregen, Siegel, and attorney Steve Silverberg say that the placement of the “bathtub” on a flood plane and earthquake fault line could pose daunting environmental concerns, including flooding.
The recent focus on the environmental implications of the Manhattanville expansion is a marked departure from Sprayregen’s usual focus on eminent domain. Siegel said that the statute of limitations was about to run out following a Nov. 26 meeting, where the City Planning Commission approved the findings regarding the environmental implications of the bathtub. The four-month opportunity to appeal ran out yesterday, the day they filed their lawsuit.
“My perspective being that environmental laws are put in place to protect the safety and well-being of the community ... I concluded over the weekend that the work up to this point doesn’t comport with the ‘hard look’ requirement,” Siegel said.
Sprayregen and Siegel have also been working with Community Board 9 consultant and director of the Pratt Institute Ron Schiffman and senior researcher Klaus Jacob to study the implications of building the bathtub.
“Our recommendation was that CU should hire an outside risk assessment firm to study the [long term] risks associated with flooding in the face of rising sea level,” Jacob said.
Jacob said that building the bathtub on a seismic fault may mean that water pressure from the Hudson River could proliferate faults on the bottom of the basement, which would be expensive to fix.
Siegel also raised concerns about the engineering mechanisms given by Columbia officials to stave off environmental damage to the buildings. According to Siegel, the mechanisms were too vague to provide sufficient assurance that the facilities would withstand future natural disasters without endangering surrounding areas, yet effective mechanisms are still in reach.
“They essentially said, ‘an engineering solution exists. We will find it and we will provide it at a later date,’” said Silverberg, who is also representing Sprayregen in the case.
The plaintiffs also named CB9 in its lawsuit, though Siegel emphasized that they were seeking no relief from the board, and that CB9 was named as a respondent. He stressed that CB9 has been supportive of a thorough and critical review of the Manhattanville plan.
“Now they have an opportunity to speak consistently,” Siegel said.
Betsy Morais and Joy Resmovits contributed reporting this article.

Lawsuit: Columbia Expansion Poses 'Biohazard' Risk
Posted by Duncan Meisel at 4:28 PM, March 27, 2008

The largest landowner threatened by Columbia's Manhattanville expansion has filed a suit against the school and city, alleging that the environmental review process for the expansion was insufficient. The process may have even ignored the risk for potential biohazard threats to the West Harlem community, the plaintiff's lawyer said.

"I think it's selfish for Columbia, it shows a level of uncaring for the people of West Harlem" said Nick Sprayregen, the owner of Tuck-It-Away Storage, the lead petitioner in the suit, which was filed Wednesday afternoon.

At issue is the construction of a massive underground "bathtub" structure that would extend about seven stories below ground throughout the development, a planned expansion that would include a research facility that the university calls a "biosafety" center, while the plaintiff calls it a "biohazard" center . According to the plaintiffs, the placement of such a structure on a geological fault in a flood zone poses a risk to the surrounding community. But according to Columbia, the research facilities will be built above grade and pose no risk.

"The rim of the bathtub is barely above the Hudson river, we believe it poses a risk of catastrophic failure" said Norman Siegel, Sprayregen's lawyer. He cited global warming and its connected risks as an issue of serious concern.

There exists a likelihood of a storm surge that would come over the bulkhead and flood the bathtub" and "hazardous materials from these facilities could be washed out into the West Harlem community" he said.

The suit challenges whether the City Planning Commission took the required "hard look" at environmental hazards for the site. The suit claims that the planning commission "provided that the engineering issues raised during the environmental review process would be resolved at some later unspecified date."

However, "Neither the engineering consultants - nor Columbia University consultants outline in any detail what those solutions are, what the impact of carrying out those approaches might be" the suit claims in a quote from Jordi Reyes-Montblanc, the chairman of Community Board 9.

Columbia declined to comment on the pending litigation, but said in a statement: "We are confident that the extended public land use and environmental review processes were rigorous and comprehensive. They underscored that thriving universities are essential for New York City to remain a leader in attracting the talent that pursues new knowledge and creating the good, middle-income jobs for people who seek to improve their lives here."

A Columbia spokeswoman clarified the nature of the research facility, taking issue with the plaintiff's use of "biohazard. " "There are no plans to put biosafety facilities below grade," said the spokeswoman La-Verna J. Fountain.

Sprayregen's concerns extend beyond the bathtub to the facility itself.

"It just boggles the mind why Columbia, supposedly an altruistic institution, would but a biohazard research center in Manhattan" he said. "I question the wisdom of placing, particularly after 9/11, a biohazard facility that sticks out like a sore thumb for any potential terrorists" in the city center.

"These are bio-safety rooms" Fountain said. "These are not whole buildings, just rooms."

No matter the result of this current suit, litigation about the Columbia expansion seems bound to continue. The suit filed yesterday is the fifth which Siegel has been involved in, and he sees the potential for at least one other suit. "If eminent domain is used, transferring private property to a private university, we will litigate that issue" he said.

The activist group Coalition to Preserve Community announced a protest for Monday at Columbia. Continued community resistance to the Manhattanville plans has been a driving force for the ongoing legal battle between landowners and the school, and both Sprayregen and Siegel cited community activists as a key factor in their decision to file suit.

"You need the community behind you on this" Siegel said. "Property owners have standing, but the community members were the heart and soul of this lawsuit."
Visit www.stopcolumbia.org

Feels like NY Post "steals' NY Character themes and destroys it

I would write about NYC characters and it seems or should I say it "feels like" the New York Post has "stolen the theme" and taken out all the heart, soul and compassion.

I have been writing for so long "New York has character and characters".   I am glad to be a New York character.

Leave it to the new york post sunday "page 666 glossy magazine" to destroy the beauty, heart, soul and compassion that truly define New York Characters and the quality and depth needed to appreciate them....yeah character and characters are required for the "real New York".

No surprise...

There is a definite trend for newspapers and magazine to "go shopping" on our blogs but we are not for profit so at least a thank you and or mention would be nice. I know some do that and we appreciate it.

two FYI

1) I have health insurance and it is outrageously expensive....scary and I know I am lucky to have health insurance.
2) I know some of you love to see my photos and I promise more are coming this week if I can cram them  on to this blog...if not I have made a new blog space...this is free and I am only doing it as long as it is free unless I get some patrons.

America's Most Wanted, thoughts on the show and silence=murder

I watched the segment last night and now let us hope and pray this sicko is caught and removed from society so he can never murder and harm another woman including his own mother. Rosheda deeply moved me and she showed the scar on her face from the attack and the emotional scar with her grieving for her friend Tina Negron. Both women were courageous and one lived to be able to remember, to be a witness, to tell us the story. I was moved and I feel heart broken that yet another young beautiful woman dies in my neighborhood (-- meaning from Chelsea on down.)

I went to the 9th Precinct community meeting last year? I can't remember but it was before they moved back to their original home which was being renovated and I said no one should die the way Imette St. Guillien died! No one. I talked about the bar scene and I believe it is tied in to violence and women in particular have been victims of murder, rape and robbery. This happened at a supermarket, Tina's work place and Adrienne was in her workspace/apt. in the West Village.

All this is close to home for me. I am in the process of moving after 20 years and I can tell youin the AMW segment they say the East Village is filled with artists and it is not so. Add me to the exodus although I will be close by and I will continue to help my community and that means NYU you are not off the hook and you better stop with the phony public relations and take some action to respect and serve the community you have destroyed. I am so glad there was a huge and angry turn out to tell NYU what we feel although as usual John Sexton and company aka NYU will ignore and continue the expansion of their not for profit EMPIRE aka NYU also know as the no. 1 real estate magnate.

I would like to see a map of all the properties NYU owns and or leases everywhere here and globally. They won't show us that -- NYU won't even update their maps on the sides of the buildings they admit to occupying and the pink building on 2d and Bowery is just ONE example of buildings they "occupy" that they won't but their ubiquitous NYU flag -- sign of their Empire but we know what happens to all empires...they fall and NYU has already begun to fall in terms of popularity.

The neighborhood has x amount of long term community members, bankers, bar owners and huge population of temporary visitors aka college kids and tourists and the greedy developers can't tear down our historic neighborhood fast enough -- clear out and empty buildings fast enough to accommodate them all.

Attempting to silence us is like a murder and isn't murder the ultimate attempt to silence but sometimes even murder can't silence the truth.

There are all kinds of murder, there are all kinds of violence and people to some degree get away with it but there are also witnesses...people know the truth so on another level you are not getting away with it.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tina Negron's murderer tonight on John Walsh's America's Most Wanted, tune in

http://www.amw.com/ America's most wanted tonight, Saturday, 9:00 PM tonight
Go their website you can see the murderer's photo is posted right now.  Please click on the image and read the special coverage by America's Most wanted on their website.

This article is from The New York Daily News and it has a shocking photo from the video tape of the cowardly murderer with his weapon.  

Special note: Rosheda Andradas, you are a hero. You showed immense courage and bravery that would win you a Purple Heart if you were in Iraq. You are a mother, a working Mom and in this case even as I type this I feel it in my body and in my eyes tears that bravery and courage in the face of shocking violence that took a young woman's life and you took action. I wish you a speedy recovery and my heart goes out to your family to Tina's family and that all that love you both.

From what I was told right here on a comment on this blog Tina was very brave too and she dared to speak up and died courageously.

Please spread the word to watch America's most wanted to catch Tina Negron's murderer.
Here are my photo's of the wanted poster and if you click on them you can see the information in Spanish and his photo.


This article has a photo of Tina Negron and she is so beautiful and also a photo of the murder weapon.
Her brave friend is recovering with physical therapy.


This piece in bold seems to resonate with readers and for me as well when I contrast cowardly behavior that includes verbal abusive,  threats, lying about the victim and blaming her, attempting to try and control her,....yes it resonates and contrast cowardly behavior with Tina and Rosheda's courage.  Tina should be alive today and Rosheda unscathed but both exhibited immense courage and click on the New York Daily News article at the top and see the photo from the video and you can start to get an idea how courageous these women were.   

I bet there are many women myself included that wish we had video and audio when approached by hostile men but the small bit of video you will see tonight is brutal, underscores these women' courage under a horrifying violent attack that started with verbal violence and I pray the murderer gets caught asap.

Tibetan protest here in NYC

I really feel for the Tibetan people and although their rallies here shown on tv got out of hand seeing an NYPD officer punch a protestor was unacceptable.
I hope the protestors can return to peaceful demonstrations and I do not want to see them punched by anybody. China's treatment of their people is unacceptable.

Friday, March 28, 2008

NYPD hostage negoitators succeed in freeing 2 children in the Bronx

Just watched Mike Sheehan and my head is spinning so watch Fox 5 news at 10 to see the coverage but this man who had a restraining order against him but managed hold his baby son and step son hostage all day. The NYPD hostage negotiating team finally got him to give them up and himself . I didn't get all the details except it went on for along time and I think Mike Sheehan said it was the 35th anniversary of the creation of the hostage negotiation team division so they were called away from celebrating to this crisis and showed their true blue colors with a success.

Very tired....so you check it out

Thursday, March 27, 2008

an article from Brooklyn Downtown Star by Phil Guie from last year and I want to report a murder


Here are a bunch of us from different parts of NYC getting together to talk about over the top community crushing development. I have been under a lot of stress, duress and trauma and life changed for me in one year...this is a photo from when I was a little more rested and happy to be with fellow activists despite our struggle.

Please note St. Ann's is 120 East 12th Street and to see photos on this blog use the blog search engine.

Having endured the tear down of St. Ann's including the memory of the parishioners crying and praying on the street after being turned out along with the mystery of not being landmark protected  although a historical site, the feeling that the USPS and NYU are above the law ==  example === the air rights sale and the fact the USPS never notified the State of NY as legally required when selling air space over a historical site,  and the attitude they are federal and therefore not required as if the law does not apply to them, the mostly 7 day a week construction including long hours Mon-Friday all free passes from the City for NYU of course and the entire area being torn down and supersized as our historic area move towards replicating Wall Street where they left a few token blocks of historical "old" New York it is clear where the neighborhood or the lack of it for futuristic buildings that look like they belong in Dubai and clearly gentrification has become supersification...they just have not provided transportation....yet to move us out for college kids and the "new economy of wealth"...

I would like to report a murder, it was slow motion, one NYU mega dorm at a time, than the New School, Cooper Union, SVA, mega retail to replace our small businesses, than hotels, one sky piercing hotel after another for tourists and  maybe for all the college kids parents as if the neighborhood is no longer a village for community but a place for temporary housing dorms, hotels and pied tieres because the dollar is weak and the euro is strong.
I want to report a murder,  it was one mega dorm at a time, 
I want to report a murder
the murder of the East Village.

For documentation re: the illegal air sale visit these links:

remain in their neighborhoods...and this is city wide. http://www.gvshp.org/USPS.htm

If we rename NYC, than do we have to have budget cuts?

What if we rename NYC "Bear Stearns" --- than do we have to have budget cuts?

No to budget cuts!!!!!!

I continue to ask you to help catch Tina Negron's murderer

Click on the image to see it larger and share this wanted poster which is on the supermarket door where she was murdered. I have not heard on the news her murderer has been caught and he should not be out in the streets so please help if you can.

You can type in Tina Negron in the search engine on my blog to read more on what I have written...

Mayor's budget cuts, hello? Bail out NYC like Bear Stearns

just go to my search engine and type in the word budget and read my many pieces on why we should not have budget cuts.

The mayor doesn't want to pass the budget mess to his predecessor...? Yes he is and a delipidated infrastructure with the tsunami of supersized development that in my opinon are why we have so many infrastructure problems...and more it to come...It is frightening....truly.

Safety first and no budget cuts -- how about bail outs....we have so many mega millionaires and billionaires in the city and so much development city wide it is hard to believe we do not have enough money for anything the city needs rather than more unwanted cuts.

Develop Don't Destroy

go to Develop don't destroy and read the latest updates...
I have great admiration these community members as well as those city wide fighting this tsunami of community crushing development.

7 lawsuits to be filed against Columbia U. press conference this morning


Got the email update on this...
/www.stopcolumbia.org/ to learn more!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

letter of the week Village Voice for the old PS 64 and our community published way back when

Carbon Copy this was the header for the letter of mine published in The Village Voice
re: saving the old PS 64 building that is what Andrew Berman is talking about in his email posted below.

I am really proud I got the letter published way back when and to get the news today - Bravo!

There is a typo in the letter -- it should say NY Law not NYU law
and it was the letter of the week.

Court rules in neighborhood's favor no dorm for hires plus more updates from Andrew Berman

Dear friend,

I have some wonderful news to report -- yesterday, New York State's highest court upheld a recent New York City rule banning "dorms-for-hire," effectively ending attempts by a developer to erect a 19-story building on the site of the now-landmarked P.S. 64 at 605 East 9th Street in the East Village. GVSHP had joined the East Village Community Coalition (EVCC), Councilmember Rosie Mendez, and many others in fighting hard to uphold the "dorm-for-hire" ban (including submitting amicus briefs in the court case), to block the proposed 19-story dorm, and to preserve the historic former P.S. 64, which had also served as the Charas/El Bohio Cultural Center.

This is a tremendous victory. Not only does it help protect this threatened East Village landmark, but it helps ensure that developers will not be able to abuse zoning regulations by getting the dorm "bulk bonus" the city offers, often allowing dormitories to be almost twice as large as residential buildings, if they have no actual school to occupy the supposed 'dorm.' Many developments GVSHP has fought, such as 159 Bleecker Street (the former Circle in the Square Theater site) and 81 East 3rd Street, got these dorm bonuses to build extra large buildings, but then when they were completed, there was no school to occupy the dorm. These projects never should have been allowed to be built in the first place.

In response to this, in 2005 the City finally put in place rules requiring developers have a 10-year lease from an accredited educational institution before they could get the dorm bonus; GVSHP supported this rule, although we fought for it to be even more restrictive, and we continue to push for elimination of the dorm bonus entirely.

After this rule was passed, the owner of the former P.S. 64 sought to build a 19-story "dorm-for-hire" on the site of this historic building, with no school in place to occupy it. The city denied the permit application on the basis of this rule and subsequently landmarked the building. The owner sued in court to overturn the "dorm-for-hire" ban and claimed that it should now be granted the building permit for the 19-story 'dorm' which he claimed he was wrongly denied before the landmark designation took place. A state court initially agreed, and overturned the ban.

However, in an appeal to the state's highest court, GVSHP, EVCC, and many others submitted amicus briefs in support of the ban, citing the terrible damage which would be done, not just at this site but citywide, if it were overturned. Fortunately the Court of Appeals agreed, and the prior ruling was overturned and the "dorm-for-hire" ban was upheld.

In an unrelated matter, yet another Stop-Work order has been issued to the Trump SoHo Condo-Hotel which GVSHP and the SoHo Alliance, among many others, have been fighting. In the wake of the fatal East Side crane collapse earlier this month, the City inspected the Trump SoHo crane and reportedly found cracks in the slab attaching the crane to the building and a non-working beacon light. Earlier this year there was a fatal accident at the site and a non-lethal accident involving glass windows from the building being shattered by loose construction equipment and raining down more than 20 stories to the street below. In both cases stop-work orders were issued and eventually lifted by the City. A decision in the legal challenge against the Trump SoHo Condo Hotel filed by the SoHo Alliance and supported by GVSHP is not expected until May.


Andrew Berman, Executive Director
Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
212/475-9585 x38
232 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003

To join GVSHP or support our preservation efforts, go to www.gvshp.org/membership.htm.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

NY Magazine's piece on Cooper Union I renamed the bad, the ugly, the neighborhood's unreality

Dear Readers: I sent this to New York Magazine in response to their article with images you must check out about Cooper Union's new buildings for our beloved neighborhood.  Looks like a virtual unreality, a techno-bad dream.  I gave the magazine permission to publish any of this they wanted but it is poetry and I am not waiting for anyone to publish it....that is what this blog is for!

re: your article on Cooper Union.... The good, the bad and the ugly....
The header for your piece should read "The bad, the ugly, the neighborhood's unreality!"

What ever Cooper Union's high paid p.r. people tell you about the community loving "their new developments" is untrue.  My guess is the majority of the community if asked would tell you they do not welcome the development.
We do not like it. The fact they can tear down their Science building, supersize and lease it for office space for 99 years is ludicrous. If they need money than sell the property. Could you imagine if NYU and Cooper Union had to pay real estate taxes? Cooper Union claims they are not as bad as NYU and that is only because they can't be as bad...yet. The "new studio" looks like a fractured glass aquarium and it is next to Dubai on the Bowery that looks like a spaceship. None of these buildings fit in with the neighborhood unless you include the sea of NYU megadorms and the Cooper Union mega dorm that line 3rd Avenue but the attitude of the pro-development movement is we don't belong. I thought I lived in the East Village not a bad xerox of mid-town, Dubai wanna-be most of all our virtual unreality. Welcome to the "new" hideous New York.

p.s. For those who use to go to Madame X when it was very dark and there was a very provocative poem in the skylight -- that was my art installation  poem which also ended with the term "virtual unreality". The poem is on my archive page www.suzannahbtroyartist.com and the bad muse that inspired it tried to suck the soul out of me...in this case the tsunami of futuristic dubai wannabe  development is sucking the soul out of our neighborhood as if NYU mega dorming the East Village to death was not enough.  The East Village is home to a massive amount of NYU mega dorms and various other forms of NYU student housing, a Cooper Union Mega dorm (as hideous), The New School Mega dorm,  New York Law mega dorm, SVA (mini mega dorm).  Welcome to the the bad reality make over of the East Village I have renamed NYU-Las Vegas ville where there are never too many bars and banks and you can party like a wannabe rock star!  CU is just so elitist cool -- oh yeah...the statement they are making says it all.   CU's message is the same as NYU's message to the community.  The only thing they have not done is provide buses, NYU trolley's and trains to move us out.  See you!

I keep reposting the request to help find Tina Negron's murderer


You can go to the search engine on this blog and type in Tina Negron to read more of my thoughts.
This is the link to see the murderer's photo in color and please spread the word because he should not be free.

I remember this new stand 9-11, it is now "improved?"

It seems nothing in the East Village is beyond "improvements" including the new stand.
This is Jerry and a friend.  Jerry is a long term fixture and I can't imagine Astor Place with out him or a new stand.
I remember the day after Sept. 11 there was a very long line of very patient people here at the new stand waiting to buy The New York Times.
I will never forget that line.  I did go above 14th Street which was blocked off and I had to show my driver's license to get back home.
I never imagined I would feel I had to leave my home and it was not a terrorist attack from abroad....very tired....just some memories, shock at the community crushing development and other thoughts....

Suzannah. Washington Square Park's "improvements?" Only if you are the no. 1 real estate magnate and that would be NYU--the community said "No!".

Cooper Union's crane towering over St. George and us

Con Ed here Con Ed everywhere

Con Ed is as ubiquitous as NYU student housing, Con Ed here Con Ed everywhere and I am scared....
Yes, bills are going up -- they are rising like the supersized condos, sky piercing hotels, mega dorms and evictions and the price of life to live here....are those invisible not welcome signs in your neighborhood signs or visible...?

Live like a Rockefeller Party like a rockstar, visible signs invisible signs "not welcome"

Here is the beautiful "old" New York -- film anthology building and above it the sign "Live like a Rockefeller party like a rock star" to sell real estate equated with a false notion -- a fantasy because buying "this real estate" with provide you neither a life like a Rockefeller or a party life style like a rock star. Yes, NYU- mega dormed the East Village to death and we are dorminated, dominated with bars and banks -- NYU-Las Vegas ville but hardly Rockefeller or Rolling Stones life style.

(Click on the photo to see it larger.)

I have been so deeply traumatized by what I have had to endure I couldn't absorb this but www.curbed.com pointed it out and astute person who commented pointed out the Rockefeller's never lived like this -- studios and one bedroom. I am sure even the penthouse would not be up to their wealthy standards. VH1 shows us over and over that partying like a rock star is far from enviable but lonely. They are selling a fantasy they way Victoria Secrets sells lingerie. Advertising churns $$$$ on our discontent and they $ell you the idea if you buy "this" you will be happy!!!

A sign like this is targeted at "wannabes" that will never be Rockefellers and or be invited to parties that are as decadent as a rockstars. The constant focus on falls from grace comes with a message "it ain't all it is cracked up to be".

The bottom line is we are being pushed out and we are not welcome. The invisible "not welcome sign" manifests in so many ways. Some are not even invisible.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Cafe Orlin, 41 St. Marks Place

Cafe Orlin, 41 St. Marks Place, 212-777-1447
Open 24 hours Friday and Saturday!

Dogs in the East Village Cafe Mogador

Wrinkles are beautiful!!!!!!!!!   BEAUUUUUTTTTIFULLLLLLLL!!!!!

Benny's Burritos now and inside a photo of the block 1945

Photo 1945 just inside the the door of Benny's Burritos, 93 Avenue A corner of 6th Street and yes they still have a take out section; it is by the side door on the 6th Street side.
support small businesses
+click on the old photo to get a bigger better look

Fire! No just a boiler, but lots of fire trucks.

Karen, Loves saves the Day and a big generator!

Karen wearing Prada. I gave her my Prada key chain and this is a big generator (? what ever it is I am scared) is part of the tsunami of community crushing development.  
This is also where I was interviewed by NY1 for the big "medium" size water main break.

+I am giving away or throwing away as much as possible with anything I associate with a very traumatic experience I had to deal with for way too long.

Hef named after Hugh Hefner needs a home!

He has a harem of beautiful cat girlfriends so come by Whiskers and give them a loving home please!!!!!
Holistic Pet Care at Whiskers 235 East 9th Street 212-979-1455 fax
1800.whiskers or 212 979 2532

Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen the struggle continues and this Vegan Bakery needs your help!

Here is Peter continuing on with his good cheer despite the on going stress of the constant threat of eviction.
Please come in and buy something or hire Peter to cater an event.
He needs help finding a home for this old gem or support to continue to stay there.
130 St. Marks Place between 1rst and A 212-677-7597
go to the search engine on this block and type in Whole Earth Bakery and see the many postings....
This ground breaking healthy bakery and kitchen was in the neighborhood in the '70's as I recall and Filomena Silvestri and her son Peter created this healthy resource and Filomena died at 94 years old knowing we fought for her dream, her small business and one an extension so did not have to die with her business thrown out on the street.

Santa got housing at least for now!

Karl aka Santa pictured here with Moon told me some good news and that is he has some temporary housing up at St. Nic's.

Amy gives me an Easter Egg

Caught one of many loving people laying eggs for another East Hunt 6th Street Garden

Easter Egg Hunt Tompkin Square Park

Shirley thank you for all you do for our community!!!!

Shirley works for the Parks Dept. here at Tompkins Square Park and Shirley we appreciate you!

Shirley says her main inspiration are her kids and grand kids. She loves her work for the Parks Dept.
"New York is what is happening. If there is something to be made of yourself, here is where it's at."

Shirley we love you! Thanks to you and all the people that work so hard to keep Tompkins so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

coolest book store on St. Marks Place

East Village Books, 212-477-8647  I love '60's imagery.  The color sensibility from that era is mind blowing and I mean all naturally for me...just love the colors and the poster art.

Yaffa Cafe, St. Marks Place

Hal superstar bicycle doctor musician and Jeff local NYC artist

Hal is a face we all know and love. His band is www.kilifax.net and he is the best all around New Yorker with a magical flair for bike repairs at Bicycle Habitat at 244 Lafayette Street between Spring and Prince.
Jeff is a local NYC artist like me and he said "People need to support owner operated shops!

infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure

Your Con Ed bills go up to pay for this tsunami of over the top community crushing supersized development and aren't you glad so many mega dorms in the East Village are not for profit supersized student housing...?  The bills also go up I am guessing because of all the lawsuits.  

Houston Street and this has been going on for so long...today the streets are blocked off block after block but at least it doesn't resemble a terror attack ...

Tina Negron's murderer --Help catch him --here is his photo

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Drew Peterson accuses next door neighbor of stalking! Surprised? No.

Watching Nancy Grace and there it is -- the number one suspect -- the husband accuses the next door neighbor of stalking.
Surprise? No surprise at all. So typical and another red light...one of many.

I am glad as many people as possible are watching this guy. I feel so sorry for the children.
I worry for the next door neighbor's safety but at least a lot of people know and that may be better than a restraining order.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Diane Sawyer's piece on prostitution is heart breaking.

Diane Sawyer's segments on prostitution is heartbreaking and one of the first points she makes is the high statistics of violence these women endure and the also death. Surprise, men think they are disposable and Sawyer estimates the life expectancy is 35.
Factors besides enormous violence, verbal abuse, humiliation are also homelessness, drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Many also suffered child abuse.

Based on the above paragraph it makes the law's focus prosecuting these women even more heart breaking. Some women interviewed said they did exit the industry after being arrested. Sawyer also reports the pimps are rarely prosecuted and the segment highlighted how abusive they are. The use fear, intimidation and violence and walk away unscathed.

Legalizing prostitution would be best but with careful monitoring and open available support services to exit the industry and also help with any of the abuse issues such as violence, homelessness, drugs and alcohol abuse. If it is legal than women who are confronted with violence can turn in theory to the police where they can't and in fact are more likely to be arrested than their pimps and clients.

If it is legalized than women and clients can be tested to make sure they do not have diseases. If it is legalized and kept out of the parks and streets than women and girls who are not sex workers may not be harassed by men looking for sex workers.

Sawyer's show does not cover male prostitution or under age prostitution.

One young woman, Skyler who studied opera sang as Diane Sawyer requested and her voice was beautiful. She suffered a trauma so terrible she cannot talk about it and since the interview she disappeared. Made me cry. Is she dead? Did she descend further in to despair and drugs? Her friend had the most enormous stabbing wound with over a hundred stitches and Sawyer said this woman did return to live with her grandmother. It was clear she had suffered so much on every level possible.

abc.com Sawyer says to go here and you can express your thoughts and there is info on resources.

After I posted this I thought more about the politics of sex, the double standards and the hypocrisy.
I think of an ex President who used an intern and it was free exchange -- he played on her emotions giving her gifts but he became angry when she did not understand her role and that she was ultimately disposable. I don't care how liberated people think they are -- there is still shocking sexism and women have to deal with the hostility of this "knowing your place" and this "disposable" mentality. I made art when I was very young literally turning that concept of disposability around.

There is hypocrisy and it can also be found in women. A socialite that barters a very expensive dress or trip to some where for being a companion does not consider that sex work. Economic power, opportunities and ideologies seem out dated and dishonest.

There are women that marry men or date them with the clear understanding the money and the gifts are part of the deal and the same with divorcing these men. It is lucrative and more money than most of these women can earn in mainstream corp. America or for that matter in a life time. I have heard the rumor that women that marry men for money with the intention of making money attempt to get pregnant right away because a child means more money for the lucrative divorce settlements which are their ultimate goal and this does go both ways with men that marry women for their money and same gender relations. Sexual politics have economic issues that are part of most everyone's lives.

I wish Diane Sawyer uses her resources to track down Skyler if she is alive and help her to get off the street and return to her musical education, help her get employment and help with her drug addiction.

Calling all Angels

Jane Siberry with K.D. Lang singing Calling all Angels is such a beautiful song, poetry...one of my most favorites....

Kid Magic Garden postponed due to weather

Dear Gorgeous Gardeners,

I am so looking forward our Spring season kickoff, seeing many of you again, and meeting new gardeners and kids! But the forecast is calling for snow on Saturday, and in any case, being bitterly cold and windy. So many of you have expressed interest in coming and volunteering, and a few of you have emailed me back with concerns about the weather...

So... after talking it over with some of the other gardeners, we've decided to postpone the event for 2 weeks. I hope that everyone who planned on coming out this weekend can make it on Saturday, April 12th from 2-5 instead. And maybe some of you who wanted to come this Saturday but couldn't can come that day instead!

If you have emailed/ spoken to me about this Saturday, please email me again, so I know no one is going to brave the cold and find a locked garden! We won't be doing egg painting, as that moment will have passed, but will dream up another fun art project to do with the kids, along with pizza garden seed and flower planting, an exciting composting workshop, and other gardening projects.

New Children's Magical Garden Spring kickoff:
Saturday, April 12th
2-5 PM

Rain date:
Sunday, April 13th
2-5 PM

Happy brrrrr Spring, and enjoy the lengthening sunlight!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Tina Negron's murderer is out there his photo P28 The NY Post

Tina Negron's murderer is out there his photo P28 The New York Post
You can call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-tips
if you have any information.

James Gonzalez 42 is wanted for the murder of Tina Negro stabbing her to death at Key Food at Avenue A and 4th Street Feb. 29th, 2008 here in the East Village.

You can see his photo in today's The New York Post page 28.

The NYPost states he then turned his rage on Tina Negron's co-worker and stabbed her in the torso. She survived the attack.

Please help spread the word and catch this murderer.

I am posting this again and I wish I had a photograph to post with this.

Old New York goodbye, New New York has arrived, poem: New York City Dreams

City of dreamers
even broken dreams have their beauty like a worn out facade
but they tell us it is about money
dreams in to dollars
called losers if we can't cash in,
it is about mega bucks this new city "make over" for college town kids and power brokers broke it down
yeah they broke it down
the beauty of old New York City for their mega monolith sea of glittery mirrors
concrete mega builds
river of denial mega dorms
half empty hotels
and invisible "you are not welcome signs"

NYC is was a city of dreamers and possibilities
but we had dreams
dared to have dreams
still do
still do

Used to be called Urban jungle
hinting at something wild
but now it is just a mega shopping mall
for college kids, tourists and a donald trump bad reality show

Demonstration planned Monday at the gates of Columbia U.

To Coalition to Preserve Community Members and other interested:

(1) The Coalition to Preserve Community will have a general meeting next Tuesday, March 25, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM in St. Mary's Church, 521 West 126th Street. We have a demonstration planned on Monday, March 31 at the gates of Columbia, 116th Street and Broadway, 4:30PM. (more info to follow)

(2) Below is an article published in the Columbia Spectator by Tom DeMott discussing the rezoning of 125thStreet with a critique which emphasizes problems with the arts initiative component and solutions to that, the general displacement aspects, and Columbia's relation to Harlem planning.

Invest in This: Harlem Not For Sale
By Tom DeMott

So the Department of City Planning has a planning problem. It needs to come up with a zoning change that will allow the real-estate industry to score big on 125thStreet, Harlem, U.S.A. and simultaneously appear as benign, even artsy-driven,dialoguers.
Illustration by Ramsey Scott

Creating openings for the boys who control New York City is the agency’s motivating impulse when defining successful development, no matter what kind of happy drivel they throw at us when they compose their treatises on urban removal.

It is obvious to anyone walking historic 125 that the heart and soul of the neighborhood is at stake. Even tourists and other non-natives glimpse this as they amble through, and they don’t have the collective memory—the familiarity with landmarks of resistance too numerous to conjure, the soapbox tradition of true democracy, loud notes boasting Aretha’s gospel and JB on the good foot every half block (real quality of life), the University on the Corner of Lenox Avenue, the bent rims, even the blue tape (7th) and the red tape (8th) and all that inventive, desperate, exploitative, creative street hustling that an Ivy League education can’t suss, even as it teaches its own to do the same with a fountain pen.

Unfortunately, the culture alive and well in decision-making entities large and small, “elected” and unelected, teaches us that raggedy ain’t too good, that Shange’s little ole Record Shack really needs to be replaced with some younger and commercially viable arts storefront initiative. True, I am biased. I’ve enjoyed buying my Mapfumo, Evora, Manguana, and Alpha Blondy there on my extended breaks from the nearby Manhattanville Post Office, where I received a pay check for decades, but that don’t mean I am narrowly defining a real arts initiative as one that only preserves brother Shange’s beautiful shop (or re-opens Bobby’s Happy Hut, etc.).

Yes, planners should find a way to keep these businesses here, but let’s start with something grander. Let’s get a real arts initiative—easily accomplished if will and imagination triumph over vicious, cynical, and desperate opportunism. Let’s bring Barry Harris’s Jazz Cultural Theater, and its all-arts equivalents, to Harlem. Let’s watch a new round of Barry’s girls and boys growing out of shoes and growing into Monk and Mysterioso, cultivating authentic generational connections, and letting souls run deep (and this ain’t some Bollinger-esque invocation of Harlem’s friggin’ “mystique,” my brothers and sisters). The housing project grounds where Thelonious walked alone on winter days, gesticulating to himself, stopping by his snowy woods and creating hisDavids, are fast disappearing. Pols who claim that the Coalition to Preserve Community exaggerates the bleak future of Grant and Manhattanville Houses and who pay no mind to MindyFullilove and Neil Smith are punks who lay down for the man. Yeah, it’s like that.

It’s like that because we are talking about the annihilation of a culture. City Planning and Blond Burden knocking it down, displacing residents and artists and businesses, taking away the light, and bringing us that CU “transparent” architecture which puts those inside not with us, but under glass—which is quite frankly where some of them should be on view, resting permanently.
Look, if you’re deadening a culture, you barter in death. Arts initiative... hell, it is all about affordable space that’s open and available, not some pimper’s paradise for connected not-for-profits regranting space to the humble and non-threatening. It is all about not kicking out the people who have lived in Harlem and who make Harlem, Harlem.

Let’s find an organized way to help those young people, stepping out of the crowd to rhyme at the21st Annual West Harlem Coalition Anti-Gentrification Street Fair, to flow, mix, make poetry and music, yeah to rap. (And we ain’t talking about some handpicked, politically sanitized poets, even though my favorites were talking New York, talking gentrification, just folks who found other means to soapbox—after all, it’s the Harlems that supply and re-supply our country’s honest, and fun, language.) Let’s revive the Hispanic social clubs, at least some authentic version, so important to Harlem’s culture.

Let’s get Columbia U (hey, they are the architects for much of Harlem’s goings-on and have been for decades) to dump its current eminent-domain-violating eviction expansion plan. Many of us fought hard 20 years ago to shut down the Harlem-on-the-Hudson plan (luxury housing in the same spot as CU’s proposal, posing as mixed income, fostered by the Harlem Urban Development Corporation’s pols who used that project as a poverty pimp slush fund for years). Columbia gave it lip service, but was scoping out its own manifest destiny there, so it let “city planners” play in their sandbox for a bit. CU is linked to all zoning changes, including this arts shell game.

If you think I’m tougher than the rest on my 125—which ain’t mine or yours (or the real estate holders’, or Columbia’s, or Rangel’s) but America’s—imagine an interview with Lester Young on the subject of the New York City Planning Commission’s Arts Initiative. You couldn’t quote him ’cause he spread curses like tasty collard greens but the homogenized version might be, “Screw your uptown theme park and kill this bureaucratic gesture and its inevitable bland bureaucratic outcome right now.” If creativity flows from an area’s diverse and singular sensibility, the loss of that culture and those individuals stymies artistic advance. Harlem’s storied contribution is reduced to sad carny sketches of tourists passing by some second-rate local history museum with a unknowing curator from the “non-profit sector” whose prime interest is getting paid.

Jacob Lawrence enjoyed painting his community and knew its struggle was essential and wonderful. David Dinkins getting booed for supporting his employer’s land grab was participatory art. Where are the Columbia professors who are letting their trustees gangster us with zoning for dollars all over Harlem? Where the fuck are you? (That’s for Lester.)
William Carlos Williams wrote: “It is difficult/to get the news from poems/yet men die miserably every day/for lack/of what is found there.”

Better let our poets—who dance, paint, write, play, rap, talk, protest, ball, act, and sing—live and breathe here, along with the rest of us who need to be here too. And give those drummers in Marcus Garvey Park some amplification and cushions ’cause this is a live tradition of many, not a networking of the glass-domed elite. No sellout, no skulduggery, no flim-flam, no displacement, no bio-labs, no eminent domain, and no phony arts initiative. Harlem is not for sale. Harlem, no sevende. Invest in that!

The author is a member of the Columbia College class of 1980. He is a member of the Coalition to Preserve Community.

TAGS: 125th Street, arts intiative


GO TO www.stopcolumbia.org

man's letter in The NYPost "Who's next in line for NY Governor? Ron Jeremy?

David Patterson fell and it was at a record setting pace. If when he was sworn in he had focused less on stand up comedy and also on implying he was going to be on higher moral ground than Spitzer than it might not have been such a fall. Patterson is on higher moral ground than Spitzer but the letter in The New York Post sums it with irony and humor. It does feel like the fall of Rome or we are watching the makings of another HBO special series and there are far more steamy scandals that we do not know about until we see it remade on HBO or our great grand kids will be watching the behind scenes "things" we never knew about. Anyway, yes the new governor will be left in place and the State and City of New York are in bad shape despite way back when the mayor at some point saying the city budget was more than okay and remember city council voted themselves a raise...???? Hello?

The city is heading for dire straits and it is wrong to be making budget cuts especially to school programs. In fact I wish we could get more organized help to get more kids off the streets after school and with some in depth one on one mentoring where volunteers sit with them and go over home work. These kids need one on one individual attention and if it means corporations open up their conference rooms after school and sit with these kids going over home work -- something to get the support they need. Cuts are the last thing NYC needs. It is sad to see the work fare program cut from the Parks dept if that happens. Does the city have to be bailed out like Bear Stearns? How many more tragedies that look like terrorist attacks but are infrastructure or construction related can the city take and handle with budget cuts? The NYPD has under 40,000 police policing 8 million plus people and their starting salary is not a recruitment tool but the opposite. I am one of many that still wants our firehouses closed REOPENED! We don't want hospitals closed with the population only increasing and the calamities too.

I am very upset about many things but this letter in the NYPost made me laugh.
Women porn stars are carving out new grounds in terms of becoming entrepreneurs and in Jenna Jameson's case a media mogul.
I do believe the women in the porn business have suffered child abuse and are further exploited in the industry until some break through to this new level of power where they become multi-faceted business women.

The letter made me laugh and it is rife with irony because a porn star like Ron Jeremy would at least have been honest and it feels to me David Patterson was not. He was not prepared to be thrust in to the limelight and the scrutiny that comes with it.

Tina Negron's murderer is out there his photo P28 The New York Post


Here is a color photo and the wanted poster in Spanish please spread the word and the photo

You can call Crime Stoppers at 800-577-tips
if you have any information.

James Gonzalez 42 is wanted for the murder of Tina Negro stabbing her to death at Key Food at Avenue A and 4th Street Feb. 29th, 2008 here in the East Village.

You can see his photo in today's The New York Post page 28.

The NYPost states he then turned his rage on Tina Negron's co-worker and stabbed her in the torso. She survived the attack.

Please help spread the word and catch this murder.

Kidsmagicgarden.net (still threatened by eviction) celebrates Spring Equinox and needs volutneers!!!

Children's Magical Garden de Carmen Rubio
Stanton and Norfolk Street, L.E.S.
F train to Delancey, 2 blocks north
an L.E.S. community garden for all, especially kids, for over 25 years and counting. Envision it made permanent!

Dear Lovely Garden Supporters,

This is a reminder that this Saturday, March 22nd from 2-5 will be the garden's official kickoff to this year's growing season. We will be planting seeds (in containers) for our new pizza garden, learning about composting kitchen scraps and lasagna style gardening (as well as some um... soil moving in there for the enthusiastic) signing up new members, and also there will be hard boiled egg painting for the kids in honor of the Spring Equinox! The garden will provide several sets of water colors, and 2 dozen hard boiled eggs (organic, which I know even so might disappoint some of you caring vegans, but I thought it was better than plastic eggs with sugary jelly beans...) If anyone has more hardboiled eggs to share, please bring them, as kids often like painting more than 1.

I could also use volunteers in these areas: Flyering with me tomorrow and Friday in the neighborhood.
Someone to volunteer being in charge of the kids painting station at the table (a very fun job)
Multiple photographers who will please email/get me a disk after the event so that we can document it and put it up on our website.

Anyone who wants to bring/contribute juice, water, and healthy snacks is very welcome!
Packets of seeds of all kinds are welcome, (organic preferred) with emphasis on vegetables and herbs that are yummy on pizza.

Come join us for an exciting day of growing veggies, flowers, kids, community, and celebrating the return of spring!

Happy, happy Vernal Equinox!
Kate Temple-West, garden director with Alfredo Feliciano, director and founder.


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Nixmary if there is a Heaven she deserves a special place

Just heartbreaking to think of her suffering and how she died.  It was if she lived in a concentration camp and was tortured, starved and every horror that could be inflicted on her was by the people that were suppose to care for her.

Too horrible and again there had to be so many red light warning signals that were ignored.   This case must be one of the worst in NYC's history.

There is something so sick about the anger...the rage that was directed at her as they blamed her and justified their viciousness in their warped minds.  

In every religion, culture there is some kind of believe in karma  or "what goes around comes around" but how can justice truly be served in this case?    The hope that they will never be around children ever again or walk the streets.   Joel Steinberg comes to mind and he is out in the public world which is a horrible thought.  

If there is a Heaven this little girl is in a very special place.

AM New York landmarked Webster Hall and more

Bravo for Andrew Berman and www.gvshp.org for ground breaking work on behalf of New York...the real New York!


AM New York's coverage of land marking in our neighborhood and that includes Webster Hall.

The landmark helps protect our history and our community.  Every opportunity to tear down our historic buildings has opened up the door to developers to supersize on an old infrastructure and for mega dorms, sky piercing luxury condos and mirrored hotels that reflect a history destroyed and a community no longer welcome.

If NYU could have I am sure they would have bought Webster Hall and supersized it for yet another hideous mega dorm.

Gardeners are NYC's green heroes.

Gardeners are NYC's green heroes and they help communities city wide with their efforts. They help our spirits and our environment. We need as much green space as possible and places to go and sit and remember the beauty of nature.

From: NYC-GardensCoalition@yahoogroups.com [mailto:NYC-GardensCoalition@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of Magali Regis
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 10:31 PM
To: Magali Regis
Subject: [NYC-GardensCoalition] Next NYCCGC Meeting - Thursday 20 March 2008

To: New York City Community Gardeners
Subject: Next NYCCGC Meeting - Thursday 20 March 2008

Dear gardeners,

Happy Spring to you all.
You are invited to attend the next NYCCGC Gardeners' meeting on Thursday, 20
March 2008 - 6:30 - 8:00pm
at the Neighborhood Preservation Center
232 East 11th Street (btw. 2nd & 3rd Ave.)
New York NY 10003

This month's NYCCGC meeting will also be our official Annual meeting. We invite
all our members and the NYC community garden community at large to bring ideas,
comments, criticism and ways to improve our Coalition.

We'll be discussing what we achieved in 2007 and what we hope to accomplish in 2008.


AGENDA FOR NEXT MEETING: Thursday, 20 March 2008:


Forum 2008 Planning committee

Report from Legislation Committee

Report from GreenThumb's GrowTogether

Report from NYCCGC By-Laws committee

Open discussion

Neighborhood Coalitions Reports


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rape suspects caught but so far not Tina Negron's murderer at least as far as I know

I only get my info from the news but all the suspected rapists I mentioned on this blog have been apprehended.

So far I have not heard an updates on the capture of Tina Negron's murderer so I can only guess he has not been caught.

I am thinking hard on violence towards women and until abusers step over the lines that allow the NYPD to make arrest what can a woman do.

I have some ideas I am formulated based on warning signals like hostile verbal barrages, blaming the victim, trying to control her and anything associated with her, creating a hostile environment, etc. I want to organize them and share them with some people including some lawyers which will take me time but I also would like the laws and resources to grow so women can get support. I have some theories on how women's privacy is violated by abusers and how that be documented but for now it is conceptual...I am in think tank mode.

I have a link to saferide www.rightrides.org on my link page and I am thinking along these lines for women that are on the receiving end of hostile behavior and finding "safe rides"for women Fridays and Saturdays ( www.rightrides.org) but it doesn't mean a car ride home...more like "safe resources"...thinking...

Note: I told NYU and the 9th Precinct that NYU should contact and support rightrides or create a program like right rides because such a high number of young people are crammed in to the East Village with the bars and the need this as a resource and the police can work with them on this.

Emailed Sheldon Silver

Just emailed Sheldon Silver asking for help with NYU re: community outreach resource centers and actually for all the mega dorms in the East Village so that includes Cooper Union, The New School, NY Law, and SVA.

Crane Coverage from the East Village


you can see the latest crane tragedy documented but if you go to the blog site and type in the blog search engine the word crane and scroll d

Down you can see the taxi crushed from the crane incident by my home...soon to be ex-home.

if you type mercedes into the search engine of the blog neithermorenorless.blogspot.com you can see a mercedes cooking like a marshmallow by Tompkins Square Park because yet another man hole cover in the area had some serious potentially dangerous problems.

type in gas and you can see just one of many turn outs by the FDNY for gas leak problems.

In fact for one gas leak the NYPD had blocked off the entire street where La Mama Theatre is.
Post 9-11 there has been a mad rush to supersize and we have had many problems and they just don't make the news.

In NYC be cautious where you walk and that includes your dogs because you may get the shock of your life or die. Do not park over man hole covers. Do not walk under scaffolding and yes cranes too.

A mega crane like that is pictured at the Cooper Union "fractured aquarium" building my name for the newest "dubai on bowery" to hit the East Village. I think I have a picture of the mega crane or part of it on this blog.

picture of Cooper Unions massive crane on my blog

just type in Cooper Union on my blog search engine
Cooper Union and their massive crane is the entry

Just very very tired and traumatized from very upsetting stuff in my life. Ciao for now.
SBT artist
and p.s.
my cell phone died so I do not have your tele. numbers.