NYPD Internal Affairs Top Brass Protected NYPD Breaking Laws including Stealing Time CityTime
Under mayor Bloomberg you may recall John Liu sent requests to Cy Vance to prosecute CityTime Crooks and ECTP aka 911 tech crooks Cy Vance refused to prosecute NYPD also involved in taking lavish gifts from contractors. Now we know from NYDN
Cy Vance, Internal Affairs Steering Committee, Ray Kelly, Bratton, O’Neill, Chief Boyce protected even more crimes committed by NYPD even stealing time via CityTime although the NYDN never mentioned CityTime you will note I do. Like Karen Schaffer a deputy mayor under Michael Bloomberg we had learned how easy it was to steal time and she was not arrested!
It seems like no one in the media will want to report this because they’re protecting Rudy Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn, Team Bloomberg key emphasis on the words Michael Bloomberg and their faux legacies. If anyone reads this connects the dots on CityTime and can actually report news on NYPD stealing Time CityTime and they learned it from me and they should credit me. The NYDN never mentions CityTime, I do. http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/03/bloomberg-de-blasio-ray-kelly-bratton.html
NYPD IA Top Brass Protected NYPD Breaking Laws including Stealing Time CityTime Felony? I agreed to false arrest twice not in Det Vergona/Lt Burgos DD5s did they steal time too? What about police officer Eugene Schatz. His golfing must cost a lot of $.
Remember the head of nyc gov of Dept Of investigation under mayor Michael Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn went on NY1 and did an infomercial that CityTime worked? Well it was a lie and the New York Daily News expose on NYPD Lt Lamboy and other cops stealing time it is proof CityTime still hunk of junk scandal scarred payroll system but the NYDN never connects the dots(if you do after reading this credit me) about how NYPD Lt Lamboy and others steal time how easy it is to do because they’re using a flawed payroll system that Rudy Giuliani thrust on the city and brought in SAIC because he wanted to make money off of SAIC after he left office which he did including with his deputy mayor’s turn lobbyist for SAIC and they tried to push through every corrupt deal possible with SAIC including with the MTA that’s an incredible shocking story that occurs under mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Bloomberg didn’t throw out CityTime or ban SAIC but instead appointed his top guy Mark Page and dirty PattinHarris’s husband to the MTA board to help push thru the dirty deal.
Mayor de Blasio also could’ve thrown out the flawed hunk of junk payroll system but he didn’t so let’s say that top cops were aware of open stealing chronic stealing that they were covering up like Lieutenant Amboy falsifying his payroll system they were alerted top brass that they would not want the payroll system to be thrown out so everyone keeps her mouth shut rather than blowing the whistle had the payroll system isn’t working properly our very own NYPD are stealing supervisor NYPD are stealing,
NYPD supervisors stealing time should be yet another indicator that CityTime should be scrapped. As I said under mayor Bloomberg CityTime destined for the dumpster. ECTP 911 also boondoggle bigger than CityTime and we still can’t text 911, 311 another rip-off.
Larry Byrne, PC O’Neill, Ray Kelly, Pulaski, Boyce, Campisi, Reznick, Esposito, Banks, Chuck Dowd, answer questions under oath w/ Cy Vance, IA steering committee, Zachary Carter, CCRB, CCPC, NYPD IG, mayors etc
![]() | Legal Defense Fund (@NAACP_LDF) |
A @nytimes investigation found that judges or prosecutors determined a key part of a #NYPD officer’s testimony was probably untrue 25+ times since January 2015, and that's just what NYT could find.
"The cases reveal... an entrenched perjury problem." nytimes.com/2018/03/18/nyr… |
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NAACP_LDF @nytimes O’Neill = $ Blue Wall of Corruption didn’t fire John Miller like Bratton didn’t 23 yrs ago for lying about the Prospect Park Rape victim, rapist raped more women Bratton O’Neill picked Reznick Chief Internal Affairs named in lawsuit by NYPD whistleblower Reznick called him a rat
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NAACP_LDF @nytimes Larry Bryne is a liar! Judge Weinstein confronted willfully obtuse Byrne NYPD chronic lies in DD5s under oath nypdconfidential.com/columns/2016/1… Byrne 50-a interpreter block NYPD disciplinary records. Top brass NYPD IA Zachary Carter protect NYPD lied in DD5s threatening me coercion mycase
Abuse of power in so many ways coverups Teflon cards handed out while people are sent to Rikers for years sometimes without even seeing a judge
NYPD Internal Affairs answer these questions under oath have you lied in police reports, have you lied under oath, have you lied cheating using your payroll system to steal money, have you accepted free viagra from any medical doctor any kind of gifts done anything in return fixing in favors for wealthy doctors wealthy people athletes you name it what about coercion have you used coercion Including threatening the victim long and police reports to make crimes go away is fixing favors or retaliation because didn't like person their politics Their race there religion their gender their sexuality whatever you were willing to break a lwas and you did
Rudy Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg CityTime shareholder lawsuit finally over but NYC gov left w/ junkie payroll system but CityTime still a hunk of junk with corrupt Top NYPD, Top Internal Affairs Steering Committee and Cy Vance Manhattan DA protecting Lt Lamboy supervisor in the sex crimes unit stealing time lying saying was working on rape cases at the Manhattan DA and One Police Plaza when he wasn’t
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
NYPD Internal Affairs Top Brass Protected NYPD Breaking Laws including Stealing Time CityTime
no one will want to report this because they’re protecting Rudy Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, Rose Gill Hearn Faux legacies. Stealing time CityTime a felony? suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/03/nypd-i… |
A Message from FWD.us: In New York, there are over 16,000 people locked in jail awaiting trial – often for months at a time. Our current system of keeping people in jail before their trial causes job loss, punishing families and making it harder for people to find work when they are released. It’s time to end senseless pretrial jailing. Learn more here:http://go.cityandstatemedia.com/e/168882/2018-03-19/258b47/134216650
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
Rudy Giuliani threw out payroll system created by City workers for CityTime $deals SAIC Rudy’s deputy mayors lobbyists Bloomberg refused to toss CityTime 700M in stealing now more proof CityTime crap #NYPD stealing “Time” CityTime Top NYPD IA DA protected! suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/2018/03/nypd-i…
Fast forward today...
I would like to know if the detectives and their supervisors in my case as well as PO’s police officer’s that are not even named in my lawsuit that broke laws in my case that were party to coercion party to falsifying a police reports (made time sheets to) and party to preventing me from reporting crimes used CityTime a flawed payroll system to steal time?
The NYPD in internal affairs officer‘s as well someone from the sex crime scene detective or guilty in my case I wonder if they’re guilty of also falsifying time sheets?
Rudy Giuliani gave the city of New York throwing out AutoTime payroll system developed by city workers the story is very shocking and most of my readers just don’t care even readers from the media that don’t like to admit that they come to my blog and have used my work.
The New York Daily News is doing a series but for every cup they report there’s so many more that it illegally been stealing time using CityTime. New York Daily News hasn’t even mentioned the payroll system and help flood it isn’t easy to steal but we knew that way back win when an assistant deputy mayor stole money under Mayor Michael Bloomberg and he did not fire her or have her prosecuted. Kalief Browder went to jail for allegedly stealing a backpack but I don’t believe he ever stole a back pack. Tale of Two Cities didn’t change under Bill de Blasio. I call him BloomdeBlasio. The only reason Bill de Blasio isn’t flying around on a private jet is because no one is offering him a private jet.
To any press reading my blog about CityTime I am insisting that you reference me and that I’m the one who pointed out that New York Daily News didn’t but I did
And when you’re done crediting me point out I was retaliated against savagely attacked at the doctors not the NYPD joint in breaking laws falsifying police reports coercing me they had a big laugh treating me like a rape victim that got what she deserved like to Prospect Park Rape Victim and look John Miller still employed! Bill Bratton knew that John Miller was lying 23 years ago and didn’t fire him but allowed him to richer and now James O’Neill is doing the same thing!
Suzannah B. Troy (@suzannahbtroy) | |
@NYDN_GRayman Reported IA steering committee, Boyce, Pulaski, Ed Winski, Sgt Chen, Det Vergona +his partner, Lt Burgos, Lt Michael J. Agnese, det Andy Dwyer + his partner, IA NYPD Sgt Mary O’Donnell audio, Lt Fikru, Det Vasquez Sex Crimes, PO Magori audio,Det Vasquez sex crimes audio to IA pic.twitter.com/dS2OkZrAZi
Tale of Two Cities Bill de Blasio is part of it - we are not his son or daughter so he is silent.
A Message from FWD.us: In New York, there are over 16,000 people locked in jail awaiting trial – often for months at a time. Our current system of keeping people in jail before their trial causes job loss, punishing families and making it harder for people to find work when they are released. It’s time to end senseless pretrial jailing. Learn more here:http://go.cityandstatemedia.com/e/168882/2018-03-19/258b47/134216650
I called up Internal Affairs and reported internal affairs steering committee - I allege that they did the same thing to me that they and Chief Boyce did in the NYDN article on Lt Lamboy - they protected all crimes committed by NYPD Internal Affairs officers in my case like they protected Lt Lamboy who lied and said he worked at the Manhattan DA on rape cases and One Police Plaza on rape cases when he didn’t and they including Cy Vance (amazing Cy hasn’t been forced to resign but he is fixed so many cases for rich powerbrokers they want him in power so they won’t be held accountable so that’s why he has not been forced to resign - money talks and he is the king of getting money final to him I’m sure like plenty of dirty cops - I also got a heads up on former employees of his that work for defense attorneys) DA, Internal Affairs Steering Committee and Chief Boyce were just fine with him lying and falsifying Lt Lamboy time stealing time CityTime.
Stealing time on CityTime clearly easy to do especially if you are a supervisor remember Karen...? As one whistleblower had told me it was a lemon is a lemon it’s flawed payroll syste as one whistleblower had told me it was a lemon is a lemon it’s flood payroll system. The only two bigger boondoggles tax pair black holes are probably 311 and 911 also known as ECTP.
Some point truth will come out about all of this it is so shocking as is how I became a victim of NYPD Internal Affairs top brass protecting crimes from a doctors office to police department treating me like the prospect park rape victim because they don’t like me and they didn’t like her.
Bill de Blasio is such a liar. He and O’Neill could release NYPD disciplinary records. De Blasio and Al Sharpton won’t even share Eric Garner’s hand written lawsuit.
NYPD Internal Affairs breaking laws but the NYPD have their priorities
FYI NYPD reportedly hid Weinstein accuser from his cronies at the Manhattan DA. We all know Cy Vance and his ADAs for sale Corrupt but the sex crimes unit and First Precinct Detectives Squad etc as corrupt and IA has audio in my case and still protects all cops that broke laws along w/ Cy Vance