The NYTimes my Holocaust ltr Jeffrey Epstein DA Violated at Dr Andrew Fagelman's NYPD join in breaking laws and there's a Harvey Weinstein like attacks of me online Dr F too cheap to hire Professionals so he got volunteers even patients help to attempt to gaslight me and destroy me convinced me it was my fault rather than be a decent human being an unethical MD Dr F doesn't understands the Hippocratic oath but he gets and NYU Stern business degree even though it doesn't even understand the Hippocratic oath...and he gets and NYU Stern business degree even though it doesn't even understand the Hippocratic oath or basic patient rights because mine were violated including him discussing me with his patients knowing I was another doctors patient who rented space from him he lied about me to his patients?
Dr Andrew Fagelman is a vile unethical creep who mocked me a victim of horrific violence whose health has been harmed because of his recklessness his irresponsibility he even admitted he did not interview the woman who punched me for the job he didn't check her references he had no guidelines for the office he didn't investigate what happened to me yet he discussed me with his patients! He was mocking he was abusive... It is corrupt NYPD pals who feel that they're confident they are above the law did they encourage Dr Andrew Fagelman's abusive behavior so he could feel like he's one of the boys?
How do I know he's admitted discussing me with his patients without investigating and they were coming to YouTube to my channel to the video that's indefensible lying to me about me even telling me a mentally ill trying to convince me I'm mentally ill if I was would make what they're doing even worse ABUSE Even worse discrimination!
FYI I told Manhattan DA assistant district attorney Joan Illuzzi his patients are coming to my YouTube channel harassing me and she said that Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks should not be discussing me with Dr F's patients! She said the patient should not be harassing me.
I wanna know why I don't have the basic human rights to go to a doctors office and be safe and what should've been a plain simple cut arrest has turned into 7 1/2 years of more unethical evil people piling on to horrific crimes amplifying the wrongdoing and this could've been shut down how long ago? As the people involved continue their wrongdoing more more people are becoming aware of my case and how inexcusable this violence lies threatening me gaslighting falsifying police reports is but many people just except the NYPD are corrupt New York City is corrupt and that unethical people are above the law just a reminder Jeffrey Epstein WAS NEVER ARRESTED BY THE Manhattan DA and The NYPD quite the opposite enabled -- The NYPD in the Manhattan DA were enabler's that allow Jeffrey Epstein to run his own little virgin islands right here on the upper East side behind the Frick Museum central park and a school! The NYPD have no shame no Integrity no decency they're not going to disclose their complicity just like my case they lie The NYPD top cops city lawyers have lied and lied protecting crimes in my case. Proof? Where are the arrests?
Let's ask Joe Tacopina Underoath did he use a fake account to threaten me during an open investigation did he call me a cunt how many times has he called me a cunt, how many times is he responsible for flagging my work or trying to remove my work? Does he deny arguing my legs looking me up and down in a sexual matter and choosing to stand right by me to get my attention and that my responses do you know why rapes her up in New York and under reported?
Please do not forget Eric Garner his hand written lawsuit let's go over that at City Hall televised with top cops and a Staten DA at the time -- let's question them under oath for police commissioners my case four police commissioners Eric Garner -- They represent the police department the public needs to hear from them under oath televize for the world including Have NYPD and Manhattan DA actually enable Jeffrey Epstein!
I want to know how many NYPD retired NYPD conspired to make me drop charges conspire to falsify police reports that remain above the law and how many other crimes they have committed over the years empowered enabled!
One of the NYPD cops in my case from the first Precinct Community affairs cop that was party to the crimes in my case was finally arrested year 21 as a cop drunk driving luckily he didn't kill someone as he hit a car and left the scene because of course he could why not how many times did he flash his badge and walk...?
Did Dr Andrew Fagelman take him to drug parties too? Dr Andrew Fagelman did not fire Delita Hooks -- he says she is exemplary and he takes her to drug parties. He admitted he did not investigate what happened to me yet he discussed me another doctors patient who rented from him he discussed me with his patience meaning he lied about me if he didn't investigate what happened he certainly wasn't sharing the truth he's a liar like how many others above the law to get the NYPD and powerful connections to a race their wrongdoing their crimes their complicity?
DR ANDREW FAGELMAN LIED UNDER OATH THE ATTACK Did not happen on his property. If you wanna understand how impossible it is for victims to report crimes of the NYPD are beholden to the wealthier enamored by them or they just hate the victim whatever it's impossible weather was a Jeffrey Epstein or a Dr Andrew Fagelman-- but with the doctors office in 2012 I have audio I have video I have falsified police reports I have my attackers letter threatening me with a second false cross complaint what I don't have is justice because it's impossible to report crime if it's a Jeffrey Epstein or an Andy Fagelman?
New York City government corporate counsel lawyers lied and legal documents they lied in court they lied before G-d. They don't care just like the NYPD in every government agency or official that protected crimes including the New York city comptroller... Scott Stringer made sure we didn't get zoning protection to keep a hospital a trauma level one hospital with a rape crisis center in the West Village and he's beholden to all the wealthy oligarchs of New York that I'm a critic off.
Harassing a victim during an open investigation online over the phone is a criminal act and I would like arrests in my case. There are people that have been online cyber stalking me harassing me someone did a background check on me and found out I had to yelp accounts when was my original and after the trauma of the violence I created a second one called "Stop the Violence". I'm alleging the possibility that Joe Tacopina's people were involved in that and in flag me and using a fake account on yelp to say I doctored the video when I didn't. Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks Committed perjury a lot but occasionally toll truths that were very damning and I'm alleging their lawyers were complicit in wrongdoing and may have contacts inside New York city government kind of running a Harvey Weinstein type scam against me of victim but on the house for free or barter quid pro quo kind of like the relationship the doctor in my case has with the NYPD and others? Joe Tacopina has never denied that he broke the law using a fake sock puppet Acct Bob Dobalina lawyer on YouTube I felt ethical complaints against him and his partner Chad Siegel alleging Charles Ward was his fake account. Tacopina did not respond to the ethical complaint unlike yours before when I filed one against his partner for comparing the NYPD rape victims vagina to a Venus's-flytrap. I always wondered if he and his people were involved in removing my Wikipedia page was it Bloomberg's people who was it the page was on censorship and and then they've been online harassment for over 7 1/2 years trying to convince me that I'm crazy that I'm a schizophrenic that I'm mentally ill - If I was mentally ill it would make the discrimination violence abuse patient rights violations the NYPD discriminating against me violating my civil rights falsifying police report and every government agency protected them even worse... NYPD broke laws and Internal Affairs protected crimes in my case and how many other cases along with top cops Bloomberg and de Blasio administration-- we are on The fourth police commissioner if he doesn't think he's done anything wrong let him be questioned under oath at City Hall involving my case because I have audio of a Sex Crimes Det. lying to me posted on YouTube and he was chief of detectives when this occurred and I reported it to the police commissioner and him. Is that what qualifies you to become police commissioner making sure that Victims can't report sexual assault if you don't like the victim their politics whatever it is you're going to prevent them from reporting crimes?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@nytimes… my letter New York Times before NYT discriminated against me killed news for powerful men I dare criticized PR guy Rubenstein Bloomberg Rudin/NYU John Sexton testified pro Mike 3rd term/NYT killed news cy vance Jeffrey Epstein 4yrs!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@nytimes The New York Times Publish my letter battle of pain Xerox letter mailed to Manhattan DA Robert Morgenthau wrote Jeffrey Epstein stole my art his special services girl Friday Ghislaine Maxwell. I called NYPD 1996. NYT kills news like a serial killer...…