Thursday, January 31, 2013
Iphone Lost Under Large Sleeping Animal
I could not find my iphone so I did a search via ICloud and u can play a sound which I had to play a lot to determine my phone was being slept on by a larger furry friend.
NYPD Christine Hirtzel Married Says She Broke It Off w/ Schlinder
January 31 Christine Hirtzel says he was smitten with her and killed himself when she broke it off? She is married?
U mean a guy with three kids would kill himself and never see his kids again because u broke up with him?
Maybe you should not have been having sex with a subordinate police officer let alone sex outside the marriage although I guess a lot of NYPD officers do that?
NYPD has "Internal Affairs"
"Community Affairs" it does make u think affairs is the name of the game in the NYPD doesn't it?
This is yet another one of many we have read in the press gone wrong.
I can't find the link to the Capt.? NYPD Police Academy who got arrested in the West Village for beating up his gal pal who I think was also nypd.
January 31 Christine Hirtzel says he was smitten with her and killed himself when she broke it off? She is married?
U mean a guy with three kids would kill himself and never see his kids again because u broke up with him?
Maybe you should not have been having sex with a subordinate police officer let alone sex outside the marriage although I guess a lot of NYPD officers do that?
NYPD has "Internal Affairs"
"Community Affairs" it does make u think affairs is the name of the game in the NYPD doesn't it?
This is yet another one of many we have read in the press gone wrong.
I can't find the link to the Capt.? NYPD Police Academy who got arrested in the West Village for beating up his gal pal who I think was also nypd.
Sundance Film Festival
Happy for a friend that went to Sundance -- His wife had a role in a film that was shown there.
Very happy for them.
Very happy for them.
Tonight Make New Complaint with Internal Affairs Against Detectives that Took Delita Hooks False Complaint
Tonight months after I was first assaulted -- I called Internal Affairs -- I am disconnected three times and than I get voice mail. I leave a message if there is anyone there with integrity call me back.
I do get a call back and I make new complaints against the detectives from the First Precinct Det. Squad who took Delita Hooks false complaint and never called me just like Det John Vergona refused repeatedly to meet me in person to see the defensive wounds and damage to my eye. To this day Det. John Vergona has not met me and lied repeatedly to me that he was going to the office to interview everybody. He never went.
I want to testify about CCRB and the NYPD any and all opportunities I want to tell what happened.
Corrupt cops let Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent receptionist Delita Hooks get away with threatening me with bodily harm after menacing me and giving me the finger than repeatedly violently assaulting me and the day after me filing a false complaint which this video proves. No handcuffs or arrest.
I do get a call back and I make new complaints against the detectives from the First Precinct Det. Squad who took Delita Hooks false complaint and never called me just like Det John Vergona refused repeatedly to meet me in person to see the defensive wounds and damage to my eye. To this day Det. John Vergona has not met me and lied repeatedly to me that he was going to the office to interview everybody. He never went.
I want to testify about CCRB and the NYPD any and all opportunities I want to tell what happened.
Corrupt cops let Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent receptionist Delita Hooks get away with threatening me with bodily harm after menacing me and giving me the finger than repeatedly violently assaulting me and the day after me filing a false complaint which this video proves. No handcuffs or arrest.
The corrupt cops had not problem with Delita Hooks berating me coming out from behind that enclosed counter where she sits way up front and she hurt me physically far more than the little boy in the video.
Nice -- so the NYPD arrest a 7 year old bully and handcuff him and interrogate him but a 40 year old bully who is suppose to be a professional in the medical community can threaten me with bodily harm, repeatedly assault me and I caught that beginning of the assault on video when she takes off her shoes she ran and punched me in the eye and caused a hole in my retina, hurt my neck worse than it was, kicked me in the groin but I continued to make distance and ripped out my hair
After the third assault to my body I defend myself fighting back.
Det. John Vergona must be either shockingly stupid or lazy because when he threatened with me false arrest if I did not drop the assault charges because Delita Hooks committed another serious crime and false a false cross complaint Det. John Vergona of the First Precinct asked me why did I walk by her?
Well John look and see she got out from behind the long reception desk where she sits up front and stalked and menaced me and than stood at the door as I exited violently giving me the finger.
I thought I was a safe distance away to start filming to document but she continue to move towards me even using the door she could have easily closed as she says get out and I am out.
The NYPD went over the top with the little boy even if he is a bully and the aided and abetted Delita Hooks I call the creature from Planet rage a violent power keg in my opinion.
I hope my video makes it harder for her to hurt other people because the NYPD failed to be honest and do their jobs.
The NYPD detectives that took Delita Hooks false cross complaint never contacted me and Det. John Vergona never went over to the office to interview everybody.
My MD and her partner moved out.
I had to get laser surgery to repair the hole in my eye.
I have never touched a women's hair in life but I don't think it was a first for Delita Hooks who ripped out my hair. I grabbed hers when she would not let go.
The NYPD really can't seem to get it right.
If Wilson is a bully and a thief than it still appears they NYPD went to far holding him too long but the NYPD aided and abetted the medical receptionist who assaulted me in my opinion and it is still an open case because Internal Affairs has it.
This was me before Delita Hooks at age 50 feeling beautiful and happy.
Note the very heavy bag on my shoulder.
When Delita Hooks attacked me I never put down my bags proving she is a violent creature and a bully.
I had my bag on my left arm along with the smaller bag and my arm was numb because I had 2 injections in it.
Look at the rage at her.
Look at the photo of me after. Do you see rage? No, just disbelief.
There are two defensive marks on my left arm I believe from the key on her wrist that became like a weapon.
She and the women in the video lied about me to the NYPD not knowing I had the video.
My MD immediately came to me and her medical assistant got her.
The NYPD never interviewed her and her medical assistant.
I have aged a lot and I am still in shock. My MD demanded Dr. Fagelman fire Delita Hooks but Dr. Fagelman refused. Delita Hooks went right back to her desk after violating my patient rights and basic human rights. A medical office is suppose to be a safe place but the NYPD were not any better.
It changed how I view the NYPD because it wasn't one cop but a group and now I wait for Internal Affairs and they tell me they are back logged.
Gee I wonder why?
CCRB Refuses to Investigate Says Internal Affairs Job
CCRB has sent me letters and I got a call late this afternoon from the legal head Graham Daws and we debated what is "discourteous".
I told Mr. Daws I will testify and I wanted to be included when there is testimony on CCRB.
In my opinion CCRB failed me.
Det. John Vergona said to me "I do not care if you have two black eyes."
Stop babbling.
I don't work for you. I work for the police department.
(Not very bright guy because it says protect and serve and that means he works for the People, the tax payers but his response was accurate.)
DI Ed Winski and Lt. Angelos Burgos all guilty of discourteous behavior not responding to me re: Delita Hooks false complaint besides her violent assault two serious crimes but the false complaint happened right inside the First Precinct.
Sgt. Chen who was rude and discourteous and toyed with me on the phone.
Apparently CCRB has specific rules about discourteous behavior.
They all also clearly abused their power and ditto for the detectives who's names I do not have that took the false cross complaint from Delita Hooks.
I want their names to file complaints with IA.
I want to be contacted by CCRB when they have testimony open to the public because I want to testify and when I get my commission and I spoke to the honorable Milton Mollen -- when I get my commission I will testify against the NYPD involved, the IA involved if they cover-up -- right now they state they are back logged but so far they have not interviewed me or my MD and her medical assistant and Det. Vergona never did.
He refused to go to the office and interview everybody after telling me he would for weeks.
I told Mr. Daws I will testify and I wanted to be included when there is testimony on CCRB.
In my opinion CCRB failed me.
Det. John Vergona said to me "I do not care if you have two black eyes."
Stop babbling.
I don't work for you. I work for the police department.
(Not very bright guy because it says protect and serve and that means he works for the People, the tax payers but his response was accurate.)
DI Ed Winski and Lt. Angelos Burgos all guilty of discourteous behavior not responding to me re: Delita Hooks false complaint besides her violent assault two serious crimes but the false complaint happened right inside the First Precinct.
Sgt. Chen who was rude and discourteous and toyed with me on the phone.
Apparently CCRB has specific rules about discourteous behavior.
They all also clearly abused their power and ditto for the detectives who's names I do not have that took the false cross complaint from Delita Hooks.
I want their names to file complaints with IA.
I want to be contacted by CCRB when they have testimony open to the public because I want to testify and when I get my commission and I spoke to the honorable Milton Mollen -- when I get my commission I will testify against the NYPD involved, the IA involved if they cover-up -- right now they state they are back logged but so far they have not interviewed me or my MD and her medical assistant and Det. Vergona never did.
He refused to go to the office and interview everybody after telling me he would for weeks.
NYPD arrested 7 yr. Old Wilson Reyes Alleged Bully Thief but Not Delita Hooks Dr. Andrew Fagelman's Violent Receptionist
Corrupt cops let Dr. Andrew Fagelman's violent receptionist Delita Hooks get away with threatening me with bodily harm after menacing me and giving me the finger than repeatedly violently assaulting me and the day after me filing a false complaint which this video proves. No handcuffs or arrest.
The corrupt cops had not problem with Delita Hooks berating me coming out from behind that enclosed counter where she sits way up front and she hurt me physically far more than the little boy in the video.
Nice -- so the NYPD arrest a 7 year old bully and handcuff him and interrogate him but a 40 year old bully who is suppose to be a professional in the medical community can threaten me with bodily harm, repeatedly assault me and I caught that beginning of the assault on video when she takes off her shoes she ran and punched me in the eye and caused a hole in my retina, hurt my neck worse than it was, kicked me in the groin but I continued to make distance and ripped out my hair
After the third assault to my body I defend myself fighting back.
Det. John Vergona must be either shockingly stupid or lazy because when he threatened with me false arrest if I did not drop the assault charges because Delita Hooks committed another serious crime and false a false cross complaint Det. John Vergona of the First Precinct asked me why did I walk by her?
Well John look and see she got out from behind the long reception desk where she sits up front and stalked and menaced me and than stood at the door as I exited violently giving me the finger.
I thought I was a safe distance away to start filming to document but she continue to move towards me even using the door she could have easily closed as she says get out and I am out.
The NYPD went over the top with the little boy even if he is a bully and the aided and abetted Delita Hooks I call the creature from Planet rage a violent power keg in my opinion.
I hope my video makes it harder for her to hurt other people because the NYPD failed to be honest and do their jobs.
The NYPD detectives that took Delita Hooks false cross complaint never contacted me and Det. John Vergona never went over to the office to interview everybody.
My MD and her partner moved out.
I had to get laser surgery to repair the hole in my eye.
I have never touched a women's hair in life but I don't think it was a first for Delita Hooks who ripped out my hair. I grabbed hers when she would not let go.
The NYPD really can't seem to get it right.
If Wilson is a bully and a thief than it still appears they NYPD went to far holding him too long but the NYPD aided and abetted the medical receptionist who assaulted me in my opinion and it is still an open case because Internal Affairs has it.
This was me before Delita Hooks at age 50 feeling beautiful and happy.
Note the very heavy bag on my shoulder.
When Delita Hooks attacked me I never put down my bags proving she is a violent creature and a bully.
I had my bag on my left arm along with the smaller bag and my arm was numb because I had 2 injections in it.
Look at the rage at her.
Look at the photo of me after. Do you see rage? No, just disbelief.
There are two defensive marks on my left arm I believe from the key on her wrist that became like a weapon.
She and the women in the video lied about me to the NYPD not knowing I had the video.
My MD immediately came to me and her medical assistant got her.
The NYPD never interviewed her and her medical assistant.
I have aged a lot and I am still in shock. My MD demanded Dr. Fagelman fire Delita Hooks but Dr. Fagelman refused. Delita Hooks went right back to her desk after violating my patient rights and basic human rights. A medical office is suppose to be a safe place but the NYPD were not any better.
It changed how I view the NYPD because it wasn't one cop but a group and now I wait for Internal Affairs and they tell me they are back logged.
Gee I wonder why?
DOT Commissioner Kahn Honking Down
Note from Suzannah Troy -- I got 2 no honking signs one at Fourth Ave and 4th ave and one in middle of the street 12th between 4th and 3rd.
Note from Suzannah Troy -- I got 2 no honking signs one at Fourth Ave and 4th ave and one in middle of the street 12th between 4th and 3rd.
Gov Andy Cuomo Women Equality Dave Paterson
Equal rights for pay? Ask Cuomo what he did to Paterson for attempting to silence a victim of spousal abuse by Dave Johnson than on Albany's payroll and perjury!
Cuomo appointed Paterson to MTA board.
Basil Paterson.
These men do not care about women but about money and power.
Women are to be used and if they behave jump thru hoops don't make waves $$$$$
Equal rights for pay? Ask Cuomo what he did to Paterson for attempting to silence a victim of spousal abuse by Dave Johnson than on Albany's payroll and perjury!
Cuomo appointed Paterson to MTA board.
Basil Paterson.
These men do not care about women but about money and power.
Women are to be used and if they behave jump thru hoops don't make waves $$$$$
Christine Quinn No Feminist Icon
Christine Quinn sounds like a moron and ask her why we have no Trauma Level 1 Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care when she could have gotten us protecting zoning for a hospital instead of Rudin Luxury Condos.
Rudin is Koch's landlord. Rudin's Bloomberg's BF.
Do stupid rich people not need a hospital?
Google Christine Quinn Chuck Meara
Google Christine Quinn Talking Points
Quinn no feminist look at her wedding and guests. She invited Vito Lopez and Dave Paterson both involved in violence towards women and exploiting them and rewarding women who jump thru their hoops and Cuomo and judge Judy Kaye fixing for Dave Paterson so appropriate Judy Kaye does honors in faux feminist wedding.
Christine Quinn sounds like a moron and ask her why we have no Trauma Level 1 Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care when she could have gotten us protecting zoning for a hospital instead of Rudin Luxury Condos.
Rudin is Koch's landlord. Rudin's Bloomberg's BF.
Do stupid rich people not need a hospital?
Google Christine Quinn Chuck Meara
Google Christine Quinn Talking Points
Quinn no feminist look at her wedding and guests. She invited Vito Lopez and Dave Paterson both involved in violence towards women and exploiting them and rewarding women who jump thru their hoops and Cuomo and judge Judy Kaye fixing for Dave Paterson so appropriate Judy Kaye does honors in faux feminist wedding.
NYC Gov Tax Payer $ Robbed by Defense Contractors and Fortune 500 Companies?
NYC Gov Tax Payer $ Robbed by Defense Contractors and Fortune 500 Companies?
Short list who has not robbed us over billed us and was allowed to
911 -- 1 billion $ over budget
CityTime stinker piece of garbage Rudy gave us and threw away AutoTime created and run by City Workers -- Rudy gives us a lemon and hires SAIC who was robbing us Pre-Denault.
Rudy wanted to profit is my guess all his guys lobbyists SAIC and even tried to push garbage corrupt MTA SAIC deal along with whom? Mike's MTA appointees Mark Page and judge Lebow Patti Harris's husband? I call her dirty Patti.
CityTime SAIC over 700 million over budget.
NYCAPS over budget 277 million.
The list long including over runs mega millions to NASA, Raytheon, HP, etc.....?
Mike's favorite non profit Seedco stealing.
Board of Ed tech IBM guy stealing and there were other cases as well.
Countless attacks of heinous abuse/theft tax payer $ no arrests of gov officials that made it possible and mayoral candidates involved.
John Liu heroic trying to stop CityTime and ECTP 911 -- Feds wire tapped wrong guy.
City Council, Quinn, Thompson green lighted theft. Mark Page and Mike B. Team Bloomberg and huge amount Tech contracts. So much for Mike being a tech biz whiz. Mike is a fraud.
I want our $ back plus damages.
Dept of Investigation was notified repeatedly about CityTime first Valcich's letter and DOI did nothing when alerted CityTime and ECTP 911.
When DOI wakes out of convenient coma on CityTime and Mike stops pushing SAIC like drug kingpin Rose Gill Hearn do informercials her on NY 1 CityTime works!
Rudy had 11 years to move ECC out WTC and he didn't. Fraud 911 hero.
New back up ECC real estate deal under Mike very shady.
NYC Gov Tax Payer $ Robbed by Defense Contractors and Fortune 500 Companies?
Short list who has not robbed us over billed us and was allowed to
911 -- 1 billion $ over budget
CityTime stinker piece of garbage Rudy gave us and threw away AutoTime created and run by City Workers -- Rudy gives us a lemon and hires SAIC who was robbing us Pre-Denault.
Rudy wanted to profit is my guess all his guys lobbyists SAIC and even tried to push garbage corrupt MTA SAIC deal along with whom? Mike's MTA appointees Mark Page and judge Lebow Patti Harris's husband? I call her dirty Patti.
CityTime SAIC over 700 million over budget.
NYCAPS over budget 277 million.
The list long including over runs mega millions to NASA, Raytheon, HP, etc.....?
Mike's favorite non profit Seedco stealing.
Board of Ed tech IBM guy stealing and there were other cases as well.
Countless attacks of heinous abuse/theft tax payer $ no arrests of gov officials that made it possible and mayoral candidates involved.
John Liu heroic trying to stop CityTime and ECTP 911 -- Feds wire tapped wrong guy.
City Council, Quinn, Thompson green lighted theft. Mark Page and Mike B. Team Bloomberg and huge amount Tech contracts. So much for Mike being a tech biz whiz. Mike is a fraud.
I want our $ back plus damages.
Dept of Investigation was notified repeatedly about CityTime first Valcich's letter and DOI did nothing when alerted CityTime and ECTP 911.
When DOI wakes out of convenient coma on CityTime and Mike stops pushing SAIC like drug kingpin Rose Gill Hearn do informercials her on NY 1 CityTime works!
Rudy had 11 years to move ECC out WTC and he didn't. Fraud 911 hero.
New back up ECC real estate deal under Mike very shady.
Suzannah Troy YouTube Justice Dr Fagelman Assault By Receptionist Cards
In this vid u can see how much I have aged and get a feel for how exhausted I am.
FYI Adrian Schoolcraft tapes more proof NYPD fixing crime.
Det Harold Hernandez came forward and resigned NYPD down grading serial rapists crimes.
In this vid u can see how much I have aged and get a feel for how exhausted I am.
FYI Adrian Schoolcraft tapes more proof NYPD fixing crime.
Det Harold Hernandez came forward and resigned NYPD down grading serial rapists crimes.
Dream NYPD Commish Kelly Young Women PD
I dreamt I was at a coffee place on University Place near where the diner that was there for so long closed and a lot was going on and people coming going - a young woman came in -- she ended up giving me her card - she worked for Kelly. I gave her my card that tells about me being assaulted, false complaint, NYPD fixing -- I only had one card left it was wet because water spilled on the table but I gave it to her.
She knew me from the blog and mistakenly thought I had removed my blog. I remember she had little rainbows on the upper arms of her jacket.
She knew me from the blog and mistakenly thought I had removed my blog. I remember she had little rainbows on the upper arms of her jacket.
#NYPD IA backlog Dr. Fagelman Receptionist Assault + False Cross Complaint
YouTube Justice as I wait for an Internal Affairs Investigation.
CCRB has agreed to review my complaints and I requested they do a seperate Investigaton.
CCRB requires the NYPD involved come in person and testify under oath vs IA conducted in secrey and any questioning will not be under oath.
FYI Internal Affairs -- Detectives who took her false cross complaint never contacted me and my Det. John Vergona 01 Precinct never went to the office to interview everybody. 2 weeks of promising he changed and said he did not have to because the det that took her cross complaint did.
FYI no detectives interviewed my MD and her medical assistant who pulled my MD out of the examine room with a patient to assist me.
7 Year Old Arrested By NYPD Punched & Robbed Boy?
7 Year Old Arrested By NYPD Punched & Robbed Boy?
If so explain how guns are going to stop violence if a 7 year old is already behaving this way?
Anyway Mom is suing tax payers for $250 million.
Fracking, Pipeline, Stop Violence Lower East Side... NYC
See link for all day events...
Call-in Week to Governor Cuomo to BAN FRACKING - A PHONE
All day
Support striking school bus drivers + matrons - 11-08 30th Ave,
Astoria, NY, 11102 This recurring event is part of a series.
Support 23 Workers Illegally Fired by Cablevision - 9502 Ave. D, Brooklyn, NY
Court Support for Occupy the Pipeline / Anti-Fracking Activist Dave
Pueblo - New York Criminal Court, 100 Centre Street, NYC
East Harlem Legal Clinic - 8 East 109th Street, New York, NY 10029,
USA This recurring event is part of a series.
Far Rockaway Legal Clinic - 10-1 Beach 20th Street, Queens, NY 11691, USA
Public Hearing: The Brooklyn Health Care Crisis - Brooklyn Borough
Rally to Save Interfaith Hospital - 633 Third Avenue, NYC
ACTION ALERT: Induct City Point into the "Developers Hall of Shame"! -
City Hall, NYC
Asistencia Legal en Español - 1128 Olympia Boulevard, Staten Island,
NY 10306, USA This recurring event is part of a series.
Sandy Resident NYCHA Meeting – Coney Island -2945 W 33rd St,
LES Unity Rally: Calling for an End to the Violence in the Lower East
Side. - Avenue D & East 6th Street
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Zagats I Admit It! I Am Addicted To Italian Food
Copy and paste.
I want to be vegan but I keep thinking of this new Italian place and a non vegan dish with more than pasta and cheeses.
I had all veg Italian today 3 course and wine.
I will be 500 pounds.
I LOVE ITALIAN Food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Copy and paste.
I want to be vegan but I keep thinking of this new Italian place and a non vegan dish with more than pasta and cheeses.
I had all veg Italian today 3 course and wine.
I will be 500 pounds.
I LOVE ITALIAN Food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ps last photo not mouth watering makes me want to go veg
I just keep finding more and more Italian restaurants I love kind of depressing.
NYPD Officer Matthew Schindler, was forced to have sex with his supervisor, Sgt. Christine Hirtzel l Kills Himself?
No wonder Internal Affairs considers Detective using a false cross complaint to coerce a victim of assault an Integrity Issue.
NYPD Officer Matthew Schindler, was forced to have sex with hissupervisor, Sgt. Christine Hertzel Kills Himself?
Are we any closer to getting a new Commission in to the NYPD....?
Note: January 31 Christine Hirtzel says he was smitten with her and killed himself when she broke it off? She is married?
U mean a guy with three kids would kill himself and never see his kids again because u broke up with him?
Maybe you should not have been having sex with a subordinate police officer let alone sex outside the marriage although I guess a lot of NYPD officers do that?
No wonder Internal Affairs considers Detective using a false cross complaint to coerce a victim of assault an Integrity Issue.
NYPD Officer Matthew Schindler, was forced to have sex with hissupervisor, Sgt. Christine Hertzel Kills Himself?
Are we any closer to getting a new Commission in to the NYPD....?
Note: January 31 Christine Hirtzel says he was smitten with her and killed himself when she broke it off? She is married?
U mean a guy with three kids would kill himself and never see his kids again because u broke up with him?
Maybe you should not have been having sex with a subordinate police officer let alone sex outside the marriage although I guess a lot of NYPD officers do that?
Too Much Italian
Since assault I aged. I look like Chinese wrinkle puppy and I cannot consume enough Italian food, bread, olive oil, cheese, wants eggs, potatoes = feel fat FAT
I have got to get a grip.
The body likes less food. Americans need a break from over consumption of all kinds including food.
I have got to get a grip.
The body likes less food. Americans need a break from over consumption of all kinds including food.
Re-Potted Loyal Hardy Plant
This plant so hardy. I had to break the pot I had put it in -- too small - placed it to high but loved me lived heartily anyway.
Today put a HUGE too heavy for me $10 thinking moving my plants a bummer but but my loyal loving plant in new home.
Loves huge and much happier.
I love my plants but they out grow their pots and in NYC it's a problem.
Losing them upsets me.
Love plants. I am capable of having too many. They need care.
Today put a HUGE too heavy for me $10 thinking moving my plants a bummer but but my loyal loving plant in new home.
Loves huge and much happier.
I love my plants but they out grow their pots and in NYC it's a problem.
Losing them upsets me.
Love plants. I am capable of having too many. They need care.
SAIC, Military Contractors Fortune 500 Raided NYC Gov Tax Payer $ Bad Mojo?
Why this is a sweet pickle, AccordingBusineesweek.complummeting defense spending in Q4 2012, faces off with sequestration, the newest deadline for fiscal disaster. Are we to think that the very DOD contractors, like SAIC and their politico bed fellows are having a love snit? Let's see who gets the dump...the politicians or the DOD contractors, like SAIC. With the in-out changes and the DOJ and SEC, this could signal more change for Bad bed partners? and tax payers have had it with the top level cheats?!!!
Rudy Time Rudy his guys Mike Team Bloomberg welcomed defense contractors and others that raided and robbed us? Bad mojo
Subject: Mayor Bloomberg CityTime Koch CitiSource
3 Term Mega Scandals Press Glosses over, Adrian Schoolcraft betrayed by IA like
ectp 911 bigger than citytime still no criminal investigation I get in to Rudin Bloomberg Koch Quinn and press glosses over all
anthony weiner lying sex freako better than these liars?
NY Post freudian slip Quinn Bella Donna or belladonna the porn star with no limits?
Retired Judge Mollen tells me to get my new commissin in to nYPD I need a mayor to appoint someone
Adrian Schoolcraft trial will get us our new commission
Adrian meet an NYPD officer betrayed by Internal Affairs a long long time ago..... sound familiar?
NYPD arrest a 7 year old and grill him for hours mean while billions of tax payers dollars stolen and abused.
while the little people ticketed IA behind yet again on NYPD placards 2013
My complaints still open Internal Affairs back logged.
proof I was violently assaulted --- and Dr. Fagelman's receptionist Delita Hooks filed a false complaint video capturing beginning of assault heading towards 3,000 views as I hand out cards to people to get justice --- she was not fired or arrested. Only in NYC folks...
The Wall St. Journal the Only NYC Mainstream Website to allow me Freedom of Speech to Expose Bloomberg Wake me up when the People of NYC come out of their coma. Mike Bloomberg is the little emperor of NYC with no clothes --- he is a fraud. Follow the money trail. He should be resigning.
Research CityTime (like Ed Koch's third term curse CitiSource but way worse) and ECTP 911 way bigger crime than CityTime, explain $277 million over-run NYCAPS, NICE, FDNY Wireless, 311, NYCWiNS, Board of Election tech deals, Board of Ed tech corruption newest IBM guy robbed us and was actually caught because CityTime Trial keeps getting pushed back -- Mike may be out of office when it begins and two mayoral candidates also implicated....
ECTP 911 John Liu called from criminal investigation almost a year ago. Wake me up when the People of NYC come out of their coma. Mike Bloomberg is the little emperor of NYC with no clothes --- he is a fraud. Follow the money trail. He should be resigning.
Research CityTime (like Ed Koch's third term curse CitiSource but way worse) and ECTP 911 way bigger crime than CityTime, explain $277 million over-run NYCAPS, NICE, FDNY Wireless, 311, NYCWiNS, Board of Election tech deals, Board of Ed tech corruption newest IBM guy robbed us and was actually caught because CityTime Trial keeps getting pushed back -- Mike may be out of office when it begins and two mayoral candidates also implicated....
ECTP 911 John Liu called from criminal investigation almost a year ago.
Ex-Janitor Convicted of Raping Girl in School Basement Repeatedly
I want to scream I want to cry
NYC Rape Central
Misogynist NYC
women club members
posted this comment on The NY Times but so far The NYTimes has blocked all my comments -- posted this at 3:51
"NYC Rape Central -- rapes under reported and why is that?
The NY Times forget to name the lawyer Chad Seigel of Tacpoina Seigel who compared the alleged rape victim's of NYPD Ken Moreno's -- Seigel compared her genitals to a venus fly trap asking if it shut closed like a fly trap. Any ideas why rapes are under reported and why are rapes up in NYC? What celebrity is treated by royalty by Obama and Michelle who's rap lyrics filled with misogyny."
I want to scream I want to cry
NYC Rape Central
Misogynist NYC
women club members
posted this comment on The NY Times but so far The NYTimes has blocked all my comments -- posted this at 3:51
"NYC Rape Central -- rapes under reported and why is that?
The NY Times forget to name the lawyer Chad Seigel of Tacpoina Seigel who compared the alleged rape victim's of NYPD Ken Moreno's -- Seigel compared her genitals to a venus fly trap asking if it shut closed like a fly trap. Any ideas why rapes are under reported and why are rapes up in NYC? What celebrity is treated by royalty by Obama and Michelle who's rap lyrics filled with misogyny."
Benjamin Brafman Rap Song by Suzannah B. Troy
Ben Brafman
You know why *Moses stuttered
dear Ben you know what I am talking about
no Golden Calves
so why defend such evil bad asses?
Why not me Ben?
Ha, Ha,
So Glad G-d Sees all,
Yes, So Glad G-d Sees All.
*I was told an Angel pushed baby Moses away from the chest of gold to the chest of coal where he burned his tongue. Jewish folklore with a powerful message. The Pharaoh was testing Moses. Most people would fail the test.
Obama Won't Visit NYC's Families Murdered Will He Visit Hadiya Pendleton's Grieving Family?
NYC is Obama's ATM -- he will not visit Black Families grieving their children murdered or Grannies for that matter -- he shuts down streets to visit the riches folks in NYC and never the poorest and the areas where Sandy Hook is a day to day month to month happening but at a park, in one's home...
Obama is a fraud who had no problem with Beyonce and Jay-Z turning away Mom's and Dad's in need of a hospital and put up bullet proof glass in the maternity ward.
Beyonce lip sinking no surprise and this Country and celebs all frauds ---
Jay-Z hateful lyrics will come back to haunt him so glad he has a daughter so glad.
I read the anonymous missives how Black folks don't like his Jewish pals and some accuse him of another crime -- rape but I am sure that is not true.
so sad people put these people on pedestals and every religion warns against false gods.
Ben Brafman here is my rap song...
Ben Brafman
You know why *Moses stuttered
dear Ben you know what I am talking about
no Golden Calves
so why defend such evil bad asses?
Why not me Ben?
Ha, Ha,
So Glad G-d Sees all,
Yes, So Glad G-d Sees All.
I voted for Obama once and never again. I voted for Rudy and Bloomberg, never again.
I voted for Bill Thompson, never again.
Obama thinks NYC is is ATM.
NYC Peace to the Streets
Need Change not coming anytime soon.
*I was told an Angel pushed baby Moses away from the chest of gold to the chest of coal where he burned his tongue. Jewish folklore with a powerful message. The Pharaoh was testing Moses. Most people would fail the test.
NYC is Obama's ATM -- he will not visit Black Families grieving their children murdered or Grannies for that matter -- he shuts down streets to visit the riches folks in NYC and never the poorest and the areas where Sandy Hook is a day to day month to month happening but at a park, in one's home...
Obama is a fraud who had no problem with Beyonce and Jay-Z turning away Mom's and Dad's in need of a hospital and put up bullet proof glass in the maternity ward.
Beyonce lip sinking no surprise and this Country and celebs all frauds ---
Jay-Z hateful lyrics will come back to haunt him so glad he has a daughter so glad.
I read the anonymous missives how Black folks don't like his Jewish pals and some accuse him of another crime -- rape but I am sure that is not true.
so sad people put these people on pedestals and every religion warns against false gods.
Ben Brafman here is my rap song...
Ben Brafman
You know why *Moses stuttered
dear Ben you know what I am talking about
no Golden Calves
so why defend such evil bad asses?
Why not me Ben?
Ha, Ha,
So Glad G-d Sees all,
Yes, So Glad G-d Sees All.
I voted for Obama once and never again. I voted for Rudy and Bloomberg, never again.
I voted for Bill Thompson, never again.
Obama thinks NYC is is ATM.
NYC Peace to the Streets
Need Change not coming anytime soon.
*I was told an Angel pushed baby Moses away from the chest of gold to the chest of coal where he burned his tongue. Jewish folklore with a powerful message. The Pharaoh was testing Moses. Most people would fail the test.
Gabby Talks Guns Suzannah Says NYC Too Violent No Guns Required
Gabby here in NYC no guns required -- you can be a victim standing waiting for a subway and get murdered not guns required.
Here in NYC at least one person plus person murdered a day gun or no gun and the ny newspapers selling lie murders down? Are you kidding me?
The violence and the fragility of New Yorkers is sick ---
Watch Delita Hooks who stalked and menaced me after I had small cyst removed from my arm to be biosiped. I had 2 painful injections in my arm and never put down my bags as she violently assaulted me repeatedly until I defended myself still never putting down my bags one very heavy and my iphone.
Look at her body language and listen to her tell me she is going to slap the crap out of me when she could have closed the door and gone back to the long closed off reception desk. Her employer Dr. Andrew Fagelman did not fire her and showed me no compassion. In essence he paid her to violently give me the finger and when I finally decided to document the unprofessional behavior.
Gabby you can take a way the guns but you have too many violent people and no guns required.
Why is that? I reported the NYPD Detectives and their supervisors to Internal Affairs and to CCRB and the video says it all except she damaged my eye and my neck even more than it was damaged already. She ripped out my hair, and an earring.
I have not received an apology and the women in the video did not know I had the video and lied about me to the police so I was told and Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint another serious crime.
Gabby here in NYC no guns required -- you can be a victim standing waiting for a subway and get murdered not guns required.
Here in NYC at least one person plus person murdered a day gun or no gun and the ny newspapers selling lie murders down? Are you kidding me?
The violence and the fragility of New Yorkers is sick ---
Watch Delita Hooks who stalked and menaced me after I had small cyst removed from my arm to be biosiped. I had 2 painful injections in my arm and never put down my bags as she violently assaulted me repeatedly until I defended myself still never putting down my bags one very heavy and my iphone.
Look at her body language and listen to her tell me she is going to slap the crap out of me when she could have closed the door and gone back to the long closed off reception desk. Her employer Dr. Andrew Fagelman did not fire her and showed me no compassion. In essence he paid her to violently give me the finger and when I finally decided to document the unprofessional behavior.
Gabby you can take a way the guns but you have too many violent people and no guns required.
Why is that? I reported the NYPD Detectives and their supervisors to Internal Affairs and to CCRB and the video says it all except she damaged my eye and my neck even more than it was damaged already. She ripped out my hair, and an earring.
I have not received an apology and the women in the video did not know I had the video and lied about me to the police so I was told and Delita Hooks filed a false cross complaint another serious crime.
Graham Daw CCRB Returns My Call
Unlike NYPD who have not he returned my call and left me a respectful message.
CCRB is looking in to my complaint and whether CCRB has jurisdiction to investigate.
I give him credit. I can't explain how bruised I feel and his message very respectful.
Seems CCRB returning to their offices soon finally since Hurricane Sandy.
CCRB is looking in to my complaint and whether CCRB has jurisdiction to investigate.
I give him credit. I can't explain how bruised I feel and his message very respectful.
Seems CCRB returning to their offices soon finally since Hurricane Sandy.
High Winds 6pm
FROM: Notify NYC
National Weather Service issues High Wind Warning citywide for 6PM-6AM Thur 1/31. Strong wind expected. More info
National Weather Service issues High Wind Warning citywide for 6PM-6AM Thur 1/31. Strong wind expected. More info
Falling Over Exhaustion
Jimmy Stewart Mr Smith Goes to Washington but it is years and there are huge thangs haven't told u including my own life crushed black hole energy drain Bloomberg corrupt admin.
Stay tuned.
I feel extreme exhaustion.
Stay tuned.
I feel extreme exhaustion.
Mike Bloomberg CityTime Scandal Ed Koch CitiSource 3 Terms Corruption Scandals,,20093263,00.html
Excerpt -- go to above link to read more....
As Bloomberg spends a billions to protect his legacy the media covers-up for Mike Bloomberg CityTime and ECTP 911 as well as Ed Koch who is dying perhaps but that still does not erase he is Mike Bloomberg and Bill Rudin's puppet who sold us out along with Quinn, Stringer, etc. so no St. Vincent's Hospital and Koch had more reason than most to fight for protective zoning for a hospital not Rudin Condos despite the Rudin's being his landlord.
The press wants to paint Koch and Bloomberg as something other than what they are three term mayors brought down by corruption Koch CitiSource and Bloomberg CityTime as well as staggering number of tech contracts ECTP 911 bigger than CityTime....
"...Koch asks, "How'm I doin'?" the truck driver replies, "Stay out of trouble, Mayor."
That could be a tall order. A scant three months after his triumphal third inauguration, Koch's Democratic administration is under siege, rocked by an ever-widening scandal that may yet destroy the mayor's ability to govern. At least seven top city officials and numerous subordinates have been forced to resign since January, and many more are under investigation. According to a joke current in political circles, when city officials are sworn in, they now are first advised, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say may be used against you...."
Koch's crisis began with a bizarre mystery that developed into scandal and gruesome personal tragedy. In the early morning hours of Jan. 10, city police pulled over a car that had been weaving down the parkway near Shea Stadium. The cops found Queens Borough President Donald Manes (rhymes with Janis), 52—known as "The King of Queens"—behind the wheel, semiconscious, his blood draining from self-inflicted knife wounds in his wrist and ankle.
Koch hastened to Manes' hospital room, where, the mayor told reporters, he kissed Manes on the forehead and told him, "Don't worry about anything, Donny, we all love you."
But two days later, New York Daily News columnist Jimmy Breslin broke the story that Michael Dowd, a partner in a Queens collection agency, had told the U.S. Attorney's office that Manes had personally instructed him to pay $36,000 in bribes to Manes' friend Geoffrey Lindenauer. Lindenauer, 52, was the deputy director of the city's Parking Violations Bureau. The payments had been extorted in exchange for contracts to collect—at commissions of up to 60 percent—some of the $1.1 billion in parking fines owed to the city. Koch, who had frequently described Manes as his "good friend," quickly denounced him as "a crook," though he had not yet been charged with—much less convicted of—a crime, and said that he should go to jail. Koch pointed out that he himself had not appointed the parking bureau officials and maintained that the scandal "is not a major problem for me."
It is a problem for him now. Prosecutors believe the Parking Violations Bureau was "operated as a racketeering enterprise" that ripped off nearly $2 million during Koch's years as Mayor. Lindenauer has pleaded guilty to extorting $410,000, on behalf of himself "and others," from collection agencies. He has agreed to talk—some would say sing—to the authorities.
Among the subjects he is discussing is just how Citisource, a company with one full-time employee and $1,200 in assets, beat out Motorola to win a $22.7 million contract to produce hand-held computers for issuing parking tickets. Citisource was represented before the city's selection committee by Stanley Friedman, a Democratic party leader and staunch supporter of Koch. Friedman's wife is Koch's $47,500-a-year deputy director of the Office of Special Projects and Events. "
Mike Bloomberg CityTime Scandal Ed Koch CitiSource 3 Terms Corruption Scandals
Now Christine Quinn comes out with a phony bio... I will wait for the unauthorized bio
Quinn took kick backs from Rudin, Mike's best friend and did not fight for protective zoning for a hospital only where St. Vincent's was which would have had a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care. She is not feminist.
Quinn green lighted all the corrupt tech deals even when Tish James held hearing to stop CityTime worse than Koch's CitiSource scandal but NY Mag runs a photo cover asking do you know who she is dressed as a fangless vampire.
Google Christine Quinn Chuck Meara
Excerpt -- go to above link to read more....
As Bloomberg spends a billions to protect his legacy the media covers-up for Mike Bloomberg CityTime and ECTP 911 as well as Ed Koch who is dying perhaps but that still does not erase he is Mike Bloomberg and Bill Rudin's puppet who sold us out along with Quinn, Stringer, etc. so no St. Vincent's Hospital and Koch had more reason than most to fight for protective zoning for a hospital not Rudin Condos despite the Rudin's being his landlord.
The press wants to paint Koch and Bloomberg as something other than what they are three term mayors brought down by corruption Koch CitiSource and Bloomberg CityTime as well as staggering number of tech contracts ECTP 911 bigger than CityTime....
"...Koch asks, "How'm I doin'?" the truck driver replies, "Stay out of trouble, Mayor."
That could be a tall order. A scant three months after his triumphal third inauguration, Koch's Democratic administration is under siege, rocked by an ever-widening scandal that may yet destroy the mayor's ability to govern. At least seven top city officials and numerous subordinates have been forced to resign since January, and many more are under investigation. According to a joke current in political circles, when city officials are sworn in, they now are first advised, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say may be used against you...."
Koch's crisis began with a bizarre mystery that developed into scandal and gruesome personal tragedy. In the early morning hours of Jan. 10, city police pulled over a car that had been weaving down the parkway near Shea Stadium. The cops found Queens Borough President Donald Manes (rhymes with Janis), 52—known as "The King of Queens"—behind the wheel, semiconscious, his blood draining from self-inflicted knife wounds in his wrist and ankle.
Koch hastened to Manes' hospital room, where, the mayor told reporters, he kissed Manes on the forehead and told him, "Don't worry about anything, Donny, we all love you."
But two days later, New York Daily News columnist Jimmy Breslin broke the story that Michael Dowd, a partner in a Queens collection agency, had told the U.S. Attorney's office that Manes had personally instructed him to pay $36,000 in bribes to Manes' friend Geoffrey Lindenauer. Lindenauer, 52, was the deputy director of the city's Parking Violations Bureau. The payments had been extorted in exchange for contracts to collect—at commissions of up to 60 percent—some of the $1.1 billion in parking fines owed to the city. Koch, who had frequently described Manes as his "good friend," quickly denounced him as "a crook," though he had not yet been charged with—much less convicted of—a crime, and said that he should go to jail. Koch pointed out that he himself had not appointed the parking bureau officials and maintained that the scandal "is not a major problem for me."
It is a problem for him now. Prosecutors believe the Parking Violations Bureau was "operated as a racketeering enterprise" that ripped off nearly $2 million during Koch's years as Mayor. Lindenauer has pleaded guilty to extorting $410,000, on behalf of himself "and others," from collection agencies. He has agreed to talk—some would say sing—to the authorities.
Among the subjects he is discussing is just how Citisource, a company with one full-time employee and $1,200 in assets, beat out Motorola to win a $22.7 million contract to produce hand-held computers for issuing parking tickets. Citisource was represented before the city's selection committee by Stanley Friedman, a Democratic party leader and staunch supporter of Koch. Friedman's wife is Koch's $47,500-a-year deputy director of the Office of Special Projects and Events. "
Mike Bloomberg CityTime Scandal Ed Koch CitiSource 3 Terms Corruption Scandals
Now Christine Quinn comes out with a phony bio... I will wait for the unauthorized bio
Quinn took kick backs from Rudin, Mike's best friend and did not fight for protective zoning for a hospital only where St. Vincent's was which would have had a Rape Crisis Center and AIDS care. She is not feminist.
Quinn green lighted all the corrupt tech deals even when Tish James held hearing to stop CityTime worse than Koch's CitiSource scandal but NY Mag runs a photo cover asking do you know who she is dressed as a fangless vampire.
Google Christine Quinn Chuck Meara
+ Rudy Giuliani had 11 years between WTC terror attacks to move the Emergency Command Center and did not but the media spinned him in to a hero and profited 30 million $ gave us CityTime and his deputy mayors turned lobbyist for SAIC and tried to push thru Über Corrupt MTA SAIC deal as well as other deals SAIC contractor CityTime.
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