https://youtu.be/RGRZkQujVI0 audio NYPD Det SEX CRIMES SVU lying to me I was not sexually assaulted. ADA Savur confirmed I was and said he would get back to me after speaking to Joan Illuzzi Siobhan Berry but again the DA gave my case involving Dr F's office the Jeffrey Epstein teflon treatment...below is a tweet pinned to my twitter acct Suzannahbtroy audio NYPD 01 precinct PO Magori lies to me I cannot report Delita Hooks false cross complaint turns me away! Look up NYPost NYPD Lt Yael Magori look up NYDN NYPD Eugene Schatz facebook pals w/ nypd det andrew Deter Nypd john vergona (Schatz 1st cop I reported to Internal Affairs years later fired https://www.50-a.org/officer/Q2FK look up NYPD Lt Angelo Burgos and all cops I sued) Eric Adams like de Blasio Mike Bloomberg administration devoted to covering up crimes in my case, preventing Victims from reporting sexual assault as audio evidence from my case, CityTime corruption on going 1 ex NYPD Sex Crimes Lt Lamboy stole O/T #Rape cases, etc Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) 3/4/18, 12:47 PM ⁦‪@NYPDONeill‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDChiefofDept‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDFIRSTDEP‬⁩ ⁦‪@TheIACP‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDnews‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDDetectives‬⁩ ⁦‪@MjrCitiesChiefs‬⁩⁦‪@NYPDChiefPatrol‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYCPBA‬⁩⁦‪@MarcSantia4NY‬⁩ ⁦‪@NYPDCT‬⁩youtu.be/syrc3ncHFTI ask PC O’Neill, Bratton, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Esposito, Banks, Lt Gannon about audio Sgt Chen PO Magori prevent me from reporting Delita Hooks false cross complaint lying I am not from DA or a det. so I am not allowed to report the crime! #NYPD Lies! 2020 update: http://misogynistnyc.blogspot.com/2015/03/racism-misogyny-dumbcuntlives-matter.html?m=1 After all these years I finally found something I didn't know I had a photograph of the tweet that may be from NYPD or someone connected to the NYPD a racist misogynist telling me my life doesn't matter and I got what I deserved because I defend Black People!


7/4/22 NO JUSTICE YET update: Like Eric Garner I began pro se Mike Bloomberg Ray Kelly, Campisi era,prayers for KALIEF BROWDER, the ABUSE OF POWER even in the 50-H see Netflix series on Kalief, my 2nd 50-H under de Blasio asked am I mentally ill but under Bloomberg the lawyer admitted I may have money coming to me, the corruption, discrimination on going...all (note an email sent to me alleges DrF assaulted a mentally ill woman brushed off by NYPD whom she reported to the DOJ! Irony, NYPD (even the NYPD that are actually arrested for rape, etc) passed their psych evals,Dr F Hippocratic Oath all involved I including lawyers like I allege Joe TACOPINA have taken oaths they violated + broke laws or a party to crimes my civil rights VIOLATED? TO ALL DENIED JUSTICE, EVERY ONE US IGNORED as they commit MORE crimes even chronically lying in court my case legal fraud Hooks' threatening letter withheld(how did she get my name?)...see Joel Berger "Reform NYPD" NE law journal calling for RICO! NYPD 1PP IA DA etc goal CONCEAL MORE CRIMES plain sight; if you ignore me you are doing their work for them, our civil rights violated even human rights violated in our cases? I agreed to be false arrested if I did not drop charges with a hole in my retina! I feared a possible 2nd sexual assault at the precinct as described by Eric Garner in his hand written lawsuit. I had emergency surgery Friday for my retina so Saturday 4pm 10/20/12 I did drop charges fearing more crimes more harm...and there has been...https://jamesoneillpcnyc.blogspot.com/2022/07/july-4-2022-moving-some-of-my-statement.html COPY PASTE READ MY STATEMENT! FY: I HAVE AUDIOS SEX Crimes, 01,DA, IA, FALSIFIED POLICE REPORTS, EMAIL G-D SEES ALL 10/16/12 PROOF NYPD VERGONA LIED FEDERAL appellate he DIDN'T KNOW I am a JEW!FALSE ARREST ME ON SABBATH *SCROLL WAY DOWN for blogs posts...index on right..., to read:"about me" scroll down,:you will see I was published in many NY newspapers until I became a critic, I donated my white blood cells, NY Blood center told me: to a child fighting non-Hodgkin's cancer and a Hispanic male fighting lymphoma I didn't ask race religion their politics or even wonder do I like them or not but I was targeted at an MD office Google Dr Fagelman assault YouTube - I didn't start filming till I was given the finger, after being yelled at that I have no rights! I had to get surgery on my retina from the attack, no one was fired or arrested but even MORE crimes were committed... NYPD detectives w/ lt Angelo Burgos falsified police reports + corrupt NYPD bosses MORE THAN CROSSED an ETHICAL LINE, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O'Neill, Shea etc with Internal Affairs, Corporation Counsel party cheat lie win legal FRAUD WITHHELD DELITA HOOKS LTR THREAT TO ME while citing KUBY ltr case closed even though series violent threats, emergency surgery Retina from attack, keep case closed on going etc discrimination against me (and others chronically) + I allege policy of discrimination dubbed NYPD 's "Round Robin" + Chief Banks Lt Gannon: NYPD POLICY CAN'T upgrade crimes (they erased) when suing! Read Joel Berger Reform NYPD (enablers) article NE Law Journal) and I ALLEGE James Toomey Travelers his "team" decided like City of NY, like Howard Rubenstein was hired by Jeffrey Epstein to trash victims, OUR LIVES don't have value and the rich powerful and or "connected" must be protected.
"NYC is My Community" CPR on NYC's Heart Soul! The People reclaim NYC Our Rights! Peace to the Streets! Permanent New Commission NYPD IAB DA Corruption! I sued
Pro Se like Eric Garner I have new evidence! NYPD IA DA Cy Vance top brass guilty like they protected Lt Lamboy Sex Crimes Unit including CUNT threat to turn tables on me NYPD IA acted on ! After 4yrs pro se 4/22/2018 I need lawyer to sue + class actions victims unite! Suebe1art@aol.com NYPD Coerced me to drop charges or go to jail with a hole in my retina Saturday false arrest for Dr Fagelman's savagely VIOLENT LYING receptionist Delita Hooks running punch to my eye grabbing my hair trying to drag me down the hall by my hair damaging my neck not fired or arrested I agreed to false arrest 10/16/12 immediate than CORRUPT LIAR Det John Vergona changed my false arrest date to Sat 10/20, 2012 4PM IAB let him +his supervisor retire! https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=dh9TedhfthE !http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/Mike Might Not Win - look at date!When the Community Board Does NOTHING,You Can Do Something see photo of Alfredo & I on Speed Bump I got for Anna Silver School https://m.youtube.com/user/Suzannahartist follow my channel! Recogntion: The NYTimes !!! I ask for 1 billion $ x 3 RICO from SAIC look at date CityTimeURGENT 911 Tech System ECTP Criminal Investigation Needed!
Mayor Bloomberg shouted down Aug. 20, 2012 911 Tech Corruption 911 aka ECTP & CityTime! Look bottom of blog!

About Suzannah Troy, suebe1art@aol.com

My photo
Passionate letters published in The Financial Times re: Lucien Freud, my art and women's issues, The Wall St. Journal"Betrayal at Ground Zero", The Chief, The New York Times (9),Crains "NYU's Logo should be a dorm with a dollar", The New York Sun, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Metro, AMNY, The Village Voice "Carbon Copy" letter of the week, Newsday, Jerusalem Post, my blog mentioned New York Mag Intelligencer neighborhood watch. Got speed bumps for Anna Silver School & doors for women's bathroom Tompkins. Donated my white blood cells twice to help a little girl fight Non-Hodgkins & man w/Lymphoma. Two hour process & you can only do it 12 x in your life. Too worn out to donate now. Way back Liz Smith mentioned me & my favorite zen quote "Live each moment as if your hair is on fire." which means live in the moment like it is your last aka live life passionately! I am really proud to say I have run 2 New York City Marathons!!! Also to have done volunteer work with pre-school handicap children at Rusk. NYTimes My YouTube work 1) Giuseppi Logan’s Second Chance 2)Mysterious Mr. Rechnitz

Monday, August 31, 2015

White supremacist found guilty of Jewish center murders | New York Post


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Amy Low Sodium Mexican added Hot Peppers and Cooked Portobello Mushrooms in coconut oil added Paprika and Cayanne pepper

Friend Tells me 3 Appellate Judges Opened by Stating they Believe Me re NYPD Internal Affairs coercion lying corruption threats post Attack at Dr Andrew Fagelman's by Delita Hooks

Suzannah B. Troy artist: Judges Guido Calabresi, Reena Raggi, Richard Wesley Oscar Winning Performance Acted like their cared they are fakers that ultimately Protected Ray Kelly NYPD Egregious Acts Including Coercion Lying in Police Reports Threating Me Protect Judge Nathan 1 Example why NYC maybe Heading Towards Riots?

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NYPD Ray Kelly Charle Campisi lawyer admits I was treated egregiously and now with my mother knowing this she's now experiencing dizziness as I fear she moves closer to dying from Parkinson's plus as my dad a World War II veteran who respected Ray Kelly until I told them ready Kelly defended egregious and criminal activity by the NYPD threatening me committing the crime of coercion lying and police reports my father died knowing that I wish I could tell dad his lawyer now admitted in front of three judges I was treated egregiously

My mom is now experiencing dizziness her decline is sharp and scary I fear I may lose my mother but if he she knew what my father did not have the luxury of hearing that Ray Kelly's lawyer has now taken a stand against what Ray Kelly defended which is coercion violence lying in police reports threatening me and although the police don't want to admit it it's clear proof and evidence that I was threatened with a false cross complaint and the reason the judges didn't rule in my favor as they claim I didn't present the evidence but what I know for a fact is they didn't allow me to present the evidence I am pro se and I did my best considering the trauma doll I'm going threats even as I try to present my case including an appellate court.

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Rudin Greed no trauma level 1 hospital but small concrete park

Ray Kelly Book Ego Heading NYC Towards Riots?

The biggest crowd ever seen in the history of New York protesting the NYPD wonder Ray Kelly!

Now his ego raging out-of-control is commenting on Eric Garner as if he doesn't know about Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit under the KKK Ray Kelly regime where the NYPD were sexually violating black man in Eric's case anally and in public and he alleges planting drugs that they planted drugs on him as a form of retaliation!  They said Mr. Garner we know who you are the parks department should not be employing you. You are a felon.  

Eric Garner was systematically harass under KKK Ray  Kelly but he neglected to put Ray Kelly's name on the love seat and was thrown out simply because he did not update his address with the court. 

No one wants riots but I fear we could be heading towards that with corrupt judges protecting corrupt police and corrupt internal affairs dirty DAs and media that is silencing news stories to protect Ray Kelly who does them fixing in favors is what I hear.   I have witness retired NYPD commander trying to fix it ticket for a Bill Rudin flunky -- the NYPD are owned like a cheap piece of candy and Ray Kelly set that standard.  

Ray Kelly accepted free rides for him and his wife and what else did take should not have.  

Ray Kelly and is NYPD are the most sued in the history of the City and probably the country.  

He did crush occupy Wall Street it was powerful how easy it was to shut them down because it all depends it on one little piece of geography any crush the movement but also violated all the constitutional rights and he got the Manhattan DA Cy Vance to join in the false prosecution of the most protesters ever in the history of our country if you add up the Republican convention and occupy Wall Street.

It appears more and more that the police are run like the mafia but it's done out in the open.  Eric Holder failed us and clearly we need a new commission into NYPD Internal Affairs and DA corruption as well as special prosecutor's including from my case.  Need to testify in front of the U.S. Senate to change federal laws to hold the police including internal affairs and DAs accountable.  

Because of my feelings and what I've written and trying to actually make people aware we need a new commission Ray Kelly's retaliated against me and his own lawyer has called the behavior of his defendants egregious.

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or  in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and  political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected?  DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest.    

Eric Garner was pro se meaning he did his own lawsuit himself without  lawyer see it below in his own handwriting and if the court had just gone out of their way just a little to help him said no to update his address maybe he'd be alive today.  In his case in my case NYPD internal affairs the City of New York is clearly very wrong. 

Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.  
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.  

John Lui requested criminal investigation of 911 ECTP.  Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911 Tech crooks. https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/245413371 this is 1 of 2 press releases - the other is called CityTime 2.  
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?

Sent from my iPhone

Judges Guido Calabresi, Reena Raggi, Richard Wesley Oscar Winning Performance Acted like their cared they are fakers that ultimately Protected Ray Kelly NYPD Egregious Acts Including Coercion Lying in Police Reports Threating Me Protect Judge Nathan 1 Example why NYC maybe Heading Towards Riots?

Judges Guido Calabresi, Reena Raggi, Richard Wesley Oscar Winning Performance Acted like their cared --  complete phonies my opinion --

Update 3pm  friend explained that the judge is actually stated they believe me but the evidence but I now I've had four judges who wouldn't look at the evidence I'm appreciative they believe me because I am telling the truth and I have evidence to back it up but Judge Nathan wouldn't give me subpoena power but the NYPD Internal Affairs own defense attorney gave the judges and police reports where NYPD Det Vergona and Lt Burgos lied.  If they watched and read Det Vergona DD5 and Delita False cross complaint they would be arrested.

IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell read me and showed me Delita Hooks signed letter threating me to her NYPD fixers.

Ray Kelly's lawyer told they 3 appellate judges I was treated  egregiously yet these judges somehow figured out that could be done without violating my constitutional rights and note  I had a hole in my retina from the attack damage to both eyes and my neck so imagine that with egregious treatment from the police department and internal affairs 

and the only way these 3  appellate judges came to this decision is not looking at the evidence I directed them to  and as a pro se litigant  they really should've taken the time and energy but instead they rushed - they saw Aug 21 Friday afternoon and ruled on and mailed me their decision on Tuesday  that was one day!   They  threw it out to protect police corruption in my opinion  judges don't want to overtime judges  so basically this court is a fake court where they take your money and they're basically not overturned judges?

 I was told getting your case overturned in appellate court is like winning the lottery so it seems like a fake operation where they just take your money In my opinion?

There are no nameplates I was never given their names I was never given a list of who is appearing that day and where I was on the slot and what were the name of the judges and it didn't matter because they're big phonies they walk in like the royalty they leave like the royalty and they protected corruption.   Theyvdidn't listen to me and they didn't listen to Ray Kelly's lawyer admit guilt!!!!

Their defense is that my constitutional rights I didn't prove they were violated and how could I without subpoena power without them actually looking at the evidence which they didn't do?

they are fakers that ultimately Protected Ray Kelly NYPD Egregious Acts Including Coercion Lying in Police Reports Threating Me Protect Judge Nathan 1 Example why NYC maybe Heading Towards Riots?

Judge Allison Nathan to cowardly to even meet with me just like all the corrupt NYPD internal affairs officers involved except for internal fair Sergeant Mary O'Donald who's either so shockingly stupid or amoral she doesn't even know what she's done wrong eating me my attacker sign letter she showed it to me that has an open threat to me a warning not to come forward and contact the police again she read that to me that's how shockingly stupid or corrupt she is.  

The Court Clerk Catherine O'Hagan Wolfe in my opinion also corrupt -  prevented me from sharing documents including my lawsuit suing my attacker Delita Hooks all the physical damages she did to a hole in my retina, floaters in both eyes damage to my neck but the key thing also is I sue her for libel and slander or the libel is first sign letter she wrote to the police threatening me as well as the false cross-complaint that she told the police.  The lawsuit also states I fear for my safety.  Jonathan Popolow  not so much wrong in his motion to dismiss my case including that I did not sue her or the doctor I just never served her and the doctor got served July 9 along with others.

 It doesn't seem to matter it's like a full-court press the justice in justice system protecting police corruption and for doing further harm to victims of violence and abuse by the police And internal affairs my opinion - oh yeah this Odin opinion blog.  

For now Protestor peaceful and I've posted YouTubes people caring banners attacking our justice system which is a fraud people caught the end justice system 

--  Ray Kelly his NYPD are perhaps the most sued and he is the most suit perhaps in the entire country --

Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit the  media will not allow you to read this was under Ray Kelly and I wish you could put Ray Kelly's name on it.  Read that and it underscores the moniker KKK Ray.  

Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today. 

Pro Se People like Eric Garner and I are up against in my opinion corrupt judges protecting corrupt.  If we finally had towards riots it's the Police Department's fault it's internal affairs fault it's every agency that supposed to police the police but doesn't its political government leaders that did nothing when they should've and it's judges that protected police corruption like in my case.   

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or  in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and  political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected?  DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest.    

Eric Garner was pro se meaning he did his own lawsuit himself without  lawyer see it below in his own handwriting and if the court had just gone out of their way just a little to help him said no to update his address maybe he'd be alive today.  In his case in my case NYPD internal affairs the City of New York is clearly very wrong. 

Sent from my iPhone

CityTime Crime Exclusive NYC Tax Payers Owed Mega Millions by Spherion Says Whistle Blower!

Contractor being sued over its alleged mismanagement of CityTime project wants lawsuit transferred | Legal News Line http://legalnewsline.com/stories/510635457-contractor-being-sued-over-its-alleged-mismanagement-of-citytime-project-wants-lawsuit-transferred

Contractor being sued over its alleged mismanagement of CityTime project wants lawsuit transferred

 46  0  1  110
NEW YORK (Legal Newsline) - A company that was tasked with monitoring the overhaul of New York City’s timekeeping system has requested that a whistleblower’s lawsuit filed against it over two former employees’ alleged fraud be transferred to a New York federal court.

Defendant SFN Group Inc., formerly known as Spherion Corp., filed its notice of removal to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York last week.

Plaintiff Vinrod Khurana brought his original complaint on behalf of the State of New York and City of New York in March 2011. The lawsuit, filed under seal, named a group of defendants, including SFN.

The company argues that the lawsuit belongs in federal court because it is a qui tam action, with neither the state or city being a party.

In addition, SFN notes that the case is an action under the New York State False Claims Act for damages allegedly sustained by the city and Khurana.

Specifically, Khurana alleges that SFN billed the City of New York an estimated $48 million in connection with the CityTime project. He also alleges that “any claims for payment that [SFN Group] made to the city between 2004 and 2010.. were false claims subject to treble damages and pre-claim penalties pursuant to the New York State False Claims Act.”

Khurana also seeks two times back-pay from the date of his alleged termination of his employment in 2007 through the conclusion of the CityTime project in 2010, plus special damages including his attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses.

“The total amount of damages sought in the Second Amended Complaint therefore exceeds $75,000,” SFN wrote in its seven-page notice, filed Aug. 20.

Khurana, a San Francisco resident, is a former employee of Spherion.

In July 2004, Spherion hired Khurana, who has more than 20 years of experience as a computer systems analyst, as a consultant/load tester on the CityTime project.

According to court documents, starting in late 2010, New York City’s attempted overhaul of its timekeeping system ground to a halt amid the discovery of “rampant, pervasive” fraud that tainted “nearly every corner” of the project.

Over the next three years, New York City investigators -- and the public -- would come to find out that a small group of individuals had turned the CityTime project into their own personal bank account, creating a network of shell corporations to deceive the city about the development of the software while kicking back tens of millions of dollars into their own pockets.

At the heart of the fraud were two men -- Mark Mazer and Scott Berger -- who, according to court documents, were largely responsible for developing and implementing what has been deemed “one of the worst, if not the worst, financial crimes against the city.”

Mazer and Berger, according to Khurana’s complaints, became involved in the project as the direct result of Spherion, the contractor tasked with monitoring the development of the software.

Spherion treated Mazer and Berger as its employees. According to Khurana’s complaints, they were considered by those on the job site to be the “face” of Spherion.

Khurana worked for Spherion, on the project, until being terminated -- without any explanation, he alleges -- in May 2007.

He contends his termination followed his “many attempts” to warn his superiors about the poor testing results of the CityTime software and that the project could not function.

According to Khurana’s complaints, Spherion fired him immediately after he alleged to his colleagues that Mazer and Berger were engaged in wrongdoing related to the operation of the project.

Khurana, in his second amended complaint filed in New York Supreme Court in July, contends Spherion should be held responsible for its “undeniable and critical role” in the damage caused by the two men.

“By hiring Mazer and Berger, Spherion assumed responsibility for their conduct on the contract -- both by basic tenants of respondeat superior and by the specific obligations set forth in the contract between Spherion and the City of New York Office of Payroll Administration,” he wrote.

“Spherion submitted claims and collected millions of dollars from New York City on behalf of Mark Mazer and Scott Berger alone. Yet, while Mazer and several of his co-conspirators are serving lengthy prison sentences for their abhorrent and unapologetic fraud, Spherion Corp. so far has escaped liability.”

Khurana continued, “Had Spherion exercised proper authority and oversight over its employees, had it put in place any safeguards to monitor for fraud by its own employees, and had it not turned a blind eye when confronted with suspicions of Mazer and Berger’s conduct, the massive fraud perpetrated on the City of New York could have been avoided completely or at least stopped years earlier than it ultimately was.”

From Legal Newsline: Reach Jessica Karmasek by email at jessica@legalnewsline.com.

Oh dear Juan Gonzalez is on vacation so I guess no one's going to report this story?

CityTime Crime Exclusive NYC Tax Payers Owed Mega Millions by Spherion Says Whistle Blower!

This is a major story and there's a lot of money I would say easily over 1 billion between CityTime and 911 tech crime alone the tax payers are owed but will anyone with integrity ever pursue getting that money back?

I remember New York Post editors would not let a key reporter report Denault sued SAIC and won. The Village Voice reporter took my exclusive but didn't credit me. Vinod is my facebook friend and he posted this on facebook and also posted a comment giving me the go ahead to run with this. He even alleges one of his managers at Spherion committed suicide but ultimately that the people of New York were robbed yet again with Spherion not having to payback the city and he believes the oath somewhere between 50 and $150 million. Under Bloomberg I was alerted by other whistleblowers with the city was owed money by many contractors subcontractors on CityTime and 911. I know I wasn't the only ones be contacted with this news I'm just glad now the story is out. I'll be interesting to see if The New York Times near dealing using New York Post kill this news too save murdered more stories than a serial killer protecting Mike Bloomberg and Ray Kelly's more than tarnished legacies.

I know from different sources stealing was rampant out-of-control even more so for 911 which went over budget over $1 billion in the lead contractor Hewlett-Packard was delivering late in delivering crap and FYI today the second command center I believe is still not up all these years later and the backup is still one police Plaza and set it for 50 million dollar plus back up unit!!!

That is not news and would be a huge embarrassment for Bloomberg and Ray Kelly the NYPD's role in 911 is egregious and that's understating it considering Ray Kelly appointed chief chuck does but no tech experience but was court fixing crimes like me being Savage the assaulted a doctor Andrew fagelman and the same internal affairs that fix it for him and Ray Kelly fixed it in my case line blaming police reports.

Aug 21 2015 Ray Kelly and head up internal affairs under Ray Kelly their lawyer admitted Front of three apologizes that but the cops and internal affairs off the hook I was treated egregiously so my question is in America can we get justice in court or is it just them taking on our money and putting in their bank accounts as a protects corruption?

Is more newspaper going to pick the story up in New York City? Probably not because the NYPD control press passes in the editors kill stories for their owners that are friends with Mike Bloomberg and then one fixing in favors from Ray Kelly?

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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Pain exercise helps rock tape helps wearing a removable cast helps

The lateral leg compartment below my knee that's your peroneaus muscles are so unbelievably sore and wearing a cast helps with the Achilles tendon pain also the pain in my peroneal -- had really bad pains in my hip especially my right hip's a lot of pain and I have to say exercise really helps with the pain...

Really tired.

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Police commissioner: 2 people shot when ‘things went awry’ during NYPD probe


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Trauma Ray Kelly NYPD IA DA MD violence lies leave my iPhone

I can tell you firsthand Ray Kelly and Bill Bratton have no integrity and Ray Kelly is the biggest fraud there is he's really an awful awful evil person and I was telling some people that at this rate we're going to have riots thanks to Ray Kelly and government agencies not police and the police and even judges it looks like protest will just get even bigger and they were huge underrate Kelly anyway was so upset I left my iPhone in a really kind good so I made sure that I got it just in shock and stunned i'm in Chelsea having breakfast then I left my iPhone but a good soul proceed mean gave it to me.

Ray Kelly's own lawyer admitted I was treated egregiously.

Even Nazis hiding in South America where eventually caught in their old age and if that's what it takes that will be what happens to expose waterfront Ray Kelly is

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or  in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and  political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected?  DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest.    

Eric Garner was pro se meaning he did his own lawsuit himself without  lawyer see it below in his own handwriting and if the court had just gone out of their way just a little to help him said no to update his address maybe he'd be alive today.  In his case in my case NYPD internal affairs the City of New York is clearly very wrong. 

Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit from 7 years ago -- it gives new meaning to it stops today.  
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist  DA.  

When I yelled down Cy Vance on his misogyny I did not know yet about the intern in his office and also about Jeffrey Epstein that he would have an ADA asked to lower Jeffrey Epstein sex predator status.  

John Lui requested criminal investigation of 911 ECTP.  Cy Vance refused to prosecute 911 Tech crooks. https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/245413371 this is 1 of 2 press releases - the other is called CityTime 2.  
Title 18.subsection 242.conspiring of rights.which is a felony that can land that detective behind bars for ten years. I was sent this -- is this applicable to Det John Vergona and his partner, Det Andy Dwyer his partner, supervisor Lt Angelos Burgos, supervisor Sgt Chen and all involved including in Internal Affairs?

Sent from my iPhone

I didn't get Delita Hooks False Cross Complaint until middle of my lawsuit but I still feel my opinion political judges protect police corruption

I am filing a new lawsuit against City of NY NYPD Internal Affairs --  The judges did not look at the video evidence I'm going to actually take video grabs from the attack by Dr. Andrew Batemans violent mind receptionist and put them in and then also make sure I put in the audio of the please turning me away as a script if that's what it takes...  

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or  in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and  political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected?  DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest.    

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Fan Dies After Falling from Upper Deck at Turner Field, Reportedly While Shouting at Alex Rodriguez



Sounds Iike a horror movie. A-Rod's luck devilish but perhaps he and his ex-lawyer an ex super lawyer Joe Tacopina will get sued and held accountable for less than ethical behavior.
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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says Harrods are letting police spy on him | Daily Mail Online


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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Bystander fatally shot during NYPD bust in Mount Vernon | abc7ny.com


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Kyle Jean-Baptiste, Actor Who Made History in Broadway's 'Les Misérables,' Dead at 21 - NBC News


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City Lawyer Admits was treated egregiously yet three judges threw out my case in the matter of three days I'm just stunned and shocked

I'm just stunned I was attacked violated the woman who attacked me committed a series of crimes and so far the NYPD and internal affairs jointly where able to sneak out of taking responsibility the only victory I have is that their lawyer admitted in court I was treated egregiously.

I'm just shocked I asked the judges said go back and look at the evidence and they couldn't be bothered.

I understand why they caught the injustice system.

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Pain Killers From Neck MD after Savage Attack by Delita Hoos Dr Fagelman Took last night

I'm going to work out today just to be with the group I'm knocking to do everything the group does but I just want to be with the group participate Joy I'm taping up my body with a lot of Rock Tape my neck my Achilles. I really hurt and it hurts and I went to a doctors office and was violated and heard more really wrong and today they're so evil they refused to take responsibility the abusers have never taken responsibility but at least the lawyer for the NYPD Internal Affairs has admitted in front of three judges August 21, 2015 I was treated egregiously so that's a step in terms of the city of New York

Friday, August 28, 2015

Pain Achilles, neck, hip exhaustion

After the attack at the doctors by the violent liar hurt my neck and my neck doctor gave me painkillers I rarely take them but tonight I'm taking one my neck hurts my right hip hurts my right leg hurts and Achilles is killing me

I am really feeling burnt out and tired...

Be back soon...

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Life Lessons From the NYPD’s Top Hostage Negotiator My thoughts He is The Real Deal vs Corrupt Cops current retired fixing favors like a Las Vegas Casino


Thank you for your service.   Sad to say I have been suing Ray Kelly and Charles Campisi for years now - they defended coercion, threats  and even lying in police reports so it was incredible Friday, August 21, 2015 to hear their lawyer admit before 3 judges  I was treated egregiously.   It's not enough city has not done enough in my case and how many others to heal but this is a very nice story to read and I believe you're the real deal.

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or  in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and  political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected?  DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest.    

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I Fell Switching Mom's Wheelchair

Mom is in worse shape.   I fell dealing with switching wheelchairs getting the transport chair to take Mom out.  

I am exhausted.   Extreme exhaustion. 

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine

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Free Mohan Elephant Abused India Sign Petition

Repost - extreme exhaustion - PTS and visiting Mom who is not well slowly dying from Parkinson's Plus.  Please sign the petition to free Mohan.  Go to youtube watch videos.  
Stop tortue camps in India!!!!!

Join makes donations to WWF, David Sheldrick Foundation or any animal org you like.
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ps See Dr Andrew Fagelman's crazy violent lying receptionist try to beat me Tia pulp.   From this trauma and than NYPD IA DA lies abuse developed intense love and focus on elephants.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em
please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  

Free Mohan Sign Petition Urge India to Stop The Abuse

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Ray Kelly NYPD IA Lawyer Tells 3 Appellate Judges I was treated egregiously after a running punch to my head at Dr Andrew Fagelman's

Delita Hooks is a violent liar and she has the protection of her employer what does that tell you about him?  The Ray Rice of reception desks  A hole in my retina from a running punch to my eye and grabbing my hair jerking my had created tons of floaters in both eyes I was trying to understand why I was having vision problems as I was being threatened by the NYPD forced to drop charges against my will or spend a weekend in jail at age 50.

Ray Kelly on record in the federal lawsuit defending police corruption the crime of course and verbal violence threats, fixing crime lying  dating there was no crime because I was threatened and forced to drop charges coercion using false arrest  on the Sabbath anti Semitism  I gather is OK if I'm not fabulously rich or fabulously well connected to a Hasdic Community  Ray Kelly insisted I serve corrupt detective  john Vergona  but his lawyer having to face three judges in the flash in person couldn't pretend anymore that the NYPD were just being rude Friday Aug 21 2105  Thurgood marshal appellate court 2nd Circuit Manhattan.

What was done to me at the doctors office was egregious but I was in appellate court confronting corruption verbal violence threats lying in police reports and the crime of coercion and I heard Ray Kelly's lawyer admit guilt that I was a victim of horrific terrible abuse by his clients he represents the city of New York Ray Kelly, Campisi Chief of internal affairs the NYPD internal affairs.   The city still refuses to admit my constitutional rights were violated and that there's actually a crime portion is a crime not a policing tool.   The NYPD fix crime like a Las Vegas casino.  I attacker was never arrested for assault second-degree, of false cross-complaint, and assign letter threatening me to her NYPD fixers yet again the call to prevent me from coming back and filing second-degree assault charges her letter is shockingly stupid lately threatening probably written by Joe Tacopina my guess and is a crime and she signed it!!!!

Mayor de Blasio, Bratton and Reznick did nothing  so they're going to be part of lawsuit number two.  The original federal judge  and the defense attorney  took pleasure in pointing out parts of the law that  I didn't apply so I'll be applying them against all the original defendants plus new defendants.  

In is motion to dismiss my appellate case he wrote that detective John Vergona was rude belittling what was actually criminal behavior threats verbal violence is wells lying in police reports along with internal affairs protecting criminal behavior by the NYPD.  

I waited almost 3 years for a five-minute oral argument in the five-minute oral argument change my life because I heard the truth not an apology not the city of New York willing to take responsibility but the truth that I was treated egregiously and I was at a doctors office and the NYPD then internal affairs and the city of New York still won't own up apologize and take responsibility, compensate me and take action against the NYPD Internal Affairs as well as the doctors office.  

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or  in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and  political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected?  DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest.    

I woke up on and off throughout the night 2 nights ago I had a bad dream involving NYPD and a retired cop.

Are there some good cops yes there are but they're too many that I've forgotten their oath or worse by relating it and even doing nothing but collecting a paycheck or involved in committing crimes like to crimes I was a victim of.

I also am moving mode unpacking and organizing so I'm still really exhausted and my mother is deteriorating so I just can't really do much blogging today.  

Thanks always for checking in on Monday I hope to have a pretty big story on 911 and the NYPD.  

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime.  Judge Alison Nathan either never bothered to Watch the YouTube which I referred to 24 times in the original lawsuit and had no interest giving me subpoena power or  in reading my attackers false cross complaint, watch the video; is she is as corrupt and  political as the dirty corrupt NYPD IAB she and the dirty DA protected?  DA admitted 2nd degree assault, she menaced me coming out from behind the closed off reception desk and her complaint false yet no arrest.    

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protest Mayor de Blasio's selling out NYC's carriage horses

NYC:  Please join activists on Friday nightAugust 28th for a solemn candle light vigil to remember and honor all the carriage horses in NYC and around the world who have suffered and died in this business.  

and to protest Mayor de Blasio's selling out NYC's carriage horses.  

Candles and posters provided. Please feel free to bring your own in case we run out.

WHERE:  Central Park South (59th St.) north side by Fifth Avenue
WHEN:  Friday August 28th at 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime. 

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fire damages multi-million dollar East Village apartment - NY Daily News


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Sharpton protege’s lawyers demand sealed file in rape case | New York Post


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Guard slain in SoHo attack remembered as ‘beautiful person’ | New York Post

Heart breaking tragic

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Violence Lies MD Office NYPD Internal Affairs Has Me Close to Home

I know there is a gathering tonight but I really couldn't go he was an activist significant meeting and there's a big protest coming towards the end of the year but I am traumatized extremely exhausted and I haven't even begun fully unpacking and organizing my new home I'm just thrilled I got my kitchen in gear and was able to cook vegetarian food and although it's a little freaky it's weird I'm dropping weights quickly which I gained dealing with years of the violence and lies was just a horrifying experience and to have a lawyer from corporate counsel New York City to own up that I was treated egregiously really helped.

please help go viral to shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB,  Cy Vance and ADAs involved thank you. 

Vid 4 second highlights Vine
https://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/173385168#fullscreen Delita Hooks false cross complaint I paid 15 dollars to get she walked in to 01 Precinct 2 days after me and committed yet another crime. 

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Canary Security very Cool love it police Fire connection to one police plaza

Crime isn't down I think we all know that one way or another and I was visiting the store talking to an owner and he had been robbed I asked him how it was going to crooks it actually left blood DNA and I noticed he had a Canary and I decided you know when I'm going to get one maybe two -- you want watch them on your iPhone --

their brand-new company and I decided to invest in them taking a discount on their premium plan which involves storage I love it I can see what's happening enjoy I just really love love it

At this time it does not connect to other applications which will probably come in the future but it's incredibly easy to set up and learn I just can't tell you how much I enjoy it love it and it's changed my life.

I want a Canary Bra or Canary Wear since the attack at Dr Andrew Fagelman's google Dr Fagelman assault and watch the  attack video.    Hint why video and audio so important.

I accidentally hit call the police or fire and it directly connected me to one please Plaza which was a little weird.

I asked if they have a special contract with the city and they said no.

Again it makes you wonder about the 911 Texas them over $1 billion over budget the first command centers in Brooklyn and the second supposed to be in the Bronx but for now it's been one please Plaza for years even though the second cost probably over $50 million by now.

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Williams-Sonoma Chelsea Manager JD & Larry My Kitchen Dreams

Williams-Sonoma Chelsea has made my kitchen dreams realized!!!!

I couldn't believe it was real true sincere a hundred percent sincere and these 2 amazing guys came over...such good people and I've begun realizing my dreams my first real kitchen is happening!!!!!!!!

They are so smart and kind and help me to begin organizing and figuring out what I need and after I brought home a bunch of pots that are green as in health-conscious, etc and I have to pick up more wonderful items next week but it's just so exciting!!!

I bought a spirallizer and they showed me how to take yellow squash and make it into swirly curly food which I cooked up in sesame oil with a little Williams-Sonoma garlic olive oil and fresh cut ginger it was so exciting!!!

I love Italian food but I've been going crazy with pastas and carbs so it's really exciting to learn how I can take vegetables and make them kind of pasta like without all the carbohydrates!

I i've just begun I haven't even completely unpacked and organized everything but is just so phenomenal and exciting!!!!

I have to say excellent excellent superb customer service the manager JD is so gracious and kind and Larry is just precious smart sincere from the heart a really good guy great insights from both of them.

As you know for the worst customer service the worst violent violence lies at a doctors I'm in the middle of legal actions Google Dr Fagelman Assault and watch his attack receptionist.

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Suzannah Troy Artist Shopping Arm the Animals for Mohan, Raju and India's Elephants + J. Crew David Sheldrick Foundation T-Shirts

I am suffering from PTS from a savage attack at Dr Andrew Fagelman's violence and lies and than the NYPD.  The NYPD's lawyer -- also for the City of NY admitted in court Friday I was treated egregiously but he refused to concede the NYPD Internal Affairs violated my constitutional rights which they did.  I am so exhausted and as I cope I focus on this passionate new love for the elephants and I pray Mohan is finally freed and doesn't die in the process and he can join Raju.  You can find videos on YouTube.


Suzannah Troy Artist Shoppings Arm the Animals Ragu, Mohan, J. Crew Elephants David Sheldrick Foundation wear urlove

You will be seeing me a lot wearing Arm the Animal T shirts to help save India's Elephants as well as J. Crew fabulous T shirts to save elephants where their funds and T-shirts honor David Sheldrick Foundation.

Arm the Animals T shirts for animals like the Elephant activist shirts go to fund raising too...



A-Rod Not Mr Ethical

@suzannahbtroy: @kingsthings @AROD A-Rod creatively cheating? Not mr ethical http://t.co/oe3HaeNGvc

Larry King isn't Mr Ethical either.

Lawsuit now this one is filed by brother-in-law's going to make holidays a little tense but underscores my point that Alex Rodriguez is not Mr. ethical any higher Joe Tacopina that's like hiring someone to lie on steroids.

@suzannahbtroy: @mlb A-Rod Not Mr Ethical A-Rod hired Joe Tacopina is that like paying for lying on steroids?  http://t.co/vfU8d6E7lb

NY Post Bratton Ray Kelly Right on Times Square but Ray Kelly Lawyer My Case Friday Points Out NYPD Treated me Egregiously

Read Eric Garner's hand written lawsuit under Ray Kelly to learn the truth about Ray Kelly and Friday in court his own lawyer admitted I was treated egregiously to 3 Appellate judges perhaps not away Ray Kelly's own lawyer told Judge Nathan and me that Ray Kelly defends what Friday his new lawyer in Appellate was called egregious abuses shockingly bad behavior.     Note Ray Kelly has a book coming out Friday and I am on the record stating like Lance Armstrong's book move to the fiction section.


The NY Post editors who I have openly called misogynists are part of the wave treating me like a Jew in the Early Stages of Nazi Germany.  There is no defense for the NYPD using Delita Hooks false cross complaint to threat me and for Internal Affairs not to report to the DA that Delita Hooks signed a letter agreeing to drop her false charges but with an open threat my guess penned by Joe Tacopina incredibly stupid THREATENING ME OPENLY TO THE NYPD YET AGAIN WARNING ME TO NOT COME BACK AND FILE ASSAULT CHARGES AGAINST HER OR ELSE SHE WILL FILE YET ANOTHER FALSE CROSS COMPLAINT AGAINST ME.  INTERNAL AFFAIRS SGT MARY O'DONNELL READ ME THIS LETTER AND SHOWED IT TO ME --SIGNED BY DELITA HOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ray Kelly's own lawyer admitted the NYPD treated me egregiously but he than turned to the 3 appellate judges in court and stated my Constitutional  rights were not violated.   I was in shock. I stood up and of course I said my rights were repeatedly violated and I was repeatedly turned away prevented from reporting a series of crimes and I have audio of Sgt Chen having me turned away when I try to report Delita Hooks false cross complaint and that his lawyer Rosemari Nam in Federal Court and Sgt Chen lied stating I was turned away because there was no assault but you can hear the phony reasons they give for having me turned away -- that I am not from the DA or a detective so they lied openly to Judge Nathan not that it mattered to her because she did not listen to the audio or give a damn.  Retired NYPD Capt Eterno told me the Sgt Chen should have not turned me away but taken the report and put it in both my file and Delita Hooks file.


RAY KELLY'S OWN LAWYER ADMITTED I WAS TREATED egregiously --- outstanding bad -- shocking and I am prepping for a 2nd lawsuit that will involved the fact RAY KELLY HAS ROSEMARI NAM TELL ME HE DEFENDS DET JOHN VERGONA SCREAMING AT ME  YOU ARE GOING TO DROP THOSE CHARGES OR I AM GOING TO ARREST YOU!  I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE TWO BLACK EYES -- HE DIDN'T KNOW WHICH EYE I WAS PUNCHED IN AND HE REFUSED TO MEET ME TO CLEAR UP HIS CONFUSION.  IRONIC BECAUSE I REFER THE JUDGES TO PUBLIC MEMBER MARKS OF THE NYP D (the only employee of the NYPD to meet with me from the 01) WHO WROTE DOWN THE CORRECT EYE AND TO DET JOHN VERGONA'S DD 5 A COMPLETE FABRICATION read it -- he removed the fact she verbally threatened me and attacked me which is in public member Marks police reports --- all submitted to me by Ray Kelly's lawyer Rosemari Nam and Judge Nathan had not bothered to watch the video and maybe has no idea how to read police reports or frankly didn't give a damn because she is a political judge more suited to be a college professor?   https://www.scribd.com/doc/220786318/NYPD-Detective-John-Vergona-lied-on-DD5-Internal-Affairs-Let-him-Retire-Despite-Coercing-me



My patient rights were being repeatedly violated and clearly Dr Fagelman and Delita Hooks did not know than or now about how patient rights include other MD's patients...scary to me that Dr Andrew Fagelman has no idea yet I have even had his patients tell me Delita Hooks behavior wrong.

NY Post Bratton Ray Kelly Right on Times Square but Ray Kelly Lawyer My Case Friday Points Out NYPD Treated me Egregiously 

A-Rod Sued by Scurtis Brother-in-law as lawsuits Pile up for A-Rod and Joe Tacopina?

The NY Daily News article on A-Rod getting sued by his brother-in-law is a must read with the actual lawsuit posted....   (How is A-Rod going to explain his cheating, lying, and now this to his girls?   My guess A-Rod still cheating some how some way below the radar because as this newest lawsuit hints A-Rod is far from ethical.  A-Rod hiring Joe Tacky Tacopina to lie and THREATEN --- the joe tacopina way which is why I believe my guess is  joe Tacopina  is involved in lies and threats in my case including ghost writing a letter to my attacker's NYPD fixers OPENLY THREATENING ME YET AGAIN AND MY ATTACKER Delita Hooks signed it. If it was Joe Tacopina coming from the infamous Charles Hynes office he knew the NYPD would protect that open threat and so did Internal Affairs!)   So far both Charles Hynes and Joe Tacopina have avoided facing grand juries....my case no grand juries...hmmmm.

What's next -- rumors in Italian papers are that Joe Tacopina's new sucker whoops biz partner Joey Saputo is growing disenchanted with Joe Tacopina as most folks who come to know him do....?

Will Saputo end up suing Joe Tacopina or will A-Rod sue Joe Tacopina or will A-Rod's ex coach include Joe Tacopina A-Rod's ex-super liar whoops sue lawyer?

Did Sarah Wallace and A-Rod fire Joe Tacky -0 Tacopina the NYPD Rape Cop who crowns his website with Abner Louima?   Do I call him Tacky-0 because of how many friends and biz partners and client's he has lost...????


A-Rod not Mr. Ethical 

@suzannahbtroy: @kingsthings @AROD A-Rod creatively cheating? Not mr ethical http://t.co/oe3HaeNGvc

@suzannahbtroy: @mlb A-Rod Not Mr Ethical A-Rod hired Joe Tacopina is that like paying for lying on steroids?  http://t.co/vfU8d6E7lb

Larry King isn't Mr Ethical either. 

Lawsuit now this one is filed by brother-in-law's going to make holidays a little tense but underscores my point that Alex Rodriguez is not Mr. ethical any higher Joe Tacopina that's like hiring someone to lie on steroids.

http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/i-team/yankees-a-rod-sued-miami-pitching-coach-collazo-article-1.2256794 t


Joe Tacopina having major "tension" with the many who holds the purse strings Joey Saputo in Bologna --- Joe looking for escape roots...?  If so his world is getting smaller because of his behaviors and poor sicko advice to A-Rod he is not welcome anywhere near any MLB stadium in the USA so Joe Tacopina a media whore addict is forced to sucker Italian soccer fans in Bologna?  Soon or later they will learn what how many already know he is full of bolognie.

Did Joe Tacopina commit a crime involved in crimes involving my case?  After almost 3 years the lawyer from corp counsel for the City of NY and representing the NYPD and Internal Affairs told 3 Appellate Judges looking directly at me I was treated EGREGIOUSLY!!!  Of course the city doesn't want to pay me so he went on to say my rights were not violated when in fact the NYPD committed the crime of coercion, lied on police reports, and Internal Affairs and even the DA I alerted protected them all.    I alerted Joan Illuzzi about Joe Tacopina possibly being the one responsible for a misogynist threat and witness tampering as well as aggravated harassment.

A-Rod Lance Armstrong and even Joe Tacopina not a world famous athlete or even well known compared to these guys super liars deny deny deny lie lie lie fall hard except with Joe Tacopina no one seems to no or notice?