Sunday, January 31, 2016
SAIC John Jumper Cashes out stock as CityTime Carl Bell to be sentenced soon finally
Remember under mayor Bloomberg had many city workers were laid off yet he hired his friends and SAIC laid off how many people but John Jumper and Deb Alderson cashed in but Jumper still owns a fortune more than I imagined he owned....
"In other Leidos Holdings news, Director John P. Jumper sold 47,457 shares of the stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, November 5th. The shares were sold at an average price of $55.08, for a total transaction of $2,613,931.56. Following the transaction, the director now directly owns 191,028 shares in the company, valued at $10,521,822.24".
mayor bloomberg king of new york: John Jumper Not a Porn Star The SAIC CityTime Curse
FYI defense contractors screwing taxpayers aka over billing or stealing...
SAIC and other defense contractors just too greedy like Wall St banks heading the Nations to another implosion like a Wall St implosion.
John Jumper sounds like a porn star name and Jumper may be richer than a porno king because SAIC wanted Mr Clean as in clean up. Google John Jumper sex scandals links below he had to do cleaning on horrific Rape scandals.
Carl Bell's sentancing bell hasn't run it will soon mysterious delays in contrast to Denault long sentence and Technodyne crooks living large in India pretending they did no wrong.
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I've #justdonated to Help anti-poaching efforts in Tanzania in Memory of Capt Gower and all our Rangers Murdered and Our frontline in Africa protecting endangered Wildlife
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
I've #justdonated to Help anti-poaching efforts in Tanzania. Donate on @JustGiving and help raise £50,000… |
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Goal 50,000 Pounds in Memory hero Capt Roger Gower's honor murdered by poachers for anti poaching unit
He was murdered with AK47 save the life of this passenger died when he landed such a hero. Tanzania Africa murdered by a gang of cowardly poachers that kill elephants and wildlife and obviously people to so many hero Rangers have been killed and it must stop.
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Hero Capt Gower murdered by Elephant Poachers AK47 Saved Passenger's Life Before dying
![]() | Kirsty Wilkinson (@kirstywilkinson) |
#Law #Legal #SMM British pilot shot by elephant poachers in Tanzania 'saved passenger' before dying -... |
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3 men have been arrested in connection to his death
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3 arrested re: murder of hero pilot Capt Roger Gower killed w/ AK47 protecting Elephants from poachers Tanzania Africa
Read more:
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Severe pain in upper left part of Neck from Delita Hooks Dragging me pulling worse today
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
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Action For One of America's Abused Elephants Nosey Another Venue Confirms they Will NOT Host Nosey!
Google Nosey the elephant sign every petition tweet share.
Search Ringling Abuse of Elephants
Search US Zoos elephant abuse
USA elephant rides abuse
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Miracle Kittens Smurf and Wanda have a new Facebook page
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Kabale Youth Development by Ed Weigand - GoFundMe Uganda Please help!
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Okla. DOC deletes ex-cop Daniel Holtzclaw's inmate file like NYPD Erase Crimes Including Their Own
misogynistnyc: Giants' Jay Bromley accused of raping date, hitting her with car how many rapes violence erased?
@CommissBratton NYPD Detectives IAB erase how many crimes besides series committed against me including by PD?
@NYPDchaplains @CNN NYPD Detectives IAB erase how many crimes besides series committed against me including by PD?
@EricHolder NYPD Detectives IAB erase how many crimes besides series committed against me including by PD?…
@NYPDChiefofDept NYPD Detectives IAB erase how many crimes besides series committed against me including by PD?…
@NYPDDetectives @NYPDnews… Delita hooks: I will slap crap out of your ass omitted by Det Vergona DD5 vine surges
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Giants’ Jay Bromley accused of raping date, hitting her with car | New York Post
How many rapes go unreported including by NYPD officers how many acts of violence like the one I was victim of including verbal violence and threats by the NYPD are fixed made a racist by the NYPD and internal affairs and dirty DAs ADAs?
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Dr Andrew Fagelman Attack receptionist Delita Hooks "Vine" surges
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Suing NYPD City Have Court Date
By the way I got another search is Joe Tacopina married? He is so ugly in real life documented him walking up to me desperate for my attention and to me he looked grotesque like you had a hair weave in his face looks like it's been done and he looked at my legs like he's just always trying to come onto women it's disgusting I have to say my opinion?
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Kathryn Giallonardo has asked for your help to asking you to sign a petition to save this elephant
Kathryn Giallonardo has asked for your help to asking you to sign a petition to save this elephant
Kathryn Giallonardo has invited you to sign the petition:
"Your voice will make a difference. Sign the petition."
Sign the Petition to Inokashira zoo
Hanako the elephant, who is living in an unhappy environment
Sign the Petition or Read more about the petition
Kathryn Giallonardo and 2,268 others signed the petition
Causes, 548 4th St, San Francisco, CA 94107 United States · Privacy Policy
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Saturday, January 30, 2016
De Blasio, 15 City Hall staffers take vacation time help Hillary because NYC in great shape
De Blasio, 15 City Hall staffers take vacation time help Hillary because NYC in great shape + paid vacation days
Will NYers even notice he and staffers on vacation?
@unitedNYblogs is this like Bloomberg Quinn slush money to buy an illegal 3rd term, Bill trying to buy 2nd term?
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Capt Roger Gower shot dead AK47 elephant poachers Tanzania Africa
Mike Bosak NYPD's unofficial historian has tech trouble so his famous newsletter is on hold!
Stay tuned here is Mike quoted in NYDN.
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Poachers shot killed Capt Roger, helicopter pilot mission help Rangers find killers of an elephant at Maswa yesterday
@LazaroNyalandu: Capt Roger, a British national, was shot mid air by poachers AK47, managed to land his chopper but sadly died before his rescue last night
@LazaroNyalandu: Poachers shot and killed Capt Roger, a helicopter pilot who was on a mission to help Rangers find killers of an elephant at Maswa yesterday
CaptRoger's body was flown into Arusha early today, as those who killed him are still at large.Everything must done to bring them to justice
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NYPD up above Glad Blinds Down Bathroom
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
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Mayor de Blasio buying 2nd Term like Mike Bloomberg Christine Quinn did term limits
I'm not sure that de Blasio can buy a second term maybe my Bloomberg should think about buying a fourth term Hardy har har
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City and State Evan Siegfried Says City Council $112,500 benefits + pensions dangerously close to the Federal poverty level of $11,770 City Council Poverty?
City and State shame on you.
There is an old adage in New York City politics: The City Council could be lost at sea and city government would not suffer one bit. That legislative body is now poised to give itself a hefty raise, reportedly as high as a 32 percent bump, significantly more than what was recommended by a three-member, mayor-appointed commission. Clearly, members of the City Council are not being paid a livable wage – a paltry $112,500 plus benefits per year – dangerously close to the Federal poverty level of $11,770.
In November 2015, reports emerged that some members of the City Council were proposing a whopping 71 percent pay hike for themselves. City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, hardly a fiscal conservative, slammed this proposal as "ridiculous" and a poor use of taxpayer funds. Then in December, the city commission proposed a relatively moderate 23 percent pay hike. Naturally, nobody in the City Council protested this raise.
Apparently, the City Council feels that not all public employees deserve similar rewards. Remember, this same Council declined to give police officers and firefighters a boost in their equal disability benefits on the grounds that it was fiscally irresponsible. It is also the same Council that recently urged City Hall to find budget savings across each city agency, despite the Council increasing its own spending. It seems the City Council is only concerned with exercising fiscal restraint as long as their salaries aren't at stake.
Sources within the City Council have said that these pay increases will include reforms to outside income and ethics. It seems remarkably counterintuitive that a pay raise will be required in order to get these necessary reforms passed. Shouldn't the two things be done separately? The message to New Yorkers from the City Council is, "In order for us to behave ethically, we want you to give us more money."
At a time when many city residents are struggling to make ends meet, it behooves the City Council to reconsider their fiscal priorities.
Tony Moraco SAIC Leidos 10 Billion Lockhead Amnesia CityTime NSA Trailblazer?
I exclusively reported Denault sued SAIC and they have to pay his bills including appealing the appeal. SAIC guilty pre Denault CityTime - Valchich's letter proof. He lawyers up and his common law wife quiet as a Mouse... Preet like everyone nYc Gov and top brass SAIC walk.
Bloomberg and Patti Harris employed family members and friends NYC Gov tech along with everyone.
SAIC morphed like Madonna and Lady Gaga in to new "face" but really clever tax shelter dirty dealings to get around SAIC's massive list of scandals????
Mike Bloomberg city council DOITT DEpt of investigation let SAIC over bill 700 million and hewlett-Packard another another military defense contractor contractor who had to do "da splits" joke split for same reasons.
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
NYPD Fix crime stats like crime is down except subways too many to erase NYPD’s unprecedented plan to stop rampant subway crime
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
East Village slasher blames victim like all violent liars do
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
#NYPD have quotas
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Friday, January 29, 2016
GODS IN SHACKLES - A Film To End Elephant Slavery please donate money to support film I did!
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Gave my seat to Mom w/ tiny baby
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Watch Delita Hooks remove DC her keys which had already hit me because they would hinder her goal to do a running punched in my left eye make me a hole in my retina
Brooklyn Battle for Greenspace by water v developers
Kaavan Abused elephant has spent last 30 years in chains sign petition
Chained up and depressed - this is no way for him to live.
Save Kaavan the Elephant
Want to save an aging elephant from a truly miserable life?
Elephants are incredibly smart, emotional animals. They feel joy and camaraderie—and they can also feel extreme grief and depression.
Kaavan was still a baby elephant when he was taken from his mother and placed in the Islamabad, Pakistan Zoo. For the past 30 years, Kaavan has lived in a small concrete enclosure with all four legs chained. These chains have left deep gashes on his feet and legs. He bobs his head from side to side—a behavior known as "weaving", displayed by elephants to express despair and depression.
This is no way for animals to live.
In the wild, elephants roam up to 30 miles each day. They are social animals, and isolation is incredibly harmful to them. Kaavan has lived his entire life as a prisoner - it's time to give him the medical attention and love that he so desperately needs.
That's why super-activist Sue L. started her petition on Care2. Will you stand with her against animal cruelty to help save Kaavan?
Thank you for making a difference.
Angie L.
The Care2 Petitions Team
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