Joe Tacopina 2003 Named in divorce Adultery divorce papers the husband can not forgive his wife for?
I want you to see how Joe treats women in court in my opinion blaming them for violence as if it was their fault or their loose sexual standards vs how he is portrayed in divorce papers.
I have more docs but rushing to catch train to get to the Hospital to help take care of Mom who is in bad shape and can't take care of herself let alone barely walk and is on Parkinson's meds as of a week and 1/2 ago.
Tacopina treats People badly and tries intimidation to silence People.
In my opinion Joe Tacopina made a career on intimidation not brains. A-Rod got suckered in my opinion and major-league baseball exposed Joe for what he is J-Fraud.
I am rushing but if I recall correctly this was Joe's client.
Joe Tacky-0 in my opinion and his skanky pals have double standard when it comes to themselves and their families but attempt to treat others very differently. I get lots of emails from men and wen oops women have a lot to say and share.