Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
#NYPD Top Unindicted so far Banks, Deputy Chief James McCarthy, Inspector Brian McGinn + 3 ex-deputy chiefs Andrew Capul, David Colon and Eric Rodriguez. Soho 1800Fix-it 01 1PP! etc. My case other New Commission ask Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill under oath!…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@michaelluo @JaneMayerNYer @RonanFarrow In the mayor de Blasio donor case donor bribed cops I am hoping the new subpoenas out top NYPD 1800-NYPD fix it my case and countless others! Google Dr Fagelman assault watch the YouTube no one arrested or fired NYPD joined in breaking laws at their desks!… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD PC O’Neill 2be questioned under oath ask him, Ray Kelly, Charles Campisi, Chief Banks, Lt Gannon, Pulaski, Chief Boyce, Zachary Carter, Det Andrew Dwyer, Det John Vergona, Lt Burgos, Lt Agnese, PO Gene Schatz, Moran, Sgt Mary O’Donnell about my case…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
Trump grows frustrated w/ Giuliani as Stormy Daniels drama rages on - POLITICO. Trump going to divorce Rudy but we can’t divorce rudy Giuliani/Mike Bloomberg Tech Titanics 1 example hunk of junk CityTime NYPD supervisors involved in stealing overtime?…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NewYorker Top NYPD IA Cy Vance obstructed justice protected misogynist crimes rapes to sexual assaults, violence! NYPD threatened me forced me to drop charges. Resign! Bratton/O’Neill refused to fire John Miller for lying about Prospect Park Rape Victim 0 accountability! Fire John Miller!

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@tommy_robb @fanellijames NY Post editors NY politicos sex abuse but ignore the fact NYPD arrested for horrific of rapes, sexual assaults even on children NYPD Lt Sex crimes and in Internal Affairs 80 counts used NYPD car NYPD IA DA NYC didn’t catch him!…
NYPD for sale bigger than what’s reported...

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT On lying! Rudy Giuliani: "Uh...gee, I don't know." Rudy how much $ u made CityTime flawed tech run by crooks SAIC NYPD like Lt Lamboy use to steal overtime pad pensions. Rudy, deputy mayors lobbyists SAIC profited as SAIC stole 600M! Rudy explain SAIC: Trailblazer, Triliogy etc

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
This is shocking but it would explain why the misogynist Manhattan DA Cy Vance and NYPD, Internal Affairs got away w/ breaking laws, fixing favors retaliation misogyny etc…

Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy)
@NYPDONeill @NYPD47Pct @NYPD32Pct @NYPDDetectives NYPD don’t understand the word Public Safety if the NYPD don’t like you you’re politics your race your religion your sexuality gender they’re willing to break laws like they did in the prospect park rape case in my case etc My you all be questioned under oath held accountable
The scandal began with a routine traffic stop and soon ensnared police officers, a union official, a hedge fund mogul, machers of Orthodox Brooklyn — even City Hall.
By Alan Feuer
April 27, 2018
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NewYorker Top NYPD IA Cy Vance obstructed justice protected misogynist crimes rapes to sexual assaults, violence! NYPD threatened me forced me to drop charges. Resign! Bratton/O’Neill refused to fire John Miller for lying about Prospect Park Rape Victim 0 accountability! Fire John Miller!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@tommy_robb @fanellijames NY Post editors NY politicos sex abuse but ignore the fact NYPD arrested for horrific of rapes, sexual assaults even on children NYPD Lt Sex crimes and in Internal Affairs 80 counts used NYPD car NYPD IA DA NYC didn’t catch him!… |
NYPD for sale bigger than what’s reported...
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) @NYPDONeill @NYPDChiefofDept @NYPDFIRSTDEP @TheIACP @NYPDnews @NYPDDetectives @MjrCitiesChiefs @NYPDChiefPatrol @NYCPBA @MarcSantia4NY @NYPDCT On lying! Rudy Giuliani: "Uh...gee, I don't know." Rudy how much $ u made CityTime flawed tech run by crooks SAIC NYPD like Lt Lamboy use to steal overtime pad pensions. Rudy, deputy mayors lobbyists SAIC profited as SAIC stole 600M! Rudy explain SAIC: Trailblazer, Triliogy etc
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) This is shocking but it would explain why the misogynist Manhattan DA Cy Vance and NYPD, Internal Affairs got away w/ breaking laws, fixing favors retaliation misogyny etc…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDONeill @NYPD47Pct @NYPD32Pct @NYPDDetectives NYPD don’t understand the word Public Safety if the NYPD don’t like you you’re politics your race your religion your sexuality gender they’re willing to break laws like they did in the prospect park rape case in my case etc My you all be questioned under oath held accountable
The scandal began with a routine traffic stop and soon ensnared police officers, a union official, a hedge fund mogul, machers of Orthodox Brooklyn — even City Hall.By Alan FeuerApril 27, 2018
Update Saturday: New York Post reporter axed for secret affair with hooker at center of NYPD corruption scandal he can work at 1 police plaza* NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill was subpoenaed to testify on behalf of former Deputy Inspector James Grant, who faces trial over allegations that he performed official favors for two former Mayor Bill de Blasio donors in exchange for payoffs, the New York Post writes. Too bad Ray Kelly and Bratton , Banks and Esposito and Lt Gannon haven’t been subpoenaed they should all be in my case along w/ Ed Winski and Internal Affairs Charles Campisi, Reznick, Chief of detectives Pulaski and The biggest most corrupt misogynist Detective Chief Boyce who promoted Detective Andrew Dwyer protected corrupt detectives at the 1st Precinct openly breaking laws at their desk!
Update May 3 Thursday:
a superb documentary called Opera House - the subject of my YouTube documentary cop Joe Sanchez set-up by corrupt cops - he has one of the most powerful scenes representing entire communities displaced to build Lincoln Center. Joe and I went to the screening at Lincoln Center and billionaire who is donated mega millions to Lincoln Center opera house shook Joe’s hand and apologized to him for being displaced! The filmmakers had also seen my work on Joe as well as comments he made.
* A looming NYPD corruption trial is spotlighting evidence of damning doings by a former top cop, and a trail of entitlement of a kind still too steady for a force that now asks New Yorkers to weave cops ever deeper into their communities’ fabric, the Daily News writes.”
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@placardabuse @NYPDONeill NYDN editorial NYPD corruption nod PA! NYPD PO Schatz used car as a weapon to clarify The Mercer Hotel can illegally use loading/unloading zone as private parking than his FB pals retaliated broke laws for MD see my photos pre your Twitter NYDN ignores me…
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@tommy_robb @fanellijames Teflon NYPD $tole! IA, O’Neill, Ray Kelly, Bratton etc protected 1ex. Lt Lamboy sex crimes stole overtime padded pension Rudy Giuliani tech titanic CityTime Bloomberg, Gill Hearn, Christine Quinn etc protected crimes, running punch to my head MD’s! Hutchins dumped Gartner stocks?
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@tommy_robb @fanellijames Hey “boys”. Liu than comptroller asked Cy Vance prosecute CityTime, ECTP aka 911tech corruption 1B overbudget Cy refused! NYPD 911tech took lavish gifts. Todate can’t text 911 NYPD 2nd Command Ctr “Top secret “ + NYPD Steal use CityTime Rudy’s junk! Preet 0nycgov arrests CityTime
Than NYPD PO Schatz and his very pretty Hispanic woman partner start showing up and he illegally use that car here legally use the siren to use the car as a weapon is a form of threatening me on behalf of the Mercer hotel. Michael Rawson was the manager and he used the NYPD as a way of trying to intimidate me and I’m alleging he sent mine out to steal my protest signs from Veteran Vendors.
Two years later I would be savagely assaulted down the street and shots Facebook friends Det John Vergona and Det Andy Dwyer with their partners whose names I don’t have and their supervisors Sgt Chen, Lt Burgos and DI Ed Winski were willing to break laws to teach me a lesson
and top brass including Chief Boyce, 3 PCs, Chief Boyce etc protected all crimes just like they did in the lieutenant Lt Lamboy sex crimes case when Lamboy broke laws. besides chronic abuse of power and small little ways top brass protect crimes in the biggest ways it’s time for permanent new commission into police corruption.
When I learned Schatz got promoted — I left a voicemail at the 1st Precinct community affairs for his new partner - Det Tommy Moran about Schatz Being a bad cop and the next morning I got an email response I’m wondering if it was Michael Rawson who penned it
gay bashing me and telling me I am a bad artist. So misogyny and detective Tommy Moran violated protocol sharing that message with whomever was weather was Michael Rawson whomever that wrote me and harass me. I reported this and everything to internal affairs who treated me like a rape victim who got what I deserved just like Prospect Park Rape victim IA protected John Miller!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
* An appeals court has shot down mayor de Blasio attempt to keep secret emails between City Hall and outside advisers dubbed “agents of the city,” ruling that the mayor must hand over the emails due to a lawsuit by NY1, the Daily News reports. Question: Dead man walking?
* Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., who styles himself a progressive reformer, is actually far more punitive toward poor and minority defendants than his counterparts in other boroughs, New York magazine writes.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@tommy_robb @fanellijames… Tom left out volumes Cy Vance’s dirty dealing, misogyny… any follow up on intern sexual assault; NYPD IA broke laws my case Cy protected all like he protected Lt Lamboy Sex Crimes lying he doesn’t d OT working on Rape case his office
Why my brain is so tired years of insomnia violence and lies started at Dr Fagelman’s stay tuned....
Read the New York Post article the link is in the tweet above this sentence plus reminder Chief Banks put in motion what would become Eric Garner’s HOMICIDE.
“Chief Philip Banks, the highest ranking uniformed officer in the NYPD, sent a sergeant from his office last month to investigate complaints about the sale of 75-cent loosies, a source told The News. It was the same low-level offense police say they were investigating on July 17 when police approached Eric Garner.”
Chief Banks is such a liar including to himself number 1 he actually thinks he could run for mayor! He isn’t shy about using the race card enough he put Eric Garner’s homicide in motion and he is on the record supporting Ray Kelly’s stop and frisk — read Eric Garner’s handwritten account of what happened after he was illegally stopped and frisked. Eric wrote he was publicly sexually violated and drugs planted on him under Ray Kelly and NYPD Chief Campisi like me a victim of retaliation that spanned Kelly, Bratton and my case O’Neill. NYPD killing you sure stops the retaliation but does not make NYPD IA Corp Counsel Dirty DA Corruption go away.
Don’t forget Chief Esposito and Lieutenant Gannon among others there’s plenty of carbs I called how many offices when I couldn’t even get a badge number — by the time I spoke to Lieutenant Gannon he was working for Chief Banks.
Don’t forget the NYPD Legal Dept what’s going on there and who is the top cop responsible for that!!!!! Lt Gannon told me and NYPD policy is I can’t upgrade a crime when I’m suing the NYPD well that policy sounds like a violation of my rights to report a crime but then I have audio proving that my rights were violated and I wasn’t allowed to report a crime and I have proof I was coerced but I don’t have justice I have proof the NYPD lies in police reports my case and protects a pile up of crimes and joined in breaking laws. Like Lt Lamboy all protected! Every ones from internal affairs to DA protected Lamboy including Cy Vance and his corrupt crew and they knew Lamboy lied about working on rape cases and he collected over time and patted his pension and they refused to arrest him they protected crimes just like in my case and how many others? A lot!!!!!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYPDnews @NYPDFIRSTDEP @SDNYnews John Miller exit after Bratton end of that yr still here despite #misogyny #LGBT hate like terrorists! Baiting Terrorists job security? He belongs in jail obstruction JUSTICE Prospect P Rape Case lied about AVP activist to media enabled serial rapist protected by Bratton/O’Neill!
James O’Neill answer questions under oath re: my case along with Bratton and Ray Kelly. See my Youtube NYPD Deputy commissioner Larry Byrne and perjury rational confronted by me.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NY1 John Miller begging terrorists to strike NYC he needs a job? CBS, ABC won’t rehire misogynist hater of LGBT lied about Prospect Park Rape victim an AVP activist Bratton/O’Neill need to answer under oath why they didn’t fire or arrest Miller enabled rapist to prey on more victims!
NYPD “Round Robin” a term which means the NYPD are going to weigh you judge you and if they don’t like the color of your skin your politics your sexuality your anything whatever it is or the are taking bribes, doing a favor, whatever — they’re willing to break laws make crimes go away and even commit crimes to make it happen! Ask them about round robins! Ask then about fixing crime and crime stats for promotions — more money and more power to abuse!
Interesting because these cops their offices are in Manhattan and One Police Plaza and that would fall under the Manhattan DA who is chronically protecting crimes committed under Ray Kelly committed under Bratton and James O’Neill top cops were fixing crimes and still are. My case is one example it started under Ray Kelly on going there fixing crime there protecting crimes from a doctors office to the 1st Precinct to internal affairs and I want arrest and that includes Joe Tacopina if he is YouTuber Bob Dobalina and Chad Seigel was YouTuber Charles Ward. They lay down the ground work of what would become the NYPD’s MO to turn the tables on me —- there are so many cases of police wrongdoing complicity looking the other way or directly taking part in crimes it is time for a permanent new commission into police corruption because every agency that supposed to do their job has felt way too many of us!
Joe Tacopina’s got to be arrested for my case if I am correct he joined others in threatening me during an open investigation and conspired w/ my attacker and NYPD to make sure I dropped charges aganst my will.
Joe Tacopina - he is not denied he broke the law in my case on line cunt threat that warned of retaliation if I took any action and then I’m alleging he goes wrote a letter my attacker Delita Hooks wrote to NYPD Det Andrew Dwyer which Lt Angelo Burgos signed off With a thread of retaliation if I came back and file second-degree assault since they coerced me did a bait and switch from second grade to 3rd° falsified police reports for mutual 3rd° when there wasn’t was a one-way attack of me holding bags I was bullied my patient rights violated threatened with bodily harm she even touch my vaginal area with her bare foot after running punched my head as I held bags my arm numb and the NYPD been laughing and it’s time they are held accountable along with top brass including inside with a threat of retaliation if I came back and filed second-degree assault since they coerced me did a bait and switch from second-degree to third-degree falsified police reports for mutual third-degree when there wasn’t was a one-way attack of me holding bags I was bullied my patient rights violated threaten with bodily harm she even touch my Fessional area with her bare foot after running punched my head as I held bags my arm numb and the NYPD been laughing and it’s time they are held accountable along with top brass including inside Internal Affairs that are complicit just like they and Cy Vance protected NYPD Lt Lamboy and how many others?
Interesting Bloomberg put how many “retired” NYPD On his payroll and have them sign nondisclosure agreements. But then you have Bill Rudin with how many retired cop senior cops and other wealthy people who put these guys on their payroll and when they need fixing in favors phone calls are made.
Oh below see there’s a tweet to the FBI the same FBI that was alerted that this Freak Nassar M.D. was sexually molesting gymnasts and did nothing. Same FBI that Goldman Sachs could pick up the phone and have the FBI false arrest a computer programmer who is crime was quitting Goldman Sachs — the same FBI and dirty DA Cy Vance that didn’t arrest any top brass Goldman Sachs for their role in Wall Street’s implosion and the mortgage meltdown.
Know any other Teflon freak doctors beside The one that the Manhattan DA prevent it from being registered sex offender even though he sexually assaulted 17 patients and allegedly funneled money to Cy Vance to not go to jail and be listed as a sex offender? Any other MDs?
Any cops get pain killers, Viagra, HGH, from MDs and return do favors for them?
How about DAs?
Please explain how the Manhattan DA has been prosecuted any top brass whether it’s Goldman Sachs at the NYPD and the US attorney thinks no one‘s going to notice all these unindicted top cops and we all know there’s far more and it goes higher than them!
All we need is a permanent commission televised around the world so we can expose 1800-NYPD Internal Affairs Cy Vance, Hynes, Dan Donovan Fix it.
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@FBI NYPD Chief O’Neill, Chief Boyce, Reznick ok w/ woman detective violating protocols which is fine w/ O’Neill! NYPD det fine w/ my attacker threatening me and Det John Vergona coercing me violently over phone felt like gun to my head listen to her response