Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Eddie Redmayne Will Win Oscar "Theory of Everything"
911 Dirty DAs City Hall NYPD Corruption 2014 Top Ten List Should Include NYPD Ramos Trial Fixing Favors Drugs
911 Dirty DAs City Hall NYPD Corruption 2014 Top Ten List Should Include NYPD Ramos Trial Fixing Favors Drugs
Bloomberg Ray Kelly are part of the corruption list this year....surprise! Charles Hynes, Vito Lopez, Cy Vance, NYPD, and more check it out...
Thanks for your support of this blog...please keep sending me info.
Best to you!!!!
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Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Running Punch to Patient's Eye Hole in Retina NYPD Fixed 200,000 + Views YouTube
NYU Langone, Beth Israel, any MD, any nurse any person who understands right from wrong Delita Hooks yelled at me from behind a long closed off desk that I had no rights -- who am I. Well actually I do have rights -- as a patient even more. She PROVOKED me first to try and get help and Dr Vine did finally get to me but after I was used as a human piñata.
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Running Punch to Patient's Eye Hole in Retina NYPD Fixed 200,000 + Views YouTube
Joan Illuzi told me she would not prosecute Delita Hooks for her false cross complaint. They were looking at 2nd degree assault and menacing. I made the ADAs aware she also threatened me in a signed letter.
Note: I filed out the form and the very bottom has the violent liar Delita Hooks police report. She is such a violent liar empowering by Dr Andrew Fagelman and a group of dirty corrupt NYPD, Internal Affairs who are also protecting the NYPD that committed the crime of COERCION -- no wonder they rushed to seal her false cross complaint along with their crime of coercion.
Read NYPD Det. John Vergona's DD5 where he lied. Watch the video -- she threatened me with bodily harm and I backed away in to the hall way -- Delita Hooks repeatedly attacked me as I repeatedly retreated -- do you see that in his DD5. He lied. He also said I wasn't able to meet him but he did not want to meet me. He wrote down the wrong eye -- it was my left eye.
The aggravated harassment on behalf of my attacker started same day and I called and he was extremely abusive telling me he did not care which eye and lied and omitted in his notes I repeatedly asked him to meet with me to see the wound to my eye.
Internal Affairs and the Manhattan DA ADAs I am suing well well aware of this and Delita Hooks false cross complaint.
NYPD Det Vergona Det Andy Dwyer can be charged under Title 18 subsection 242.a felony act of Conspiring of rights.? Fagelman's Receptionist Office Manager Running Punch To My Eye NYPDFixed over 200,000 YouTubes Thank You
New Yorkers think DA NYPD Corrupt?
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Cy Vance No Comment on Sandy Rubenstein Case Cowardly Corrupt DA to Fall Like Charlie Hynes?
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PTS End of Year PTS Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita NYPD Violence Lies Missed PTherapy
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Joe Tacopina says we F-ed up our lives suck and he isn't talking about A-Rod

please help this go viral so shame MD, my attacker, NYPD, IAB and Cy Vance, ADAs involved thank you. 4 second highlights Vine
In Gangland below is reference to this legal document....that I include a couple of pages -- Joe's named spelled incorrectly the first page Tacopino instead of Tacopina so I include another couple of pages with his name spelled correctly....
Cy Vance being yelled down outside NYU Law for what he really is in my opinion a corrupt misogynist DA.June 19, 2014 learned even more about Internal Affairs Corruption do created new blog goal to sue Mr Bratton and Mr Reznick 2015.The NYPD an internal affairs fix crime in my opinion based on my own experience.Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Violence Lies New bad Yelp Review Not ADay @ The Beach!
Sharp neck pain numbness right hand also huge weight gain PTS Insomnia I have 2 legal actions against #NYPD and goal sue MD this year
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Ex Brooklyn DA Charles Hynes To Face 2 Grand Juries When?
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Sheldon Silver Corrupt and Teflon?
* New York state Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, now under federal investigation, was also under scrutiny this year by the Moreland Commission looking into the sources of his six-figure outside income, The Wall Street Journal reports:
* Records show a two-attorney law firm that has made substantial payments to Silver, which are the focus of a federal investigation, also counts among its clients a wealthy landlord with a troubled past who has ties to Silver, the Times writes:
* Despite the recent reports of a federal investigation into Silver, who becomes the longest-serving speaker in state history next year, insiders believe that rumors of Silver’s imminent political demise may be premature, the Times Union reports:
U ever get the feeling he is a pervy dude and he Charles Hynes Vito Lopez, Cy Vance, Bloomberg, Ray Kelly, Geirge Artz, so many Albany to City Hall part of a cabal of corruption?
Sheldon Silver R U part of Corruption?
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Cy Vance Moneyball Approach to Crime NY Times Article Laughable Wait for Michael Lewis's Flash Boys
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NYPD Jose Ramos One of The Finest Convicted Case isn't Over for one of the NYPD's Dirtiest
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