Go to True News to read this post -- I added Joel Bondy did not get arrested but got a soft landing.
Look at his linkedin page -- see for yourself.
True News includes 2 of my links about Preet Bharara promising arrest of NYC Gov officials and it never ever happened!
True News includes my link re: Karen Shaffer, asst. deputy mayor of aging stealing over 20 thousand dollars using a pencil and Citytime - she was not arrested or forced to repay the money.
True News called me because he noted The NY Post reported two sisters were fired over a smaller sum.
Amazing how the little people get arrested but Bloomberg's staff, City Council and guess who are above the law?
Folks I promise you ECTP 911 Tech System even bigger crime than CityTime and no criminal prosecution yet and if and when Bloomberg will be out of office and his puppet with immunity will be in office. Stay tuned.
City sacks sibs (NYP) $445 scam on 150G salary Two sisters with a combined 56 years working at the city’s Finance Department have been sacked after being found guilty of ripping off $8.40 a day, the price of a lunchtime sandwich. Laura and Karen Slabinsky got the ax for claiming separate auto allowances on 53 days that they traveled together to work assignments in the same car, according to public records. Their total haul between September 2010 and September 2011: $445.20. Their combined salaries as tax assessors: $151,010 a year. CityTime contractor to pay $500M in fraud - New York Daily News * Contractor in NYC's CityTime Scandal Avoids Prosecution with ... * Boss Tweed would be proud - New York Daily News *

landing -- not arrest
http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2012/10/laura-and-karen-slabinsky-arrested-but.html No arrests of CityTime NYC Gov officials that aided and abetted SAIC in ripping us off and sub-contractors. Karen Shaffer used the high technology of a pencil to steal over 20 grand CityTime -- asst. deputy of aging no arrests and she did not repay the money. ECTP 911 Tech even bigger crime than CityTime but Mike is not worried about any criminal investigation in to ECTP 911 because CityTime has been pushed back to Sept 2013 so ECTP trial if we ever get one will be well after he is out of office...
mean while the People of NYC have been robbed of billions of dollars on mostly tech contractors and consultants wildly over billing could be in total over 10 billion dollars.
What happened to Jelly Bean -- did he get a soft landing like Joel Bondy.
CityTime CNN I report Whistle blowing post that called them all out including Jelly Bean
What did Jelly Bean skate along with how many others SAIC, NYC Gov and sub-contractors?