In my case and how many cases the NYPD discriminated against us an obstructed justice and violated our civil rights is that another class action lawsuit?
NYPD Dermot Shea equates Whistle Blowers Activists News Reports w/.Terrorists? Class Action Lawsuit? Ditto his predecessors at the NYPD lumped Activist with terrorists? NYPD Dermot Shea ABUSING #Federal Patriot Act threats of subpoenas?
Updated March 1, 2020
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD Knapp Mollen Time for New Commission:NYPD Det John Vergona FBFriends Eugene Schatz, Moran,NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer: All of Jeffrey Epstein NYC Rapes all crimes involving Dr Andrew Fagelman's Office my case including NYPD crimes all 0 in NYPD Crime Stats!…
Did the NYPD chronically abuse federal powers and privileges like the FEMA taxpayer funded federally funded but by taxpayer money Cessna as well as the patriot act and or lump activists whistleblowers with terrorists?
Remember the article about the German porno star who gets a tour of one police plaza and 55 Broadway? Did that article mentions surveilling terrorists and activists? Lumped together?
Updates 9:15 am Saturday morning
German Porn Star the NYPD porn Star Tour 1pp - 55 Broadway
(@suzannahtroy) | |
@ACLU @ACLUNJ Dermot Shea NYPD equate Activists Whistle Blower's w/ terrorists used Patriot Act subpoena Twitter ny post reporter goal green light NYPD abuse of power crimes violations for our civil rights like no audio/video inside PRECINCTs? my audio inside 01 pre ban!
Did my audio record it inside the 1st Precinct proving that they discriminated against me and did wrong preventing me from reporting a crime lying to me is that what inspired the band under O'Neill and now Shea?
The NYPD broke laws under Ray Kelly but everything was protected under Bratton, O'Neill and Shea.
O'Neill and Shea blocked me and unblocked me. Shea unblock me when it came to how many people so attention that he blocked me on Twitter I reported him to how many government agencies?
O'Neill deleted his Twitter account which had evidence but I copied the key tweet which is pencil my main account on Twitter and the top of my blog!
I went to get a cyst removed on my elbow two injections in my arm by Dr Vine a dermatologist that rent a space from Dr Andrew Fagelman 155 Spring St. Conveniently located to the 1st Precinct and Internal Affairs and the doctor Andrew Fagelman admits he has lots of NYPD Patients! I thought he was a urologist like his father and his brother but he's a primary care doctor like his sister-in-law however she is not published in urology magazines stating that Viagra is safe -- is it really is it safe? For whom?
This creepy doctor with lots of NYPD Patients advertises he cures STDs and he pushes Viagra.
On the front page of my federal Pro se lawsuit filed under Michael Bloomberg Ray Kelly - I point out the NYPD fix crime like a Las Vegas casino including crime stats and also how in the New York post there's an article or one of Michael Bloomberg's top commissioners gets a judge and the NYPD to OK harassing her neighbor invading her neighbors apartment because she believed her neighbor was spying on her and her family when her neighbor was not doing so!
The New York Post has deleted the article but the point is that I had a right to report a crime in the NYPD prevented me from reporting crimes over and over in my case involving a wealthy doctors office the doctor that has lots of NYPD Patience and my civil rights were violated and the cops actually broke laws falsifying police reports downgrading crimes conspiring as a group to coerce me involved with the doctors office the goal to make all the crimes disappear and in doing so they obstructed justice etc!
When de Blasio appoints O'Neill and Shea - Top cops become open about how they're going to obstruct justice posting signs we can't film or audio -- and NYPD top cops use the federally funded Cessna as a personal taxi and now NYPD top cop's abusing the patriot act they're abusing the patriot act to silence whistleblowers and news reporters ????? I really think the feds need to take a look at what's going on here!
I was also sent allegations at the NYPD obstructed justice for the doctor in my case Dr Andrew Fagelman - that he allegedly assaulted a mentally ill woman he had some kind of relationship with and when she tried to report it the NYPD prevented her and supposedly she went to the department of justice and reported the NYPD for discrimination?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDDetectives@NYPDTips Ray Kelly thru Shea used Kuby ltr shorthand coerced to ERASE ALL crimes like NYPD DA ENABLED rapist Jeffrey Epstein!NYPD broke laws falsified DD5s City lawyers w/held Delita Hooks ltr THREATENING ME YET AGAIN #Crime, IA Sgt O'Donnell read THREAT TO ME!…