Note -- It is now November 8, 2018 O'Neill continues to violate my First Amendment rights -- no apology to me like the Prospect Park Rape Victim who I advocated for in so many ways including this letter in the NYDN please read....
I woke up at 2am again -- Please Google Dr Fagelman assault -- the PTSD insomnia circling in my mind started Oct 1, 2012 -- it is on going -- my dream would be for NYPD DI Grant's lawyer to call top cops and at least two mayors and ask questions a lot of questions -- include my case as well as my blogging on 911, CityTime (certain NYPD stealing overtime w/ CityTime which bloomberg should have tossed) and Cy Vance, Chief Boyce and top IA protected crimes like these thefts starting with Lamboy. I woke PTSDing about Dr Fagelman and his NYPD pals --- and than 11 People murdered I got a national alert via Citizen's app -- First Prayers but than I thought of the FirstNet Scandal...Ray Kelly, Bratton and NYPD a chief of taking gifts Chief Chuck Dowd.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDDetectives @NewYorkFBI @NYPDTips @NYPDnews @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYPDDCPI @NYPDCommAffairs @NYPDCT audio hear me being PREVENTED FROM REPORTING A CRIME 01 Precincts my rights violated! Hear me call: Internal Affairs CCRB , commanding officer Ed Winski. He absolutely was part of bait switch downgrade to O crimes Zachary Carter 1PP protecting all crimes!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDDetectives @NewYorkFBI @NYPDTips @NYPDnews @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYPDDCPI @NYPDCommAffairs @NYPDCT Dr Fagelman said he has full confidence/trust in NYPD did he mean to lie falsify DD5s break laws coerce me bait switch downgrade 0crimes=01's 1PP's Reichberg?… …… +… |
I copied and paste did the tweet but police commissioner O'Neill has me blocked even though it looks like he's included he's not he still violating my first amendment rights in party to obstructing Justice, he clearly has biases towards me I pretty much listed what I believe them to be and he's done nothing to clear his name because he is guilty????
O'Neill guilty complicit Yet he apologize to the prospect park Rape victim and fyi His apology is all talk yet again all talk because he has not fired John Miller and the NYPD have not investigated how many cops were involved and obstructing justice which allowed a rapist to rape how many more women?
".... Philip Banks cursed at assistant, (NYPD Det) Marilyn Ozuna,...". Just wonder if she knows about my case because I think I spoke to her several times if it was her - she was very kind very very nice and she would put Lieutenant Gannon on the phone -- Banks and Lt Gannon Part of an ever expanding group of cops 1PP that protected crimes
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@TishJames Haley said she refused the request, despite Grant’s high rank NYPD DI appointed position… my case NYPD DI Ed Winski/Lt Burgos fixing expanded 3PC, IA, many chiefs: Pulaski/Boyce, I called Banks/Ozuna? transfered me to Slick Lt Gannon…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@TishJames NYPD DI Grant fixer like Ed Winski my case I will learn Dr Fagelman his EVERY hook,rabbi (nypd term fixer) 1PP/01/retired NYPD any connect to Joe Tacopina who hasn't denied he broke laws my case, Tacopina brags he got an Abner Louima cop NYPD rape cops off…
My letter in the NYDN and my protests pressured NYPD PC Jimmy O'Neill to apologize to Prospect Park Rape victim although an apology isn't enough he's got a fire John Miller and look into how many cops were involved and obstructing justice and I want to know how many more women were raped because NYPD missed treated her case just like they missed treated her just like they missed treated me so when he posts an apology to her hands of blocking me a Jew a woman who's been treated like a Jew in the early stages a Nazi Germany by the City of NY, top brass nypd IA, Cy Vance and ADA Tiana Walton protect NYPD crimes my case and O'Neill "mr all talk" but look at his actions blocks me on Twitter!
When 11 Jews were murdered at a synagogue what did our police commissioner O'Neill do?
He blocked me a Jewish women one of 2% of our religion in the United States because he doesn't believe I have a First Amendment right and he's been protecting violent crimes in my case--he jouned Ray Kelly and Bratton/Zachary Carter protecting Horrific violence that included a sexual assault at a doctors office where I should've been safe they protected me being threatened over and over coercion falsifying police reports plus NYPD fixing and favors retaliation google dr fagelman assault. You will see the camera shut off when she lands running punched my head so hard she made a hole in my retina but she didn't stop there she grab my hair and started pulling me down the hall that's after she throws her shoes everything you see in that video was omitted from NYPD detectives police report with their supervisors full knowledge one of their supervisors laughed over the phone about it he thought it was so funny me being assaulted at MD's.
NYPD like wealthy Jews, Jews who can do favors for them and they will do favors in return?????
Levitt NYPD Confidential reports on police commissioners taking free writes on airplanes....
Call Leonard Levitt ask him about any knowledge of NYPD fixing favors backroom deals top cops taking free rides on airplanes three police commissioners -- The lawyer for NYPD deafly inspector Grant should get the manifest for the Cessna and see how many top cops flew on that airplane and how many trips....
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDDetectives @NYPD79Pct @NYPDTips @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDnews Jonathan Popolow corp counsel admitted Fed Appellate court Det Vergona rude that DetV did threaten to arrest me if I didn't drop charges!!! Ask Det Vergona did I ask him r u anti-Semitic false arrest the Jew on the Sabbath? DA, IA Zachary Carter complicit!…
The detective that broke laws are Facebook friends with the first police officer ever reported to Internal Affairs PO Eugene Schatz so they were willing to break laws at their desk and everyone at the 01 who knew about my case new they were doing this that they were breaking laws! They treated me like a rape victim who got what she deserved but I didn't! They did fixing and favors as well as retaliation and I can't wait for the corruption trial to start.
----------- severe insomnia yet again I woke up at two it's almost 3:30 AM Wednesday so I did this tweet and I hope in corruption trials including eventually a permanent new commission to police corruption that these people are called and not just add Winski - I want to ask his brother about my case any knowledgr of nypd fixing favors and not just his brother but former CO Bologna - he was commander of the first precinct there's a photograph of him using a chokehold on occupy Wall Street women and he someone who committed the crime walking up to women behind a closed off area and pepper spraying them in the face and the Manhattan DA protected all crimes - cy Vance misogynist corrupt DA I confronted video on YouTube where I ask him violence towards women ok if the woman is a critic of you it's OK? Cy Vance smiles at me!----------------
ADA Tiana Walton and I spoke on the phone regarding NYPD crimes in she made it clear she was going to protect NYPD crimes in my case. I believe she is one responsible for calling off the arrest of my attacker which was in the works and inspector Siobhan Berry was going to arrest her rather than NYPD because they knew NYPD broke laws, IA protected them.
Ed Winski as a joke ? had a poster about Internal Affairs call them inside the front desk at the reception desk 01 as PO Magori and Sergeant Chen broke laws party to obstruction of justice in my case prevented me from reporting crime and I call him and he oversees breaking laws and crimes that audio is posted on YouTube.
I have a lot of questions for top cops involving contracts like technology contracts for instants and whether they took any gifts worth more than $50 and any soft landings were discussed including consulting jobs being put on boards any kind of jobs after they retired?
Citzen App a free app worked for a National alert but FirstNet how is that considering it's scandalous start w/ Ray Kelly's head of NYPD technology and Bratton hosting a FirstNet board meetimg at one police plaza. Does O'Neill Have any knowledge of this or any gifts worse $50 any strippers any fixing in favors and of course I want to ask any and all nypd in my case questions under oath about fixing and favors my case I want to go over the video audio 's and police report starting with the police commissioners three of them... I want to ask or three police commissioners about the plane ride they took anything else they may have taken them go over my case the video the police reports the audios -- I want to ask them about technology contracts including FirstNet and ECTP 911.
Please ask Chief chick Dowd under oath About meeting me at City Hall when I came to testify we need a criminal prosecution 911 tech crooks and I handed him a card NYPD fix crime like a Las Vegas Casino -- The cards stated I was coerced. I handed the card to Ray Kelly who was exiting City Hall as I was entering. I want to know if they took any gifts
The Citizen AP P just worked for a national alert ... 11 People murdered. Prayers. The safety of our entire country I'm just wondering about what's the status of a very expensive National project called FirstNet.
NYPD tale of two cities DI Grant and the rest of the NYPD and the corrupt Internal Affairs Chiefs Steering Committee????? I want to question top cops under oath in front of a permanent new commission along with Cy Vance who refused to prosecute (ECTP is 911 tech) 911 Tech crooks
NYC I Love You Big Time: Teflon NYPD Chief Chuck Dowd Too GRAFT 911 from Verizon Laughable NYPD Chief Secreto NYPD Chief Diana Pizzuti "under investigation"
I believe like ECTP aka 911 tech, FirstNet everyone was Teflon, contractors tied to how many different pension funds so Teflon and anyone who took "gifts" teflon as well.
This blog tries to do what appears meet damage control to cover up because something was very unkosher which is why Dowd was forced to retired and was kicked off FirstNet board. Ask Dowd why FDNY rejected ECTP.
I predict NYC's 911 tech which you cannot text is heading for thr dunpster along w/ CityTime -- citytime Rudy Giuliani routes his deputy mayor is turn lobbyist SCIC and cops are stealing over time the biggest most recent scandal is sex crimes Lieutenant Lamboy search NYDN Lt Lamboy stole over time. I was the victim of violence which include sexual assault and I agree to pass arrest twice -- cops broke laws that their desk at the 1st Precinct and they been protected for over six years and waiting for arrests.
I have audio when I called sex crimes unit the detective violets protocol won't let me report a crime and is fine with me feeling like a gun was put my head metaphorically speaking I was threatened by only over the phone for so drop charges against my will and that attacked it was fine w/ that just like FirstNet’s Scandal and Resurrection – the Chief Seattle Geek blog
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
My wish DI Grant call IA Campisi/Reznick/Dr Fagelman/ Delita Hooks/#NYPD 1PP/Winski/01 PO Gene Schatz/Moran, Sgt Chen/Lt Burgos, Det Andrew Dwyer/det Vergona re:my case Mr Free Rides airplanes Ray Kelly, Bratton, both Chief Boyce PC O'Neill Blockme Twitter…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
5yr ago Dad WW2 veteran died knowing I was treated like a Jew in the early stages of Nazi Germany here #NYPD Ray Kelly protected crimes! Delita Hooks pre attack she yelled I Have no rights! NYPD agree also broke laws! O'Neill protects/blocked me on twitter…
Pre O'Neill blocking me on Twitter-- NYPD Chief Boyce blocked me bent on protecting all crimes in my case including NYPD crimes like he protected Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy! Chief Boyce's replacement Chief Shea unblocked me and how many other victims Chief Boyce and PC O'Neill blocked?
Ask why nypd DI Grant Corruption trial is not being tried in Brooklyn by the US attorney in Brooklyn? Ray Kelly pushed illegal stop and frisks -- he made people afraid to walk down the street in their own neighborhoods he help to push people out of their neighborhoods and then he in return he gets hired by Cushman and Wakefield?
When Mayor Bill cuts off his private security Cushman and Wakefield happily say will pay for it but when their corruption trial on the NYPD breaks when it becomes open news the cops were doing fixing in favors like my case but in Brooklyn but actually do US attorney Manhattan is going to actually do something about it in Brooklyn Cushman and Wakefield dump Ray Kelly!
That doesn't stop corrupt Teflon Ray Kelly -- gets a job with K2 and helps to negotiate the pay to play dirty deal with K2 intelligence and the Manhattan DA!!!!
November 7, 2018 at 8:09:00 AM EST
Subject: de Blasio O'Neill, Boyce etc federal offense cesna federally funded anti-terrorism... every person that was flying on that cesna was
Wall Street Journal article Ray Kelly took free rides he rides Wall Street Journal him and his wifeparticipating in a federal offense -- The only ones be forgiven clawback are those who were chronic victims of O'Neill trying to stay in his "good graces". I would like to vote that there should be term limits and that there should be clawback on any government officials especially NYPD but any government employees that break the law or protect crimes including my case they inspired that wish.
My point corruption I'll scratch your back I'll do a favor for you if you scratch my back starts at the very top
1) The only reason the Manhattan DA in the US attorney didn't bust our present Mayor Bill - it's because the people that funnel the money to him Peta play did the same money to the Manhattan DA. Preet hoped he would funnel money for him for political office which will never win at this rate with his Twitter account.
2) they all took free rides top cops that technically should be fired and forced to pay back those rides.
I approached Bill Bratton there's YouTube and I see you taught me turn broken windows back on the NYPD didn't fire you for taking a free ride so shouldn't 0'Neill be fired. O'Neill had a long list of pals on that cesna with in. Chief Boyce fix crimes along with its predecessor an allowed dirty cops my case to retire or be promoted. He moved Sgt Chen 1st Precinct tactics quote out before I could serve him
3) if NYPD were allowed to vote they would vote O'Neill out
4) bratton free rides
5) laughable Ray Kelly told banks to stop taking gifts when he promoted him to chief of department because they were all taken gifts and they were all doing fixing and favors including my case they treated me and they continue to treat me like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany and I want justice
NYPD James O'Neill has violated my first amendment right blocking me on Twitter but here's a tweet to him where I have audio proof of NYPD including a supervisor violating protocol as well as preventing me from reporting a crime my attackers false cross complaint that's another violation of my rights it's been over six years now of a lot of violations that started under Michael Bloomberg and
This tweet was before the police commissioner blocked me months before audio evidence posted on YouTube of me being prevented from reporting a crime that's a violation of my rights and obstruction of justice and they violate protocol when the supervisor Sgt Chen refuses to come down and meet with me!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDDetectives Was NYPD PO Eugene aka "Gene" Schatz point man fixing, favors, retaliation (for free) in my case? FB pals dirty detectives Detective Andrew Dwyer/Det John Vergona broke laws! Schatz Teflon call-a-cop 01? Schatz accept any gifts, golfing gifts, parties etc?…
The real NYPD:
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
11/4/18, 5:18 PM
@NYPDDetectives Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill protect all crimes my case along w/Banks, Campisi, Reznick, Pulaski, Boyce. I can't wait #NYPD corruption trial begins! NYPD O'Neill w/ Boyce protect all and Schatz call-a-cop still in place thanks to O'Neill? 1800 NYPD Fix it?…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
11/4/18, 6:06 PM
@NYPDDetectives Was NYPD PO Eugene aka "Gene" Schatz point man fixing, favors, retaliation (for free) in my case? FB pals dirty detectives Detective Andrew Dwyer/Det John Vergona broke laws! Schatz Teflon call-a-cop 01? Schatz accept any gifts, golfing gifts, parties etc?…
It's the US attorney Southern District prosecuting the case that should be prosecuted and Brooklyn underscoring the fact that Preet Bharara and Cy Vance were protecting similar crimes fixing favors call a cop practically at the steps of their work and from what has been reported inside Manhattan DAs office you can call the police to get fixing in favors or the DA.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDDetectives @NYPDTips @NYPDnews @NYPDChiefofDept I am a Jew 2% US NYPD PC O'Neill racist, misogynist, anti-Semitic like Bratton, Ray Kelly pretending no crimes my case ok to punch me sexually assault me falsfy DD5s coerce me use Kuby ltr to pretend no crimes my attacker's ltr response another crime!…
I work so hard to bring attention to the prospect park rape case and just had a powerful letter and New York Daily News and when the police commissioner post an apology on the NYPD website and the media picks it up he blocks me on Twitter violating my first amendment right and he continues to protect all crimes in my case.
Top cops so corrupt -- it was common knowledge NYPD chief banks was taken GIFs and Rae Kelly had told him to cut it out -- translation just don't be so blatant when you get your palms creased ?
Banks to plead the 5th? Why? Because he is GUILTY? Former NYPD ..."Chief of Department’s attorney wrote that he’ll plead the Fifth Amendment if called to the stand in an NYPD corruption trial beginning next week. .."Call Ray Kelly! Call Bratton and O'Neill!
Look at Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy teflon! Another example The Manhattan DA protected him lying about rape case is working on them at the DAs office and Chief Boyce A misogynist dirty cheap at detective said also blocked me on protected Lamboy's Times like the dirty cups in my case he promoted Detective Andrew Dwyer in my case!!!
Top cops and the Manhattan DA treat me like the prospect park right victim except they haven't lied about me to the press there just silent hoping this will go away but it never will. Amazing O'Neill Apologizes to the prospect park right take them but he's guilty of protecting crimes my case, 0 to say about Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit and my case examples of him silent protecting crimes -- and the YouTube or I talk to him he can't hide his distain of me that says it all to me -- he and any honest Police Officer Adamo and Ortiz would want to get to the truth and take action but instead they protect crimes six years and going in my case but they apologize the prospect park right take them so maybe 23 years from now to be a police commissioner who will apologize to me?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYDailyNews I'm alive v murdered but top NYPD, Cy Vance, Tiana Walton, Joan Illuzzi protected MD office crimes NYPD crimes not urology but MD pub in urology mag Viagra! Black Dahlia article on MD PD LA elite wow! I'm discriminated against OK to violate me my body my rights your article hmm
![]() | New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) |
Our exclusive NYPD investigation continues with a look at the case of a sex crimes commander who used real crimes to justify fake overtime pay.
Lt. Adam Lamboy stole nearly 200 hours of overtime by forging his boss's signature. He retired with a pension |
| |||||
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCCouncil @NYCJewishCaucus @ChaimDeutsch NYPD PC O'Neill doesn't understand the 1st amendment or doesn't think a Jewish woman who is violated at a doctors horrifically assaulted and speaks up demand justice including NYPD crimes has even the first amendment right? Anti-Semites use Kuby ltr to pretend/erase all crimes?
Prayers we Jews have endured a long history of being murdered for being Jewish including where we pray... do I believe Donald Trump stirred up a lot of hate yes but it was always there though and I do believe Ray Kelly Bratton and O'Neill Consciously joint in head directed at me and they have contributed to corruption protected crimes including my case where there was fixing favors and retaliation it seems clear to me they had no problem with me asking Detective Vergona false arrest the Jew on the Sabbath for a running punch to my head? Are you anti-Semitic? First three police commissioners to protect crimes in my case they have to have a lot of hatred and prejudice towards me my Human Rights my civil rights were violated and laws were broken a pile up a crimes from the doctors office to First Precinct.
Googke Dr Fagelman assault - my experience he is awful evil yet the doctor is also Jewish but he's a wealthy Jew and the police have a special affinity for wealthy Jews and aldo for doctors... you can look up the NYPD steroid human growth hormone cops the high-ranking cops like Chief Marino Teflon... cy Vance Protected an obstetrician and do that sexually assaulted 19 patients no jail and he is not on the sex offender registry. My point is its who you know fixing favors sometimes money is funneled GIFTS, you name it sometimes they do it for free...
Ray Kelly appointed chief checked out she for taking gifts to head of technology!!!!!
I testified at City Hall we need a criminal prosecution of 91 1 tech corruption I also requested that investigation be made into the ambulance being late for Mark Carson murdered because he was gay! #LGBT. I have a witness who is standing with the cups that NYPD asked why where is the bus where is the bus meeting where's the ambulance
I came face-to-face with chief Chuck Dowd before I testifyed - he did not want to tell me he was the chief of technology I asked him where he worked which division and he didn't want to tell me before I saw him and handed him a Justice card about me being coerced about cops breaking laws about NYPD doing fixing and favors the fix is in like a Las Vegas casino I handed my assist card to Ray Kelly would exit at City Hall was about to step into his car!
When I talked to Dowd was inside City Hall and he made it clear he wasn't going to stay for civilian testimony so I asked chief Dowd take my testimony-/ here's a copy he refused but the top FDNY did and Juan Gonzalez took my testimony!
There are YouTube's of me confronting Bratton and O'Neill involving the misogynist cunt threat NYPD acted on to turn the tables on me and clearly they acted on it because they haven't said oh that's terrible let me look into this let's get this investigated they know I was threatened multiple times they protected all crimes. Top cops and Zachary Carter love using Ron Kuby's letter to pretend they were no crimes but Kuby letter shorthand for I was coerced he uses the words "my attacker" twice in one sentence but my attacker's letter in response is yet another crime which TOP COPS including INTERNAL AFFAIRS protect because that's how much they HATE ME! My attacker started by telling me I no rights clearly the city of New York agrees newest evidence the police commissioner James O'Neill now blocking my first amendment right on Twitter and I'm not just being a critic I'm reporting crimes via Twitter with evidence!
Years ago I confronted Christine Quinn about St. Vincent's Hospital closing in the West Village needing a trauma level one hospital and I was given a meeting at City Hall. To police commissioners heard me, Bill Bratton calls me "dear" like we're married - his office knew me I called and called re: my case.
FYI when I write something the word spell sometimes goes back and changes it after-the-fact like Christine Quinn I just changed it to "kristi and" -- haven't slept in over six years from running punched my head please google Dr Fagelman assault. It Was running punched my head at the doctors office.
It was running punched my had like knockout the Jew.
I spoke to Sergeant Chen wants on the phone when I told him my Attackrr filed a false cross-complaint and I want to report it and he admitted I had a ride to reported he was laughing at me he said you're the one who got assaulted at the doctors and he laughed! My case was the united nations of hate and the Hate Crimes, Internal Affairs protected all crimes!!
I haven't slept since that's over six years chronic insomnia I was threatened harass online including buy the doctors patients! I'm trying to get Justice I tell myself bill Cosby as long as it takes bill Cosby as long as it takes I'm going to get Justice. The prospect park Rape Victim taken 23 years
for vindication - from my case it's going to take a police commissioner clearly not O'Neill who is a closey Trump O'Neill blocked me on Twitter -- a new Police Commissioner will apologize to how many victims down the road me included. I'm not just to krittiq tweeting I'm tweeting evidence of crimes NYPD committed crimes and I tweeted audio and police reports and video proving it which may be a first in the history of Twitter and the NYPD but where is my Justice?
1-800-NYPD IA DA fix it. Way before Preet Bharara's call a cop I have coined 1-800 NYPD internal affairs DA fix it. I openly criticized US Attorney Southern District Preet Bharara -- NYPD are doing fixing and favors that your doorstep. Cy Vance ADA Tiana Walton refused to prosecute corrupt cops my csse. Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911 tech crooks and top cops taking lavish gifts. Cy Vance refused to prosecute CityTime. Preet Bharara prosecuted CityTime but 0 arrests NYC gov and to date CityTime does not work properly example NYPD sex crimes bad Lieutenant Lamboy stole overtime using CityTime - Cy Vance and Internal Affairs Steering Committee Protected him lying about working overtime on rape cases at the DA and at 1 Police Plaza just like they protected crimes in my case.
Fixing and favors are done for free or palms are greased.. Remember corrupt NYPD cop ramos ffom The Bronx -- he was part of fixing and favors and corruption and his wife try to arrange to kill a witness… There was a big discussion on whether to investigate fixing and favors throughout the city and it was shot down cops held up signs since the beginning of the pyramids
How many people reported NYPD corruption fixing favors retaliation and top cops were protected for example 911 tech corruption -- 911 aka ECTP - Millions of people rely on a working 911 system yet the system under mayor Bloomberg and Ray Kekky kept collapsing and Internal Affairs said the lavish gifts the top cops -- wasn't relevant they took their gifts before the system started collapsing or some crazy rationalization published in NYDN which was bull -- there was no prosecution of any crooks for two big reasons palms were greased and the contractors were and are tied to the New York pensions and in fact Hewtt Packard had biggies sitting on NY Pension board -- Verizon return $15 million an HPV returned only only 10.5 million tax dollars -- zero arrests but I agreed to false arrest twice for a running punched my head and Det Vergona would only false arrest me for running punched my head he falsified police reports bait switch downgrade -- make it a mutual third-degree assault he would only for stress me on Sunday and I asked also rested you on the Sabbath are you anti-Semitic. His response silence yes or no is one syllable!
I was threatened with the hole in my retina floaters in both my eyes imagine running punches hard as possible your head jerked back your head shake and over and over so many floaters and then I was threatened over and over I didn't know what they were going to do to me Saturday so they use Ron Kuby's letter to pretend there no crimes when my tackers response is the signed letter threatening me again so that's a crime and warns me not to come back and file (second-degree assault charges since her and her bosses nypd pals coerced me fabrucated 3rd degree her letter and only Joe Tacopina could've been stupid enough to draft it recognizes I was coerced force to drop third- degree and then I could come back and file second-degree because that's the climb she really committed along with threatening to do bodily harm which is omitted from the police reports menacing me stalking me) her letter in response to Ron Kuby letter she wrote to Detective Andrew Dwyer makes it clear she will break yet anothet law again and clearly she's got the NYPD protect her all her crimes! Internal Affairs in three police commissioners have protected all crimes from a doctors office to the please department. I don't know of any money or gift exchanged hands or it was for free.
I would want to lawyer for the corruption cop to call Internal Affairs officers in my case and go over the evidence and show how they protected crimes top cops protective crimes in my case. Sometimes cops break laws to fixing and favors for money or gifts and sometimes they do it as a form of retaliation because they don't like you or whatever their reasons like the prospect park rape case in my case!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
I called John Meringolo left vm I don't like his client but suggested he call #NYPD Chief Chuck Dowd FirstNet/911/Bratton etc, my case NYPD Fixed + NYPD Police Commissioner O'Neill blocked me on twitter, mayor de Blasio subpoenaed NYPD corruption trial!…
I made clear I did not like his client but at the end of my message I said thank you for what you've done for the FDNY.
I left him a message about the last time sitting mayor was questioned under oath and that was Michael Bloomberg during the Haggerty trial. Tom Robbins went to New York one and said Michael Bloomberg committed perjury.
I told him Google and New York Daily News chief Chuck Dowd 911 he took lavish gifts. ( I didn't get to share he wasn't the only one at the New York Daily News reported took lavish gifts and I also didn't get to share my belief that it won't higher in NYPD chain.
I told him it's my belief that Chief Dowd got lavish gifts from Hewlett-Packard which was never reported by the New York Daily News although he did outstanding reporting a 911 aka ECTP, FirstNet.... 911 People died because the ambulances were delayed or went to the wrong places I believe the day off and went to the wrong places...! (I didn't have time to tell him that FDNY dumped 911 aka ECTP that went way over budget - it was open season stealing delivering late delivering crap zero rest but I agree to force her rest twice for running punched my head finally agreeing to be false arrest at 4 PM Saturday I asked false rested you on the Sabbath are you anti-Semitic.
Suggested he call Ray Kelly and gave very specific details about why and added $ funneled from his newest employer's firm to the dirty DA Manhattan pay to get teflon fixing or protections from Cy Vance. The DA he smiled at me when I confronted him outside New York Law you can watch on YouTube I asked him violence towards women it's OK if it's a critic of yours.
Suzannah B. Troy artist: NYPD police commissioner O'Neill has blocked me on Twitter First Amendment he also does not understand the law or willfully protects NYPD Crimes, now he apologized to Prospect Park Rape Victim after my letter in NYDN giving him hell as well as my protests 1PP, City Hall, Park Ave
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYCMayor I am a Jew 2% US Population u/ur wife/aides set NYPD Intell divi on me on steps of City Hall #Survivor rally I'm a survivor I was invited! Your racist, misogynist, anti-Semitic PC Bratton, O'Neill as bad as Ray Kelly pretending crimes in my case ok to punch me sexually assault me
O'Neill underscores what a disingenuous, phony police commissioner he is as he rails against Trump but FYI, O'Neill blocked me on Twitter! I am more than a critic; I am a victim of a pileup of crimes from an MD's office to the 1st Precinct with 1 Police Plaza and Internal Affairs protecting all crimes!
If O'Neill's going to continue to protect crimes starting with police officers' than he needs to resign!
Suzannah Troy
I have a very different theory… I believe there was corruption and because the dirty dealing ties into pension funds…. Teflon. Example: google NYDN Chief Chuck Dowd. Read about Chief Dowd scandal 911 tech aka ECTP, FirstNet. What’s not reported is that Dowd and Bratton hosted a board meeting for FirstNet at 1 policd plaza. I met Dowd when I went to testify at City Hall that we need a criminal prosecution of 911 tech. I am a victim of a violent crime... I handed Dowd my Justice card which said "NYPD fix crime like Las Vegas casino" and I was coerced. After Dowd read it I went up to him to offer him typed up written testimony since he wasn’t staying for the Public testimony and he refused. I’d like to ask him if he has any knowledge of fixing and favors as well as retaliation inside the NYPD, about any gifts he took besides the lavish golfing gifts from Verizon who later repaid the City $50 million dollars 911 as reported by NYDN. HP who I was told was not qualified to be the lead contractor no prior 911 tech only returned $10.5 million. As an example both these companies Verizon, Hewlett-Packard
are tied to the New York pensions there were no arrests but I agreed to false arrest twice for running punch to my head v 60.5 million tax $s returned no arrests….. 911 tech under Ray Kelly, Chief Dowd, mayor michael bloomberg went over budget over $1 billion and contractors delivered late and delivered below par. To date you cannot text 911 in New York City but you can text 911 in New Jersey and I alledge there's more corruption that's covered up and 911 and CityTime destined for the dumpster. Please Google Dr Fagelman assault. Watch the youtube. Detectives in my case along with the supervisors broke laws at their desks bait switch drowngrade. The city is protected or crimes along with three police commissioners using Ron Kuby’s letter to pretend they were no crimes when his letter short hand for coerced and my attackers responses yet another threat to me warning more retaliation if I dare come back and report second-degree assault which is what she committed, plus Lying to the place (POLICE) during an open investigation, menacing me threatening me with bodily harm and forcible touching when I specifically said don't touch my body and back away
please excuse terrible typos sent from my iPhone