NYPD police commish Jessica Tisch: Tikkun olam Oct 1 2012 Delita Hooks has now admitted targeting me from the moment I sat down angry I moved my chair a few inches. She yelled at me from behind a long closed off reception desk: YOU no rights, came out stalked me, violated my patient rights my body! Her boss Dr Fagelman has lots of NYPD patients + gov patients! Hooks running punch to my head hole punched in my retina! Now Hooks admitted giving me the finger 3x after I had walked down the hall seeking help from my MD. Tikkun olam 1) 01 Det Squad WITHELD letter THREAT w/ IA Corp Counsel goal lie cheat win all 4 courts I sued. Tikkun olam! 1/2 decade later I got the letter my guess Joe Tacopina drafted Delita Hooks submitted threatening me w/ more false cross complaints if I dared come back and report the Crimes 01 Precinct dete squad downgraded to a fabricated, mutual 3rd degree assault when it was a running punch in my head as I held my bags, my arm numb, sexual assault etc 2) Netflix herodet John Vergona + det Andrew Dwyer rushed to seal their Crimes w/ MD office Crimes + my guess Joe Tacopina’s crimes, including a CUNT threat Oct 7 ‘12 to see the tables turned on me similar to the letter threat to me Delita Hooks aka Delite submitted to Det Andrew Dwyer’s attention the letter so egregious withheld even by corp counsel & IA! 3) Tikkun olam Det Vergona via Jonathan Popolow lied he didn’t know I am Jewish + he’ld arrest us both! Email false arrest Jew. Hooks confirmed just me her victim + admitted giving me finger 3 times knocking my iPhone out of my hand 3x before Running punch to my head. My guess Tacopina contacted Dwyer!Was Dwyer promoted to NYPD FBI TF after his role kidnap me if I didn’t drop charges! Lt Angelo Burgos in NYCLU data false arrest threat like my case! 4) I remain whistleblower CityTime + ECTP2 911 on going = prejudice anti-Semitic , misogyny, retaliation I am not safe MD ! https://x.com/suzannahbtroy/status/1856038793217716600?s=46 Tikkun Olam
|  |  | |  |  | NYC Gov DOI IA role in retaliation against whistleblowers CityTime like 911 tech ectp taxpayer tech Titanic coming back to haunt the city top cops caught stealing overtime using CityTime? NYPD Jessica Tisch Tikkun olam Oct 1 Oct 7 2012 on going crime upon suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2024/11/nypd-p… | | 12/19/24, 7:55 AM |
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*NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos is in the New York civil liberty Union for threatening a victim like I was threatened with false arrest. This Netflix hero John Fargo lie in federal app pellet he was going to arrest us. Both my attacker confirmed just me he falsified police reports and lied in federal appellate that it was a mutual assault when it was a one-way attack. What is the motive it’s retaliation on the mostLevel for Eugene Shatz, who was in the loop as was on a macro level, chief banks, a dirty corrupt cop who’s in the news as well who played a role in my case and made it clear that it was against NYPD policy for me to report Crimes at the NYPD had downgraded or erased because once you sue them, you can’t come in Report a crime involving a case where you’re suing in them it’s against their policy as per Lieutenant Gannon. The tweet that is pinned on my main Twitter account is NYPD Yael Magori lying to me that I can’t report a false cross complaint and she like Schatz is in the media for wrongdoing, but she is not arrested! On a macro level, I was and continued to report that the two biggest corruption tech Titanics on going CityTime and 911 Tech ectp2! Dec 18, 2024*)
Below FYI, which of course I can’t not submit to a police commission via their website. Email reporting a complaint which is what I did above..
Note: why rush to seal a fabricated, mutual third-degree assault when they broke how many laws to cover up a one way attack second degree of me, Hooks was menacing, stalling me, filed a false cross complaint threatening me with bodily harm lying to the police during an open investigation? Etc. besides the threats the one posted on YouTube and the letter threat to Dwyer withheld why rushed to cover it up because Delita Hooks was applying for American citizenship? How ironic my dad fought in World War II and he taught me to love this country like I was an immigrant. I grew up around immigrants like an ash with100 1/2 years old who chose kindness despite trauma brutalized hell on earth Auschwitz.
Below the letter threatening me to the attention, NYPD detective Andrew Dwyer. I learned about that letter from Internal Affairs sgt Mary O’Donnell, who in my opinion is evil and here’s why she let me see the letter but she didn’t give me a copy and she misled me to believe that detective Andrew Dwyer’s name was Andrew Drier! I accidentally handed her my notes misspelled and asked her to mail them back to me which of course she did not do.
Schatz was the first NYPD officer I ever reported to Internal Affairs for his role using this car as a weapon on behalf of the Mercer hotel. Ironically, the hotel was owned by Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell pal cozy! 1800 fix it? 01 precinct was only to happy…. 01 fixing in favors for a hotel or doctors office?

Cops in the news that broke laws were partied breaking laws in my case NYPD chief Banks. He continues to be in the spotlight for a wrongdoing, corruption, abusive power, NYPD Eugene Schatz was finally arrested years after I reported him for abusive power using his cars weapon on behalf of the Mercer Hotel. He gets arrested, drunk, driving, hitting a car and leaving why because he can he did how many wrongdoings or was party to them and got away with it until his Teflon Above the Law card ran out but also in the news from my case with a tweet that has over 40,000 impressions is NYPD Yael Magori who’s in the New York Post again of using power fixing crime like she did in my case and when she did it in my case, she’s standing by a poster for Internal Affairs asking to report crime and majority of the precinct knew what was going on somewhere complicit and the rest were silent, and I’m sure if anyone spoke up, they were retaliated against.
New York City golf Dept Of investigation and Internal Affairs actually advertise with posters to come forward, but the truth is that you will be retaliated against and they are part of the retaliation with their silence and complicity as I know firsthand.
NYPD chief Banks and Lieutenant Gannon made it clear that I cannot upgrade Crimes at the NYPD erased it downgraded because I’m suing it’s against their policy when I was turned away at the 1st Precinct and this was when I was in court with judge Alison Nathan! But when I called Mark peters then head of Dept Of investigation the corrupt dirty mayor Bill Deblasio‘s financial guy for his election became head of Dept Of investigation. He says I have to report the wrongdoing the crimes to Internal Affairs but I said I’m suing them and he said that’s what you have to do the fixes in and I filled out many forms of complaints with every government agency possible I couldn’t even report medical misconduct
And now, Dr. Andrew Fagelman has admitted he never interviewed her for the job. He never checked her references. He had no guidelines for the office. He never investigated what happened. He smirked and stated he trusted the NYPD trying to hold back laughter, but when he was asked the simple question what were the grounds for his divorce? He shook with anger and got on the phone and deposition so I’d like to know who he called because I believe that person is also involved in this case And I’d like to know who it is, but luckily the judge didn’t wanna know, but she didn’t admit their behavior is abusive and hurts. Legal profession I guess that behavior doesn’t hurt the medical profession and NYPD committing how many crimes and violating with civil rights and lying in every court I guess that doesn’t hurt the NYPD. and internal affairs? The 1st Precinct the detective squad Internal Affairs and corporation council withheld that letter and I told them Manhattan DA about it and they didn’t go out of their way to get it and give me a copy either. That letter is a crime as is threatening me during an open investigation as his threatening me online using a word of hate, and then conspiring with the NYPD to make me drop charges my guess it was Joe Tapio retaliation for reporting the misogyny during the NYP rape trial to the ethics committee for protesting outside his office is the treatment of the NYP right victim comparing vaginas to Venus fly traps that he simply contacted the criminal in this case although there’s more than one like the detective withholding the letter threatening me that I’m guessing Joe drafted and everyone continue to make money and profit, but I know there’s a psalm that says don’t worry about that because G-d allows them to grow like a big blade of grass and G-d will cut them down.
At every turn, they had a chance to apologize take responsibility admit what they did but instead, they remain silent even took pleasure in getting away with it confident they are above the law. Over 12 years they could’ve apologized, but no, they’re so confident that they can get away with such blatant crimes, abusive power, and all starts with the perpetrator yelling at me from behind a medical reception desk you have no rights!
Well, they’re all sure that I don’t and I cannot get Justice

In federal appellate detective john Vergona stated that he was going to arrest both of us, but delete the hooks who confessed the targeting me from the moment I sat down, confirmed, only leave me her victim a woman who she admitted giving the finger three times knocking my iPhone out of my hand, three times threatening to slap the shit out of my ass, and when she committed Per Tree was so transparent stating she got my name from social media not realizing what she was saying was she continued her stalking of me on social media which was evident from the gaslighting starting with AJohn on the YouTube, where I’m blowing the whistle CityTime SAIC and I have a bloody eye also if you look at the Which john Vergona lied and said was mutual you see that I’m holding my bags I’m holding mamy bags my arm was numb from having a cyst move two injections into my elbow, so there was nothing equal or mutual
Luigi Mangione made a decision about an individual that their life had no value seems a lot like all the corrupt cops and government divisions and I allege James Toomey Travekrrd that protected how many crimes in my case even protecting lying in court because my life has no value, I’m just grateful they didn’t murder me, but I feel like I was murdered in away October 1. It’s been a long slow death and I just feel like I am deteriorating…. I have glimmer of my old self, but I just feel that I am so damaged and aged beyond my ears my eye damaged from a one-way attack as I held my bags. I looked beautiful.
Dr. Andrew Fagelman committed Meni perjuries he corrected a couple like one little one was ha ha ha perjury comes in sizes. He stated that his son live with him year-round. Then he corrected it. He lied under oath perjury the attack did not happen on his property and had nothing to do with him. He acknowledge that she is exemplary and he takes her to drug parties yet he admitted that he never interviewed her for the job he never checked her references that she came with the office that he discussed me with medical patients without investigating because he trusted the NYPD to investigate and he has lots of NYPD patients.
When Dr. Andrew Fagelman was asked the grounds for his divorce, he shook with anger, got on his phone in a deposition made a call, and I wanna know who he called. I have a lot of curiosity about that because I believe that person is involved in these crimes, including one Very coach perjury where they committed perjury verbatim Delita Hooks and Dr. Fagelman stated. They lied under oath stating my doctor moved out 4 to 6 months later when she moved out two weeks later because she couldn’t have her patience being violated their patient Or their bodies! The move was confirmed by her, her receptionist and the nurse that called me with the results of my biopsy.
Delita Hooks committed perjury that I followed her when it was the other way around and the detective and the top cops Internal Affairs lied Through corporation Counsel lawyer Catherine Papandrew that they didn’t investigation when they did not. They refuse to meet me except a false arrest me and I was finally threatened with false arrest, which is kidnapping. It was done over the phone by NYPD detective john Vergona who’s extremely corrupt and evil yet he’s in Netflix hero and was detective Andrew Dwyer for his role with holding a letter, threatening me promoted to the NYPDFBI task force even given special clearance. This is a man who participated in clearing the way for citizenship and the first crime Delira hooks commits as a US citizen is ?
I’m just asking because I’ve all these years of ruminating and wondering and my question is will I be alive when I’m vindicated and get Justice because I feel like my brain and my body are deteriorating from over 12 years of PTSD insomnia, ruminating trauma, trying to get justice as they committed more crimes over the years protected in every court where they lied?
Delita Hooks started her violence by yelling at me, you have no rights she discriminated against me, but it seems all these years so far I don’t have Rights because where is the Justice? I’m just lucky they did not murder me?
I don’t believe in violence, but don’t they don’t these criminals believe in violence in my case and The violent threats of retaliation and of kidnapping me aka false arresting me unless I drop charges , cunt threat online calling me a professional fight, picking Cunt promising retaliation — Aren’t they violent crimes and I wanna know if threatening me online the way my guess Joe Tacopina did he’s my number one suspect and he’s never denied it. I felt an ethical quit complaint questioning. He didn’t respond in contrast to years before, when I filed a complaint against his partner for both their treatment of the NYPD rape victim, they threatened to see me, but didn’t respond when I submitted a list of who I would call, including Bernie Kerik, The feds that broker the proffer agreement, a client who allegedly Tacopina slept with his wife etc I sure like to go over that proffer agreement too to make sure he didn’t lie.
Didn’t Joe Tacopina work at the Brooklyn DA the Brooklyn DA who did fixing in favors like the Manhattan DA if you know someone if they’re connected, you can make Crimes disappear? Look up new your post NYPD Lt Yael Magori! That article_is my point and there’s audio of her as a regular police officer as dirty as you can be pinned to my main Twitter account lying to me that I cannot report a false cross complaint because I’m not from from the Manhattan DA or a detective she’s a liar cop! So it was satisfying to see the article in the New York Post exposing her but again she was Teflon!
DA Braggs as corrupt and dirty as Cy Vance Siobhan Berry Joan Illuzzi and The head of Sex Crimes, Jennifer Gaffney —- so sick it is so sick the role the DA played in the Epstein Maxwell case and in my case for Dr and NYPD that openly broke law protected by Internal Affairs and corporation Council even corporation council IA DA withheld this letter threatening me to the attention of detective Andrew Dwyer and DA was alerted by me not by the NYPD IA about the threats!
I reported Jeffrey Epstein to the Manhattan DA
Robert Morgenthau I wrote him a letter on a Xerox of my New York Times letter battle over the Mural of pain! There are three rabbi’s men and me a woman artist all defending Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum’s retrieval of art.
I told the DA about another battle over art. It was mine stolen by Epstein with Maxwell’s help and described her a special services girl Friday so the strategy of Cy Vance was to ignore my freedom of information act, which is suspicious, and then Braggs has a guy write me back and say they can’t find it, but he sites in NYPD Legal response I believe which made me feel more covering up wrongdoing in my case.
I’ve written two books and of course I could never find a editor and publisher and the irony is I was a big critic of Mike Bloomberg and I still am because look what happened to me at a doctors office, but I do believe his predecessors are far worse. At least under Bloomberg I was able to get speed bump for Anna silver school and a magnificent historic synagogue. I was able to help sometimes through city government, but when Deblasio came in, it was again impossible to get anything done and I’m still waiting for Justice. There’s a wall around the Justice system and like the Berlin wall I’m waiting for to come down.
Please note I am Jewish and I love Israel and I support Israel. It is not true that the Jewish people and Israelis are colonizers and it’s not true about the genocide if anything it’s the other way around. Jewish people are .2% of the population so do the math….
Israel, surrounded by enemies that have one goal the complete annihilation and genocide of Israel and that’s what the chance from the river to the sea actually means.
FBI feds protect promoted DIRTY NYPD DET ANDREW DWYER VIOLATED #civilrights erased sexual assault etc to NYPD FBI TASK FORCE?
NYPD FBI task force ERASE ANY CRIMES ERASE SEXUAL ASSAULT coercion protect violent threats to a victim like DWYER my case?
Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell, My Case Dr ANDREW Fagelman DELITA Hooks + NYPD criminals all have TEFLON ENABLERS NY....
https://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2017/08/nypd-detective-andrew-dwyer-lt-burgos.html It's took me half a decade of never giving up to get a copy of this letter letter withheld to me as part of legal fraud by NYPD Ed Winski promoted for breaking laws and violating civil rights legal fraud by corporation counsel and other defendants like NYPD LT ANGELO BURGOS Who is already in the New York civil liberty union database along with others in my case look up reform NYPD by Joe Berger civil Rights Lawyer published in the New England law journal...he calls for Rico charges and so do I....