Feb 27, 2022 update header again tweet VeganSuz
Putin was enabled many crimes abuses toleratedstarted small. FBI , Israeli Police admit purchase NSO pegasus;NYPD? NYPD CORRUP 1PP (1PP stands for One Police Plaza and you should know their bank ruled with a minimum of 5 billion tax dollars a year on the books ...) . NYPD Bosses think PC Sewell a Prop? CRIMES MY CASE OFFICE DR ANDREW + NYPD FIXERS TEFLON as Epstein MAXWELL never arrested in NY!
Putin did what he did in plain sight like the criminals in my case and instead of apologies more hurtful cruel lies but worse during legal proceedings they are crimes I believe it's also fraud when you're conspiring to cheat lie when withholding information any sort mafia this is the city of New York Internal Affairs police top officials CORPORATION Counsel, Iallege DR ANDREW FAGELMAn blatantly Perjured himself over and over with travelers OK because it's about chest lying winning just like the city... he knew his employee was volatile he didn't interview her for the job he didn't check her references had no guideline to do investigate he was warned about her many times before I ever stepped in that office so lie about it to make sure I don't get justice yet again.... he lied that he never read the yelp review warning him that the patient talk to him he just committed perjury why not?
Reminder Putin started small... you stand there outraged by what Putin is doing but every time someone could've shut him down they didn't. I was told when I was so sick with COVID-19 I thought I might die in my little home in Brooklyn I was told what she did wasn't a big deal it is my patient rights my human rights laws were broken she lied over and over changing her story and she wasn't alone committing crimes year after year more crimes obstruction of justice and so much more lying in legal proceedings I believe that's fraud ....
HOW FAR DID THEY GO....? Look at the enabler's!!!!!!
Over and over I would write the NYPD Inspector General, I would go testify in the public testimonial invitations at civilian complaint review board part of New York City government asking them to take back my case year after year they ignored me the last time I spoke I wasn't the only person there's more and more of us who can deny justice and now we have Joel Berger talking about racketeering charges Rico because the cities been chronically lying in our cases with corporation counsel NYPD Legal division top NYPD officials top internal affairs official -- Corporation counsel, New York City comptroller, Manhattan DA, Internal Affairs and their many divisions, all have Investigators......
April 22, 2022 I'm still waiting for a foil response I'm ignored by the current newest CORRUPT Manhattan DA Who joins his predecessor treating me like a Jew and the early stages NAZI germany ...
I filed a new complaint with a police commissioner;
I had hoped Commish Sewell would bring change but Eric Adams continues with top NYPD brass to protect chronic erasing of SEXUAL ASSAULTS, coercion in my case add RAY KELLY 1PP 01 NYPD ED WINSKI WHI CATERED TO MERCER HOTEL ANDRE BALAZ WAS "extremely" close with Jeffrey Epstein and GHISLAINE MAXWELL, Ed winski was party breaking laws in my case violating my civil rights he clearly doesn't understand the constitution discrimination yet he catered to a playmate that ends it up murdering her small child and herself, this is the type of leader that the top misogynist brass who may have helped her to get a gun permit by the way promote protect with detective Andrew Dwyer who is party to falsifying police reports downgrading all crimes erasing sexual assault so I want to ask every top cop under oath including retired cops about sexual assault about rape how the NYPD has been chronically preventing us from reporting crimes including Internal Affairs, Sex Crimes division and this is often in concert with the Manhattan DA, lt Angelo Burgos in NYCLU database For THREATENING of VICTIM with ARREST like I was Threatened but I had a hole in my RETINA cervical damage and I was sexually assaulted at a doctors office of Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN who has now admitted He has lots of NYPD patients I'm guessing he has lots of government patience and connected patience and that people have criticize volunteer their services but they cross ethical lines and joined in breaking laws conspiring to make me drop charges conspiring to erase Crimes knowing that to do that they would have to be more crimes committed including by the NYPD as well as the doctors office being party to them as well as people like I allege Joe Tacopina Who has not denied the allegations I filed against him with the ethics committee that he committed a possible federal offense threatening me online cunt threat to turn the tables on me echoed in the letter he drafted for Delita Hooks withheld = LEGAL FRAUD
Jeffrey Epstein hired Howard Rubenstein into my book I tell you Rubenstein's nickname Rubenstein was well aware of me he had another client the route and family who wanted luxury condos instead of a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center in the West Village an hours before I was violated at the doctors I was protesting that we need a TRAUMA L1 hospital! I wonder in a pandemic how many lives might've been safe if that hospital was open...
My point is there were others involved in the goal to obstruct justice party to the crimes as you know I've always been open Iallege Joe TACOPINA and Chad Seigel Broke Federal laws using fake accounts on Google YouTube threaten me with retaliation if I took any action.... there are more possibly retired officials that use at office we can get some answers. If the perpetrators were questioned but they're not lucky....
When people wonder about Putin it's like my case on a smaller level and don't try and minimize what was done to me it was at a doctors office where your most vulnerable had to get surgery on my left retina I agree to be false arrested kidnapped twice if I didn't drop charges. I had emergency surgery for my retina from the attack Friday and the false arrest date Saturday 4 PM was the next day. They had committed so many crimes how many more crimes would they have committed at the precinct?
Eric Adams no surprises Business as usual.... there's even a possibility of a ploy of putting lots of women in positions of power hoping that will be a shield to deflect rumors of his less than ethical treatment of women in the past?
But it's business as usual and if the next police commissioner are the newest one won't do anything then maybe the human rights division of United Nations eventually will have to step in because we are not operating like a first world Country or city on many fronts......?
John Miller not fired for his role in prospect park rape case and we are not allowed to know how many more rapes were committed because of him and NYPD enabler's
My case nypd openly broke laws to make crimes go away for Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN a creep that caters to NYPD a creepy unethical MD who took a Break from mocking me and openly committing perjury to admit he did not even have guidelines for his office -- there's more about that so many blog posts and on this blog.....1 Police Plaza my case 1PP NYPD RAY kelly NYPD DI Edward Winski also catered to Henry Buhl VESCO infamy like GHISLAINE MAXWELL both notorious for their introductions ramifications. Jeffrey Epstein GM Mercer hotel like office Dr ANDREW Fagelman "catered to" by NYPD
ISRAELI Police NSO Pegasus Admit SPYING, FBI Admit "testing" NSO vs NYPD CORRUPTION all fronts 1PP Bosses think PC Sewell a Prop? Original title of this post and I'm still asking by the way....
FBI , Israeli Police admit purchasing NSO pegasus how about NYPD? NYPD CORRUPTION all fronts 1PP Bosses think PC Sewell a Prop? Still CRIMES MY CASE involving OFFICE DR ANDREW + NYPD FIXERS as TEFLON as Epstein MAXWELL NYC NYS never arrested here
How did Putin evolve? Out of KGB out of intelligence out of not understanding there's a line for him if there are none, Epstein had no boundaries clearly and when you look at the doctors office and all the people that were listed or volunteered to help make sure I didn't have justice they have helped or participated in breaking even more laws some are federal....?
You wanna stop Putin and types like that then you have to start early you can't just ignore one crime after another escalating to bigger and bigger crimes.
Putin enablers crimes abuses tolerated started small. FBI , Israeli Police admit purchase NSO.NYPD? Judge Alison Nathan Judge Lynn Kotler greenlighted crimes w/ other judges my case ok LIE CHEAT WIN! I asked Kotler something say something apply to judges?
In my case the crimes continue to escalate the latest was openly committing perjury in legal proceedings confident they could get away with PERJURY like they could get away with how many crimes including conspiring to make me drop charges and the only way to do that was to falsify police reports and party to goal that I was to be VIOLENTLY THREATENED with FALSE ARREST SATURDAY 4pm and by the way I had a hole in my retina an emergency surgery the day before all of the detective john Vergona made it clear he didn't want to hear anything from me not to contact EXCEPT TO BE ARRESTED OR DROP CHARGES. Det John Vergona lied in federal appellate he didn't know I was Jewish there's an email from October 16, 2012 from me to him and to NYPD Community Affairs detectives at work for NYPD police commissioner Ray Kelly. I was discriminated against and it's OK to discriminate against me. DELITA HOOKS HAS Admitted she was never told to turn herself in just. She knew I was a medical patient she committed a lot of perjury along with her boss Dr. Andrew FAGELMAN but when they told the truth it was so damning!
How far did these people go how many laws did they break how many lines did they cross?
Vanity Fair killed EPSTEIN story and one on Teflon Joe TACOPINA?
"THAT Vanity Fair investigative reporter John Connolly is working on a profile of defense lawyer Joe Tacopina, who usually likes the limelight, but won’t in this case, according to the buzz at Da Tommaso."https://pagesix.com/2010/06/21/we-hear-818/ How does a Putin come to be? Over and over IGNORING HIS CRIMES ENABLINH LOOKING AWAY.... in my case every time a crime was committed and they got away with it and I tried to get justice they commit more crimes ABUSE MORE POWER AND THEY REMAIN TEFLON....that's how it starts....
Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN committed a lot of PERJURY and Iallege Travelers was very cognizant that he was lying and just like the city of New York the goal was to protect the criminals my question is how far did they go in their goal to win?
How many times have they done the city of New York, travelers the defendants, and non-defendants that have broken laws party to The goal to make me drop charges DELITA Hooks I filed a lawsuit against her I didn't serve her because I fear for my safety and there's even a note in the filing -- . The doctor lied that he was not worn about her he lied about the yelp review that spelled it out where the patient confronts him in for A short time there's an improvement and then it's back to abuse. He blatantly committed perjury that he did not read that he did he didn't look at yelp reviews he's a liar and he caters to government employees. How many crimes how far do they go if people had shut down Putin way back we wouldn't be where we are today pondering if World War III is next....
Update FEB 22, 2022 now the Israeli police are trying to walk it back they're kind of embracing the FBI's press release of saying yeah we bought the NSO Pegasus spyware.
February 25, 2022 I update the title of this post from what was above the sentence to this it is now 5 AM and I cannot get back to sleep: FBI , Israeli Police admit purchasing NSO pegasus how about NYPD?
February 25, 2022 The NYPD and FBI have a very dark relationship where the FBI CHRONICALLY protects the NYPD openly breaking laws in violating civil rights and chronically LTING in legal proceedings like my case is just one example and involves a wealthy doctor that caters to government employees!
The FBI and NYPD top brass protect John Miller he should be fired instead he continues to collect a pension he does not deserve ask him under oath about the prospect park rape victim and I want to ask the FBI about her too and my case under oath and I want to ask both top NYPD and FBI did they shop NSO Pegasus? I already know the FBI's answer.
If the NYPD had made an arrest October 1, 2012 I wouldn't be here today wondering all of this and calling for more arrest because how many more crimes were committed?
So many more crimes were committed by so many people that's so far there is zero arrest in my case. One Police Plaza corporation council how many divisions of NYC government decided to withhold a letter from me in response to Ron Kuby's and use his to say case close to protect NYPD falsifying police reports conspiring with the doctors office to make this go away by violently threatening me but they weren't the only ones involved and by the way it was also impossible to report medical Misconduct.
You can report corruption to Dept Of investigation and Internal Affairs but for years under how many administrations ongoing they just ignore you and continue to protect crime complicit.
How far did they go how far are they willing to go....? I called Mike Bloomberg baby Putin and I'm grateful I wasn't sent to a Gulag or murdered I could've been murdered October 1 if I had fallen backwards and hit the back of my head I would be dead. Instead the creepy doctors brags he takes the woman who punched a hole in my Retina and sexually assaulted me to drug parties meaning pharmaceutical parties...
ISRAELI Police FBI Admit "testing" NSO pegasus v NYPD CORRUPTION biz as usual NYPD Ray Kelly Charles Campisi IA on going w/ CITY Corp council DA etc protect crimes my case ongoing PLAIN SIGHT What goes on behind the scenes more abuse of power more crimes? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2022/02/israel… | | 2/23/22, 6:56 AM |
When I think of my case involving Dr. Andrew Fagelman, DELITA Hooks, City NYPD IA + I allege Joe Tacopina + I allege JAMES TOOMEY Travelers -- and years before I tried to report jEFFREY Epstein and ghislaine Maxwell - DA Martin Bragg joins Epstein and Maxwell and the doctors office enabler Cy Vance ignoring my freedom of information act request for letter I wrote the Manhattan DA Morgy about EPSTEIN MAXWELL = i've emailed four requests for a copy three to the corrupt racist mistake DA Cy Vance Who obstructed justice in my case protected NYPD Crimes as well as it.... now DA Bragg a pal of Preet Bharara -- who denied he was alerted about Epstein and Maxwell, When you think about what they are involved in what they've done in plain sight I can't imagine what they MAY HAVE DONE, protected enabled or participated in doing illegally behind the scenes....?
Go to my Twitter account Suzannah B. Troy -- if I could tweet about all of this for years and be ignored -- and Joel Berger civil Rights Lawyer writes about the NYPD the city corporation Council and many others inside city government that are enabler's of chronically lying in legal proceedings if this can all be exposed in plain sight which is what is going on behind the scenes that could be also illegal...?
Look what they get away with in plain sight....
3:47 am in Feb 25 2022
DELITA Hooks lied perjury she was not stalking me in the office BUT SHE ADMITS STALKING ME ONLINE -- she lied perjury how she GOT MY NAME ME DR VINE's MEDICAL PATIENT -- SHE SEARCHED ME ONLINE! She was not asked how many people she and Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN's enlisted or volunteers they accepted like I allege Joe TACOPINA and Chad Seigel to SPY HARASS GASLIGHT OR HELP THEM BREAK MORE LAWS BESIDES NYPD IA CITY PARTICIPATION IN DISCRIMINATION ABUSE OF POWER PARTY TO LIE CHEAT WIN OBSTRUCT JUSTICE -- ignore my voice and cheat lie win SYSTEMATIC CHRONIC FRAUD...?
Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN in soho has lots of nypd and gov and rich patients....
Dr FAGELMAN lightly and arrogantly Openly committed perjury he lied about not reading the yelp review he lied about not being warned that she was violent so he cheated me out of $1 million didn't he? Why not? The city of New York and the defendant slide in 4 courts more fraud i'm cheated out of compensation I continue to be cheated out of justice I continue to be discriminated against and ignored but how far did they go besides being partyed to fraud cheat lie win...?
Was Jeffrey Epstein and others involved in arms dealing is that why they were TEFLON?
I can't fall back asleep it's Friday, February 25 and I'm just wondering out loud how the city in my case the defendants the doctor his employee and I alleged travelers was party travelers legal team involved was cognizant the doctor was lying over and over but he must be protected and I want to know why? Why my life has no value and an immoral willfully obtuse doctor could walk into deposition behave violently mocking openly commit perjury confident that he could...
I want to know why the city of New York the NYPD Internal Affairs Sex Crimes all cited RON KUBY LETTER but we're party to withholding a letter in response threatening me with a second false cross-complaint it was withheld in every court it was withheld from me the moment it was submitted to the NYPD… It took me half a decade to get a copy because I never gave up so why are they allowed to cheat when lie flagrantly break laws violate protocol "etc" IN PLAIN SIGHT...
We see Putin blatantly committing crimes against humanity and he isn't the only country that does it on an epic scale like for instance China but many of us are living blatant crimes and possibly not only are civil rights are human rights violated in plain sight and how far have perpetrators gone and their powerful enabler's.....IN PLAIN SIGHT!!!
To be Teflon you have to provide certain people with some thing they value people in positions of power and if you do that you can walk in commit perjury break as many laws as you want the party to fraud? Just asking .....
Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell were never arrested by the NYPD or Manhattan DA. The new DA martin Bragg has made it clear he's treating me like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany just like Cy Vance who make sure Jeffrey Epstein had Teflon status along with Maxwell. Bragg like Cy Vance also ignores my FOIA request of a letter I sent the Manhattan DA Robert Morganthall involving Epstein with Maxwell role, stealing my art..
Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN repeatedly committed perjury and eyelet travelers legal team was actively involved in protecting it the goal just like the city was cheat lie and travelers lawyer with the doctor are documented behaving extremely abusively and mockingly mocking me a medical patient as well as the violence and I alleged travelers was party to the fraud sheet line win but they had one concern would I repeal my lawsuit against the NYPD!
Lucky travelers group is not being investigated and questioned on why that would be their concern and like the city are they participating in CHRONIC FRAUD?
I guess it's no big deal because so many people openly do? Including the city of New York and the NYPD Internal Affairs corporation Council the NYPD Legal division at One Police Plaza and top brass? They now think that the new police commissioner is there a new prop? It's now almost 5 AM and I'm going to rest I'm gonna try.
|  |  | |  |  | @MikeBloomberg What about your true colors Mike? Why wasn't I safe at Office of Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN? mayor Mike bloomberg visit Jeffrey EPSTEIN at his house? During the HAGGERTY trial mayor Mike seem to forget how many times met H!Mike, MARK Page LOOKED AWAY #SAIC Hewlett-Packard Packard STEALING pic.twitter.com/SwM36xjDrB | | 2/25/22, 4:14 AM |
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Update Feb 2022: ISRAELI Police Admit SPYING +
update FBI admit "testing" NSO Pegasus vs NYPD CORRUPTION all fronts - any illegal spying as well? 1PP Bosses think 1 police plaza PC Sewell a Prop? Cindy Adams in the New York post says the usual suspects the top guys at One Police Plaza will just work around her there's a link at the bottom of this post for that article .
|  |  | It's way past time to
Joe Tacopina has never denied that he broke federal laws I don't know if the FBI is protecting him if he is some kind of federal informant? He never denied the CUNT THREAT to turn the tables or that he drafted DELITA HOOKS LETTER THREAT WHICH THE CITY NYPD 01 1PP Withheld so they cheated to win they lied they withheld a letter threatening me with more false cross complaints I believe that's more crimes as lying and legal proceedings falsifying police report..
Lisa Bloom offered to destroy Victims for Harvey Weinstein but the Joe Tacopina cross lines literally breaking laws using a fake account to threaten me conspiring with the perpetrator and her boss to make me drop charges and I wonder if he had direct contact with NYPD that we're falsifying police reports. If so did you learning strategies from NYPD when he was an assistant
District attorney in Brooklyn and how far did they go perhaps spying on me they were fake dishonest yelp reviews and YouTube comments trying to convince me it was my fault how far did people go...?
Nypd Lt Angelo Burgos Signed off on DELITA hooks letter threatening me -- When was party to withholding at party to falsifying police reports party to threatening me with arrest he was in the loop and he was reported in a complaint that's part of the New York civil liberties union start a base for threatening a victim like I was THREATEned with the rest years before me...
And assistant district attorney had sex with one of the NYPD rape cop detectives who did not go to jail for raping an underage girl that he chose to kidnap. I agreed to be kidnapped twice false arrested for not dropping charges and there's more crimes that went on including detective john Vergona lying in federal appellate that he did not know I was Jewish when there was an email October 16, 2012 to him and two of NYPD Ray Kelly the police commissioners 2 Community Affairs Det. Martin Brown and Det. Duffy!
NYPD with their $5 billion TAX PAYER dollars a year budget I like a full counting up where that goes including additional moneys from federal government like this says not for fighting terrorism they used as a personal taxi.... do you spend any of that money on ILLEGAL spying... Including their victims and I'm one of them? |
|  |  | |  |  | Israel Mossad Pegasus spyware hack cellphones unofficially. FBI do not want to share use of Pegasus + previous spyware as FBI greenlighted NYPD breaking laws violating our #civilrights my case for Office of Dr ANDREW Fagelman ! NYPD use Pegasus, etc? haaretz.com/israel-news/.p… | | 2/13/22, 2:43 AM |
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"...Will underlings undermine her?
“Yes. But because there’s no alternative it won’t be overt. She has support. Higher-ups will work around her and take orders because they must."
If Ms Sewell isn't a prop then why hasn't John Miller been fired , and how many other top cops abusing their power obstructing justice and/or enabling even more crimes how many of our cases?
John Miller misogynist homophobe racist? How many more rapes did their Prospect Park rape commit because of his and his NYPD misogynist racist pals attitude towards an African-American LGBT Yale grad victim of the Prospect Park rapist.... John Miller is super cozy with his Misogynist pals at the FBI who looked away as NYPD chronically break laws, discrimination, VIOLATIONS of our civil rights as well ERASE CRIMES INCLUDING SEXUAL ASSAULTS!!! The NYPD with the Manhattan DA openly ERASING sexual assaults... how far have they gone when it comes to spying? Manhattan DA Braggs has made a clear he is going to be like cy Vance erase sexual assault fixing favors like cy did for Jeffrey Epstein as well as for the NYPD that broke how many laws in my case and made all crimes disappear for Dr. Andrew Fagelman's office. Manhattan DA Braggs also ignoring my FOIA request just like his predecessor business as usual corruption as usual discrimination as usual treating me like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany... besides obstructing justice just how far these different individuals and government agencies go?
Date: July 10, 2017 at 10:28:32 AM EDT
To: Suebe1art@aol.com
Subject: Andrew Fagelman, MD
Hello, Suzannah B. Troy.
I read your blog from time to time-- I understand the level of corrupt tactics the NYPD and Dr. Fagelman have engaged in are appalling.
Thought you may want to know-- Dr. Fagelman has had some involvement with a female who is mentally ill, and as she went to file a police report for assault, he did just about the same thing he did to you. What a shame. This Fagelman never learns.
Supposedly, now, she filed a complaint with the ADA section of the DOJ, claiming mental health discrimination by the NYPD when she attemped to file a report. Apparently, Dr. Fagelman got the cops to say she's mentally ill, that her assault claim has no value because she's mentally disturbed.
Apparently, the FBI also investigates this kind of thing-- mental health discrimination by government agencies. I think they also got a tip as to what's going on.
What a shame, this Fagelman never learns. Shame to hear he's been the cause for your insomnia.
Yours Truly,
FYI nypd Chief Banks joined chief Esposito Lieutenant Gannon in Obstructing justice in my case. Esposito was on his way out but I did call's office and then after banks in Lt Gannon take over -- i'm told I cannot upgrade the crimes in my case because when I started suing them and I was actively suing I lost the right to upgrade the crimes that they literally downgraded breaking laws and were protected at the highest levels and continue to be. Lt Angelo Burgos who is party to withholding a letter in response to Ron Kuby's falsified police reports and lying in all legal proceedings involving the NYPD me suing them in 4 courts IS IN THE New York civil liberty union DATABASE FOR THREATENING A VICTIM WITH ARREST just like me!
Ask Chief Banks about The phone call to his office that put Eric Garner's homicide his death into play. How many times have the NYPD legally accestabases including Eric's one of them even contacting me on Instagram stating Eric was arrested he listed how many times and my question is how many of them were false arrests. Banks was involved in arrest for marijuana and loosie Cigarette but LANDED a six-figure job
Doing security for a marijuana company that he had to give up because he was caught accepting bribes make a free trip to Israel?
Ask Eric Adams Underoath about any knowledge about the phone call to Chief Banks and my phone calls to Chief Banks office and why NYPD did what they did to Eric Garner and to me? Ask Eric Adams about Chief Banks accepting bribes. I believe it's common knowledge about banks taking gifts tantamount to bribes and Eric Adams attitude is give him a job.
Have you had a man with a gun and a badge violently threatening to kidnap you if you don't drop charges and the threat the violent threat was over the phone? I had a hole in my retina and cervical damage an emergency surgery for my retina the day before the false arrest and I never had time to meet my lawyer.
Joe Tacopina has never denied breaking the law I filed ethical complaint alleging that he broke the law using a fake account on YouTube to turn the tables on me if I took any RETALIATION and I ALLEGE to his partner Chad Seigel used a fake account on YouTube Charles Ward. Joe as Bob Dobalina on YouTube October 7, 2012 using the C Word CUNT - Threaten me with RETALIATION he's never denied that he broke the law and I believe it's federal and that didn't stop there he hasn't denied that he drafted DELITA Hooks letter threatening me with even more RETALIATION if I came back and filed second-degree assault charges because the NYPD broke laws downgrading all the crimes including their own - The letter claims that Delita Hooks False Complaint (the first false cross complaint 6519). I don't know why the NYPD didn't destroy the letter but they did withhold it from me along with the New York City police department internal affairs and it's hard for me to believe that corporation council didn't have access to that letter along with their investigator for example Rachel Stephens, The Manhattan DA, New York City comptroller Investigator, and of course One Police Plaza at their legal team they have their own legal division who is actively involved in protecting all crimes and withholding that letter including in all courts along with corporation counsel lie cheat when which I believe is fraud....

RICO chronic fraud I allege my opinion James Toomey and his team party to fraud lie cheat win including aware Dr. Andrew Fagelman was to walk in openly commit perjury detect not happen on his property, that my doctor and her partner/sister moved out two weeks after I was violated my patient might send body not 46 weeks later and that DELITA Hooks had many title.
The travelers legal team decided to mock the violence be extremely abusive along with the doctor and his employee it was all a big joke to them even the judge agreed abusive behavior went on in depositions and that That behavior is harmful but apparently it's OK and doctors office she felt it was purely Criminal but the reality was there would've been no crime if my patient rights weren't repeatedly violated first and then very behavior the judge objected to went on without that behavior I never would've had a hole punched in my retina. I was given the finger three times in a deposition the perpetrator waved her sire from cop at me along with the lawyer for travelers group as if to give me the finger yet again in a deposition !
James Toomey travelers in my opinion belong in jail and I question whether that he and they are involved in chronic fraud besides the abuse that went on a deposition...?
I contacted New York City government Dept Of investigation about my concern since Travelers had one concern weather is going to be a peel my lawsuit against NYPD but we see how to fix this and I mean look at Epstein and Maxwell never arrested by the NYPD or Manhattan DA who are openly enablers....
For anyone saying that they're against child trafficking if you are then why haven't you demanded to NYPD and DA be held accountable for their role?
The FBI didn't notice all these years?
Travelers should have one concern and that was whether I was going to reappeal my lawsuit against the NYPD!
|  |  | |  |  | Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN openly committed perjury; when he told the truth damming too;Teflon like Jeffrey EPSTEIN Ghislaine Maxwell were. DrF bragged he trusted NYPD to investigate. Woman cop sues SEXUALLY ABUSED by NYPD! City IA 1PP cheated lied won READ MY BLOG nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-c… | | 2/19/22, 10:45 PM |
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The city One Police Plaza top cops with their own legal division, cORPORATION Counsel even New York City Comptroller UNDER Bloomberg Blasio have an investigator and they all chose to cheat lie win defend Terrible crimes committed in my case including falsified police reports conspiring to make me drop charges and walking into legal proceedings cheating lying twin WITHOLDING Det. ANDREW Dwyer's paperwork I don't letter to his attention signed off by Lt Angelo Burgos the letters threatens me with RETALIATION it was very important to withhold it which is the first precinct it for me and my very short term lawyer Ron Kuby who I never got to meet because I was going to be vIOLENTLY coerced -- NYPD det Vergona was going to use DELITA Hooks force cross complaint or false arrest me Saturday 4 PM I had emergency surgery Friday night for my retina....
I don't know if they would've joined in committing even more crimes than they already did at their desks with their supervisors knowledge including DI Ed Winski Who at the time was catering to a playmate who would go on to murder her self and her small child and he was catering to the Mercer hotel who is owned by a lover of Ghislaine Maxwell. There's no doubt that the NYPD in Manhattan DA new Maxwells role.... in Epstein's crimes, so did The federal government but Epstein was protected until years later when clearly he threaten someone who finally decided to take away his TEFLON STATUS.
For now Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN and DELITA Hooks along with NYPD and Internal Affairs involved or remain Teflon.... how many more laws did they break how far did they go...?
Hooks got American citizenship not that I knew her status or ever considered it until I watched her openly commit perjury act violent and mocking in a deposition and she pointed out she was not an American citizen so EXTREME Measures were taken more laws were broken so she got her citizenship and committed perjury with no fear of being arrested for perjury.
WHO ARE THEY CATERING TO IN THEIR OFFICES? Someone or certain people that rely on a Doctor Who will walk in and commit perjury and remain TEFLON? He has admitted he has lots of NYPD patients.
He has admitted he trusts them to investigate... trying to hold back his laughter. Even DELITA Hooks admitted that he lied whether she knew it or not but he lied when he said he had nothing to do with the NYPD because she said she was instructed to alert him every time Det. ANDREW Dwyer called her. She admitted she was instructed to file a complaint against me...she said by her husband but I wonder.
Who drafted the letter she submitted.... Joe TACOPINA has not denied he did.
The doctor Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN has lots of NYPD patients that I'm guessing retired NYPD but who else?
How far have they gone in breaking laws...?
Why wasn't the Manhattan DA and his staff forced to resign?
Let's ask ANDREW Cuomo if he has any ideas? Or Preet Bharara who is either a liar or terribly negligent and should be held accountable and said being rewarded with an NYU job. Dave Patterson the accidental governor guilty of witness tampering in PERJURY Reward with an NYU job.
Laws are broken people are kept Teflon people who took us violated it party chip structuring justice or worse and they're all Teflon and how far did they go to Theyu likely accestabases to the PROTECT SPYING or participate in SPYING with a culture trash and harm Victims or just deny them justice?
Cy Vance w/ media pals didn't want public to know about Epstein and Maxwell and how the DA tried to lower it with the exception of the New York Daily News... what Epstein was rested in New Jersey finally it trickled out but the same with the doctor's office in the DA more than dropping the ball so badly that now the US attorney Southern District picked up the case and vile MD is not going to be in the sex offender registry or serve jail time is heading to jail.
The media was forced to finally report it....
Media is been acting more like a public relations from killing news and too many of us don't have justice...
The doctor in my case broke laws and I believe 100% he was in the loop about the NYPD but they were going to break laws to make me drop charges can you open the commit perjury and I ALLEGD JAMES TOOMEY and his group at travelers was in that loop... just like the city corporation Council One Police Plaza they are legal team, corporation counsel -- Goal cheat lie win -- They knew the police report for falsified and down created they had and have DELITA hooks letter threatening me another crime -- The letter with held from me and my short term lawyer I never got to meet the was not time - I had emergency surgery for my retina problems from the attack and then False Arrest Nypd stay Saturday 4 PM for not dropping charges they lied in legal proceedings why not so confident they ARE ABOVE THE LAW how far did they go sides breaking more laws party to FRAUD PARTY TO CHEAT LIE WIN?

It's just a miracle that they caught this woman assistant district attorney having sex with one of the NYPD rape detectives to TEFLON to go to jail and how many audios do I have obstruction of justice starting with the first precinct here woman cop and she's standing right by a poster Internal Affairs asking police to report crime which the police stood by as they broke how many laws and how many precincts and now we're told we don't have the right to have a camera and film them lying to us breaking laws although they have a camera right there or at the reception as they document themselves breaking laws turning us away obstructing justice as I documented and tweeted to the police commissioner I believe it was O'neill who decided the best response is to put up signs that we can't film them he just forgot to say us a break laws prevent us from reporting the crimes like in my case the false cross-complaint, Second degree of salt menacing sexual assault violent threats of retaliation and then they had the letter threatening me with a second false cross-complaint that they withheld....etc
Audio Sex Crimes detective Vazquez a woman detective lying to me that I wasn't sexually assaulted when even the corrupt DA has confirmed I was they just made it clear they're giving my case a Jeffrey Epstein case but how far did they go or people they engaged how far did they go in the goal to protect all crimes?
FEDERAL CRIMES -- tHREATENING a VICTIM online with RETALIATION and using cunt threat in that threat ----just how far did it go how many TEFLON crimes have they committed while they commit and was spying gaslighting and even Bing party to coercion cheat lie win involved...?
Note: well my rights were repeatedly violated I was only to learn six years later that DELITA hooks was not an American citizen so you've been more crimes were committed to pay the way including with government officials from the NYPD in Manhattan DA and the first crime that I'm aware of her committing as American citizen was committing perjury. It reminds me of Jeffrey Epstein having some of his female victims marry each other to gain citizens. He too how many powerful enablers including some of the same in my case in the police department and Cy Vance and staff the Manhattan DA.
JOE TACOPINA USED TO WORK FOR THE BROOKLYN DA... he is braggs he got one of the NYPD cops off in the Abner Louima case + NYPD rape cops. I stood outside his office protesting he and his partner's treatment of the NYPD rape victim.
When I became a victim of a violent crime how far did they go breaking the law perhaps offering their services to the doctor Dr. Andrew fagelman and DELITA Hooks as well as coordinating efforts with Det. Andrew Dwyer...
New York DA an assistant district attorneys have a history of covering up for crimes..making them disappear... was Joe involved in any spying on me and flagging my work on social media to cover up CRIMES? In knowledge of false narratives gaslighting posted on social media like Google youtube Yelp and flagging my work and googoe youtube VIMEO?
Joe Tacopina has never denied that he broke laws in my case federal offense threatening me during an open investigation.... I was anonymously sent a tip that he had sex with his clients wife and was mentioned in the grounds for their divorce. Client's last name starts w/ a De ends with an a... I filed ethical complaint against him and his partner and they did not deny they broke the law about using fake accounts October 7, 2012 on YouTube and I also he drafted a letter DELITA Hooks submit it on her own threatening me with more retaliation similar to the threats posted on YouTube by that.
There was active gaslighting false narratives posted on YouTube even the doctors patients in my case Dr. Andrew Fagelman ADMITTED discussing me with patients did he falsely evaluate me as crazy to justify the unjustifiable art attempt to and his patience came to me at least one telling me I'm crazy until I pointed out if I was crazy/mentally ill it would make the crimes done even worse
There were false gaslighting lies posted on yelp one that I doctored the video that traveler's group a dirty corrupt organization that seems to be in cahoots with the city in the NYPD practically read verbatim only to have Delita Hooks False Complaint 6519 everything you've seen the video plus more crimes including targeting me from the moment I sat down giving me the finger three times slapping my iPhone out of my hand three times she confirmed that the doctor committed perjury lying he had nothing to do with NYPD as he instructed her to alert him every time the detective detective Andrew Dwyer called her.
Dr. Andrew Fagelman COMMITTED PERJURY that he never read the yelp review that warned him his staff is bipolar and that she spoke with him and it was an improvement for a while and then things went back to business as usual and committing the PERJURY he denied me a financial settlement as well as ongoing justice and I believe he committed a crime knowingly willingly and I believe Travelers was PARTY to that that they were well aware that he and his employee were gonna walk in and lie . I believe travelers knew that he was going to lie the attack did not happen on his property and that both he and his employee would lie that my doctor moved out 4 to 6 months later. That he was going to lie that my doctor never confronted him about firing DELITA Hooks! Even she confirm my doctor confronted her! But the judge and all the judges were going to protect the sturdy CORRUPT doctor because no educated person would truly believe that my doctor would confront DELITA Hooks and not go right to her employer but the judges were going to make sure that I did not have subpoena power starting with Judge Alyson NATHAN involving the four lawsuits with the city never was allowed subpoena power and again with the doctor -- How convenient since they were lying in every single court the defendant slide and every single court....
So how far did they go did they spy? I was openly the victim of a series of violent threats promising retaliation one even in riding to the attention of Det. ANDREW Dwyer it took me half a decade to get that letter since the city with held itI was openly the victim of a series of violent threats promising retaliation one even in writing to the attention of detective Andrew Dwyer it took me half a decade to get that letter since the city with held it the first precinct withheld it Corporation counsel One Police Plaza etc. the goal OBSTRUCT JUSTICE Even lie in legal proceedings cheat lie when it's some thing the city corporation Counsel One Police Plaza CHRONICALLY do I believe it and read Joel BERGER's article in the New England law journal on
the many ENABLERS .... he calls for racketeering charges

Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN bragged and smirked about his trust in the NYPD to investigate what happened he committed perjury that the attack did not happen on his property. He admitted he takes DELITA Hooks to drug parties said he never checked her references that he had no guidelines for the office. His behavior was extremely abusive in the deposition and he look like he had anger management problems when he was asked the grounds for divorce he shook with anger got on his phone and ran out of the deposition and still the judge protected his many perjuries along with travelers group insurance lawyer legal team who joined him and making a mockery of the violence and either the fact I care about Styrofoam hurting the planet so they left about Styrofoam and the lawyer for Travelers group appointed by James TOOMEY - Who found a dirty corrupt lawyer like himself sanctioned the abuse and had no problem with her walking in stocking up Styrofoam cups and even handing one to delita Hooks with both women waving them at me like fuck you in the middle of a deposition...
The goal was a full court press yet again to protect the Doctor Who was negligent he was warned about his employee his employees not acting professional not treating patients properly and he ignored it again and again finally when I am charmed he still ignores it and he's protected every step of the way.
Well Jeffrey Epstein trusted the NYPD and clearly Maxwell was never rested by them they were never rested in New York City or New York State like the criminals in my case.
Jennifer Gaffney I read in the New York post is married to an NYPD supervisor I wonder if either of them have knowledge of the NYPD ever illegally allowing access to their database? It's amazing she wasn't fired but anyway I can confirm that the Sex Crimes division it's business as usual under Manhattan DA braggs...
The article in politico about the Manhattan DA and NYPD trying to buy a spying software that sounds a lot like Pegasus has been deleted...
Now the FBI have admitted they purchased NSO! How about the NYPD!
FYI Dr. Andrew Fagerman committed a lot of perjury along with Delita hooks but when they told the truth it was damning!
Why would Delita hooks Broke Laws + Perjury TELL OCCASSIONAL DAMMING TRUTHS LIKE TRUTH about the doctor ANDREW FAGELMAN instructED her to alert him every time Det. Andrew Dwyer called?
I can only guess if she's gonna go down she's gonna bring him down with her and that's why she's been protected I don't think I'm their first victim or their last? Look how many crimes they were party to committing over how many years with NYPD?
Jeffrey Epstein Ghislaine Maxwell, My Case Dr ANDREW Fagelman DELITA Hooks + NYPD criminals all have TEFLON ENABLERS NY....
The city of New York the NYPD One Police Plaza including their legal division corporation council the first precinct all WITHHELD DELITA HOOKS letter
Siri attention of NYPD detective Andrew DWYER and signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos he's in the New York civil liberty union database for threatening a victin VICTIM. I believe Joe Tacopina contacted the doctors office and he drafted that letter threatening me with a second false cross-complaint/ retaliation if I dare to come back and try and write a wrong the wrong being that the NYPD downgraded all crimes to zero they were part of a group conspiring to make this go end.
There part of a group that chose to cheap line win and apparently that's not unusual in New York City New York State and it's greenlighted in plain sale?
Discrimination continues to go on and way too many ways. Z
|  |  | |  |  | .@ManhattanDA Martin Braggs DA Sex Crimes Cy Vance NYPD ENABLERS. DA ignore FOIA my ltr to DA MORGY on '01 Holocaust ltr in NYT Battle Over Mural of Pain,Jeffrey EPSTEIN stole my art Ghislaine Maxwell help. Sexual Assault at Dr Fagelman office. Treated like Jew Early stages Nazi G pic.twitter.com/3dimosMrix | | 2/9/22, 3:38 AM |
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The city of New York corporation Counsel New York City Comptroller they all have investigators along with NYPD in many divisions that had my case including the integrity division and they all had access to a letter that they withheld in response to Ron Kuby's because the letter is a crime threatening me yet again with retaliation and who drafted that letter? I alleged Joe Tacopina. But this is a post also about spying so how far did people go criminals in my case in other cases in SPYING? Did any engage retired NYPD or retired government employees or active government employees at the time ?
Look how many laws were broken starting with the NYPD in my case but how far did they go how many COURTS did they lie in? My case and how many cases?
Feb 8 update: posted tweet above as I peacefully wait for justice over nine years now the discrimination the crimes the obstruction continue on so I'm allowed to pray for Justice and all involved get their KARMA pie. See Joel BERGER's article in the New England law journal (photo above ) reforming the NYPD and its enablers who thwart reform --- my case One Police Plaza at their legal division their internal affairs division, corporation Council they were open the party to fraud along with their investigator New York City controller that was John Liu and Scott Stringer same Investigator two different controllers all of these investigators along with a Manhattan DA were where the city was withholding a letter threatening me with a second false cross-complaint to the attention of Detective Andrew Dwyer. The letter is signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos he's already in the New York civil liberties database for threatening a victim years before me with arrest so the city is 100% guilty they owe money for lying in 4courts most of all an apology and how many other victims there are many it's also shockingly evil to me and they have no remorse and it's ongoing ....
I allege Joe Tacopina and his partner threaten me using fake accounts on YouTube I'd like to see them arrested. I believe threatening someone online is a federal offense as well as threatening them during an open investigation on line.
I question whether James Toomey and other lawyers that he pulled it were aware that Dr. Andrew Fagelman was going to walk in and commit perjury along with Delita hooks Broke Laws + Perjury lying under oath that my doctor moved out 4 to 6 months after I was savagely assaulted when she moved out two weeks later because she can't have her patience being HARMED by Dr FAGELMAN's staff. They both LIED DELITA HOOKS HAD NO TITLE. I'm an artist SoHo was once the art world and I remember they had artwork of emerging artists and Delita hooks Broke Laws + Perjury -- in an article in Jamaica news she stated she was an office manager in art curator.
I'm suggesting they were coached in some of their PERJURY obviously not all there was so much but again I'm so grateful for the truth I would like travelers group their board members to apologize and take action in my case on my behalf as well as compensate me not only for the fraud but the terrible abuse that went on in their office mirroring some of what I endured at the doctors that they made a mockery of!
I also want answers how far did they go breaking how many laws and how many people were and are involved actively right now making sure I don't have justice and I'm sure I'm not the only one in fact based on Joel BERGER's article and the fact that James Toomey appointed lawyer took a break from mocking the violence mocking me caring about the environment to have one concern and that was asking me if I was going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD.
I have a lot of questions for why TOOMEY and gang and I wanna know who that gang is we're so concerned about that!
When Mike Bloomberg ran for third term I create my first YouTube mayor Bloomberg King of New York, he's not gonna break any laws just change them but when he ran for third term and he could barely win all my YouTube's were flagged and removed and Google youtube did apologize I have a letter via email and my work was restored!
2022 Google Youtube takes away my YouTube partnership after all these years because I don't have enough traffic; gee, I wonder why? Before the assault I was earning money via YouTube after the assault I stopped... my channel took on one theme and continues the last YouTube I did I was sick with COVID-19 trying not to die in my bed I was so ill and had to deal with gaslighting on behalf of the doctors office because they still don't know what they've done wrong they don't have a moral compass remorse shame quite the contrary and that is beyond disturbing besides how they commit crimes in plain sight and they are Teflon then and their enablers -- do you call them coke conspirators if they're involved in more crimes including fraud and legal proceedings cheating lie win?
I want justice Re: DR ANDREW FAGELMAN's office the crimes including NYPD IA AND ALL INVOLVED IN THREATS AND FRAUD GOAL LIE CHEAT WIN IN 6 courts.
I was denied it I continue to be denied justice in every court where the defendants cheated to win they committed fraud is what I believe I know that they lied I know the doctor and his employee openly committed a lot of perjury and they were allowed to commit perjury and get away with it Travellers has no integrity and I alleged they were party to it in PERJURY is OK! If perjury is not OK why wasn't the doctors employee arrested and travelers join me in taking action against criminal action in their offices but it said travelers Joynton abusing me and mocking me in their offices and that the judge acknowledged. I can only guess she thinks that abuse is OK and doesn't lead to more crimes like it did October 1, 2012 because I would never been assaulted if that behavior hadn't gone on first fight DELITA hooks but when we moved to depositions she is in alone in her violent abusive mocking behavior. The travelers lawyer RAJIKA A -- actively joined in the violent mocking with the doctor and for example with Delita hooks A star from cup and she takes one too and they both wave them at me like fuck you in the middle of the deposition. The doctor was mocking me about trusting the NYPD he meant to falsify police reports and coerced me he was trying to hold back laughter but when he was asked simple question what were the grounds for his divorce he shook with ANGER and got on his phone In a deposition and ran out so it looks like he and his employee have anger management problems along with detective John VERGONA -- with all three they got angry and they broke laws!!!!!!!
Dr. Andrew Fagelman is not a good doctor and that's like telling me Jeffrey Epstein is a good guy or was a good guy yeah they were people that liked Epstein but FAGELMAN doesn't have his charisma and he's such a transparent evil little man.
I'd like to see the doctor arrested BUT HE IS TEFLON hence he's openly abusive criminal activity PERJURY after perjury.... Mike Bloomberg did get a little karma payback as far as I can tell because he wanted to be president of United States and that's never gonna happen and I'm glad.
The NYPD of a policy called around Robin which is a form of discrimination they way you and judge you and if they don't like you they're not gonna let you report crime or worse they're going to participate in committing crimes to make crimes go. NYPD how far did they go with their policies are they violating our rights even more by spying on us illegally by allowing illegal access to their databases not only to cops who are going to be breaking laws to erase crimes but how about retired cops or wealthy connected criminals because the one industry that's growing in New York City is a spy industry because wealthy and connected people can hire retired cops retired assistant district attorneys or even lawyers to help them to harass trash gaslight victims? Remember Lisa Bloom offered her services to Harvey Weinstein who hired former Israeli Mossad agents instead and in my case Joe Tacopina and his partner Chad Seigel I have never did Nied using fake accounts which I believe is federal offense going to YouTube during an open investigation and violently threatening me with false arrest. Joe Tacopina and his partner of never denied allegations and that Tacopina use the word CUNT in his threat to retaliate against me!
They both use fake accounts is what I alleged and they didn't deny it and I also ledge that Tacopina drafter the incredibly stupid aggressive let her threaten me with retaliation if I came back and tried to press charges the letter so incriminating the Corporation Counsel Internal Affairs One Police Plaza and the 1st Precinct WITHHELD the letter and decided to lie in all legal proceedings fraud -- stating I was not coerced and to succeed with their lies they had to withhold that letter from me all these years and they made sure the judges didn't see it or Andy Dwyer's police report signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos he's in the New York civil liberties union database for threatening a victim like I was threatened with arrest.....
I tried alerting chief Esposito to what was being done to me as well as Ray Kelly and the chief of Internal Affairs and then Chief Banks came in and Lieutenant Gannon said The first pre-sink was right to turn you away when I tried to upgrade the crimes they downgraded he said because it violates the NYP policy he explained that when you sue the NYPD you are not allowed to upgrade crime it's against their policy!
It seems a lot of their policies are violating our rights but they're also openly breaking laws I've audios to prove it where I'm discriminated against told I can't report a false cross-complaint Sex Crimes lying to me I wasn't sexually assaulted it goes on and on and they cheated to win withholding a letter in response to Ron Kuby's threatening me with a second force cross-complaint and they hate him so much it was a joy to use his letter to pretend that I had not been coerced! It should be noted I never even got to meet him I had to have emergency surgery Friday and then I was to be full arrested and only me DELITA HOOKS Confirmed only I was to be arrested not her!
I had committed no crime....YET ME AND ONLY ME AGREED TO BE BE FALSE ARRESTED TWICE -- that is kidnapping I had emergency surgery Friday for my retina from the attack from a running punch to my head that could've killed me and I still was gonna be arrested Saturday 4 PM for not dropping charges because the NYPD broke so many laws including falsifying police reports they discriminated against me for so many reasons plus they did a favor for a Doctor Who clearly doesn't wanna fire her why would you wanna keep such a liability like her at the front desk I think it's a no brainer why. He also caters to government employees lots of them including NYPD!
.@fbi .@ACLU .@NYCLU .@NYPDPC FBI admits NSO!NYPD?NYPD falsified DD5s + Dr ANDREW FAGELMAN perjury NYPD vs DELITA Hooks:DrF instructed her to alert DrF when Det DWYER called!CC IA 01 w/held DH ltr THREAT vs Kuby!NYPD Round Robyn POLICY spy discrimination? https://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2022/02/israeli-police-admit-spying-vs-nypd.html?m=1
"That threat does not deter her from the work. "The mission is to hold power to account," Ressa said, to halt corruption and force change. It is the focus of a book she has written that is anticipated to be released later this year: "How to Stand Up to a Dictator."
It's stunning to me then I'm a victim of savage violence including sexual assault at the doctors office and then it was coordinated with the NYPD to break even more laws and then the doctor his employee the NYPD Internal Affairs top brass have chosen to be party to lying FRAUD and I ALLEGE Travelers as well cheat lie win that was more important than honor truth justice integrity.
I've written two books I can't get published but at least I did it and they're there with a record of me pursuing justice and 6 courts and then lying and cheating abusing their power even in legal proceeding's because they can because they can get away with it in plain sight.
|  |  | |  |  | @vegansuz @suzannahtroy @VanityFair @FBI@NewYorkFBI @Google @jkbjournalist @YouTube@nytimes @washingtonpost @NYPDChiefOfDept@NYPDFIRSTDEP @NYPDDetectives@NYPDChiefPatrol @JusticeOIG @NYCMayor@MikeBloomberg @GayleKing @NYGovCuomo@NYCLU @NYCComptroller @NYCSpeakerCoJo@NYCCouncil @ManhattanDA @bradhoylman @ACLU@NewYorkStateAG @SDNYnews @NOW_NYC@TishJames @NYCL @GovKathyHochul @HRC@SenSchumer @NYPDPC .@FBI .@ACLU .@NYCLU1stX Israel Police Admit Misuse NSO Spyware v NYPD bosses think PC Sewell a prop,rapists mentality JEFFREY EPSTEIN GHISLAINE MAXWELL,my case
Corrupt Perjurer Dr ANDREW Fagelman bragged about his trust in the NYPD to investigate as he smirked holding back laughing unlike Sgt Chen who laughed and said over the phone you were the one assaulted at the doctors!
Whistleblowing cop asks Mayor Adams to probe NYPD's Internal Affairs https://nypost.com/2022/02/05/whistleblowing-cop-asks-mayor-adams-to-probe-nypds-internal-affairs/
 (Photo I thought I had reported this vehicle to Internal Affairs and surprisingly they weren't able to find out who was parked in front of the Mercer hotel. Jeffrey Epstein And ghislaine maxwell how to bury Cosi relationship with the owner and I wonder if Jeffrey had money in it but anyway the hotel and the patrons got special treatment from the Nypd 1 Police Plaza, traffic division and the first precinct... One cop I reported NYPD Pio Schatz... using this car like a weapon on the half of the hotel was arrested nine years later he lost his Te line get out of jail free card drunk driving hitting a car and leaving the scene... his Facebook friends with the attractive that broke laws clearly retaliating for reporting their friend among other As well as the NYPD and DA cater to the rich and connected and look away when doctors break laws?????...)
NSO Group has quickly become one of the most reviled security firms, even being banned by the US government. Despite that, it appears the FBI was one of its customers. News broke in mid-2021 that NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware was being used by authoritarian governments to spy on journalists, civil rights activists, and US diplomats. The US Commerce Department ultimately ended up blacklisting the company, preventing any US companies from doing business with it.https://www.webpronews.com/fbi-was-one-of-nso-groups-customers/ update mayor Eric Adams made racist comment for poor whites "cracker" to brag about his superior policing - he now apologies... Worrisome that Whoopi Goldberg tried to say that Nazi killing Jews mass murder was white on white when Jews come in all colors and it was race schism trying to kill exterminate entire race the Jewish race so isn't that racist of her?
Is certain racism tolerated and what about Crimes...?
Below DA Brooklyn ADA had sex w/ one of the NYPD rape detectives raped a teenage white girl... Brooklyn assistant district attorney has sex with and married NYPD detective who raped a teenage girl and he and his pals also used intimidation....?
The FBI and NYPD have quite a love affair with John Miller despite his alleged racist misogynist homophobic attitude towards the Brooklyn Prospect Park Black LGBT Yale grad rape victim..... why hasn't he been fired he should've been fired so long ago instead he's collected how much money and I'd like to know how many more women were raped by a serial rapist monster? The victim does not accept his tardy and insincere apology... I sent her lawyer the FBI tweet praising John Miller ....
I handed this out in front of police athletic league luncheon with all the bigwigs pulling up in their fancy cars driven by Retired Nypd all as royal and Teflon.... ?
My first Judge ALISON NATHAN after my case she got another case but it was brought by the US attorney Southern District against retired NYPD who bribed an NYPD supervisor to access database.... as if to support the spy industry she let him go without jail because it is the growing cottage industry break laws hired retired cop or some other individual could be a lawyer like Harvey Weinstein was offered the services of Lisa Bloom whose mother is Gloria Allred to destroy the victims. In my case Joe Tacopina and his partner Chad Seigel never denied they broke lost threatening me during an open investigation with retaliation using fake accounts on YouTube and Joe's threat as YOUTUBER: Bob DOBALINA used the C word
office Dr F=ok violate #civilrights etc + Joe TACOPINA,DELITA HOOKS,Det Vergona 0 denied THREATS TO ME. LIE CHEAT WIN! pic.twitter.com/wmczZnTvHQ | | 2/1/22, 8:23 AM |
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FBI Confirms It Bought Spyware From Israel's NSO Group | Business News | US News
After the attack I gained so much weight and felt so unsafe I bought Google glass because there's video camera in the glasses....
outside the New York FBI office...
The detectives NYPD rapists 2 NYPD detectives that preyed on a teenage girl....did not go to jail in fact one had sex with a woman assistant district attorney (Brooklyn) even though she knew he had raped a teenager and was married....
I'm Jewish I love my Jewish people as I am sure Black people feel, as all minorities have a feeling for their heritage and commonality but I can't look away in be silent and I will refuse to be silent about Mike Bloomberg but it really hurt when the Black leaders were silent and made sure that Dave Patterson did not resign for his role in witness intimidation of terrible violence perpetrated on a Black woman or all communities all colors race and religions speak up about that about the Prospect Park rape victim --- how many more rapes were committed because of John Miller and his NYPD misogynist pals attitude .....; my case and so many other cases where we are discriminated against and the NYPD enabled even more crimes and everyone's TEFLON so far in my case....
When I agreed to False Arrest Nypd and Det. john Vergona moved it to Saturday 4 PM and I asked FALSE ARREST THE JEW on the Sabbath and there's documentation federal appellate he lied and said he didn't know I was Jewish...Email to him and two of NYPD Ray Kelly's Community Affairs detectives detective Martin Brown and Detective Duffy fall arrest the Jew on the Sabbath? So he lied and federal appellate about not knowing I was Jewish and he lied that he was going to arrest the DELITA hooks to and she's confirm that simply wasn't gonna happen.
I mentally and physically exhausted...,
It took me half a decade of never giving up to get a copy of this letter I never met Ron Kuby but he never got a copy of this I never got a copy in the city withheld it and all of Det. Andrew Dwyer's paperwork signed off on by Lt Angelo Burgos I ledge with Ed Winski's full knowledge and One Police Plaza the goal was to cheat lie and win in court all courts and use Ron Kuby's letter when I never got to meet him I had to have emergency surgery on my retina from the attack .....
The amount of power they have abuse and continue to abuse is staggering (how many laws did they violate and warm my human rights violated I didn't have the basic right to go to a doctor's and how about me agreeing to False Arrest Nypd for not dropping charges ...? ) it must be for it to them it appear to make the doctor Andrew Fagelman delighted that he could get away with PERJURY his sneered he mocked me until we simply ask what were the grounds for his divorce and then we still anger management problems he shook with anger got on his phone in the deposition running out shaking with anger so no wonder he didn't fire her because he's got anger management problems like her and when they get angry they break laws and they're Teflon? Thanks to whom are they Teflon? Lucky so far people aren't really interested in who we can thank for Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine mAXWELL pentathlon all these years....

The cover of my book that I cannot get published there I am confronting Sheldon silver but I do feel it said he died in prison when there are people in positions of power that remains Teflon....
Finally arrested nine years after I reported him for using this car like a weapon this time Internal Affairs could not protect him because he was drunk he had a car he left the scene and I guess the Brooklyn cops didn't know to let him be Teflon like the many criminals in my case.... City Council member Margaret Chen knew what was being done to me she knew I complained about the Mercer hotel.
Ghislaine Maxwell had a very cozy relationship with Andre the owner of the Mercer hotel the time but I wonder if Jeffrey Epstein had money in the hotel...at that time....?
Yeah NYPD were catering to The Mercer hotel and also HenryBuhl Who I would confront and post on YouTube about him illegally dropping planters were veterans had tables but also that he made the introductions for Vesco major scandal that pre-dated Bernie Madoff...
Joan Illuzzi admitted in front of witnesses that Delita Hooks False Complaint 6519 did not have the The letter in response to Ron Kuby's threatening me with a second false cross-complaint the city was actively participating in withholding it so they could even more easily lie and judge Nathan and all courts that they did a thorough investigation and I drop charges willingly when I simply was terrified of what they would do to me and Delita Hooks she was never told to turn her self in! It was just me to be false arrested Saturday 4 PM if I did not drop charges and there's a scene in the TV show billions very similar but it's The New York State Attorney General who makes the threat to a victim in the fictional TV show.

I was protesting with hundreds of women who did not take kindly to the NYPD intelligence division tactics bodyguards for mayor Deblasio and his wife trying to remove me and this guy they know who I am but I don't have their names except for one who refused to give me his badge number......
de Blasio worse then Bloomberg who never tried to remove me from the steps of City Hall but Bloomberg was the first to treat me like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany with this NYPD bosses the New York City comptroller Internal Affairs and how many divisions that either looked away when my civil rights my patient rights my human rights and the laws all violated broken in plain sight and lying in legal proceedings but apparently lying in legal proceedings it's pretty calm ....
Joel Berger civil Rights Lawyer calls for racketeering charges and he names to has a Corporation Counsel that are guilty in my case as well... he doesn't stop there he doesn't mention other enabler's but I'd like to start with One Police Plaza's legal division and how about the INVESTIGATORS New York City Comptroller's office and the investigators for corporation council as well as how many people involved in our case is making sure we didn't have justice enabling even more crimes...!

First time ISRAELI Police Admit SPYING vs NYPD CORRUPTION all fronts 1Police Plaza Bosses think PC Sewell a Prop? I can tell you firsthand the Manhattan DA and One Police Plaza are boys club with female club members that will do anything to be part of the club as I have audio evidence posted on YouTube to prove it.....including NYPD Dermot Shea Sex Crimes Division under James O'Neill a woman detective Vazquez lying to me I wasn't sexually assault.....I have more but FYI don't forget the Brooklyn DA a woman assistant district attorney had sex with one of the two NYPD rape detectives who preyed on their victim....like me she faced iNTIMIDATION but in my case there was a series of violent threats and one Joe Tacopina has never denied it was him I filed an ethical complaint that he use a fake account on YouTube threaten me with a C word to turn the tables on me and drafted a letter....also threatening me with retaliation another false cross complain if I came back and tried to file charges since the NYPD had falsified and downgraded very serious crimes to a fabricated mutual girl fight....
My case starts with Ray Kelly....it's ongoing there's no one honest it's a boys club and now they have a female African-American woman they just work around her according to Cindy Adams column -- meaning business as usual.....
"...underlings undermine her?
“Yes. But because there’s no alternative it won’t be overt. She has support. Higher-ups will work around her and take orders because they must. Nobody’s saying she’s the best thing to come along, but there is absolutely nothing negative in what she’s done in her career so far.”
It really hurt that the Black leaders met a long time ago they had this big important meeting should they let Dave Patterson stay in office -/ continue his role as the accidental governor why would he be TEFLON when Spitzer and Cuomo were not?
Dave Patterson the accidental governor is guilty of witness intimidation but he's too Teflon unlike Sheldon silver to go to jail at least so far but he's want to how many so violence towards a Black woman, or in my case a Jewish woman that is in bribing the NYPD like the orthodox Jewish scandal that came out that I believe that force Rakeli to be pushed out of his real estate job but where does he land in the spy community...?
Ray KELLY Lance a job at K2 and they get a contract with a CORRUPT dirty Manhattan DA Cy Vance after making donations and sometimes it's about money via donations under the table or back room deal or who the people are and recognizing the victim has no wor.
The crimes that are committed were horrific I'm supposed to be safe at a doctors but the level of criminality and how far they have gone how many people are involved you can go to the right of this post until you see a list of my blog posts and keep going clicking on them and looking it's a devastating....
I'm one of how many....?
On Instagram I ledge the possibility a cop using a fake account told me Eric Garner was arrested I forget how many times he said maybe 25 or 35 times and my question is one if you know the amount of times he was arrested have you illegally access the data to look up a victim the NYPD killed or in my case how many times they do that as they continue to obstruct justice break laws in line how many legal proceedings and I allege DR ANDREW FAGELMAN was party to the goal to make me drop charges that he openly committed perjury including lying to NYPD he had he had nothing to do with them when even Delita hooks and that he instructed her Will alert him every time and YPD detective Andrew Dwyer called.
Mileage James Toomey traveler's group was partyed to the Gul when which is fraud along with the city because he's part of the club hence the mockery of the violence that include sexual assault by the way and mocking that I care about the environment his appointed lawyer stacking up Styrofoam cups which she handed to Delita Hooks and they both wave them at me like fuck you....The doctor was mocking me and the violence and my patient writes violated he was mocking his relationship with the NYPD...bragging he trusted to NYPD to investigate knowing full well that they were going to falsify police reports downgrade all crimes zero so he wouldn't have to fire her.
Why would he wanna keep a liability there? I'm guessing she is a lot of information. But why would James Toomey go so far out of his way ...why would travelers for biggies look away as terrible abuse went on in their offices and depositions? Because it's a boys club? James to me travelers had only one concern and that was am I going to re-appeal my lawsuit against the NYPD.