Saturday, November 30, 2013
NY Times David Chen David Goodman Article on Bill De Blasio choosing new Commish 2nd Comment Attempt to Post
The NY Times David Chen David Goodman to Censor My Comment on the NYPD?
NYT Article: In Naming Top Police Official, De Blasio May Signal Change
Here is my comment at 8:49PM -- let's see if it makes it past The NY Time Censors that often make me feel like I live in Communist China and not NYC, USA. I had to remove 2 paragraphs to make it acceptable for their word count.
(Wow! 8:59 My comment is up -- that may be a record. I had just emailed the Public Editor and Chen and Goodman! Wow. Here is the YouTube link to the beginning of the attack and FYI she makes it about 10 feet -- see the locked bathroom doors on the left -- she makes it past them to land a running punch and I wouldn't put down my bags and held on to my phone for dear life for some reason.)
"The NYPD fix crime like a Las Vegas Casino.
I know first hand as a victim of a violent crime at a doctor's office in Soho after I had cyst removed on my elbow with 2 numbing injections and 2 bags on my arm I became a human piñata for a receptionist/office manager and not fired or arrested. The NYPD involved coerced me to drop charges 19 days after the attack or go to jail for a weekend with a hole in retina and my neck in a brace!
The Public Advocate's office called Internal Affairs on my behalf and was told the case open but guess what? The lead detective that coerced me to drop charges has already had the case closed by -- try not to laugh -- "The Integrity Bureau" which I am told is where Internal Affairs send cases to die. Coercion is a crime
The NYPD met with my attacker but refused to meet with despite a video my attacker threatening me with bodily harm and repeatedly assaulting me after she repeatedly violated my patient rights.
Time for a new Commission in to NYPD and Internal Affairs and a new commish and head of internal affairs that will make ground breaking changes including stopping the retaliation against whistle blowers.
We get a new commission every 20 years. I called up the retired Honorable Judge Mollen and asked him how we get a new Commission in to Police corruption. Retired Honorable Judge Mollen told me he was appointed by the mayor. I don't believe Bill De Blasio will do so until the 2nd term but we need one asap."
NYPD Internal Affairs Contacting IAB and Suing IAB
212-741 8401
800 - 774 3373 good luck and I feel so sorry for you because IAB in my experience CORRUPT which is why I am suing.
Warning in my opinion Internal Affairs is corrupt and will not investigate police corruption unless the Feds are involved.
If you are contacting the NYPD's Internal Affairs document all calls you can record any conversation you want in NYC because you need one party consent and you are the one party and document EVERYTHING because I found IAB is uber corrupt and you can SUE internal affairs.
The NYPD and all police on a federal level do not have to investigate in they don't feel like it but guess what Internal Affairs has to investigate police corruption so you can sue and I recommend you do until we get the Federal Laws changed that hold the police accountable.
Mike Bloomberg Ray Kelly NYC Couldn't Use SAIC for Domain Awareness Spy System Hardee har har??????
SAIC perjury Oakland Spy Crime Time hardee har violated deferred prosecution agreement????? harder har --- lucky SAIC couldn't work on NYC's Domain Awareness System.
By the way search
SAIC NSA Trailblazer
SAIC FBI Triology
SAIC should be out of biz but SAIC too powerfully connected to fail….
Hey Ray lining up any free rides on jets anytime soon since now legally after you are terminated you are allowed to except freebies???????
Look on linked in and count how many NYPD work for military contractors or tech advisors on NYC gov that didn't notice along with Mike and NYC gov the contractors were over billing us.
Special question: Why is SAIC referenced in the front page of my Opposition to Dismiss -- yup Ray Kelly and gang want to dismiss my lawsuit against them….
NYC Most Violent Medical Office Attack of a Patient by the Jodi Arias of Medical Reception on the Verge of 18,000 Views
(The link above NYC's most violent Customer Service award in my opinion goes to Dr Andrew Fagelman and Delita Hooks. Dr Andrew Fagelman paid Delita Hooks for making a hole in another
patient's eye as seen in this video --- not fired or arrest thanks to the corrupt and criminal activity of the NYPD!!!!!!!!)
Thanks Blessings and Gratitude to all helping me expose
being savagely assaulted after Delita Hooks repeatedly
violated my patient rights than my body when she could have
easily closed the door -- watch the vid -- she moves almost
10 feet in 32 sec to punch me as hard as she could in the
I caught the NYPD and Internal Affairs fixing for the MD's
office & NYPD criminal activity COERCION + I allege
fabrication of evidence making Delita Hooks false cross
complaint over to threaten me instead of going to the DA.
am in court Pro Se going after the NYPD and IAB right now.
Thanks again for your support. I hope to get her arrested
next year but for now with your help she can't hurt another
patient ever again or any other victim, lie and blame them
EVER AGAIN thanks to your help.
NYC Most Violent Medical Office Attack of a Patient by the Jodi Arias of Medical Reception on the Verge of 18,000 Views
CityTime SAIC Crooks makes me wonder does SAIC Clone Employees Deb 1Deb 2????? Hardee har
Special question: Why is SAIC referenced in the front page of my Opposition to Dismiss -- yup Ray Kelly and gang want to dismiss my lawsuit against them….
Dream with Super Baddie Boy
Dream with Super Baddie Boy
Couple of days ago and involved a boat. V
CityTime Crime Teflon Golden Parachutes Two Debs
Released: 16th September 2013 Publisher: Polycom Europe |
- Through contract with SAIC, Polycom delivers a secure, cost-saving platform for universal video collaboration across all of NATO’s 28 member countries"
Special question: Why is SAIC referenced in the front page of my Opposition to Dismiss -- yup Ray Kelly and gang want to dismiss my lawsuit against them….
My Korean War Vet Friend Ran NYC Marathon Cracked Skull
Temple of The Happy Jews Cried
Someone's Big Dump Metaphor for corruption
Someone's Big Dump Metaphor for corruption
Friday, November 29, 2013
Fred's BDay
Temple of The Happy Jews Made Me so Happy
FAT as Joe Tacopina but Cuter
KKK Ray Kelly Confines De Blasio's Transition Team To Trailer Outside NYPD HQ
KKK Ray Kelly Confines De Blasio's Transition Team To Trailer Outside NYPD HQ
Temple of the Happy Jews Tonight Will Cry a Lot
All the prayers right now make me cry as I try to follow along in Hebrew and my Hebrew is not very good so I said to myself forget the Hebrew and read the English because it is all optimistic and positive.
Happy Hanukah and Shabbot Shalom.
Ben Shaoul Loses Again East Village Thankful
Ben Shaoul Loses Again East Village
Thankful for the little wins...
Ben and Elizabeth Shaoul Lose Again
Stop Dangerous Fracking Bill
Hey Suzannah, I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Here at LCV we’re so grateful to have amazing supporters like you who will take action to protect our environment when it really counts. Right now, we’re facing a dangerous fracking bill in the Senate. We can block it, but only with your help. Gratefully, |
Dr Fagelman's Violent Receptionist Delita Hooks Made a Hole in my Retina My left eye vision blurred Call Columbia U Hospital
I can see but there is a blur like vaseline and my eye surgeon -- such a good man nice person says for now the scar tissue grow has stabilized == the visit before the scar tissue has grown and if it continues to the odds are high the retina will detached again.
I have to find out if Dr Chang takes Hip Emblem and I don't think he does so I left a message asking if any other eye surgeons there do because I am looking for a 2nd opinion regarding care resulting from eye problems from Dr Andrew Fagelman's crazy violent receptionist office manager who I have written proof from the NYPD who fixed the crime for her that she lied and said I attacked her but despite that Delita Hooks has not been fired or arrested as if the NYPD and Internal Affairs get Viagra, HGH or fake disability from Dr Fagelman as well as their group act to retaliate against me for being a whistle blower.
Steve Levin Vito Lopez's Protege Loses NYC Gov Perk of a Parking Placard
Steve Levin Vito Lopez's protege won his job back because The People of NYC have such a high threshold for corruption and such low expectations from politicians and very few good "honest" harde har har" folks run let alone win but karma pie came Levin's way.
Great news Steve Levin a corrupt politician betraying the People selling them out
, Christine Quinn's lulu boy got his parking placard pulled.
He earns over 100.000 a year but can't pay his parking tickets
but expects The Little People to pay theirs and or face far more
harsh consequences than losing a government perk.
Mayor Bloomberg's CitiBike Share Monuments to Failure in Freezing Cold Weather
Mike thought that CitiShare could compete with the MTA and even replace subway commutes but instead the bicycles gobble up much needed street space to do biz or park a car for a resident or much needed sidewalk space….and placed only where they don't inconvenience the rich because hey it is Mike Bloomberg's Oligarchs of NY Way -- greed stupidity first;
CityTime Preet Someone Searched Richard Valcich a Crook
CityTime Preet Someone Searched Richard Valcich a Crook
CityTime Crime not Juan but me the only one to write Richard Valcich went from hero to zero to say.
Now someone searching he is a crook.
Preet Bharara sad there would be arrests of NYC gov officials. It never happened.
Look up Richard Valcich whistle blowing letter.
Look up Richard Valcich hero to zero to say.
CityTime SAIC White House Ambitions Deb Does The White House Spread
CityTime SAIC White House Ambitions Deb Does The White House Spread
Thank You Bless You
NYPD Detective Andy Dwyer Det a John Vergona Corrupt?
NYPD Detective Andy Dwyer Det John Vergona Corrupt?
NYPD Ray Kelly Charles Campisi Det John Vergona Det Andy Dwyer Lt Burgos Sgt Chen DI Ed Winski IAB Sgt Mary O'Donnell Lt Agnes want my case Dismissed My Opposition
Dr Andrew Fagelman Delita Hooks Punches Patient 17,670 YouTube Views
Rudy, Bloomberg, CityTime Crime, SAIC violated deferred prosecution agreement????
Look forwarded to exclusives from else where posted on my blog before exclusives!
Re-post from yesterday -- with extras ---thankful Rudy's Tax Payer Titanic that Mike pushed like a drug king pin and Mike's 911 Tech mess ONLY cost close to 3 billion tax payer dollars but SAIC already in big trouble again with Oakland Surveillence contract. SAIC FBI Trilogy scandal and SAIC Trailblazer more Tax Payer Titanics not enough to stop Deb number 2 from a White House position Deb 1 wanted to do the White House but deb 2 does the White House????? SAIC can give the USPS tips on how to run a successful biz but SAIC did lose any chances of winning the Domain Spy oops Awareness program here in NYC for dome reason.
Nice to see NYPD listed as consultants to SAIC on LinkedIn - retired? What advice could they give SAIC?????
"Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly SAIC CityTime Crime Spy Bid Lost so SAIC snags Oakland SAIC caught Lying"
(In my opinion) No Gerard Denault working for SAIC in Oakland but thanks to Judge Daniels and Preet Bharara in my opinion like Cy Vance in the Haggerty trial -- top officials from SAIC and NYC Gov including Mike Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn and Mark Page, Joel Bondy an out and out crook, among many, had nothing to fear…. Fantastic SAIC busted yet again…..
Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly SAIC CityTime Crime Spy Bid Lost so SAIC snags Oakland SAIC caught Lying
No Denault working on Oakland's spy system but SAIC already caught lying yet again? It is part of the greedy corrupt culture and mostly contractors get away with it with the gov officials aiding and abetting and why?
Remember Rudy's deputy mayors turned lobbyist for SAIC along with Liz Holtzman (see YouTube w/her and Goldsmith think she was at the Crain's breakfast lobbying for SAIC?)
Well my guess is SAIC wanted to do the Surveillance for NYC NYPD's spy system called *Domain Awareness but SAIC got busted finally for years of stealing but that is the norm these days and under Bloomberg it was open season for stealing aka over billing the tax payers and the 911 Tech even worse…. *is it about policing and shunting mega millions around as the police fix crime -- let's ask Adrian Schoolcraft, Michael Premo and me for our opinions. I gave the NYPD video of a crime and than I caught the NYPD and IAB fixing the fact I was assaulted and the NYPD coerced me to drop charges. Why should tax payers pay for spying when the cops are fixing crime so what is the high priced spying really about and why did Judge Daniels and Preet Bharara work to keep Mike Bloomberg and top gov officials out of a trial that they should have been forced to come in and answer questions under oath because it seems the Mazer Denault actions where par for the course and we can't even get a criminal trial on 911 Tech Corruption for some reason.
Now what a surprise SAIC caught lying in Oakland contract like what the MTA SAIC deal where SAIC mystically came in with the lowest bid but Greg Mocker of WPIX found out if SAIC went over budget the bills for SAIC would go to NYC Gov aka NYC tax payer --- sounds like a scam and acceptable from The White House to Albany and to City Hall and that is why there is NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND TRIAL IN TO 911 TECH CORRUPTION BIGGER THAN CITYTIME AND ALL UNDER MIKE BLOOMBERG, TEAM BLOOMBERG, CHRISTINE QUINN MOST OF CITY COUNCIL WHO LATE IN THE GAME CHANGED THEIR TUNE -- TOO LATE SINCE THEY ALLOWED 1 BILLION PLUS OVER RUN ON CITYTIME!!!!!!!
Am I the only one questioning if SAIC has broken their deferred prosecution agreement which was like admitting guilt and getting away with their corrupt behavior which started from the get go in my opinion before Denault was hired.
Look in to SAIC FBI Triology
SAIC NSA Trailblazer
and so many other corrupt SAIC Deals but SAIC is bailed out oops oh given contracts by the Pentagon --- SAIC is like the USPS -- they should both be out of business but they aren't for some reason.
CityTime Crime SAIC Deferred Prosecution Agreement Violated? Newest Scandal SAIC Oakland Surveillence
My exclusives remain untouched on Denault suing SAIC winning they have to pay ALL his legal bills -- Denault didn't sign contracts according to annonymous source and guess which Deb did????
"In their rush to build a controversial mass surveillance system, Oakland city officials appear to have allowed employees of the project's prime contractor to perjure themselves by claiming that the company was in compliance with the city's Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Ordinance. The ordinance, enacted by Oakland voters and the city council in the late 1980s, prohibits the city from doing business with private contractors that have ties to nuclear weapons. Public records show that the contractor, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), had been involved heavily over the years in nuclear weapons-related work.
Internal city emails obtained by the Oakland Privacy Working Group, a coalition opposed to the surveillance center, show that SAIC officials were concerned about Oakland's nuclear-free-zone law early this year, and that they pressured the city to waive compliance with the ordinance before signing a final contract in March. City staffers, however, ruled out obtaining a waiver due to time constraints, and also because it would require approval by the full city council, making the contract subject to a public hearing. SAIC officials then signed a city document under penalty of perjury stating that the company was not involved in nuclear weapons-related work — when, in fact, it was.
Oakland officials do not appear to have specifically asked SAIC why it wanted the nuclear-free-zone waiver. Instead, staff in the city's contracts and compliance office, the office of information technology, the fire department, and lawyers from the city attorney's office allowed SAIC to sign Schedule P, Oakland's "Nuclear Free Disclosure Form.""
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thanksgiving Stuffed Sad Very Distressed
I felt so beautiful Nov 1, 2012 at age 50 before Delita Hooks savagely assaulted me and the anger I feel about that and all involved is still very disturbing.
I have gotten phone calls and emails including a touching email from a very caring soul in England so Bless you all and thank you for your Hanukah , Thanksgiving wishes and condolences about Dad.
Ethicsgate: Give Thanks: Days are Numbered for "Ethics" Disgrace Roy Reardon
Happy Thanksgiving Thanks and Gratitude it the goal
Beautiful day NYC. I love NYC.
If you are Veg happy Veg Thanksgiving -- it is really about thanks and gratitude not about food…
I am so grateful I am not Dr Andrew Fagelman who did not fire Delita Hooks and corrupt NYPD and IAB involved in fixing this savage attack on me.
Thank you all for helping me to push the video of the beginning of her physical assault after Delita Hooks came out from behind a long closed off counter to menace me and verbally assault me violating my rights. I am thankful I am not them. They have no morals and are evil in my opinion. Thanks for help through this traumatic and damaging crime fixed by corrupt cops.
Beautiful day and a lot to be thankful for like my soul is clean.
Happy T day enjoy the beautiful day.
Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly SAIC CityTime Crime Spy Bid Lost so SAIC snags Oakland SAIC caught Lying
(In my opinion) No Gerard Denault working for SAIC in Oakland but thanks to Judge Daniels and Preet Bharara in my opinion like Cy Vance in the Haggerty trial -- top officials from SAIC and NYC Gov including Mike Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn and Mark Page, Joel Bondy an out and out crook, among many, had nothing to fear…. Fantastic SAIC busted yet again…..
Mayor Bloomberg Ray Kelly SAIC CityTime Crime Spy Bid Lost so SAIC snags Oakland SAIC caught Lying
No Denault working on Oakland's spy system but SAIC already caught lying yet again? It is part of the greedy corrupt culture and mostly contractors get away with it with the gov officials aiding and abetting and why?
Remember Rudy's deputy mayors turned lobbyist for SAIC along with Liz Holtzman (see YouTube w/her and Goldsmith think she was at the Crain's breakfast lobbying for SAIC?)
Well my guess is SAIC wanted to do the Surveillance for NYC NYPD's spy system called *Domain Awareness but SAIC got busted finally for years of stealing but that is the norm these days and under Bloomberg it was open season for stealing aka over billing the tax payers and the 911 Tech even worse…. *is it about policing and shunting mega millions around as the police fix crime -- let's ask Adrian Schoolcraft, Michael Premo and me for our opinions. I gave the NYPD video of a crime and than I caught the NYPD and IAB fixing the fact I was assaulted and the NYPD coerced me to drop charges. Why should tax payers pay for spying when the cops are fixing crime so what is the high priced spying really about and why did Judge Daniels and Preet Bharara work to keep Mike Bloomberg and top gov officials out of a trial that they should have been forced to come in and answer questions under oath because it seems the Mazer Denault actions where par for the course and we can't even get a criminal trial on 911 Tech Corruption for some reason.
Now what a surprise SAIC caught lying in Oakland contract like what the MTA SAIC deal where SAIC mystically came in with the lowest bid but Greg Mocker of WPIX found out if SAIC went over budget the bills for SAIC would go to NYC Gov aka NYC tax payer --- sounds like a scam and acceptable from The White House to Albany and to City Hall and that is why there is NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION AND TRIAL IN TO 911 TECH CORRUPTION BIGGER THAN CITYTIME AND ALL UNDER MIKE BLOOMBERG, TEAM BLOOMBERG, CHRISTINE QUINN MOST OF CITY COUNCIL WHO LATE IN THE GAME CHANGED THEIR TUNE -- TOO LATE SINCE THEY ALLOWED 1 BILLION PLUS OVER RUN ON CITYTIME!!!!!!!
Am I the only one questioning if SAIC has broken their deferred prosecution agreement which was like admitting guilt and getting away with their corrupt behavior which started from the get go in my opinion before Denault was hired.
Look in to SAIC FBI Triology
SAIC NSA Trailblazer
and so many other corrupt SAIC Deals but SAIC is bailed out oops oh given contracts by the Pentagon --- SAIC is like the USPS -- they should both be out of business but they aren't for some reason.
CityTime Crime SAIC Deferred Prosecution Agreement Violated? Newest Scandal SAIC Oakland Surveillence
My exclusives remain untouched on Denault suing SAIC winning they have to pay ALL his legal bills -- Denault didn't sign contracts according to annonymous source and guess which Deb did????
"In their rush to build a controversial mass surveillance system, Oakland city officials appear to have allowed employees of the project's prime contractor to perjure themselves by claiming that the company was in compliance with the city's Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Ordinance. The ordinance, enacted by Oakland voters and the city council in the late 1980s, prohibits the city from doing business with private contractors that have ties to nuclear weapons. Public records show that the contractor, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), had been involved heavily over the years in nuclear weapons-related work.
Internal city emails obtained by the Oakland Privacy Working Group, a coalition opposed to the surveillance center, show that SAIC officials were concerned about Oakland's nuclear-free-zone law early this year, and that they pressured the city to waive compliance with the ordinance before signing a final contract in March. City staffers, however, ruled out obtaining a waiver due to time constraints, and also because it would require approval by the full city council, making the contract subject to a public hearing. SAIC officials then signed a city document under penalty of perjury stating that the company was not involved in nuclear weapons-related work — when, in fact, it was.
Oakland officials do not appear to have specifically asked SAIC why it wanted the nuclear-free-zone waiver. Instead, staff in the city's contracts and compliance office, the office of information technology, the fire department, and lawyers from the city attorney's office allowed SAIC to sign Schedule P, Oakland's "Nuclear Free Disclosure Form.""
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