Saturday, October 31, 2009
Suzannah B. Troy wins 2nd place in Whiskers Halloween Raffle Whiskers is the coolest pet store around
True News From Change Blog reveals more news that is not getting the time of day Stuy Town illegal rent hikes hmmm ties into Bloomberg no wonder!!!!
Mike Bloomberg campaign protest for the news the media refuses to report and why is that?
Bloomberg Watch picks up my protest of Mike Bloomberg YouTube posted under Lance Armstrong schilling for Mike MB asks Celeste Katz NY Daily News
Friday, October 30, 2009
Bloomberg Protestors forced to move down the street, milk thrown on them, outrage expressed!

Photo by: Jerry Levy you can find more on his facebook account
YouTube Google restore Suzannah B. Troy's subscribers all is good in YouTubeland 102,728 total views

Videos Uploaded: 361
Video Views: 102,728
Favorites: 85
Subscribers: 234
Again, thanks to famed Civil Rights lawyer, Norman Siegel and every one that took the time to speak up on my behalf!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Duh Mike Bloomberg high priced attack dogs figure it out -- Bashing Thompson doesn't work
New Bloomberg commercial today....instead of bashing Bill Thompson, Mike has everyone endorse him except God.
May 4, I reported on my YouTube don't believe the news New Yorkers are angry. I don't believe the media or Mike believed me.
May 4, 2009't believe the news, New Yorkers are angry & will not vote for BLOOMBERG!
Channel 2 news New Yorkers without heat or hot water
The NY Post coverage of the debate left out Bill Thompson's Stuy Town comment -- he KOed Bloomberg on Stuy Town
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Mike Sheehan, retired NYPD Det, news reporter was drunk and he hit an NYPD horse! He blamed the horse. It must have been a female horse.
exhaustion....can't wait to vote, praying for a major upset
2 Rapes Far Rockaway welcome to Misogynist NYC--the article doesn't even give NYPD contact info
The Promise of New York an interview with film maker Raul Barcelona by Suzannah B. Troy
Commentor on NYDaily News talks about media minimizing and marginalizing Thompson Campaign! I would add silencing voices in opposition to Bloomberg
Read more:
Butterfly a documentary by Doug Wolens about activist Julia Butterfly Hill, Luna the tree and Mother Earth & how I see NYC development not green
Mia Farrow the Rorschach test Misogynist NYC
City Room The NY Times reports "old news" that was on this blog how long ago?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
YouTube is my on going documentary starting with Mayor Bloomberg King of New York
I wanted to make a documentary on my Iphone and in away I have been doing it on my Iphone, macbook and inexpensive camera all posted on YouTube free and on going.
Since I can't get in and up I am happy to focus on Promise of New York and urge you to buy and support this film.
Have to rest now.
YouTube is back up for me...exhausting....101,787 total views.
YouTube problems in YouTubeland again when I try to access my videos. My YouTubes are up but I can't access them -- very strange.
See below and also read about getting banned from YouTubeland
500 Internal Server Error
Sorry, something went wrong.
A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.
k1UyEe3Gm6lTVbzT2E0-d48IA-zjEEpxTdQmO-J3uHGuBFYzdA-O_4am-NEN uXT7vNkbyugIGjBMNUXuiUYn08XbA_4v0wGY_Dbh5zBirLLoFXwAtinmgi74 Z11DLdic8-O4JNWcfwjNdzfW4M96WdHr-YGV29eQB55FIj_xAbK3_88KpU81 3ASkjmpjpswRV29u4vOYvQBn5qrsW743V07tkdinRRWlotmDyfGIhWL6jVQJ RQPQbLdQ5fyhTAsPkeQno5DkV8-bljhYfuejvEBZyO-hJdUsU3odCiRn2dQU GYOs5Dk1MfbiIvn8nXGaXL9qOpvMomYLe4f2w6eXITjt0ZncGs7-uUGa2Dz2 ejjqKKGeUCf38_pyH_feGEjfFVsbtqw2AdGBrxrZ35e-z_SOcmpA1WtAFCK- M3KxqZ0X1lZO4LtqylbCf26aDT-0xNGMyxtBHomorWRGM056vQecJVcceomg DbKmXpWsPiNbJVghRxJq0su7s1KGHFjE25b2ai9ptekQGmquqFyyGTz4JvLm HxnfMUmhAHecmjiklBjnYoLWfTDGShAqqcJxUbcP1gXkpr2D9Yg9EJKYMqrT COdlYwFiz2tA5RZvo4nkmrzIIb02MHwqBAquR35gMNjBtFxJCYmSB2GcOqQr g4zMv8zFnqc3nWXss1n1XfYhmUH_NgQYtuLNkHxLXnthAY-77_uftmvXdx7a f4bMCxHdRiKt6cMwYhU_Ho4jsIHXSMnLy1oHI_bi7J3wpqX5E83ERQu571XK iqpbkBiSWbHQGrMEQRHsNXy-6Wvjg7SdtoZruVJp4s2oq7WOzMdyAhnQAFLb Mj6mp0CuiGpbx3U18cI1AD4GFnr86lAJq989Vzx8m7Yt5QhgAFse484rR60- FnsNOaF9jxTenYRi_KDPj7JjyKfPSrfnKHVRlc18kHZTV6EC_5e7bBo4spJp BzQeC-aPXjWD9BdG4e89k7TvsnZqXGSPKtepOp8ZojpZhK1BcNSZtrhANo3E R44IIpc6VVV4BxcNSbZVX0GRpKID1oARqQQrXW9r80SDYfnbioJeqAryd8of yYfF4rKkABkGX5To7_pYZM314qkZobdYzB41n42EasIqDp3ru2JCUHhqu2Fq 83XnGJGeif0a5Yw6z6cIG_NZCGcwrDmdTNsfFSCLbRsBMigSxvjX7D2cpBdd AnM_gCOl6l90VnwShQyv-FHHLSQBNK7MWIiuhirrr-OcK7Eqj8SbycPio6mK Gkj1tqaPAKP7y5KjxIM0z1lpIzWJIe9zbOfPUfxRY7nzYEl7qz5slwvASnL3 WLWhWMnqzmQCs667iuUrFWBXB55vpTO_4UTIzZngnQ8M3YiVipiqxe9Cr8Z7 -q3uV9-U9tssQ_8NI5eKYhXHOj9N4qJn9Kd0CGM9SqvXtSNuudSx9fW7HYfz gyqF_3qvb0EYj3hC0JsBYYt92oxbYiMMP_wGR1-aRGgR6KvHmmg6yD3ceLIH
No Third Term for Bloomberg!!! Getting Naked to protest Mike and his media buddies that won't report the news on his opposition!
Bloomberg's bright future speech NYU student = NYU buses to move long term community members out!
NYU mega dormed the East Village to death and continue to tear down our historic neighborhood....
10/27/2009 4:05 PM
The only thing Mike Bloomberg, Amanda socialite mega millionaire the people's Burden -- city planner for NYU, Columbia U. and Cooper union -- not the city planner for the people and John Sexton, president of NYU -- as pointed out by the new york post paid 1.8 million a year -- have not done is provide NYU buses to transport the people out to make room for NYU's community crushing development. No wonder Mike refused to take any questions. Oust Mike Bloomberg. The NYPost website is awful. On the their competition I can post my YouTube links all against a third term. Why doesn't the press return the real news. How come no updates on City Council corruption investigation? Vote Bloomberg out of office.
I was not imagining it Mike did give a phony speak to the evil empire of the East Village, NYU mega dormed the East Village to death
Christine Quinn finally makes a decision and supports democrat Bill Thompson my comment on corrupt Quinn
Monday, October 26, 2009
Channel 5 news Did I see Mike Bloomberg visited NYU students and he would not take questions?
Man with a barrel that says "tax payers" and a french poodle with wads of money Tompkins Square Halloween dog party, dog run East Village
Suzannah B. Troy protests Mike Bloomberg every day
Mayor Mike Bloomberg getting Naked
Special thanks to Brian for writing the words "No MIke!"" Term Limits", "Transparency", "Accountability" on my chest!
Painters in Brush with LAW NY Post, too bad they don't have campaign funds to pay the fines and or Mike Bloomberg's money to pay fines out of pocket
See posting below about politicians and light poles -- I want to post my protest posters against Mike Bloomberg but I don't because I don't want to the break the laws and I don't have campaign funds to pay for staggering fines.
Light poles politicians breaking the law NYC double standard
Sunday, October 25, 2009
John Sexton, pres. of NYU also know as the Evil Empire of the East Village earns 1.8 million dollars a year
Mike Bloomberg has the media in his pocket YouTube -- deeply moving response from a New Yorker!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
YouTubeland confusion I now have 100,421 total views, what about Mayor Bloomberg King of New York and election day
Another burglary East Village, NYPD consoles by sending the best looking officers they melt my iphone hence the blurry photo
Bloomberg spending a million dollars a day.
Folks there is little trickle down. Most of that money goes to his attack dog Wolfson who shamefully mocks the people with terms like "pay to play" when he knows Mike's money manger Steve Rattner's Quadrangle is implicated in 3 states including NY for pay to play.
I wrote a letter about why we should not have Mike as mayor and cc: The Publisher stating I would publish my letter if they don't with a header about how The NY Times censors NYers against Mike for Mayor and sent my art poster along for good measure.
Giuseppie "Giuseppi" Logan found put Matt Lavelle on the phone -- I saw Marlene she looks downcast, TSPark misogynists club gonna have a meeting
Matt Lavelle expressed concern to me that he could not reach Giuseppie Logan on his cel phone and GL has a gig with Matt Nov. 8. I was able to put Matt's worries to rest and put up another YouTube since I got a deeply moving comment on my latest tube of his.
He' been my favorite musician these 30 years.
At my next gig I play one of his songs.
A101(Japanese guitarist)
This morning I saw Marlene and she was downcast. She was wearing a delightful hat. I thought on no, she is out, caught in her viscous cycle. She had told me she knows she needs rehab. So sad I am sure her exploitive misogynists-- I call them the Tompkin Square Misognist club -- one member who actually lectured me on it being perfectly valid to call her "hotdog" as if hotdog has the same cache as "Biker" Bill and Jim "Mosaic Man' but it is woman hating world so it makes sense misogynist see this as equal. Poor Marlene...her stalkers or admirers what ever you want to call them must be delighted she is back. Too bad they won't buy her a meal.
I put Matt on the phone with Giuseppie who explained he had no money for minutes on his cel phone. Was happy with the new sax he bought. I did give him 20 dollars for his cel. I have flashbacks from the Jim Power debacle -- when I helped him when he called me to help him and put 50 dollars on his cel only to have him use those valuable minutes to yell and scream at me.
I made it clear GL this money is for the phone and that I had to rush.
I got more footage of him playing a new piece he wrote last month that I will post as soon as I can.
The little label Tompkin Square Park needed a photo and I arranged for Lorcan Otway to take it if possible for their cover of the new release coming out and that was all very busy work that I don't get paid for while I was also communicating with NYPD, press and lawyers.
Busy day and of course making YouTubes.
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York YouTube breaks 2,000 and now mysteriously says 1,201 views
Willian Kunstler documentary by his daughters Disturbing the Universe
I was always against suing. I thought karma will serve justice and move forward but now I have changed my feeling and if I need to I will pursue suing.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Breaking News on Washington Square Park from Washignton Square Park Word Press-- Tombstone discovered today?
Suzannah B. Troy's YouTube views break 100,000 view Mayor Bloomberg King of New York about to break 2,000 hits.
Mayor Bloomberg King of New York was my very first YouTube which I posted Oct. 2, 2008 and it is a wonderful feeling to have broken 100,000 views and remember I was banned from YouTube for 28 hours!
From Queens Crap Read Asks for Ethics Probe!
Stuy Town Tenants owed Millons -- Stuy Town Hell finally tenants can CHEER!
NYPD Detective James Zadroga HERO & mayor acknowledge the largest loss of rescue workers at WTC w/their rank, always
In NYC women and girls just happened to get murdered a lot welcome to misogynist NYC
The YouTube resistance against King Mike continues to grow
In the above link you get to see Wolfson underscore what a hypocrite Bloomberg is by using "pay to play" to describe a union when in fact Mike Bloomberg's money manager Steve Rattner, best friend and money manger to The New York Times owner, Rattner's Quadrangle is implicated in pay to play in three states.
newest funny one about Mike real estate pimp
but as much as I laugh and it is a short ugly funny YouTube -- the truth behind it is horrifying and as you all know we lived it. I went to bed in the East Village and woke up in a bad xerox of mid-town turning in to a bad xerox of Dubai.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
cyber stalker -- it is on going -- I have the NYPD and lawyers in the loop
Assemblyman Sheldon Silver breaking the law, I want to put my "No Third Term" posters up put up signs on light poles is against the law
Speaker: You are not above the law. I want to post my "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York-- No Third Term"
political art poster on light poles and every empty store front but I don't.
I noted many campaigning candidates did also break the law and I believe if they get fined they will pay out of campaign contribution which is also wrong.
If I get fined I have to pay out of pocket.
The bottom line is for now the law is the law for all people but the message is politicians are above the law.
I do want you to get fined and for the future I suggest a volunteer to meet and greet people to share your message rather than breaking the law.
Thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
Alphabet City, NYC landlord hell, Lisa Williams forced to move after 20 years from the East Village to the Bronx to Queens

Lisa Williams experienced landlord hell -- a common experience these days and had to move from her home of 20 years on the Lower East Side to the Bronx. She is going to move to Queens to be closer to work. Lisa would have liked to stay in the East Village but she couldn't find a place she could afford.
Mike Bloomberg's new ad attacks Bill Thompson for pay to play for Mike's personal manager's company Quadrangle indicted for pay to play