August 25, 2022 as I wait for action to be taken in my case and I'm sure one of many people that have been prevented from reporting crimes including sexual salt I continue to hope for arrests in my case. I'm glad one of the NYPD officers was arrested but it wasn't for complicity conspiracy party to making me drop charges erasing crimes abuse of power party to my civil rights being violated he was arrested for drunk driving hitting a car and leaving the scene. I'm sure he flashed his badge like he probably is done many times when he broke the law that's my guess...this one time he was finally arrested?
Suzannah B. Troy blog DOJ FBI SEX CRIMES ERASED BY NYPD DA etc JEFFREY Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell, my Case MD office OFFICE OF DR ANDREW FAGELMAN DR F DELITA HOOKS OPENLY COMMITTED PERJURY I ALLEGE TRAVELERS JAMES TOOMEY KNEW LIKE NYPD GOAL CHEAT LIE WIN? Examples of perjury even a coordinated perjury that my doctor moved out 4 to 6 months later when she left two weeks after which was confirmed by her and two first staff! Sept 9 2022
I'd like to see ARRESTS in my case and financial compensation for the city withholding a letter threatening me in response to Ron Kuby's letter to the attention of detective Andrew Dwyer that letter was a crime withholding it from me and lying in court saying I wasn't coerced when they had falsified police reports downgrading all crime to a fabricated mutual third-degree assault I believe it's a crime cheating lying and winning by withholding evidence that's incriminating when your government employees and representatives from the first precinct including their commander to the many different divisions . In the New England law journal JOEL BERGER New York civil rights lawyer reforming the NYPD how he includes corporation counsel and I agree in the chronic lying and there are other enabler's I am suggesting One Police Plaza's legal division, Corporationcouncil their investigator and possibly the newyorkcity comptroller and their investigator, along with The many divisions of Internal Affairs that had my case and chose to protect Crimes.
It took me half a decade to get a copy of the letter that was withheld from me by the first precinct headed by corrupt to Ed Winski a benignly evil cop that reminds me of a Nazi prison guard. I'd like him questioned under oath about my case, also the case of the playmate that he was catering to that killed her small child and herself, how he was catering to Henry Buhl of Vesco infamy and I alerted the precinct there is alligation said he possibly raped a woman. I want to ask Winski about my case about withholding this letter but I also want to ask him about stripper parties and was he aware of NYPD coursing strippers to have sex in any of these parties. Was he aware of NYPD raping girls women transgender anyone and all the rapists the NYPD RAPISTS have been arrested They pass psychological evaluation's. For every NYPD cop that broke laws in my case and passed psychological evaluation's and called me crazy I'd like them questioned Underoath about my case because it seems like their behavior is beyond crazy it's criminal civil rights violations and legal fraud including withholding this letter that it took me five years to get that send this link.
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I would expect financial compensation from the city including for legal fraud + but I'll alledge that travelers insurance James Toomey Legal was also party to lie cheat and win besides making a mockery of the violence with the doctor and his employee they knew that she was not exemplary her behavior along with the doctors was far from exemplary in the depositions but they committed page after page of perjury in their testimony and travelers had one concern was I going to repeal my lawsuit against the NYPD . They stack their deposition room with Styrofoam cups and handed them to delete a Hooks to wave at me and made a mockery of Styrofoam harming the planet of my concern that evoked Dr. Fagelman employee to yell at me that I have no rights even to make a comment about, tRAVELERS asked me why I didn't get a hysterectomy since I've grown more fibroid tumors from the stress I think that's pretty misogynist and cruel but besides the mocking and the abuse one concern am I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD. When I looked to me ASAP on LinkedIn I saw a possible common link with a Corporation Council employee and I reported my concern to Dept Of investigation another agency that has enables how many crimes in my case and how many other cases as well as retaliation of whistleblowers of which I am one.
I'd like to see arrests and financial compensation from the city of New York travelers plus apologies an action taken against the doctor and his employee as well as NYPD conspiring with them to make all crimes disappear by committing how many more crimes?
I'm recovering from my second intense sickness of COVID-19 this time Pavlovid helped and I was not harassed on behalf of the doctor his employee and the Nypd Criminal's that joined in someone on their behalf told me MoveOn get over it it wasn't a big deal when it's a very big deal. October 1, 2012 will be 10 years and this is all from me going to a doctors office for peace of mind and instead my health has tanked and terrible harm has been done to me and continues to be until I get an apology.
If I die prematurely I still want justice from the grave none of this gets to disappear there's got to be accountability and I'm one of how many victims that feels this way?
------posted above Aug 25, 2022
Suzannah B Troy artist: DOJ FBI My Case Re DR ANDREW FAGELMAN DELITA HOOKS + NYPD PERPS + LYING IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS..."etc"! GHISLAINE MAXWELL ROLE, recipient money laundry, real estate too? Dirty deal she will be out soon w/ illegal $? Teflon perjury NY? I tweeted this this morning August 26, 2022 recuperating from COVID-19 a second bad case I tribute getting so terribly sick two times now with Covid because October 1, 2012 I went to a doctors office for peace of mind and left with a hole in my retina and so many crimes I am still trying to wrap my mind around Epstein and Maxwell everyone in my case including powerful enablers are Teflon as Teflon is they used to be in New York and some of their crimes still are Teflon? I was supposed to be safe at a doctors office and the first precinct and I don't know how many crimes it would've committed if I turn myself in after emergency surgery Friday the false arrest date Saturday 4 PM how many more crimes with a committed in plain site and why because they don't like me. I've donated my white blood cells when I used to be healthy and I didn't ask peoples race religion politics I didn't wonder will I like them or not I did the right good deed . Government employees broke laws party to even lying in legal proceedings cheat lie win and it goes beyond that I allege James Toomey travelers along with others were party to cheat lie when that it was more important to protect a corrupt unethical doctor and make sure someone like me doesn't have justice.
Don't forget Howard Rubenstein my nemesis who pushed through routing condos instead of a trauma level one hospital was hired by Jeffrey Epstein to trash devalue victims and apparently the NYPD have the same attitude that they can devalue people that they can get away with any kind of crime and discrimination in plain sight. I have audio of Sex Crimes detective Vazquez lying to me and I asked for supervisor and no supervisor followed up because it goes all the way to the top.
DOJ FBI My Case Re DR ANDREW FAGELMAN DELITA HOOKS + NYPD PERPS + LYING IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, i'm sick with COVID-19 again very sick and I believe it's tied to the PTSD insomnia from the violence and lies crimes starting w/ I allege Dr Fagelman w/ NYPD THEIR GOAL TO ERASE ALL CRIMES THEN LIE IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS + they with his employee conspire to the goal to have me threatened to knowingly participate in the NYPD goal erase crimes to do so FALSIFIED police reports downgrading crimes threatening me with False Arrest Saturday 4pm DELITA HOOKS confirmed only I was to be false arrested Saturday 4 PM. Specific examples of lies by NYPD Detective john Vergona LIED in federal appellate he did not know I was Jewish when does an email from October 16, 2012 G-d Sees All where I wrote about him false arresting me the babbling Jew...he knew I was Jewish he told me things like I don't care if you have two black eyes stop your babbling...keep your head down, he repeatedly refused to meet me as he falsified police reports with his supervisor Lt Angelo Burgos who is already in the New York civil liberty union start a base for threatening a victim with the arrest just like I was!
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@suzannahtroy @vegansuz @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo@NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo@NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU@NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC@TishJames @NYCL @GovKathyHochul @HRC@SenSchumer @NYPDPC @chuckschumer @Ccrb@CivilRights @NYPDSVU .@CivilRights .@FBI .@ACLU.@NYCLU COVID-19 again very sick due to PTSD INSOMNIA re DR ANDREW FAGELMAN DELITA HOOKS + NYPD Perps Teflon as Jeffrey Epstein was some same enablers NO EMPATHY ENJOY GETTING AWAY w/Crimes + Joe TACOPINA drafted threat ltr W/held from me + cunt THREAT? |
1) email also went to two of NYPD police commissioner Ray Kelly's community affairs detectives Martin Brown and Det Duffy. 2) Detective john Vergona Leiden federal appellate but he was going to rest both of us but we do have confirmed that only I was to be false arrestlDetective john Vergona LIED in federal appellate but he was going to arrested.
NOTE: The violently verbally abusive threatening detective john Vergona over the phone told me not to contact him except to drop charges or to turn myself in to be arrested Saturday 4 PM unless and I dropped. Instructed me to keep my head down to not contact him not contact the woman who had finally threaten me and he was consciously and maliciously party with Ed Winski and One Police Plaza corporation counsel in withholding a letter using the strategy of Ron Kuby's letter when I never got to meet Kuby I had emergency surgery for my retina from the attack Friday and was to be false arrested Saturday 4 PM.
Is it a human rights issue to threaten someone with a arrest unless they drop charges + with a hole in my retina cervical damage from the attack erasing sexual assauly and telling them if they don't drop CHARGES -- I definitely feared more violence including possible being sexually assaulted at the precinct.
This is me October 1, 2012 hrs. before my medical appointment at 155 Spring St., Soho New York City....I was protesting that we need a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center in the West Village not condos by the way now we have a pandemic what do you think we need more condos or a hospital. I was an open critic of Howard Rubenstein at the time who is representing Rudin and pushing that through I was told his nickname which is in my book I can't get published and at time I did not know he was hired by Jeffrey Epstein to lie and trash the victim. I believe Rubenstein and Maxwell had a relationship and she brokered the deal to have prince Andrews ex Fergie hire Rubenstein.
2) The city to NYPD internal affairs wide in all courts when I sued but I just wanted to give you some specific examples and they withheld a letter in response to Ron Kuby's it was withheld from me by the first precinct but detective squad the commander Ed Winski who all were part of The crimes to a race CRIMES to fixing in favors for Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN who didn't want to fire his employee employee he had never interview for the job never checked her references didn't properly supervise her or have guidelines, he did admit discussing me with Patience without even investigating what happened and again he's not been held accountable he's abive and accountability receive an impossible to Report medical Misconduct I tried.
One of the crimes they erased by the way is sexual assault, falsified police reports, lying to the police during an open investigation because they joined in the lies they joined in the threats including to take away my freedom and my liberty Saturday at 4 PM unless I drop charges and my attackers confirm she was never told to turn her self in just
1) email also went to two of NYPD police commissioner Ray Kelly's community affairs detectives Martin Brown and Det Duffy. 2) Detective john Vergona Leiden federal appellate but he was going to rest both of us but we do have confirmed that only I was to be false arrestlDetective john Vergona LIED in federal appellate but he was going to arrested.
NOTE: The violently verbally abusive threatening detective john Vergona over the phone told me not to contact him except to drop charges or to turn myself in to be arrested Saturday 4 PM unless and I dropped. Instructed me to keep my head down to not contact him not contact the woman who had finally threaten me and he was consciously and maliciously party with Ed Winski and One Police Plaza corporation counsel in withholding a letter using the strategy of Ron Kuby's letter when I never got to meet Kuby I had emergency surgery for my retina from the attack Friday and was to be false arrested Saturday 4 PM.
Is it a human rights issue to threaten someone with a arrest unless they drop charges + with a hole in my retina cervical damage from the attack erasing sexual assauly and telling them if they don't drop CHARGES -- I definitely feared more violence including possible being sexually assaulted at the precinct.
This is me October 1, 2012 hrs. before my medical appointment at 155 Spring St., Soho New York City....I was protesting that we need a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center in the West Village not condos by the way now we have a pandemic what do you think we need more condos or a hospital. I was an open critic of Howard Rubenstein at the time who is representing Rudin and pushing that through I was told his nickname which is in my book I can't get published and at time I did not know he was hired by Jeffrey Epstein to lie and trash the victim. I believe Rubenstein and Maxwell had a relationship and she brokered the deal to have prince Andrews ex Fergie hire Rubenstein.
2) The city to NYPD internal affairs wide in all courts when I sued but I just wanted to give you some specific examples and they withheld a letter in response to Ron Kuby's it was withheld from me by the first precinct but detective squad the commander Ed Winski who all were part of The crimes to a race CRIMES to fixing in favors for Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN who didn't want to fire his employee employee he had never interview for the job never checked her references didn't properly supervise her or have guidelines, he did admit discussing me with Patience without even investigating what happened and again he's not been held accountable he's abive and accountability receive an impossible to Report medical Misconduct I tried.
One of the crimes they erased by the way is sexual assault, falsified police reports, lying to the police during an open investigation because they joined in the lies they joined in the threats including to take away my freedom and my liberty Saturday at 4 PM unless I drop charges and my attackers confirm she was never told to turn her self in just
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