Tuesday, April 30, 2013
AG Civil Rights Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks Corrupt NYPD
AG Civil Rights Directed me....
I have another step to take against NYPD as told by AG Civil Rights.
Rushing but will check out 2morrow.
I have another step to take against NYPD as told by AG Civil Rights.
Rushing but will check out 2morrow.
Eric Sanders Civil Rights Attorney NYPD Sued Again this time for not Reigning in Out of Control Supervisor (Pinch me what a surprise!)
Click the above link to read the details. Also check out Eric Sanders blog -- he has a list of NYPD law suits that will give you great insight in to how corrupt, misogynist and racist Internal Affairs is.....?
"New York Civil Rights Attorney Eric Sanders, Esq., of The Sanders Firm, P.C., alleges in a $15 million Notice of Claim filing that the police management of Patrol Borough Manhattan South did nothing to rein in an out of control supervisor who eventually assaulted him
According to the claim, Claimant alleges that in or around December of 2011, Respondent Deputy Inspector John D’Adamo (Caucasian Male – Bronx Ticket Scandal) tried to coerce him to voluntarily transfer into the Patrol Borough Manhattan South Anti-Crime Unit. He refused. Around June 2012, Claimant was involuntarily transferred into the Patrol Borough Manhattan South Anti-Crime Unit by Respondent Assistant Chief Thomas Purtell (Caucasian Male). He was interested with improving his ‘numbers.’ "
NYPD Detective Debra Eager Ms Perjury ‘Lying’ narc Blames beer What's Det. John Vergona's Excuse?
NYPD Detective Debra Eager Ms Perjury ‘Lying’ narc Blames beer
Did you ever get the feeling that there are way too many criminals, rapists, gun traffickers, drug dealers who find it way too easy to join the NYPD and get a gun, badge and parking placard to become even dirty cops...?????
Think of Det. John Vergona -- is he just dirty, or stupidity and dirty. He fixed this violent crime and than he thought that would the end.....
He was wrong and I am not just talking about the assault video which proves he slander me and is a corrupt dirt cop but I also caught his supervisors turning me away preventing me from reporting Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint even after Sgt. Chen told me I could come in and report the false cross complaint. Apparently someone got to Sgt. Chen and he has no integrity. None had the courage to face. The corrupt cops that took Delita Hooks false cross complaint never contacted me.
That is how corrupt the NYPD are fixing crimes. Wait for the NYPD to be put on trial sued by Adrian Schoolcraft.
There is more audio from inside the First Precinct to show you I contacted Internal Affairs -- wait until you hear that call and than CCRB to alert the Inspector there as well as trying to contact DI Edward Winski who was actually there at the station.
Det. John Vergona when karma serves you Justice for the evil you did and all involved, I would like to hear every detail. You are an evil coward who had zero integrity and never investigated the violent assault that without eye surgery would have left me blind. Det Vergona said to me and I quote, "I don't care if you have 2 black eyes."
NYPD Detective Debra Eager Ms Perjury ‘Lying’ narc Blames beer
Did you ever get the feeling that there are way too many criminals, rapists, gun traffickers, drug dealers who find it way too easy to join the NYPD and get a gun, badge and parking placard to become even dirty cops...?????
Think of Det. John Vergona -- is he just dirty, or stupidity and dirty. He fixed this violent crime and than he thought that would the end.....
He was wrong and I am not just talking about the assault video which proves he slander me and is a corrupt dirt cop but I also caught his supervisors turning me away preventing me from reporting Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint even after Sgt. Chen told me I could come in and report the false cross complaint. Apparently someone got to Sgt. Chen and he has no integrity. None had the courage to face. The corrupt cops that took Delita Hooks false cross complaint never contacted me.
That is how corrupt the NYPD are fixing crimes. Wait for the NYPD to be put on trial sued by Adrian Schoolcraft.
There is more audio from inside the First Precinct to show you I contacted Internal Affairs -- wait until you hear that call and than CCRB to alert the Inspector there as well as trying to contact DI Edward Winski who was actually there at the station.
Det. John Vergona when karma serves you Justice for the evil you did and all involved, I would like to hear every detail. You are an evil coward who had zero integrity and never investigated the violent assault that without eye surgery would have left me blind. Det Vergona said to me and I quote, "I don't care if you have 2 black eyes."
are having a margarita now and getting ready for
Celebrating from May 1 to May 8
Call for reservations and information 212-777-2537
Special menu and Delicious
Dissent Arises on Panel Set Up to Create Communication Network for First Responders
Dissent Arises on Panel Set Up to Create Communication Network for First Responders
Raped 5-year-old girl dies in central India - Times Union
Raped 5-year-old girl dies in central India - Times Union
Horrific just an excerpt....
Horrific just an excerpt....
"Earlier this month, another 5-year-old girl was kidnapped, raped and tortured by two men who then abandoned her in a locked room in New Delhi. She is still recovering at a hospital in the city.
Police refused to register a case when the girl's parents reported that their daughter was missing. Hundreds of people protested outside police headquarters in New Delhi for three days, angry over allegations of police inaction and indifference to the parents' complaints.
Indian media have begun to report sexual assaults more aggressively since the fatal gang rape of a 23-year-old student on a moving bus in New Delhi in December. That attack triggered outrage across India about the treatment of women in the country, and spurred the government to pass tougher laws for crimes against women, including the death penalty for repeat offenders or for rapes that lead to the victim's death."
Read more: http://www.timesunion.com/news/crime/article/Raped-5-year-old-girl-dies-in-central-India-4475157.php#ixzz2Rxz6pfiSNYPD: Too Many Cops Are Shiftless, Donut-Loving "Malcontents":
NYPD: Too Many Cops Are Shiftless, Donut-Loving "Malcontents":
Proof NYPD fixed violent crime Det John Vergona lied I have proof it. He did not investigate but fixed this violent crime and deposited pay check.
NYPD stats like a Las Vegas Casino.
African American Man Tells Me I have Great Energy
He praised me twice. I told him he was going to make cry. He saw the beauty in me. I told him about Delita Hooks assaulting me at Dr Fagelman's employee and handed him my Justice cards.
Touched by his kind humanity.
Touched by his kind humanity.
Bloomberg Quinn Mega-Scandal 911 Tech 1 yr Anniversary John Liu called for Criminal Investigation
Ever get the feeling the Feds wire tapped the wrong people?
Bloomberg Quinn Mega-Scandal 911 Tech 1 yr Anniversary John Liu called for Criminal Investigation
Ever get the feeling the Feds wire tapped the wrong people?
Bloomberg Quinn Mega-Scandal 911 Tech 1 yr Anniversary John Liu called for Criminal Investigation
NYPD 01 Sgt Chen False Cross Complaint Scandal Audio Suzannah Troy Turned Away Reporting Delita Hooks Assaulted Me Filed A False Cross Complaint
Stay tuned -- it takes time but expect more YouTubes and more.....
NYPD 01 Sgt Chen False Cross Complaint Scandal Audio Suzannah Troy Turned Away Reporting Dr. Andrew Fagelman's employee Delita Hooks Assaulted Me Filed A False Cross Complaint
FYI Internal Affairs has the assault case and it is still open and the move like a turtle in molasses so it will be open for a quite a while but I continue to ask Delita Hooks to be arrested for assault and a false cross complaint. I also ask the NYPD involved be punished but look how they punished Chief Marino for his uses of HGH that a corrupt MD prescribed to him and how many other NYPD including the retired NYPD officer that worked security at Apple that stole over $100,000 worth of Apple products so HGH addiction facilitated by creepy MD not Delita Hooks employer.
What love to know if Dr. Andrew Fagelman has any friends he helps out in the NYPD????????
Just wondering out loud?
Wikipedia Page on me being Censored after Cyber Attack Removed
Kosten Frosch of Wiki on the side of misogynist racists who takes issue with my anti-Rape work focusing on NYPD, Chad Seigel, Joe Tacopina, DSK and African American men, my extensive work on Giuseppi Logan, the inclusion of my work in the Documentary on Jimmy McMillian all removed?
In my opinion Kosten Frosch a misogynist bias not very bright Wiki rep.
Was it the NYPD Det John Vergona Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks cyber stalker who recently illegally had 2 YouTubes deleted the first one "Det John Vergona Delita Hooks Assaulted me, false cross complaint no arrest--- or Joe Tacopina who I have heard the worst things that I have not published -- or is it Bloomberg Quinn as Christine Quinn's dummies made their presence known on the NY Mag article outing Quinn as booed down on Term Limits and the Wiki page is about being removed from Google YouTube because I was and am a critic on Term Limits so Wiki deleting a page on Censorship with so many bogus Wiki pages alive and well and Bloomberg flunkies wiki pages laughable so inaccurate.
Right before the 2 YouTubes came down I was told I am crazy and that the lawsuits against the NYPD will go no where. Well folks the NYPD involved are going to get served and if it goes no where there will be a legal document proving the Justice system failed but what coincidence 2 YouTubes were illegally wrongly deleted by cyber stalker, the Wiki page is cyber attacked with the same message I was getting on YouTube cyber stalked on behalf of the very violent Delita Hooks and her employer Dr. Andrew Fagelman and the NYPD that were involved in fixing the crime. Recently I was wondering if Dr. Fagelman had a special relationship with certain NYPD officers and look what gets removed from my Wiki page on being censored that I did not create.
To Wiki:
Do you have someone who is not bias racist misogynist to investigate?
2 NY Times articles, Getty Images of Rape protest against DSK and NYPD rape cops published around the works including South American magazine etc removed
Can you find any editor with Integrity to investigate. When this happens with Google YouTube I eventually get apologized for my work deleted.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Christine Quinn NY Mag Article Suzannah Troy Wins the Prize Most Responses but From Quinn Trolls and they are dummies
Christine Quinn NY Mag Article Suzannah Troy Wins the Prize Most Responses but From Quinn Trolls and they are dummies
Christine Quinn NY Mag Article Suzannah Troy Wins the Prize Most Responses but From Quinn Trolls and they are dummies
Wiki Page on Suzannah B. Troy Censorship Defaced by Cyber Stalker NYPD Rape Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel DSK Removed
Wiki Page on Suzannah B. Troy Censorship Defaced by Cyber Stalker
8:09 Everything to do with Rape Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel NYPD Rape Cops Dominique Strauss Kahn protest I did outside penthouse --- the Getty Archive, the Economic Mag that ran the photo all gone.....
Everything to do with NYPD Rapists, their lawyers Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel and my protest outside Getty as well as my work on Giuseppi Logan and my work included in a film also african american male - interesting huh?
My work in the Documentary film Damned on Jimmy McCmillian.
So rape and my work involving African American men.
Cyber Stalker also mocked me re: Cat common knowledge my cat has gone blind and is dying.
Cyber Stalker Attacks Suzannah B. Troy Wiki Page on Censorship
Wow must I be scaring someone pathetic coward. The good news is when you do that on Wiki you leave a trail.
With cowards it takes patience.....lots of patience but they do get theirs.
Cowards defaced my wiki page that I didn't create by the way and what motivated this cyber attack but a pathetic coward.
8:09 Everything to do with Rape Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel NYPD Rape Cops Dominique Strauss Kahn protest I did outside penthouse --- the Getty Archive, the Economic Mag that ran the photo all gone.....

Everything to do with NYPD Rapists, their lawyers Joe Tacopina Chad Seigel and my protest outside Getty as well as my work on Giuseppi Logan and my work included in a film also african american male - interesting huh?
Giuseppi Logan work all removed with NY/times and Signal to Noise....
My work in the Documentary film Damned on Jimmy McCmillian.
So rape and my work involving African American men.
Cyber Stalker also mocked me re: Cat common knowledge my cat has gone blind and is dying.
"ABQ" Anybody but Quinn Mayoral Debate Gay Community Center
"ABQ" Anybody but Quinn Mayoral Debate Gay Community Center
Photographer warned Quinn Supporters not to have a heart attack because there is no Hospital in the immediate area.
Christine Quinn supporters asked the photographer would he support Quinn.
He responded no -- I cannot support her because she sold out the community so now there is no hospital and took the Rudin Family funds.
John Liu had 2 groups of supporters outside but no other mayoral representation from other rivals.....
ps was this a sneak event because most people has no idea this was even happening...
is Quinn that afraid of critics showing up and booing.....?
DATE Monday April 29
TIME 7 pm
PLACE LGBT Center, 208 West 13th
Hosted jointly by:
Downtown Independent Democrats
Village Independent Democrats
Village Reform Democrats
Manhattan Young Democrats
Greater NYC for Change
Do they need a trauma level 1 hospital with Rape Crisis Center and AIDS Care?
Holocaust museum's 20th anniversary draws survivors, veterans - Washington Times
Holocaust museum's 20th anniversary draws survivors, veterans - Washington Times
Did Dr. Andrew Fagelman Call an NYPD Friend re: Delita Hooks Violently Assaulting Me?
Was Dr. Andrew Fagelman interviewed by the NYPD or did he call an NYPD friend or associate?
Just wondering because Internal Affairs is taking so long and I continue to wait for Delita Hooks to be arrested.
The NYPD fixed this violent crime but was it just prejudice towards me or was there even more to this fixing?
Do Dr. Fagelman and Delita Hooks have a "hook" with the NYPD?
Do Dr. Fagelman and Delita Hooks have a "hook" with the NYPD?
Christine Quinn Quinning Strategy Her Betrayal of Abner Louimer
Oh look a Quinning Strategy.... It is horrifying....
On a very disturbing note -- Quinning Strategy.....
Just an excerpt below from Brooklyn Rail -- -Quinn's betrayal Abner Louimer also addressed in Louis Flores unauthorized biography on Christine Quinn....
"After Haitian immigrant Abner Louima was sodomized with a broomstick by NYPDofficers at Brooklyn’s 70th Precinct in the summer of 1997, the public outrage at police brutality reached such decibels that Mayor Rudy Giuliani appointed a task force aimed at reform. The panel included not only Giuliani loyalists, but also then-NYCLU head Norman Siegel, his colleague Michael Meyers, and civil rights activist Margaret Fung. Starting that September, the three were able to convince several City Hall insiders that mere tweaks in police procedure weren’t going to cut it. There needed to be major changes in police culture, with a specific focus on the issues of systemic racism and homophobia.
"In their effort, Siegel, Meyers, and Fung enlisted the help of a fellow panelist, a young Chelsea activist named Christine Quinn, who ran the city’s Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project. According to Siegel, as soon as Giuliani caught wind that the bloc was gaining influence on the panel, the mayor promptly cut short the committee’s work, demanding that language about systemic prejudice be gutted from any final report.
Siegel, Meyers, and Fung went on to write their dissenting opinion, “Deflecting Blame.” But they were very surprised when Quinn opted not to join them and instead put her name on the Giuliani-approved majority report. “It dealt with homophobia,” Siegel said of his report. “Her group was all about fighting homophobia.” "
WTC PATH train lines has been suspended
1010 WINS ALERT: Service on the Newark-WTC and Hoboken-WTC PATH train lines has been suspended. More: http://cbsloc.al/12dXR1w
Female DNA found on at least one bomb used in Boston Marathon attacks: report
Female DNA found on at least one bomb used in Boston Marathon attacks: report
Dr. Andrew Fagelman's Delita Violent Assault of me Picked up by Your Office World
Dr. Andrew Fagelman's Delita Violent Assault of me Picked up by Your Office World
In my opinion Dr. Andrew Fagelman is an evil little man who tells people I was not his patient but guess what -- it's his office with the very moody very nasty Delita Hooks who is now acting like Ms. Honey and Sugar thanks to me and People like you witnessing this violent assault
In my opinion Dr. Andrew Fagelman is an evil little man who tells people I was not his patient but guess what -- it's his office with the very moody very nasty Delita Hooks who is now acting like Ms. Honey and Sugar thanks to me and People like you witnessing this violent assault
Bloomberg CitiBike Evoke Rage and Lawsuits?
40 more bike racks added to another West Village Street. Soon there will be more bikes here then in Beijing. What ever fool authorized the placement of these racks the opposite sidewalk is closed because of the transit substation vent project and people are already walking in the gutter! What rocket scientists. Wait till the lawsuits start over the bike rentals and ripple use while peddling.
There is hardly enough room as it is between the street and the sidewalk - expect fall-out.....
Mike's a control freak who wants to drive the middle class and small biz out making it impossible to park their cars and have a life in NYC.
Mayor Bloomberg Infuriate West Village With CitiBike Racks
Mike continues to enrage New Yorkers...
Click link above to see photo....
Example Greenwich Avenue and 7th Avenue not pedestrians and let alone these bike locks.
Mayor Bloomberg Infuriate West Village With CitiBike Racks
No a democracy but a sham oligarchy --
by green mayor pushing oligarchy fueled by greed -- arrogant people talk green as they guzzle gas, fly in private jets, yachts and destroy what beauty and green there is with sky piercing greedy builds on old NY's infrastructure.
Click link above to see photo....
Example Greenwich Avenue and 7th Avenue not pedestrians and let alone these bike locks.
Mayor Bloomberg Infuriate West Village With CitiBike Racks
No a democracy but a sham oligarchy --
by green mayor pushing oligarchy fueled by greed -- arrogant people talk green as they guzzle gas, fly in private jets, yachts and destroy what beauty and green there is with sky piercing greedy builds on old NY's infrastructure.
Bronx Juror In Love With Murderer?
From The NYPD fixing this violent assault http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em to this juror it seems there are x amount of New Yorkers who do not understand right from wrong not to mention the murderer.
From The NYPD fixing this violent assault http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em to this juror it seems there are x amount of New Yorkers who do not understand right from wrong not to mention the murderer.
extreme exhaustion extreme
From the violent assault to the corrupt NYPD involved to evil md Dr Fagelman caring for my senior cat now blind.....to legal stuff I am exploring so tired.....
worst chronic insomnia ever
worst chronic insomnia ever
Dan Halloran Politics Fat Over Weight like Bill Clinton Prey on Young Girls Who Knew?
love junk or power tripping? power tripping......if you want hot sex ----think younger not older hardee har --- a guy your own age will be better for sex unless it isn't about sex at all......
He pulled a Bill Clinton except he is not lying on global television setting a world record guiness book of records lying to the most people ever by a world leader. Bill Clinton tried to paint Monica as a stalker they way every fat lonely old fart does. Gals go for power? Be better off with power toys?
Councilman Halloran faces inquiry over romance with ANOTHER former staffer
love junk or power tripping? power tripping......if you want hot sex ----think younger not older hardee har --- a guy your own age will be better for sex unless it isn't about sex at all......
He pulled a Bill Clinton except he is not lying on global television setting a world record guiness book of records lying to the most people ever by a world leader. Bill Clinton tried to paint Monica as a stalker they way every fat lonely old fart does. Gals go for power? Be better off with power toys?
Councilman Halloran faces inquiry over romance with ANOTHER former staffer
"He threw away his marriage for a co-ed staffer half his age, and now Dan Halloran, the city councilman already under indictment in an alleged plot to rig the mayoral race, could lose his seat after another seamy office romp.
Halloran, 41, a cocky Queens Republican and a practicing pagan, has been carrying on with 23-year-old Denise Batista since she was an intern in his council office, sources told The Post.
The brunette beauty was seen covering her face at Halloran’s Flushing home when FBI agents led him out in handcuffs during his predawn arrest April 2, when he was charged in Democratic state Sen. Malcolm Smith’s alleged plot to bribe his way onto the GOP mayoral ticket."
Boeing confirms 767 part found on Park Pl. is from Sept. 11 terror attack What's Next More Body Parts?
Boeing confirms 767 part found on Park Pl. is from Sept. 11 terror attack What's Next More Body Parts?
Mind blowing......
Boeing confirms 767 part found on Park Pl. is from Sept. 11 terror attack What's Next More Body Parts?
Mind blowing......
NBA's Jason Collins comes out as gay
NBA's Jason Collins comes out as gay
Love it!!!!!!!!!
Who's next, mayor Bloomberg?
Anthony Weiner?
Chuck Schumer?
Andy Cuomo?
Remember Cuomo said Vote Cuomo not homo?
Love it!!!!!!!!!
Who's next, mayor Bloomberg?
Anthony Weiner?
Chuck Schumer?
Andy Cuomo?
Remember Cuomo said Vote Cuomo not homo?
Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn Bi-Sexual No Bi-Lingual Reproach Stop Stop and Frisks!!!!!
Mayor Bloomberg Christine Quinn Bi-Sexual No Bi-Lingual Reproach Stop Stop and Frisks!!!!!
Mike Bloomberg Energy Fraud, Gun Control Fraudster
Mayor Bloomberg Energy Fraud w/ Gas Guzzling SUVs Filled w/ Phalanx Gun Toting NYPD 2nd Video below is The NY Times building Energy Conference where Mayor Bloomberg the Fraud is inside as I shout without being beaten or false arrested because hey that would not be good to do outside The NY Times building and to a 50 year old woman wearing a Solar Back pack! The number of NYPD guns I walked past staggering -- Mike a fraud along with his gas guzzling SUVs filled with his army of NYPD, his helicopter and private jets. Puke!
Mayor Bloomberg yelled down 911 Tech System doesn't work Aug 20 2012 and It Collapses under Hurricane Sandy No Criminal Investigation
You would think the FBI I spoke with before Lt. O'Sullivan -- yes I had an in depth conversation with an FBI Agent woman on the phone -- someone either the FBI or NYC gov would have thanked me and we would already have a criminal investigation...
Fast forward April 26, 2013: The New York Times building --- Energy Conference -- and NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!!!!!!!
The 911 Tech System a 2 billion dollar Tax Payers Titanic --- CityTime 2 stealing going on, HP had no experience 911 and we can't even text 911 but the corruption has made a lot of people richer as New Yorkers die or are further harmed because 911 system flawed.
FOR 2 BILLION PLUS DOLLARS you might expect the 911 system to work?
If we have another "hurricane" or Bloomberg's Blizzard of 2012, or a serious Terror attack or series of than the system will collapse again.
You think someone would care?
John Liu called for a criminal investigation in to ECTP 911 last year -- one year ago almost and Cy Vance just like the St. Vincent's Hospital travesty refused to do anything and Preet Bharara should have come in and take ECP 911 aka CityTime 2 but he hasn't.
Mayor Bloomberg yelled down 911 Tech System doesn't work Aug 20 2012 and It Collapses under Hurricane Sandy No Criminal Investigation
Confront Mike Bloomberg and his media pals condoning the violent physical attack no gun that almost left me blind in my left eye corrupt NYPD so evil they fixed the crime. Ask Mike about that -- what a fraud
Maybe too senile to even care....
Dr Fagelman Delita Hooks NYPD Justice Cards Public Announcements
Where ever I can I make public announcements about being violently assaulted and Delita Hooks not arrested or fired. I tell then how corrupt the NYPD fixed it no arrest and without surgery I would have lost my vision.
I am so moved by who takes my Justice Card.
I handed my Justice Card to Mike Bloomberg's NYPD detectives that are Intelligence Division that guard him including Lt. O'Sullivan.
I tell the honest good People by watching you help prevent the NYPD from fixing for her again. You protect other patients from assault because my video doing the job that Dr Fagelman and NYPD did not do.
Where ever I can I make public announcements about being violently assaulted and Delita Hooks not arrested or fired. I tell then how corrupt the NYPD fixed it no arrest and without surgery I would have lost my vision.
I am so moved by who takes my Justice Card.
I handed my Justice Card to Mike Bloomberg's NYPD detectives that are Intelligence Division that guard him including Lt. O'Sullivan.
I tell the honest good People by watching you help prevent the NYPD from fixing for her again. You protect other patients from assault because my video doing the job that Dr Fagelman and NYPD did not do.
Christine Quinn Loses NY Mag & NYTimes has Campaign Managers?
Christine Quinn Loses NY Mag & NYTimes has Campaign Managers?
Mike had a hard time stealing an illegal third term using every thing he could from slush abuse to funneling money every way he could even via dummy company not Bloomberg News to his charity and all the media silenced critics like me --- my YouTube channel was even removed because I was the only one to predict Mike might not win due to vote anger.
Well if Christine Quinn wins it is by luck and voter apathy.
She may not win.
I have to laugh. Standing out St. Vincent's fighting the Rudin luxury condos instead of a hospital I left Howard Rubenstein a message and warned him she will have a tough time at the voting booth -- but Howard and all his media puppets refuse to respect the People of NYC and democratic process so they may be taught a lesson this time around.....since Mike barely winning was not lesson enough.
Howard is so old but he is called "god" and u can't get a job at city hall in the upper ranks unless he interviews you.
Mike had a hard time stealing an illegal third term using every thing he could from slush abuse to funneling money every way he could even via dummy company not Bloomberg News to his charity and all the media silenced critics like me --- my YouTube channel was even removed because I was the only one to predict Mike might not win due to vote anger.
Well if Christine Quinn wins it is by luck and voter apathy.
She may not win.
I have to laugh. Standing out St. Vincent's fighting the Rudin luxury condos instead of a hospital I left Howard Rubenstein a message and warned him she will have a tough time at the voting booth -- but Howard and all his media puppets refuse to respect the People of NYC and democratic process so they may be taught a lesson this time around.....since Mike barely winning was not lesson enough.
Howard is so old but he is called "god" and u can't get a job at city hall in the upper ranks unless he interviews you.
John Liu Called for Criminal Investigation in to 911 Tech Corruption 1 year Cy Vance had Done Nothing!
John Liu Called for Criminal Investigation in to 911 Tech Corruption 1 year Cy Vance had Done Nothing!
The one year anniversary of the call for a criminal investigation in to the 911 Tech corruption is almost on us.... The end of this month and ECTP 911 Tech corruption bigger than CityTime -- funny Preet Bharara not rushing in to investigate and prosecute and John Liu dubbed ECTP 911 CityTime 2.
This would have forced Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg and Quinn to resign but hey look at Rudy -- he never moved the Emergency Commander Center between terror attacks and sold the lie he was a 9-11 hero in to a 30 million dollar fortune..... Rudy had a 11 years to move the Emergency Command Center.
Let me guess -- Mike Bloomberg pushed HP like SAIC -- like a drug king pushes heroin.
Who appointed HP big wigs to NY Pension board -- Mike Bloomberg?
The above story was killed flat out murdered by NY Media to protect Mike Bloomberg the way no one but Michael Powell reported Seedco Mike's favorite not for profit was in fact stealing and had to pay for stealing. Not news.
If the truth was reported front page Mike would be forced to resign. Bloomberg is a fraud and would be in a homeless shelter living in poverty if he ran his private empire the way he ran NYC gov using tax payer money like his private charity and I am talking billions of tax payer dollars abused and or stolen all greenlighted by Christine Quinn and her flunkies on City Council...
The way he appointed Mark Page and Judge Lebow Patti little emperoress NYC gov Harris's hubbie --- to push the SAIC MTA uber corrupt deal.
HP was not qualified in 911 tech but billed us up the whazzzzooooooo and the other contractors did not notice? Ssshhhhhhh DOITT did not notice.
Mayor Bloomberg and everyone alerted of something very very wrong and theory is that was the reason Paul Cosgrove ousted. Paul the only ex Doitt not to become a lobbyist or get a cush job courtesy of NYC gov Bloomberg contacts.....do the math.
Seems like the Feds wire tapped the wrong guy.
The Feds did a political hit on John Liu --- looks like the Feds did some billionaires some favors -- billionaires and military contractors John Liu blocked from robbing us blind in my opinion......
The Feds should have been wire tapping Bloomberg, Mark Page, Patti Harris, Christine Quinn and in my opinion even Rose Gill Hearn.
The one year anniversary of the call for a criminal investigation in to the 911 Tech corruption is almost on us.... The end of this month and ECTP 911 Tech corruption bigger than CityTime -- funny Preet Bharara not rushing in to investigate and prosecute and John Liu dubbed ECTP 911 CityTime 2.
This would have forced Bloomberg, Team Bloomberg and Quinn to resign but hey look at Rudy -- he never moved the Emergency Commander Center between terror attacks and sold the lie he was a 9-11 hero in to a 30 million dollar fortune..... Rudy had a 11 years to move the Emergency Command Center.
Let me guess -- Mike Bloomberg pushed HP like SAIC -- like a drug king pushes heroin.
Who appointed HP big wigs to NY Pension board -- Mike Bloomberg?
The above story was killed flat out murdered by NY Media to protect Mike Bloomberg the way no one but Michael Powell reported Seedco Mike's favorite not for profit was in fact stealing and had to pay for stealing. Not news.
If the truth was reported front page Mike would be forced to resign. Bloomberg is a fraud and would be in a homeless shelter living in poverty if he ran his private empire the way he ran NYC gov using tax payer money like his private charity and I am talking billions of tax payer dollars abused and or stolen all greenlighted by Christine Quinn and her flunkies on City Council...
The way he appointed Mark Page and Judge Lebow Patti little emperoress NYC gov Harris's hubbie --- to push the SAIC MTA uber corrupt deal.
HP was not qualified in 911 tech but billed us up the whazzzzooooooo and the other contractors did not notice? Ssshhhhhhh DOITT did not notice.
Mayor Bloomberg and everyone alerted of something very very wrong and theory is that was the reason Paul Cosgrove ousted. Paul the only ex Doitt not to become a lobbyist or get a cush job courtesy of NYC gov Bloomberg contacts.....do the math.
Seems like the Feds wire tapped the wrong guy.
The Feds did a political hit on John Liu --- looks like the Feds did some billionaires some favors -- billionaires and military contractors John Liu blocked from robbing us blind in my opinion......
The Feds should have been wire tapping Bloomberg, Mark Page, Patti Harris, Christine Quinn and in my opinion even Rose Gill Hearn.
NYDN Bias Clouds Editorial on Stop and Frisk Trial
NYDN Bias Clouds Editorial on Stop and Frisk Trial
Mort Zuckerman and Colin Myler are so corrupt they have blocked me from commenting....what I have to say must be very dangerous.
The NYDN is protecting NYPD corruption the way the have protected Mike Bloomberg breaking campaign laws to push through an illegal third term.
The NYDN is very particular on what they report because of who they are protecting. A sell-out not The People's newspaper any more.
Ask Mort Zuckerman and Mike Bloomberg about Cathie Black and the air sale deal she brokered for them and what she got in return -- the kick back of an NYC gov job...
The NYDN is a fraud. Ask them why they won't report I was violently assaulted nearly blinded the MD Dr. Andrew Fagelman did not fire Delita Hooks and the NYPD first precinct fixed the crime.
http://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE Video proof of violent assault, NYPD fixed it and not news. MD doesn't fire violent front desk receptionist/office manager not news.....
The NYDN along with all media blacking out this story which is shocking and also exposes NYPD fixing crime.
Interesting huh?
* The Daily News writes that the class-action lawsuit challenging the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk policy fell short of convincingly depicting cops as targeting black and Hispanic New Yorkers for stops: http://nydn.us/18duboO
Mort Zuckerman and Colin Myler are so corrupt they have blocked me from commenting....what I have to say must be very dangerous.
The NYDN is protecting NYPD corruption the way the have protected Mike Bloomberg breaking campaign laws to push through an illegal third term.
The NYDN is very particular on what they report because of who they are protecting. A sell-out not The People's newspaper any more.
Ask Mort Zuckerman and Mike Bloomberg about Cathie Black and the air sale deal she brokered for them and what she got in return -- the kick back of an NYC gov job...
The NYDN is a fraud. Ask them why they won't report I was violently assaulted nearly blinded the MD Dr. Andrew Fagelman did not fire Delita Hooks and the NYPD first precinct fixed the crime.
http://youtu.be/dh9TedhfthE Video proof of violent assault, NYPD fixed it and not news. MD doesn't fire violent front desk receptionist/office manager not news.....
The NYDN along with all media blacking out this story which is shocking and also exposes NYPD fixing crime.
Interesting huh?
Sheldon Silver Costing Tax Payers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Revenue?
The Post writes that Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s reluctance to allow a vote on legalizing Mixed Martial Arts fighting in New York is costing the state hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue: http://bit.ly/11P3dD3
Sheldon Silver Costing Tax Payers Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Revenue?
If so what's holding Shelly back....?
Coney Island Over-run by Sand Not Just Greedy Developers!
Coney Island Over-run by Sand Not Just Greedy Developers!
I would take sand over greedy developers any day.....
Coney Island Over-run by Sand Not Just Greedy Developers!
I would take sand over greedy developers any day.....
Yesterday Save NYC Libraries Protest Waiting for News
Yesterday Save NYC Libraries Protest Waiting for News
Google AdSense account flat lining is Google Adsense Stealing?
Google AdSense account flat lining is Google Adsense Exploiting and Stealing from the Little People
Ever since my Det. John Vergona Deltia Hooks assault filed a false cross complaint no arrest YouTube was illegally removed and than another video part of this violence and abuse was removed I took down ad sense as a protest because Google violates my rights and profits from these ads which I don't even like...
What is the point of having them is I am earning nothing and since my protest removing google ad sense and than returning it I am mysteriously earning pretty much nothing.
I don't trust AdSEnse earnings and improvements
Ever since my Det. John Vergona Deltia Hooks assault filed a false cross complaint no arrest YouTube was illegally removed and than another video part of this violence and abuse was removed I took down ad sense as a protest because Google violates my rights and profits from these ads which I don't even like...
What is the point of having them is I am earning nothing and since my protest removing google ad sense and than returning it I am mysteriously earning pretty much nothing.
I don't trust AdSEnse earnings and improvements
NYC Mayoral Candidates Quizzed on Drone the New Unrealities of NYPD Drones Untapped
NYC Mayoral Candidates Quizzed on Drone the New Unrealities of NYPD Drones Untapped By Suzannah B. Troy artist
Drones are the "new Green" from The White House to NYC big business and military contracts under Mike Bloomberg along with fortune 500 companies came to NYC under Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn and robbed us blind in my opinion because their federal money drying up or just crooks used to no accountability like to many of our corrupt NY politicians from Alabny to City Hall.
All though NYC drones would not be armed with guns and be quite small here is a theoretical.
Even a small drone could have a compartment with "gas" to knock out protestors. The NYPD could send a gaggle of drones over protestors and drop gas on them to knock them out and than mass arrest them. They would not have any resisting arrests! The potential of drones to "police" or spy on New Yorkers is shocking and scary because the Michael Premo case proved the NYPD will do what ever it takes to not share video that exposes they are lying and framing innocent New Yorkers.
Follow the link to the Manhattan DA's role trying to protect corrupt cops in the Premo case.
Domain would be TARU on steriods and throw in Drones and a new level for NYPD to have destroy evidence that incriminates them.
Drones are the "new Green" from The White House to NYC big business and military contracts under Mike Bloomberg along with fortune 500 companies came to NYC under Mike Bloomberg and Christine Quinn and robbed us blind in my opinion because their federal money drying up or just crooks used to no accountability like to many of our corrupt NY politicians from Alabny to City Hall.
All though NYC drones would not be armed with guns and be quite small here is a theoretical.
Even a small drone could have a compartment with "gas" to knock out protestors. The NYPD could send a gaggle of drones over protestors and drop gas on them to knock them out and than mass arrest them. They would not have any resisting arrests! The potential of drones to "police" or spy on New Yorkers is shocking and scary because the Michael Premo case proved the NYPD will do what ever it takes to not share video that exposes they are lying and framing innocent New Yorkers.
Follow the link to the Manhattan DA's role trying to protect corrupt cops in the Premo case.
Domain would be TARU on steriods and throw in Drones and a new level for NYPD to have destroy evidence that incriminates them.
http://rt.com/usa/nypd-gas-subway-terror-drill-416/ Just an excerpt -- click link to read more....
"The New York City Police Department announced Wednesday that it will deploy, then track, what it calls “harmless” gases into the city’s subway system over three non-consecutive days this summer.
The plan, to be enacted in July, will investigate New York’s readiness to handle a chemical terrorist attack by dispersing the colorless gas and tracing it as it flows through the city, according to Scientific American. The test is expected to cost $3.4 million and is scheduled to be carried out in all five boroughs and dozens of stations on 21 of the city's 34 subway lines.
“The NYPD works for the best but plans for the worst when it comes to potentially catastrophic attacks such as ones employing radiological contaminants or weaponized anthrax,” police commissioner Ray Kelly said in a statement.
The police will use roughly 200 detectors to monitor the gas. Dubbed the Subway-Surface Air Flow Exchange, the test will be the largest of its kind and organized in cooperation with the energy department’s Brookhaven National Laboratory. They’ll use perfluorocarbon tracer gases (PFTs), which are frequently used to measure potential sites for underground construction. "
SAIC CityTime Curse Drain for Shareholders Wait on IRS
Must be exhausting for shareholders to own this stock post CITYTIME. Even the street needs a double capuccino this am, was it not last week SAIC needed the IRS to approve the SAIC post CITYIME Crime split ala DPA (deferred prosecution agreement)? For those lovers of decaf your cool too.
Accourding to the SEC and reported by Bizjournals "SAIC seeks shareholder approval for reverse stock split"
"The planned separation of the company, announced in August 2012, could cause the market price and trading ranges for the common stock to be significantly lower than the current price and trading ranges, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission."
Meanwhile back at the farm....insider monkey has questions about SAIC too.
"SAIC, Inc. (SAI): Room to Run or Waiting for a Fall?"
"McLean, Virginia-based military contractor
SAIC, Inc. (NYSE:SAI) has long been the target of conflicting investor emotions." http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/saic-inc-sai-room-to-run-or-waiting-for-a-fall-127828/
SAIC give our money back pre-Denault.
Cy Vance Dirty DA Bologna to Wire Tapping NYPD Thief on Staff
See above link --- Cy Vance lied to Democratic Club members he visited -- he said he was tough on NYPD but his false prosecution of Michael Prema and unwillingness to go after NYPD that perjurer themselves in court, to heroin in NYPD rape cop's Moreno's locker less than a wrist slap to REFUSING TO PROSECUTE NYPD DI BOLOGNA MR. PEPPER SPRAY PEACEFUL WOMEN IN THE EYES!!!!!!!!! SHAMEFUL. Cy Vance should be out of office left the City of NY.
Cy Vance refused to prosecute mayor bloomberg for perjury and breaking campaign laws.
We have no Democracy here --- no one is running against Cy Vance...
No one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only thing worse is Scott Stringer has no one running against. Scott Stringer is not qualified for the job of Comptroller and no opponent running against him proof NYC politics a sham.
See above link --- Cy Vance lied to Democratic Club members he visited -- he said he was tough on NYPD but his false prosecution of Michael Prema and unwillingness to go after NYPD that perjurer themselves in court, to heroin in NYPD rape cop's Moreno's locker less than a wrist slap to REFUSING TO PROSECUTE NYPD DI BOLOGNA MR. PEPPER SPRAY PEACEFUL WOMEN IN THE EYES!!!!!!!!! SHAMEFUL. Cy Vance should be out of office left the City of NY.
Cy Vance refused to prosecute mayor bloomberg for perjury and breaking campaign laws.
We have no Democracy here --- no one is running against Cy Vance...
No one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only thing worse is Scott Stringer has no one running against. Scott Stringer is not qualified for the job of Comptroller and no opponent running against him proof NYC politics a sham.
Gerald Lefcourt John Liu's Aides Politics of Picking Jurors How People "See" Corruption Center Stage?
John Liu's Aides Politics of Picking Jurors Reflect how People View Political Corruption?
Hey Gerald Lefcourt -- If you want to give your karma a shining than contact me and give me some free legal advice asap....have a nice day.
See The New York Times article.....Note from Suzannah Troy -- below an excerpt to read more --- see below --- in my opinion the Haggerty trial was a travesty because the Judge, the DA and even Haggerty's lawyers all pretended Mike Bloomberg did not break campaign laws which he blatantly did and in also commited perjury. Perjury not protected by the immunity Cy Vance had to give Mike and Team Bloomberg. (Side note == u know I despise Joe Tacopina. In contrast Lefcourt's website and Lefcourt and old guy well preserved is heads and shoulders above a Tacopina. That being said did Lefcourt removed the legal document that I linked to way back that if anything proved we don't have a Justice system that worked because no offense Gerald but Jeffrey Esptein guiltier than sin and that tranny was probably one of many victims that Epstein preyed on here in NYC and got away with it. That being said I would want Lefcourt on my dream team of lawyers and email him my stuff and sent him my Mayor Bloomberg King of NY" poster.
In this case I hope Lefcourt pulls a rabbit out of his hat because Mike Bloomberg broke campaign laws and wasn't held accountable. In my opinion Rudy got away with everything these folks got busted for and why they went gunning after Liu with a wire tap -- well read my series Dead Man Walking because Liu busted to many billionaire Oligarchs of NY.
Like Elliot Spitzer they were going to take him out. (Short list, Bloomberg, Murdoch, Hutchins...)
Hey Gerald if you can't help me some free advice on my suing the NYPD than can you help Joe Tacopina t get a suit that fits him as nicely as ur's fit u?
Search Results
"One Manhattan resident who worked for a nonprofit agency said she thought she could be fair and impartial, but contended that the billions of dollars spent on the recent presidential race had been “an atrocity.”
Prosecutors used a challenge to remove her from the pool, without giving a reason.
A software engineer from Westchester County said he believed that money spent on the political system “was drowning out the issues.”
But he said he did not believe that would affect his ability to be fair and impartial. “I don’t see this as really a campaign financing issue so much as, ‘Did they break the law?’ ” he said. “I think I can separate it based on that.”
He was removed by the defense, also without explanation.
The final seven-woman, five-man jury appears to be diverse racially and ethnically (although Mr. Lefcourt has said that its lack of Asians concerned him). Five jurors are from Manhattan, four are from the Bronx and three are from Westchester and Rockland Counties. The jurors include an intensive-care-unit nurse, a department store executive, a man who works in construction, a museum worker, and a man who said he delivered newspapers, among other jobs. Two jurors are retired.
One Bronx woman, a research librarian at a law firm, was not challenged by either side despite holding strong views about the influence of lobbyists and political action committees, which she said sometimes made it hard for elected officials “to be completely independent in their thinking.”
Would she hold that against the defendants, the judge asked, “because they were involved in a process that involved raising money for candidates?”
“No,” she said. “The process is legal. Whether I like it or not doesn’t matter.”
The judge pressed her further: Would she want to “send a message through this verdict?”
“No,” she replied. She said that the issue was whether the defendants “were following the letter of the law, and if they were, then that is fine.” If she disliked the process and wanted to “change matters,” she added, “it is up to me to do something when I vote” in elections.
“But not in court,” she said. “That’s not the way to do it.”"
Washington Post not ny times, NY Post or NYDN on NYPD Retaliation Against Whistle Blowers
I am not NYPD but I am a whistle blower so is that why corrupt det John Vergona 01 precinct slandered me on nyc gov time as this video proves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em and coerced me in to dropping charges. I had to attend to my eye which without surgery I would have lost vision and my neck as well as fighting off corrupt cops too cowardly to meet me except to false arrest me but anti Semitic Vergona insisted I wait 4 days to be false arrested until Saturday???? I asked Det John Vergona r u anti-Semitic. He did not answer!!!
He could not explain why he changed from an urgent need to arrest me ASAP to Saturday. I asked arrest The Jew on the Sabbath? R u anti-Semitic?
Corrupt scum posing as NYPD det Vergona doesn't have a twitter account.
NYPD controls press passes nyc so don't expect any news on how corrupt and out of control the NYPD are.
John Vergona taught me over the phone how dirty evil and corrupt the NYPD are because he would not meet me to see the damage to my eye and defensive wounds in my arm.
The 2 NYPD detectives that got Delita Hooks false cross complaint never contacted me!!!
How is that for investigating a crime???
That was under Deputy Inspector Ed Winski 01 Precinct same precinct that protects City Hall!!!!
I can't help but wonder if Delita Hooks and her employer have a special relationship with the NYPD????
Just asking.
Remember the MD in Staten Island all those HGH scripts to a phalanx of NYPD officers including Adrian Schoolcraft's kidnapper Chief Marino.
I once asked for a raise for the NYPD in the ny times after 9-11 and now I am asking for a new Commission and a permanent OUTSIDE monitor not an inspector general that would be as bogus as IAB and CCRB.
Thanks Det John Vergona for waking me up to the how out of control the NYPD are.
Corrupt dirt bags, did u get the results u wanted fixing me being violently assaulted?
The NYPD should not control press passes!!!!!!!
I am not NYPD but I am a whistle blower so is that why corrupt det John Vergona 01 precinct slandered me on nyc gov time as this video proves http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh9TedhfthE&sns=em and coerced me in to dropping charges. I had to attend to my eye which without surgery I would have lost vision and my neck as well as fighting off corrupt cops too cowardly to meet me except to false arrest me but anti Semitic Vergona insisted I wait 4 days to be false arrested until Saturday???? I asked Det John Vergona r u anti-Semitic. He did not answer!!!
He could not explain why he changed from an urgent need to arrest me ASAP to Saturday. I asked arrest The Jew on the Sabbath? R u anti-Semitic?
Corrupt scum posing as NYPD det Vergona doesn't have a twitter account.
NYPD controls press passes nyc so don't expect any news on how corrupt and out of control the NYPD are.
John Vergona taught me over the phone how dirty evil and corrupt the NYPD are because he would not meet me to see the damage to my eye and defensive wounds in my arm.
The 2 NYPD detectives that got Delita Hooks false cross complaint never contacted me!!!
How is that for investigating a crime???
That was under Deputy Inspector Ed Winski 01 Precinct same precinct that protects City Hall!!!!
I can't help but wonder if Delita Hooks and her employer have a special relationship with the NYPD????
Just asking.
Remember the MD in Staten Island all those HGH scripts to a phalanx of NYPD officers including Adrian Schoolcraft's kidnapper Chief Marino.
I once asked for a raise for the NYPD in the ny times after 9-11 and now I am asking for a new Commission and a permanent OUTSIDE monitor not an inspector general that would be as bogus as IAB and CCRB.
Thanks Det John Vergona for waking me up to the how out of control the NYPD are.
Corrupt dirt bags, did u get the results u wanted fixing me being violently assaulted?
The NYPD should not control press passes!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Mayor Bloomberg Explain Your Relationship with Steve Rattner to School Kids
Hilarious Mike Bloomberg advising Murdoch to get rid of his twitter account like Murdoch is Anthony Weiner and Mike Clueless that most people think he is senile or has dementia....Mike wants to tell us about twitter and facebook usage but Mike we want you to explain to us and NYC school kids your relationship with Steve Rattner and also how you stole an illegal third term, broke campaign laws, a sitting mayor commited perjury during the Haggerty trial....
pushed the most reckless Tsunami of Community Crushing development -- most hideous crappy construction that can't be stand "Proud to made in the USA" because it wasn't policing by DOB but Dept of Building aided and abetted all this hunk of junk building that cost how many lives....
how you pushed this tsunami of development on OLD NYC's infrastructures (S) plural....infrastructures!
How you and Christine Quinn are responsible for the largest corruption abuse of tax payer money EVER in the history of NYC gov.....billions of dollars starting with ECTP 911 tech system, CityTime, NYCAPS, NYWiNS, 311 boy would l love to get my hands on the on going price tag for 311, FDNY Wireless, Seedco not tech but Mike's favor not profit they stole in the 2 million dollar range...chump change, Board of Election tech corruption, Board of Ed lots of tech corrupt dealings, etc.
I feel like I am in a modern day horror movie Being There but instead of Peter Sellars it is Mike Bloomberg --- above average intelligence but really not that smart much more about being in the right place at the right town....truly he had destroyed this city with Amanda the People's Burden help -- she resembles a zombie that wishes she was audrey hepburn, commissioner Kahn wants to be mary tyler moore and christine quinn wants to be Mrs. Bloomberg.
Mike Bloomberg has robbed this city of what soul it had left....now a big shopping mall for rich people and one day soon only for rich people and the poor areas for servicing the rich...one day service workers will only be allowed to commute in to NYC with day passes....horror sic-fi
Record number of killers and rapists being released from upstate prisons, many returning to NYC
Record number of killers and rapists being released from upstate prisons, many returning to NYC
Record number of killers and rapists being released from upstate prisons, many returning to NYC
Nanny Bloomberg told Rupert Murdoch to Get Off Twitter
“I’ve told your boss, I think he should stop twittering,” Bloomberg told a reporter for the New York Post, which is owned by Murdoch.
Hilarious does Rupe have a Weiner twitter account that we don't know about giggle, giggle....
It would not occur to our arrogant Mike bloomberg Mike Bloomberg that is how most of NYC that isn't rich feels about him as mayor....
hardee har!!!!!!
"No. 1, I don't understand why people don't understand that anything you write, anything you send out, is going to be retweeted, re-Facebooked, re-this, re-that," Bloomberg declared, clearly exasperated. "You should write down, No. 1, only things you believe, and No. 2, then think about how it would look if somebody else sees it. There are just a lot of young kids who are doing things on their Twitter account, their Facebook account that later on is going to come back and bite them. I know you want to share information, and it’s nice to be able to express yourself, but you have to have the maturity to understand (what you’re doing).”
Bloomberg explain Steve Rattner and raiding the NY Pensions pay to play, pay to not go to jail, paid to not guilty and how how keep the crook Rattner on the payrolll....explain that to NYC school kids you pedantic hypocritical nanny.
Mayor Bloomberg Christine Qunn his mini-me Baby Putins NYPD Private Army
I call Bloomberg "Baby Putin". Mike and his mini-me uses words like "democracy" truly laughable.
Christine Quinn Betrayal Inspires New Opposition Group Facebook
Click here to read it in English and Spanish....
and do not forget The Authorized Biography on Christine Quinn
chapter 1
Mayor B To pay $73,000 to someone to push breast feeding more than an NYPD officer
Mayor B To pay $73,000 to someone to push breast feeding more than an NYPD officer
Save Our Library Protest Today!!
Protest today.
Exhaustion extreme trauma from violent assault MD's office NYPD fixed nyc gov dirty dealing.
Amazing Mike rich enough to save all our libraries and he allowed billions of tax dollars to be stolen on CityTime, ECTP 911 tech system, etc.
Protest today.
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